名詞 | サンデー | |
レア度 | ||
運命 | {RUBY_B#ちょうわ}調和{RUBY_E#} | |
戦闘属性 | 虚数 | |
n/a | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
軌跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
ストーリー | 「秩序」の美しい夢は散ったが、それでも最初の願いを諦めない者がいる。 ——翼を失い地に落ちた旅人よ、その足で次はどこへ向かう? |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
軌跡 |
星魂 |
光円錐 |
バッグ |
Gallery |
ボイス |
ストーリー |
レベル | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 速度 | 会心率 | 会心ダメージ | 挑発 | EP | n/a |
1 | 87.12 | 72.6 | 169 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 169.88 | 141.57 | 329 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 204.73 | 170.61 | 397 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 248.29 | 206.91 | 482 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 283.14 | 235.95 | 549 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 326.7 | 272.25 | 634 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 361.55 | 301.29 | 701 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 405.11 | 337.59 | 786 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 439.96 | 366.63 | 853 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 483.52 | 402.93 | 938 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 518.36 | 431.97 | 1005 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 561.92 | 468.27 | 1090 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 596.77 | 497.31 | 1157 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 640.33 | 533.61 | 1242 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
{RUBY_B#ひかり}光{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#まと}纏{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#こくゆ}告諭{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 単体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
指定した敵単体にサンデーの攻撃力 指定した敵単体に少量の虚数属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#かみ}紙{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#しきてん}式典{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#たまもの}賜物{RUBY_E#} - 戦闘スキル | サポート | |
EP回復 : 30 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方キャラ単体とその召喚物を即座に行動させ、与ダメージ+ 「祝福されし者」状態の味方に戦闘スキルを発動した後、SPを1回復する。 なお、「調和」の運命を歩むキャラをターゲットにした場合、即座に行動させる効果は発動しない。 指定した味方キャラ単体およびその召喚物を即座に行動させ、与ダメージをアップする。その味方キャラが召喚物をすでに召喚していた場合、さらに与ダメージがアップする。 「祝福されし者」状態の味方に戦闘スキルを発動した後、SPを1回復する。 サンデーが「調和」の運命を歩むキャラに戦闘スキルを発動する時、即座に行動させる効果は発動しない。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ほうよう}抱擁{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#しょうこん}傷痕{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さんか}賛歌{RUBY_E#} - 必殺技 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 5 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方キャラ単体の最大EP 「祝福されし者」状態は また、スキルの効果は必殺技で最後に指定したサンデー以外のターゲットにのみ発揮する。サンデーが戦闘不能状態になる時、「祝福されし者」状態も解除される。 味方キャラ単体のEPを回復し、ターゲットおよびその召喚物を「祝福されし者」にする。「祝福されし者」は会心ダメージアップ。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#にくたい}肉体{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こっかい}告解{RUBY_E#} - 天賦 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
戦闘スキルを発動する時、ターゲットの会心率+ 戦闘スキルを発動した時、ターゲットの会心率アップ。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ひかり}光{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#まと}纏{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#こくゆ}告諭{RUBY_E#} | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
敵を攻撃。戦闘に入った後、敵の対応する属性の靭性を削る。 | |
{RUBY_B#えいこう}栄光{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#ひぎ}秘儀{RUBY_E#} - 秘技 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
秘技を使用した後、次の戦闘でサンデーが初めて味方にスキルを発動する時、ターゲットの与ダメージ+ 秘技を使用した後、次の戦闘でサンデーが初めて味方にスキルを発動する時、ターゲットの与ダメージがアップする。 | |
{RUBY_B#しゅじつ}主日{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かつぼう}渇望{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
必殺技を発動する時、ターゲットが回復するEPが | 5000 3 1 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
効果抵抗+ | 5000 3 6 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 3 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 10000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#すうこう}崇高{RUBY_E#}なる{RUBY_B#じょうか}浄化{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
戦闘開始時、サンデーのEPを | 20000 5 1 1 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 20000 5 4 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 5 | |
効果抵抗+ | 45000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#しょうじょう}掌上{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#あんそく}安息{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
戦闘スキルを発動した時、ターゲットのデバフを | 160K 8 1 1 |
防御強化 (防御力) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
防御力+ | 160K 8 8 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 75 | |
効果抵抗+ | 160K 8 8 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 80 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 160K 8 8 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
会心ダメージ+ | 2500 2 |
防御強化 (防御力) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 3 | |
防御力+ | 10000 3 3 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 5 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 45000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#せんねん}千年{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#せいじゃく}静寂{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#は}果{RUBY_E#}て | ||
サンデーが戦闘スキルを発動する時、スキルターゲットに以下の効果を付与する、 キャラがダメージを与える時、敵の防御力を |
{RUBY_B#かきん}瑕瑾{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#おぎな}補{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#しんこう}信仰{RUBY_E#} | ||
初めて必殺技を発動した後、SPを |
{RUBY_B#せいひつ}静謐{RUBY_E#}な{RUBY_B#いばら}茨{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かく}隠{RUBY_E#}れ{RUBY_B#が}家{RUBY_E#} | ||
必殺技のLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#ちょうぞう}彫像{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#じょげん}序言{RUBY_E#} | ||
ターンが回ってきた時、EPを |
{RUBY_B#ぎんわん}銀湾{RUBY_E#}に{RUBY_B#ただよ}漂{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#かみ}紙{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#ふね}船{RUBY_E#} | ||
戦闘スキルのLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#ぐんせいけんそう}群星喧騒{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#れいめい}黎明{RUBY_E#} | ||
天賦の会心率アップ効果が累積可能になる。最大で |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 戦闘スキル | n/a | |
{RUBY_B#せいしょう}斉頌{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘に入った後、味方全体の攻撃力+ | ||
{RUBY_B#りんけい}輪契{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 装備キャラが攻撃を行った後、または攻撃を受けた後、さらにEPを | ||
{RUBY_B#どうちょう}同調{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘に入る時、味方全体の速度+ | ||
{RUBY_B#きおく}記憶{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#なか}中{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#すがた}姿{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ | ||
{RUBY_B#わくせい}惑星{RUBY_E#}との{RUBY_B#であ}出会{RUBY_E#}い | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 330.75 | 1058.4 | 戦闘に入った後、味方が装備キャラと同じ属性のダメージを与えた時、与ダメージ+ | ||
ダンス!ダンス!ダンス! | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが必殺技を発動した後、味方全体の行動順が | ||
{RUBY_B#ちょうげつさいうん}彫月裁雲{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#い}意{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 戦闘開始時、および装備キャラのターンが回ってきた時、ランダムで効果を1つ発動する。この効果が発動されるたび、前回の効果を上書きする。同じ効果は連続で発動されない。効果は以下を含む:味方全体の攻撃力+ | ||
だが{RUBY_B#せんそう}戦争{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#お}終{RUBY_E#}わらない | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 463.05 | 1164.24 | 装備キャラのEP回復効率+ | ||
{RUBY_B#かこ}過去{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#みらい}未来{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが戦闘スキルを発動した後、次に行動する他の味方の与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#かがみ}鏡{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#なか}中{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#わたし}私{RUBY_E#} | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 529.2 | 1058.4 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ 各ウェーブ開始時、味方全体のEPを |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Idle #2
{RUBY_B#せいひつ}静謐{RUBY_E#}な{RUBY_B#いばら}茨{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かく}隠{RUBY_E#}れ{RUBY_B#が}家{RUBY_E#} Smol Icon
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Title | テキスト言語 |
203 responses to “サンデー”
Hoyoverse should buff him more, his kit right now don’t really do much except being a combined version of Sparkle’s and Bronya’s buff. Not to mention it’s only for a single ally/summon, not even one for the whole team. I was really looking forward to pulling him but as of right now it just looks disappointing.
this v3 already it’s almost final so probably there is no change again except wording/grammar in v4 i’m very positive this is Sunday final looks like
According to many scholars on social platforms, he should be nerfed because he is threatening the health of the game because he dared to be better than 2 y/o standard unit and a limited unit like Sparkle that was never even that good without E2S1 minimum. Even though it’s Robin in all these showcases that makes him look that broken, but we don’t talk about that and pretend it’s Sunday being the one that is breaking the game too much.
Sarcasm to the side V3 is more more or less stopping point for major changes. V4-5 might adjust numbers here and there, but I doubt they will go with some major rework. They never do.
what you said literally exactly the same with the first guy said. what a pointless
Pot called the kettle black.
Seeing how certain people react to him being strong, I hope they buff him even more. Absolute hypocrites who only cry a river if it’s a dude that dares to be more strong “than allowed” in this game.
Y’all can smug now, but if this continues, Sunday can be powercreeped by some random waifu called Holiday, or idk, Bronya Imibibitor Lunae in 8 months, and that shit worries me.
What are you babbling about it? This isn’t about anyone being smug, but folks being downright hypocrites. Also, “Holiday” has been happening for the this entire game. In case you didn’t notice, HSR is powercreep fest. Especially with 2.0+ patches. Wanna hear the story about my good ol’ pal Luocha and how he fared? How about “she is Kazuha of HSR” know as SW? How many care about mono-qunatum at this point? Does anyone even give a damn about Fu Xuan herself at this point? You know, the sustain unit that everyone thought to be way overtuned back then? I’m sure she is still faring beyond we- Oh, wait! More would rather use 4* sustain that come in 2.0 than touch her with a stick at this point. Remember when Jingliu was thought to be untouchable hill? Remember? Or DoT coming into spotlight and fiddling out just as fast?
This is not as much that Sunday powercreeps Sparkle as Sparkle being trash since very start. She suffers from 1.0 kit syndrome and it bloody shows. Also, literally every “powercreep” Sunday showcase has Robin, who is the true powercreep to all. Without her the only thing Sunday powercreeps is Sparkle (trash without E2S1) and Bronya (2 year old standard at this point).
Whole powercreep cries about Sunday are beyond overblown as such. Especially when same people never gave a damn about powercreep, even were asking for it in case of Firefly, yet 1 dude after two years dares to be somewhat OP enough to rival someone’s waifu and it’s the end of the world. It’s hard to take you folks seriously.
I love how powercreep is being cried now everywhere when it’s a male character who might be better than a female one.
Where was this energy when Fu Xuan and Huohuo made Luocha look like a joke?
Or Jingliu doing it to DHIL and having entire endgame content bend a knee to her with slapping ice weakness everywhere?
Ruan Mei still has one of the most overtuned kits to date and I hear no cries about it.
How about Acheron powercreeping everything?
Let us not go into the broken territory that is Robin. Sunday himself, even with his current “broken state,” doesn’t even touch Robin due to how broken she is compared to everyone.
My personal favorite being Firefly beta in which her fans were begging for biggest powercreeps possible because they hated the idea that Boothill was better and also wanted to one-up Acheron mains by having their girl as best.
Honorary mention to Feixiao too while at it.
Nobody cried about powercreep during these cases. Many celebrated it or in Firefly’s case, were begging for it! Yet now, when Sunday is good enough that a female equivalent is worse, powercreep matters? Here is a thing, even if Sunday got nerfed, that won’t save Sparkle from being 💩 because both Ruan Mei and Robin made sure that she is never anything but mid. Even Bronya, her standard equivalent, is seen as more preferable for 0 cycle clears because her buffs are more universal, she has cleanse, and 100% AV is always better than 50%. Sparkle always needed E2S1 just to stop being Bronya’s sidegrade, so please! Spare me the cries about Sunday being the one that is making Sparkle look like 💩. She always looked like it unless E2S1.
You saw like two comments about powercreep, you’ll be fine. And people cry “powercreep” about every character, including female ones. Male characters aren’t victims lmao
Wtf is his “talent”? They just stripped one line of text from his skill and made a talent out of it, it’s just embarrassing. Completely ran out of ideas for new characters or what?
See also: “Every Harmony in the game so far”
see, i think this argument only applies to like. tingyun and hanya, maybe you could argue bronya and yukong.
every other harmony unit in the game has a talent with effects that cannot realistically be put anywhere other than a trace maybe? like if you think about asta’s charging mechanics or ruan mei’s extra break damage or sparkle increasing the max no. of SP they’re not really mechanics that would realistically be able to fit in many other places in their kit. sunday’s kit is already so cohesive however that he feels complete as a character even without a game-changing talent so im not too mad either way tbh.