名詞 | {RUBY_B#にんぽうちょう}忍法帖{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#りょうらんはま}繚乱破魔{RUBY_E#} | |
レア度 | ||
タイプ | 光円錐, {RUBY_B#ちえ}知恵{RUBY_E#} 光円錐 | |
運命 | {RUBY_B#ちえ}知恵{RUBY_E#} | |
ルール | 知恵の運命専用の光円錐、光円錐のスキルはこの運命にのみ有効。 | |
戦闘スキル | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ | |
専用素材 | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 | |
ストーリー | 「忍界」のとある地方、灰色の霧が街を包み込んでいる。 「グアアーッ!」 少女の姿が怪物の間を駆け抜け、その残像は月明かりのない大地に鮮やかな色彩を残しているかのようだった。 戦火の中で「忍邪」たちは悲鳴を上げ、恐怖で身体を震わせる。 「お前は…誰だ……」 「拙者の忍号は『乱破』。一心不乱、破邪顕正なり」 「忍邪」たちは互いに顔を見合わせ、四方へ逃げ出そうとした。 「お主ら、辞世の句を詠む覚悟はできたか――」 舞う手裏剣は一筋の光となり、危険な気配が相手を襲う。 「奥義・繚乱滅殺陣!」 爆発は戦跡が残る夜と1人の忍侠の背を照らした。 彼女は大きく息を吸い込み、ヘビーメタルのように騒がしいネオンの光の中へ飛び込んだ。 「あのような邪祟は実に醜悪だ。繚乱忍侠の壮絶・狩猟はまだ終わらない……」 |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
キャラクター |
Gallery |
{RUBY_B#はじゃ}破邪{RUBY_E#} | |
装備キャラの撃破特効+ | |
レベル | |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 戦闘属性 | 専用素材 | |
{RUBY_B#ひめこ}姫子{RUBY_E#} | 5 | erudition-class | fire-damage_type | ||
ヘルタ | 4 | erudition-class | ice-damage_type | ||
セーバル | 4 | erudition-class | lightning-damage_type | ||
{RUBY_B#セイジャク}青雀{RUBY_E#} | 4 | erudition-class | quantum-damage_type | ||
{RUBY_B#ケイゲン}景元{RUBY_E#} | 5 | erudition-class | lightning-damage_type | ||
アルジェンティ | 5 | erudition-class | physical-damage_type | ||
ジェイド | 5 | erudition-class | quantum-damage_type | ||
{RUBY_B#らんは}乱破{RUBY_E#} | 5 | erudition-class | imaginary-damage_type | ||
マダム・ヘルタ | 5 | erudition-class | ice-damage_type | ||
Per Page |
18 responses to “{RUBY_B#にんぽうちょう}忍法帖{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#りょうらんはま}繚乱破魔{RUBY_E#}”
v3 changes
* Action advance increased to 60%/100% from 50%/70%
does this LC action forward reset works like bronya LC ? where you need to use ult twice for the LC effect to work the 2nd time (Ult+LC > Ult(LC on cd) > Ult+LC
Nope, everytime you ult ”Raiton” effect reset for example jade, after you ult jade gains ”Raiton” – after 2 basics ”Raiton” procs and Jade gains action advance.
Note: Since ”Raiton” resets you need 2 basics to proc it, if you only do basic + ult + basic + ult ”Raiton” won’t proc giving action advance.
Is this gonna be good for Welt gameplay even with different playstyle? or Acheron’s LC is still better?
This light cone is Erudition, bro.
well you won’t be able to use the effect but the stat wise only defense is better, overall Acheron Lc hp/atk is higher
So can I use this on Super Break Serval?
Why? Just run Passkey with a Break rope and don’t bother with trying to squeeze in basic attacks.
Serval don’t multi hit so super Break is kinda troll, yes theres a huge burst first time but after that traditional crit dps focused deals way more dmg along the fight. Plus serval wants to skill to quickly regen ult so the amount of time you basic won’t use 100% this cone offers
4p wind relic with 160-170spd.
even better if you have the ligttcone at S5
Hoyo always know how to make me shout curses aloud. god, this game is doomed.
action avance îs pretty good, right?
it IS good but this just shows they can put this broken ass stat on lightcones now… Thus begins the terror.
Well, the “Dance! Dance! Dance!” lightcone existed from the launch of the game, so nothing new.
Sure, but not THAT much.
I mean, why we have the whole ascension trait on a cone? Me, an old Genshin player, always thought BiS must be a desirable, but not necessary addition… Ah, sorry. This doesn’t work in this game.
Numerically advancing 4 units even for 16% is greater than advancing just a single unit for 50%.
S5 Multiplication 3-star LC: advance forward 20% after basic attack,
S5 DanceX3 4-star LC: advance forward 24% the entire team after ultimate,
S1/S5 Ninjustu(this LC) 5-star LC: advance forward 50% after 2 basic attacks.
Doomed? yes but not the game.