名詞 | {RUBY_B#きぼう}帰忘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さすらいびと}流離人{RUBY_E#} | |
レア度 | ||
運命 | {RUBY_B#きょむ}虚無{RUBY_E#} | |
戦闘属性 | 炎 | |
専用素材 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
軌跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
ストーリー | 八方美人な狐族の少女。外見も名前も、身分さえも奪われてしまった。 運命は彼女にわずかな生の可能性を残したが、「壊滅」の烙印は今も燻っている。 死の淵から蘇り生まれ変わった帰忘の流離人は、いつ故郷に帰ることができるのだろうか? |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
軌跡 |
星魂 |
光円錐 |
バッグ |
Gallery |
ボイス |
ストーリー |
レベル | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 速度 | 会心率 | 会心ダメージ | 挑発 | EP | 専用素材 |
1 | 79.2 | 75.9 | 153 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 154.44 | 148 | 299 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 186.12 | 178.37 | 360 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 225.72 | 216.31 | 436 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 257.4 | 246.68 | 498 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 297 | 284.62 | 574 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 328.68 | 314.99 | 635 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 368.28 | 352.93 | 712 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 399.96 | 383.29 | 773 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 439.56 | 421.25 | 850 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 471.24 | 451.61 | 911 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 510.84 | 489.56 | 988 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 542.52 | 519.91 | 1049 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 582.12 | 557.87 | 1125 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
{RUBY_B#さんぜん}燦然{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#じつげつ}日月{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#お}尾{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 単体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
指定した敵単体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵単体に少量の炎属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ぎ}義{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#ゆう}有{RUBY_E#}せば{RUBY_B#きっちょう}吉兆{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#まね}招{RUBY_E#}く - 戦闘スキル | サポート | |
EP回復 : 30 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方単体に「狐の祈り」を付与し、自身は「灼熱」状態になる、 「狐の祈り」が付与されている味方の撃破特効+ 帰忘の流離人が「灼熱」状態の時、通常攻撃「燦然たる日月の尾」が「緩緩たる熾炎」に強化される。「狐の祈り」が付与されている味方が攻撃を行う時、 味方単体に「狐の祈り」を付与する。「狐の祈り」状態の味方の撃破特効がアップし、対応する弱点属性がない敵の靭性を削れるようになる。 自身は「灼熱」状態になる。「灼熱」状態では通常攻撃が強化される。「狐の祈り」状態の味方が攻撃を行う時、高確率でその敵の防御力をダウンさせる。なお、防御力ダウン効果の付与は帰忘の流離人が行ったものとして扱う。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#きょくよう}極陽{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あまね}遍{RUBY_E#}く{RUBY_B#よ}世{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#て}照{RUBY_E#}らす - 必殺技 | 全体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 5 | |
弱点撃破 : 全体攻撃 : 60 | |
敵全体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵全体に炎属性ダメージを与える。この攻撃は弱点属性を無視して敵全体の靭性を削る。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ぜん}善{RUBY_E#}{RUBY_B#み}満{RUBY_E#}ちる{RUBY_B#ところふくき}所福来{RUBY_E#}たる - 天賦 | 妨害 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、敵は自身の最大靭性値 帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、味方が弱点撃破状態の敵に攻撃を行った後、その回の攻撃の削靭値を1回の 帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、敵は「雲火昭瑞」を付与される。「雲火昭瑞」が0に削られる時、敵は再度弱点撃破ダメージを受ける。味方が弱点撃破状態の敵に攻撃を行った後、追加で超撃破ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
敵を攻撃。戦闘に入った後、敵の対応する属性の靭性を削る。 | |
{RUBY_B#しょうしょう}照照{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#こうき}光輝{RUBY_E#} - 秘技 | 妨害 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
秘技を使用した後、一定範囲内の敵を 目眩状態の敵を先制攻撃して戦闘に入った後、帰忘の流離人は行動順が 一定範囲内の敵を目眩状態にする。目眩状態の敵を攻撃して戦闘に入った後、帰忘の流離人の行動順が早まる。さらに、高確率で敵それぞれに帰忘の流離人の戦闘スキルと同じ防御力ダウン状態を付与する。 | |
{RUBY_B#かんかん}緩緩{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#しえん}熾炎{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 拡散攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 / 拡散攻撃 : 15 | |
指定した敵単体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵単体に少量の炎属性ダメージを与え、隣接する敵に少量の炎属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#せいきゅう}青丘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#じゅうこう}重光{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
味方が敵を弱点撃破した後、さらに敵の行動順を | 5000 3 1 |
{RUBY_B#とざん}塗山{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#げんせき}玄設{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
自身の撃破特効+ | 20000 5 1 1 |
{RUBY_B#せいき}璣星{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#たいそ}太素{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
敵が弱点撃破される時、自身以外の味方キャラの撃破特効+ | 160K 8 1 1 |
撃破強化 (撃破特効) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 75 | |
撃破特効+ | 160K 8 8 |
{RUBY_B#こじん}狐塵{RUBY_E#}とうに{RUBY_B#ち}散{RUBY_E#}り、{RUBY_B#くも}雲{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#が}駕{RUBY_E#}とすればその{RUBY_B#き}期{RUBY_E#}あり | ||
「狐の祈り」状態の味方の弱点撃破効率+ |
{RUBY_B#ずいおう}瑞応{RUBY_E#}{RUBY_B#きた}来{RUBY_E#}れば、{RUBY_B#かなら}必{RUBY_E#}ず{RUBY_B#ゆうとく}有徳{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#あ}明{RUBY_E#}かす | ||
敵が弱点撃破された時、帰忘の流離人はEPを |
{RUBY_B#せいしょく}正色{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こうじゅ}鴻寿{RUBY_E#}、 {RUBY_B#しんし}神思{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#か}化{RUBY_E#}して{RUBY_B#う}伐{RUBY_E#}つ | ||
戦闘スキルのLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#じがかたち}自我形{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#はな}離{RUBY_E#}れ、 {RUBY_B#いま}今{RUBY_E#}や{RUBY_B#あまた}数多{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#せい}姓{RUBY_E#}となる | ||
「狐の祈り」状態の味方の弱点撃破ダメージ+ |
{RUBY_B#ごしき}五色{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#くも}雲{RUBY_E#}、 {RUBY_B#そうきゅう}蒼穹{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あと}後{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#ほどこ}施{RUBY_E#}す | ||
必殺技のLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#はじ}肇{RUBY_E#}めて{RUBY_B#みらい}未来{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#さと}悟{RUBY_E#}り、 {RUBY_B#めいあん}明暗{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こうぼう}興亡{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#し}知{RUBY_E#}る | ||
帰忘の流離人の弱点撃破効率+ |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 戦闘スキル | 専用素材 | |
{RUBY_B#ゆうすい}幽邃{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘開始時、装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#えんかん}淵環{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 減速状態の敵に対する、装備キャラの与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#とくえい}匿影{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘スキルを発動した後、装備キャラの次の通常攻撃が、敵に自身の攻撃力 | ||
おやすみなさいと{RUBY_B#ねがお}寝顔{RUBY_E#} | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 敵に付与されたデバフが1つにつき、その敵に対する装備キャラの与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#えもの}獲物{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#しせん}視線{RUBY_E#} | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#けつい}決意{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あせ}汗{RUBY_E#}のように{RUBY_B#かがや}輝{RUBY_E#}く | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの攻撃が敵に命中する時、その敵が「陥落」状態でない場合、 | ||
フェルマータ | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ | ||
またお{RUBY_B#あ}会{RUBY_E#}いしましょう | 4 | nihility-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 装備キャラが通常攻撃または戦闘スキルを発動した後、攻撃を受けた敵からランダムに1体選択し、装備キャラの攻撃力 | ||
{RUBY_B#はじ}初{RUBY_E#}めてのクエストの{RUBY_B#まえ}前{RUBY_E#}に | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#せかい}世界{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#な}名{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#もっ}以{RUBY_E#}て | 5 | nihility-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | デバフ状態の敵に対して、装備キャラの与ダメージ+ |
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274 responses to “{RUBY_B#きぼう}帰忘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さすらいびと}流離人{RUBY_E#}”
Imma us her in the sustain slot.
I’m sorry Gallagher but it seems like i don’t need you anymore (unless the enemies are way to tanky)
Btw, i see people saying that she is just a HMC replacement and Boothill being the only one that can use her entire kit, remember, Super break damage does get reduced if the enemies has high amounts of defence, so the Def shred on Fugue’s skill is actually pretty good. Pair that with Revolution shines as pearls of sweat LC , you almost have a Pela ult on the enemies hit without her being in the team (at S1).
The boothill thing is such BS where does that even come from? Firefly does 3x more damage with Fugue than with HMC due to exo toughness literally being equal to 200% superbreak and her other damage amping kit. It does not matter if it’s only active once per break because once you break it the enemy is literally dead.
I think they had Boothill theme song stuck in their head. I mean it is a rather catchy tune. Hard not to think of boothill once you remember it.
boothill’s ramp up time is significantly decreased as exo toughness allows him to get one more stack of his talent also I have heard Hmc has higher super break numbers then fugue
1. What are her best Relic options (4p & 2p)?
2. LC options aside from her signature?
3. S5 Resolution or S5 Fermata?
4. Also, I already have Before The Tutorial Mission Starts SW LC at S5, could we purchase one more copy from the store?
Thanks <3
1. 4pc iron for personal dmg/ 4 pc thief for energy regen. otherwise just 2pc spd + BE or spd+spd . for planar either forge/ talia / vonwacq . Personally I pick vonwacq for buffing FF before her turn.
2. jiaoqiu?? / tutorial / and resolution
3 resolution ofc
4.ehh i dont think so
TLDR; She’s HTB with Exo-Toughness debuff, 18% DEF shred, and AoE ult.
Only Boothill mains would consider her in her current version. Sadge 🙁
She literally triples Firefly’s damage wdf? o_O
No, she’s not.
Yea she does. Exo toughness is 2x the damage of superbreak and she has 10)% superbreak too. Basically having 300% superbreak with buffs that HMC just does not have bringing it to 3x damage when you break the exo toughness. She literally does.
Rappa exists
Why wouldn’t FF mains consider her?
Because most of FF’s damage comes from Super Break, not Break.
In standard FF team, you have FF + Lingsha/Gallagher + RM + HTB. Fugue will most likely replace RM or HTB. Now, consider these choices.
1. If you replace HTB, then you get slight improvement as I summarized above. Super Break DMG % would remain the same.
2. If you replace RM, then you get 200% Super Break DMG, but you lose the break-delay and 50% Break Efficiency for all other teammates. That would reduce FF’s Super Break window and slows down the toughness reduction, since Lingsha/Gallagher also helps (a lot) with the Toughness Bars.
This is nihillity?? she buff more than she debuff enemies
increase target ally 40% break effect from skill
increase break affect by 30% from a4 trace
recover 1 sp from a4 trace
increase break affect by another 30% from a6 trace
reduce target def% from skill
exo-toughness from talent
delay weakness broken enemy action by 15% from trace
i hate it so much. i think the only reasons she’s nihillity is so they don’t have to release two harmony units at once and so people can pull her lightcone (because break nihillity support doesn’t really have a choice).
Being nihility also gives her access to Pearls and Tutorial, which are amazing 4* LCs
People are also saying that they made her Nihility so that she doesn’t have access to DDD and market it’s effect as her E2 Lmao
doesnt help that her talent feels like a memory turbulence and her skill debuff is from her skill that targets an ally
so pretty
so, she can replace HMC right?
i love hmc but what if MC’s next form are also OP. i’m too lazy to them back to harmony everytime I’m using break team.
they should’ve make every MC’s form as different unit… just restrict them from being in the same party.
so, she can replace HMC right?
i love hmc but what if MC’s next form are also OP. i’m too lazy to them back to harmony everytime I’m using break team.
they should’ve make every MC’s form as different unit… just restrict them from being in the same party.
I was really hoping for team Weakness break efficiency in the base kit so I could replace Ruan Mei 🙁 guess I must skip tingyun
Wait, she uses EHR but only for the 18 def down? Is that worth building?
and damn, her power is pretty much all in her passive.
…It’s a ludicrously powerful passive, to be fair.
From what I understand, just using an EHR Body piece will be enough to guarantee the def down, no subs required. It will also help if you decide to run Pearls LC, which is a pretty good option for her.
Of course it’s worth it.
Not only is def down one of the handful of buffs/debuffs that actually benefits break damage, but it’s also a debuff that improves the more of it you stack. (any break dps is going to run the Glamoth set, which is a start~)
18% def down is hefty, especially alongside other buffs/debuffs, even more so when you consider that for many people Fugue is slotting in for HTB, who straight up lacks a comparable damage increase.
On top of that, what else would you build on her? The only other stats on the table are break effect and maybe speed. She’s got a whole body piece slot to pack a bunch of EHR, the only alternative of which would be Def or HP.
I don’t know if she has any potential outside of traditional break teams, but if there is, it’ll be as a result of the def down existing and being built into.
Hey dashy! This is just my personal opinion but I would probably build her with ehr, speed, atk, and break
Then focus on speed, attack, and break sub stats. I saw someone else mention that a ehr main stat piece would just about guarantee her def debuff. If you use an attack piece instead then focus on ehr substats! Hope this helps with your decision 😀
E1 seems great compared to S1 with a 100% break efficiency in total for the targeted character (50% from talent and 50% from E1).
E1 is comparable to E6 Firefly (less the 20% fire res).
Her talent doesnt have break efficiency
She doesn’t give Break effeciency on her Tralent , only on E1