名詞 | サンデー | |
レア度 | ||
運命 | {RUBY_B#ちょうわ}調和{RUBY_E#} | |
戦闘属性 | 虚数 | |
専用素材 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
軌跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
ストーリー | 「秩序」の美しい夢は散ったが、それでも最初の願いを諦めない者がいる。 ——翼を失い地に落ちた旅人よ、その足で次はどこへ向かう? |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
軌跡 |
星魂 |
光円錐 |
バッグ |
Gallery |
ボイス |
ストーリー |
レベル | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 速度 | 会心率 | 会心ダメージ | 挑発 | EP | 専用素材 |
1 | 87.12 | 72.6 | 169 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 169.88 | 141.57 | 329 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 204.73 | 170.61 | 397 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 248.29 | 206.91 | 482 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 283.14 | 235.95 | 549 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 326.7 | 272.25 | 634 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 361.55 | 301.29 | 701 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 405.11 | 337.59 | 786 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 439.96 | 366.63 | 853 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 483.52 | 402.93 | 938 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 518.36 | 431.97 | 1005 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 561.92 | 468.27 | 1090 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 596.77 | 497.31 | 1157 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 640.33 | 533.61 | 1242 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
{RUBY_B#ひかり}光{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#まと}纏{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#こくゆ}告諭{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 単体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
指定した敵単体にサンデーの攻撃力 指定した敵単体に少量の虚数属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#かみ}紙{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#しきてん}式典{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#たまもの}賜物{RUBY_E#} - 戦闘スキル | サポート | |
EP回復 : 30 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方キャラ単体とその召喚物を即座に行動させ、与ダメージ+ 「祝福されし者」状態の味方に戦闘スキルを発動した後、SPを1回復する。 なお、「調和」の運命を歩むキャラをターゲットにした場合、即座に行動させる効果は発動しない。 指定した味方キャラ単体およびその召喚物を即座に行動させ、与ダメージをアップする。その味方キャラが召喚物をすでに召喚していた場合、与ダメージをアップする効果がさらにアップする。 「祝福されし者」が付与されている味方に戦闘スキルを発動した後、SPを1回復する。 なお、「調和」の運命を歩むキャラをターゲットにした場合、即座に行動させる効果は発動しない。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ほうよう}抱擁{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#しょうこん}傷痕{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さんか}賛歌{RUBY_E#} - 必殺技 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 5 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方キャラ単体の最大EP 「祝福されし者」状態は また、スキルの効果は必殺技で最後に指定したサンデー以外のターゲットにのみ発揮される。サンデーが戦闘不能状態になる時、「祝福されし者」状態も解除される。 味方キャラ単体のEPを回復し、ターゲットおよびその召喚物を「祝福されし者」にする。「祝福されし者」は会心ダメージアップ。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#にくたい}肉体{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こっかい}告解{RUBY_E#} - 天賦 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
戦闘スキルを発動する時、ターゲットの会心率+ 戦闘スキルを発動する時、ターゲットの会心率アップ。 | |
レベル | |
攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
敵を攻撃。戦闘に入った後、敵の対応する属性の靭性を削る。 | |
{RUBY_B#えいこう}栄光{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#ひぎ}秘儀{RUBY_E#} - 秘技 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
秘技を使用した後、次の戦闘でサンデーが初めて味方にスキルを発動する時、ターゲットの与ダメージ+ 秘技を使用した後、次の戦闘でサンデーが初めて味方にスキルを発動する時、ターゲットの与ダメージがアップする。 | |
{RUBY_B#しゅじつ}主日{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かつぼう}渇望{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
必殺技を発動する時、ターゲットが回復するEPが | 5000 3 1 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
効果抵抗+ | 5000 3 6 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 3 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 10000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#すうこう}崇高{RUBY_E#}なる{RUBY_B#じょうか}浄化{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
戦闘開始時、サンデーのEPを | 20000 5 1 1 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 20000 5 4 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 5 | |
効果抵抗+ | 45000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#しょうじょう}掌上{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#あんそく}安息{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
戦闘スキルを発動した時、ターゲットのデバフを | 160K 8 1 1 |
防御強化 (防御力) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
防御力+ | 160K 8 8 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 75 | |
効果抵抗+ | 160K 8 8 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 80 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 160K 8 8 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
会心ダメージ+ | 2500 2 |
防御強化 (防御力) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 3 | |
防御力+ | 10000 3 3 |
会心ダメージ強化 (会心ダメージ) | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 5 | |
会心ダメージ+ | 45000 3 3 |
{RUBY_B#せんねん}千年{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#せいじゃく}静寂{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#は}果{RUBY_E#}て | ||
サンデーが戦闘スキルを発動する時、スキルターゲットに以下の効果を付与する。 キャラがダメージを与える時、敵の防御力を |
{RUBY_B#かきん}瑕瑾{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#おぎな}補{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#しんこう}信仰{RUBY_E#} | ||
初めて必殺技を発動した後、SPを |
{RUBY_B#せいひつ}静謐{RUBY_E#}な{RUBY_B#いばら}茨{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かく}隠{RUBY_E#}れ{RUBY_B#が}家{RUBY_E#} | ||
必殺技のLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#ちょうぞう}彫像{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#じょげん}序言{RUBY_E#} | ||
ターンが回ってきた時、EPを |
{RUBY_B#ぎんわん}銀湾{RUBY_E#}に{RUBY_B#ただよ}漂{RUBY_E#}う{RUBY_B#かみ}紙{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#ふね}船{RUBY_E#} | ||
戦闘スキルのLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#ぐんせいけんそう}群星喧騒{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#れいめい}黎明{RUBY_E#} | ||
天賦の会心率アップ効果が累積可能になる。最大で |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 戦闘スキル | 専用素材 | |
{RUBY_B#せいしょう}斉頌{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘に入った後、味方全体の攻撃力+ | ||
{RUBY_B#りんけい}輪契{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 装備キャラが攻撃を行った後、または攻撃を受けた後、さらにEPを | ||
{RUBY_B#どうちょう}同調{RUBY_E#} | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘に入る時、味方全体の速度+ | ||
{RUBY_B#きおく}記憶{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#なか}中{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#すがた}姿{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ | ||
{RUBY_B#わくせい}惑星{RUBY_E#}との{RUBY_B#であ}出会{RUBY_E#}い | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 330.75 | 1058.4 | 戦闘に入った後、味方が装備キャラと同じ属性のダメージを与えた時、与ダメージ+ | ||
ダンス!ダンス!ダンス! | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが必殺技を発動した後、味方全体の行動順が | ||
{RUBY_B#ちょうげつさいうん}彫月裁雲{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#い}意{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 戦闘開始時、および装備キャラのターンが回ってきた時、ランダムで効果を1つ発動する。この効果が発動されるたび、前回の効果を上書きする。同じ効果は連続で発動されない。効果は以下を含む:味方全体の攻撃力+ | ||
だが{RUBY_B#せんそう}戦争{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#お}終{RUBY_E#}わらない | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 463.05 | 1164.24 | 装備キャラのEP回復効率+ | ||
{RUBY_B#かこ}過去{RUBY_E#}と{RUBY_B#みらい}未来{RUBY_E#} | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが戦闘スキルを発動した後、次に行動する他の味方の与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#かがみ}鏡{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#なか}中{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#わたし}私{RUBY_E#} | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 529.2 | 1058.4 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ 各ウェーブ開始時、味方全体のEPを |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Idle #2
{RUBY_B#せいひつ}静謐{RUBY_E#}な{RUBY_B#いばら}茨{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かく}隠{RUBY_E#}れ{RUBY_B#が}家{RUBY_E#} Smol Icon
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Title | テキスト言語 |
312 responses to “サンデー”
Just lost 50/50 and I’m wondering if I should go for this guy. Saw some comments about Robin being good or at least usable for Remembrance teams. I will be going for Aglaea
Just a heads up.Not every unit on 3.0 will be summon specific neither the enemies. I advise you to summon on rerun if you’re conflicted.
Examples:Multiple harmony units on 2.0
Robin taking over Ruan Mei and Ruan Mei taking over Robin
just a common sense is enough to not making a regretful choice.Teams always have their alternatives.
Saw advance updates and my first thought was how this was bad news for Sunday and his value. Then saw showcase of Aglaea that compared him vs Robin and oh boy… 1 cycle difference and that’s only assuming that Robin is E0. At E1/2 that difference doesn’t exist, she even outperforms him and at E6… Let us not talk about Robin on E6 vs him. Thanks to his shitty E’s this is literally coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb comparison.
One can argue “just use them together” but the question is why one should even bother pulling Sunday then? If he is not core to new meta and Robin can easily completely replace him (even outperform him) in same comps that would want him, then isn’t it better to just wait limited version of remembrance trailblazer? Why pull someone who isn’t even best in slot for what is meant to be their own niche? Imagine Ruan Mei just being 2nd option for break, or Robin herself for FUA? Even Jiaoqiu was done less dirty than this as nobody is touching him for Acheron team. Sunday’s value absolutely tanked after advance updates.
On the bright side, nobody can blame my CN bros this time for certain male unit getting such shit treatment. Despite being infamous for being diehard waifu community that just as much hates the sight of males existing… They actually fought for a man for the 1st time in their life. They fought to have his kit reworked, make him irreplaceable to his niche, make him more futureproof, and have these God awful E’s of his fixed. They actually wanted of Sunday to be good because large majority of CN players actually looked forward to him.
Of course, Hoyo didn’t listen and we got current Sunday. Not even unique in his own niche at this point. Just glorified Tingyun for servants. One that can be slotted out easily and nothing of value would be lost. Hope that Sunday’s crappy sub-reddit is happy because while CN fought for this man to get justice, his en speaking sub-reddit of glazers removed anyone who just as much pointed out on issues that Sunday had, coping badly about his kit and calling anyone who brought genuine concerns like this as just “doomposting.” Well, they got their wish! Hoyo didn’t listen to CN or anyone who wanted him to be more than Jing Yuan’s glorified wheelchair pusher, and now this is all he truly is. The only “unique” thing he got left about his kit. Being able to push LL.
sheesh dude it’s almost if you’re having an imaginary battle inside living rent free in your head…
>1 cycle difference only vs Robin+RMC
>this is with Robin only being E0S1 (at E1S1 there is no difference and at E6 she is killing him badly)
Yea… gonna wait limited version of RMC instead as Sunday is proven to be bait. Right before his release at that….
HSR dev team may as well drop males all together because it’s clear that they hate them. The first male limited harmony and he gets hit with st buffs only, dogshit Es, and now not even being a must for his own niche. Just use Robin and RMC, and then Robin and whatever limited version of RMC is.
I pity those who looked forward to this character (were saving for him), because holy shit! I can’t think of a single limited support that had it this bad. Even JQ is irreplaceable for Acheron at this point. Can’t say the same for Sunday.
Well, he’s irreplaceable for JY, but who the hell unironically gives a damn about him in current day and age? Sunday is DOA.
I love sunday so much
Bronya and Sparkle can CHOOSE BETWEEN advancing servant or its user. Might not be like how Sunday can push both, but still they can push servant if they so wish. If you think this is bad, then wait to hear this: Robin just ADVANCES EVERYTHING ANYWAY!!! Your team-wide servant buffer? It’s Robin! A unit from this very year is the same unit that buries her bro to the ground. Any dual dps servant? Yup! Gonna use Robin! They are in some niche like DoT? ROBIN AGAIN!
HOLY SKIP!!! HOLY BAIT!!! ONE BLOODY NICHE HE HAD AND IT’S FOR NOTHING! Who is this character even made for at this point? Mid Yuan? Seems to be the case since servant meta couldn’t care less for his ass other than having a glorified ER bot.
He’s still better than Sparkle and Bronya in all their teams, and if you already have a FuA team you won’t be able to play Robin in both teams. I think you need to rethink about your definition of “trash”.
Are you brain-dead? Yeah advancing once per ult is the exact same thing as advancing every turn. Also can’t wait to see Robin grant Aglaea 70 energy on her 40 billion energy cost ult! Oh wait…..
The male character haters stay being completely delusional as usual. See you in summon meta
Are you brain-dead? Yeah advancing once per ult is the exact same thing as advancing every turn. Also can’t wait to see Robin grant Aglaea 70 energy on her 40 billion energy cost ult! Oh wait…..
The male character haters stay completely delusional as usual. See you in summon meta
What are you talking about? Sunday can’t restore 70 energy either. His limit is 40. Without the trace his 20% energy restore can’t restore this much even to mosr expensive ults in the game like Argenti with 180 energy cap.
It restores based on 20% of the targeted user’s max energy. The trace says IF the restored energy is below 40 energy, it will be INCREASED to 40. Not that the CAP is 40.
So while the initial 70 energy I listed was a first glance number and is incorrect, it is STILL larger than 40 and has more potential if they start releasing higher energy cost ultimates
Wait, I take that back. 350 x .2 = 70. So like…..
Without the trace, 20% is what you get regardless of energy cost. With the trace, 40 is the minimum he can give. On character with an energy cap above 200, he will give them more.
Hear me out, Bronya and Sparkle are based, but seeing as path of remberance is based nearly entirely on summons, I’d say go for Sunday.
Also, not everyone wants a Robin. I personally love her design, character, and her personality; but I’d rather not hear her singing everytime she ults. Plus, a ton of Sunday and Fugue fans, have been waiting for both, so let people play how they want.
K? K.