New in 2.2

Conos de luz


NombreRarezaVíaTipos de combateATQDEFPVn/a
Permiso de trabajo de la Corporación
Motor creasueños
Movimiento celestial
Agravios pasados de la catástrofe devoraplanetas
Huellas del destino
Permiso de trabajo de la Corporación
Fragmento de deseos
Disparo antitemporal
Eco perdido del deseo compartido
Huellas del destino
Ectoestela profunda
Voluntad de conquista
Movimiento celestial
Agravios pasados de la catástrofe devoraplanetas
Huellas del destino
Ectoestela profunda
Voluntad de conquista
Movimiento celestial
Agravios pasados de la catástrofe devoraplanetas
Huellas del destino
Per Page

Conos de luz

NombreRarezaVíaATQDEFPVHabilidad básican/a
Hacia una segunda vida
Hacia una segunda vida5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4El efecto de Ruptura del portador aumenta en un 60% y el Daño de Ruptura que inflige el portador ignora un 20% de la DEF del objetivo. Cuando el efecto de Ruptura del portador sea igual o superior al 150% durante la batalla, su VEL aumenta en un 12%.
Disparo antitemporal
Fragmento de deseos
Tango ilimitado
Tango ilimitado4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56La Prob. CRIT del portador aumenta en un 8%. El Daño CRIT que el portador inflige a los enemigos afectados por reducción de DEF o Ralentización aumenta en un 24%.
Incinerador divino
Fragmento de deseos
Para el viaje de mañana
Para el viaje de mañana4
harmony-class476.28330.75952.56El ATQ del portador aumenta en un 16%. Cuando el portador usa su habilidad definitiva, el daño infligido aumenta en un 18% durante 1 turno.
Movimiento celestial
Motor creasueños
Luces de la noche
Luces de la noche5
harmony-class635.04463.05952.56Cada vez que un aliado ataca, el portador obtiene 1 acumulación de Tonada. Cada acumulación de Tonada aumenta la recuperación de energía del portador en un 3%, hasta un máximo de 5 acumulaciones. Después de que el portador use su habilidad definitiva, elimina Tonada y obtiene Cadenza. Cadenza aumenta en un 48% el ATQ del portador y aumenta en un 24% el daño que infligen todos los aliados durante 1 turno.
Movimiento celestial
Motor creasueños
Per Page


Perdigón meteórico
Perdigón meteórico2
Potenciación de conos de luz, Habilidad básica Materiales de mejora, Materiales de mejora de Rastros
Deceso predestinado
Deceso predestinado3
Potenciación de conos de luz, Habilidad básica Materiales de mejora, Materiales de mejora de Rastros
Disparo antitemporal
Disparo antitemporal4
Potenciación de conos de luz, Habilidad básica Materiales de mejora, Materiales de mejora de Rastros
Permiso de trabajo de la Corporación
Permiso de trabajo de la Corporación4
Material de ascensión de personaje
Eco perdido del deseo compartido
Eco perdido del deseo compartido4
Habilidad básica Materiales de mejora, Materiales de mejora de Rastros
Cuaderno de inspiración relojera
Cuaderno de inspiración relojera4
«Los archivos del Soñador»
«Los archivos del Soñador»3
Fotografía de los archivos
Fotografía de los archivos3
Foto grupal de los Soñadores
Foto grupal de los Soñadores3
Cinta de «Historia derivada del Sr. Soda»
Cinta de «Historia derivada del Sr. Soda»3
Per Page


NombreSerie de logrosMostrarDescripciónPosibles recompensas
El último magnate
El último magnateFerrocarril a las estrellasTen una audiencia con el Relojero.
※Reúnete con el primer Anónimo de Colonipenal.
Jade estelar10
Queremos ser libres como lo fueron nuestros padres
Queremos ser libres como lo fueron nuestros padresFerrocarril a las estrellasHereda el legado del Relojero
※Continúa el viaje inacabado del último Anónimo en Colonipenal.
Jade estelar10
Pero si andamos en la luz
Pero si andamos en la luzFerrocarril a las estrellasEmbárcate en una nueva expedición trazacaminos según lo deseado.
※Derrota a Dominicus, el Coro Armonioso...
Jade estelar10
Al final, del sueño despertamos
Al final, del sueño despertamosFerrocarril a las estrellasPresencia la primera luz del alba en Colonipenal.
※Derrota a Sunday, el embrión de la filosofía.
Jade estelar20
La sinceridad será siempre la habilidad definitiva
La sinceridad será siempre la habilidad definitivaFerrocarril a las estrellasHaz las paces con el custodio de la justicia de Colonipenal.
※Convence a Argenti en «Confrontación superestelar».
Jade estelar10
La habilidad definitiva es eternamente sincera
La habilidad definitiva es eternamente sinceraFerrocarril a las estrellasDerrota al custodio de la justicia de Colonipenal.
※Derrota a Argenti en «Confrontación superestelar».
Jade estelar10
Globo elíseo
Globo elíseoIndagación de misteriosDestruye el globo especial de Pedrusco en el Arrecife Flujosueño.
Jade estelar5
Segunda erupción de globos
Segunda erupción de globosIndagación de misteriosDestruye el globo especial de Pedrusco en el Recinto de Audiciones de la Arena Ardiente.
Jade estelar5
Una odisea postglobosa
Una odisea postglobosaIndagación de misteriosDestruye el globo especial de Pedrusco en el Gran Teatro de Colonipenal.
Jade estelar5
Nuevos sueños de Colonipenal
Nuevos sueños de ColonipenalIndagación de misteriosAbre 300 tesoros en Colonipenal.
Jade estelar10
Per Page


NombreDificultadPosibles recompensas
El Gran Septimus,
El Gran Septimus, "Coro Armonioso"Jefes enemigos
Eco de Sueños Pasados
Eco de Sueños PasadosEnemigos
Pasado enjaulado
Pasado enjauladoEnemigos de élite
Componente del acumulador de sueños
Gel térmico
Cubo mecánico
Válvula del flujo de sueños
Motor creasueños
Futuro unisonante
Futuro unisonanteEnemigos de élite
Componente del acumulador de sueños
Gel térmico
Cubo mecánico
Válvula del flujo de sueños
Motor creasueños
Presente festejador
Presente festejadorEnemigos de élite
Componente del acumulador de sueños
Gel térmico
Cubo mecánico
Válvula del flujo de sueños
Motor creasueños
Vendefortunas de la Compañía Teatral de Terrores
Vendefortunas de la Compañía Teatral de TerroresEnemigos
Componente del acumulador de sueños
Muela vieja
Válvula del flujo de sueños
Motor creasueños
Meme de la Zona de los Recuerdos: Vanidad insaciable
Meme de la Zona de los Recuerdos: Vanidad insaciableEnemigos
Jirones de pensamientos
Fragmento de impresiones
Fragmento de deseos
Repertorio pasado, presente y eterno
Repertorio pasado, presente y eternoJefes enemigos
Per Page

293 responses to “New in 2.2”

  1. Men, what are you talking about? Sam is ABSURDLY BROKEN right now LOL. It’s just INSANE. 50 speed, def ignore, huge scales, two turns for stance charging, weakness implantation on SKILL, tons of break. I don’t care about stat requirements, because you’re still able to reach them with supports, and even if not, just forget about caps and he’ll be crazy anyway. His ONLY real problem is 50% hp consumption, well, just use Luocha, this game don’t care you may not have it.
    Sam – RM – Sparkle – Luocha. Or maybe HMC instead of RM if lacking of BE and “want to deal damage with break”. I hope they nerf him, because if he comes out in the state close to that we see now, he’ll be so absurdly broken…
    P.S: Stop crying about “how will I build BE, ATK, Crit and Speed at the same time?” Modern harmony gives everything in huge amounts. If you don’t have it, well, your problem.

    • Bro, I built Xueyi trying to maximize those values, and she ended up with:

      165% Break Effect
      2000 ATK
      128 SPD
      63cr / 131cd Crit Stats

      while using a 5* weapon to get my crit rate up.

      I assume I could pump some more if I didn’t get the Follow Up Dmg 2pc and ornaments, and would probably need to run an ATK orb, but there ain’t no way to get 3400ATK and 300 Break.

      The only harmony that can increase ally’s Break Effect are Ruan Mei and the upcoming Harmony Trailblazer, neither of which increases allies ATK.
      The only team I can see working here is specifically SAM + HuoHuo + Ruan Mei/HarTB + Bronya/Sparkle, where you sacrifice SPD and Crit DMG for Bronya/Sparkle to handle (if using Bronya, hopefully with spd tuned where after ult SAM is slightly ahead of her), which is a very expensive team to run.

      I struggle to find a good crit-rate relic for Topaz, pulling shit like this off is definitely out of reach.

      • First, Huo won’t be able to let him heal after the skill. And her atk buff has tiny uptime.
        Second, you shouldn’t try to max out everything.250 BE and like 3000 atk is enough. 250 BE is crucial because of Res shred. Also use Taliya set, etc.
        In the end, I think Sam CAN (just “can”) build CR only. CrD will be shared by Sparkle.
        And yeah, she has much bigger vase stats, scales and better passives.

    • People are theory crafting right now. Which a hard to build character is a important reason to bring up. For there is more than one character in this game to bring up. Also you are aware Luocha is not the only healer in game right? Heck people have been talking about how a four star healer might be better in her teams. Same for Trailblazer. Which also, you say modern gives lots of speed. The only one that does is Asta in large amounts, which is a character that existed since the start of the game, far from modern. Mei only in small amounts and if you break someone. Sparkle offers crit damage and crit rate if you have her lightcone. Which she is more action advance. Which is bit different from boosting the unit speed stat.

      Which also alot of people have been wondering how huge her scaling truly is. Which also, did you just make this post to show off your a whale or something with every limited harmony in the game? For people are still theory crafting how good she is and what her teams will be like. base on the info that current exists. For it not people crying, it people trying to figure things out. a huge difference. If anything, I think it your problem you are not intelligence enough to tell the difference between people trying to figure out a mystery and people crying.

      • Man, your text is hard to read.
        First, I’m really not sure if any healer but Luocha can heal 50% hp in a single action (preferably not his own). You may use Gallahar… IDK. Luocha will be better anyways and it’s a game’s global problem.
        “four stars will be better than five stars in her teams”
        excuse me, what? You’re talking about Asta? Had you ever played on her? I use her in my DoT team and I can say her atk buff is big ONLY on paper. On average it’s like 2 or 3 stacks which is AROUND 30% ATK! WOOOWWW! And her speed buff has tiny uptime, so yeah, it is good, but the uptime is small. BTW, Asta really can be a decent teammate for him, but definitely not better than the others.
        Sparkle for him is crucial, because action advance every turn makes him do a couple more attacks during ult. Also, he’s definitely SP hungry, because his skill spends SP. I’m not sure if RM is really better than HMC, I cope not, because RM is heavily hated by me.

  2. Firefly day 2 kit analysis

    Atk: 756 – 2nd highest, tied with Himeko
    HP: 814 – lowest of any 5*, even less than Yanqing
    DEF: 776 – Higher than Aventurine???
    SPD: 92 – 2nd lowest, tied with Gepard, after Traces becomes 97

    Ult Countdown has 90 spd, allows 3 enhanced skills at 180 spd

    How her BE scaling works (I think):
    (0.5%*BE) + [450%] atk to main, half of that to adjacent
    This means your break is added as a multiplier, so for example if you have 200 break effect, the skill will deal 100% of atk, with the maximum of 360% BE the skill will deal [630%] of atk
    450% is my assumption for her trace level 10

    Her low HP, high def and dmg reduction talent all encourage the use of a powerful shield

    A4 encourages you to build atk primarily and have BE as only a secondary priority

    A6 encourages you to take her all the way to 360% BE, a very high requirement

    Maxing her BE:
    37.3% traces + 60% A4 + 40% Planar + 20% Ruan Mei + 60% S1 + 64.8% rope + 32% 2pc combo
    Ecen with all this you would still require 8 substats I believe so her break requirements are not cheap
    Also if you use a break rope you’ll need a strong atk buffer like Tingyun or Robin
    I feel like this may get decreased like Gallagher’s did

    Fun synergy with Robin:
    Robin ult -> Firefly skill -> Firefly ult -> Firefly skill -> Firefly skill -> Firefly skill
    She should be able to activate concerto 4 times

    Other notable synergies:
    Ruan Mei gives break efficiencies which will stack with Firefly’s own (idk if it adds up to +100% or multiplies to +125% yet)

    Def shredders stack their def shred with Firefly’s own def ignore for huge gains (Pela TL12 + S5 Pearls + Firefly’s trace can reach 98% easily)

    Bronya: If by some miracle you can get 180+ spd on Bronya you can turn Firefly into something ridiculous (SP cost makes this only viable at E1+)

    Shielders will actually have stronger shields because of her talent, but she may have problems with outrunning them for anyone not called Aventurine

    LC options
    Aside from her signature there’s Flames afar and indelible promise which will both be very good

    Her actual multipliers are insanely high but she’s rather hard to build at the moment with having to balance atk, break and crit, and having very little dmg% in her own kit

    If you read my rambling then good job

    • Despite break effect rope on Firefly looks like an obvious thing I can’t really recommend the break effect rope for Firefly.

      With only one main stat on atk% you have 2344 attack. You gain literally no break effect from the major trace. You need 20 rolls on substats for atk% to reach 3400 and that’s crazy.

      With two main stats on atk% you have 2945 attack. You need 9 rolls on substats for atk% to reach 3400. 6 rolls on substats and now you have >=3200 attack and that’s already a lot. You gain +48 break effect from that. Every 6 point of break effect is ~1 substat worth and every 100 attack is ~2 substats worth. Do not be a genious by trading two substats for one.

      With three main stats on atk% you have >=3500 attack. That’s a little bit more than enough.

      Firefly wants speed boots. Don’t use atk% boots on her. With speed boost she has 172 speed (not counting the 6% from the set), just a bit more to reach 180 to do three enhanced skills every rotation. With atk% boots she has only 147 speed, you need 15 rolls on substats for speed to reach 180 and that’s crazy.

      For obvious reasons Firefly wants crit rate body as well. Not using crit rate body on her basically means you abandon her critable damage and that’s just like picking the meat away from your pizza and discarding them to the trash bin. Yes, you can still have the rest of the pizza for your dinner but what’s the harm to have it whole.

      That means Firefly ideally wants speed boots, crit rate body, break effect rope and fire damage orb if she’s somehow able to reach 3400 attack. However that’s impractical given she may had super high base attack stat. Among the aformationed main stats, fire damage orb is the most replaceable. Fire damage orb and atk% orb always had a small difference in the impact of final damage output. Without break effect rope Firefly can still reach 250 break effect easily and that’s already a lot. If you feel painful to abandon the break effect rope, think about abandoning the speed boots or crit rate body.

      If you are somehow able to give her 3400 attack from teammates that means you are abandoning Ruan Mei, or the Harmony Trailblazer, or both. Either way that’s a huge lose to the break damage. You might earn something on the critable damage but I’m afraid you are lose more in the process.

        • Hahahaha, I am determined to get her no matter how complicated it is to build her. I started farming her trace materials by the time she’s drip marketed and even before the “official” info of the exact kind of trace material she uses and I’m glad Hoyo didn’t surprise me by having her use something else than the same of Misha’s.

        • I read an anon comment on Boothill’s page and… I think they’re right. She’s gonna be difficult to build, which is why there will be a new upcoming planar ornament specialized for her….

          But friendly reminder, this is just the initial kit though. Many things may change in the beta phase. 🙂

      • I never thought giving her a BE rope was good I just used it as an example to show how high her BE requirements are
        With her atk trace yeah atk% rope all the way

        • Also if Jiaoqiu’s def shred is higher than Pela’s, Firefly should reach 100% def shred even without 360 BE
          if you have E1 Firefly then it’s even safe to remove Pearls from the equation

          But with multipliers on the Level of Dan IL she definitely wants Atk > break

          • I’m glad you agree with it that the atk% rope is the go.

            Firefly’s unlike DHIL, gain zero damage amp and crit values on her own but instead a lot of break effect and is also encouraged to build break effect. Her critable damage is expected to be significantly lower than DHIL, to a degree she looks like pretty bad for the purpose.

            Firefly is extra fast and SP hungry, blocking Sparkle and Bronya away, limiting your options to the super generic Ruan Mei and Robin. Or you may use Pela instead but do not expect the same level of DPS increment compared against 5-star Harmony units. Even if you are determined to stick with her critable damage, note that she has zero damage amp and crit values on her own while DHIL has a lot. Also, DHIL has access to Sparkle and that’s again a huge difference. That’s said, Firefly might be noteably weaker than DHIL for the purpoes of a critable damage based DPS, but she will still be stronger than Hook for the purpose I’m dare to say.

            Team her with the Harmony Trialblazer is a fast and cost-efficient way to make her strong. The benefits Firefly gains from the HTB is nowhere compensatable by even limited 5-star Harmony units, unless they have rediculously high eidolons.

          • Jiaoqiu might be the 4th member of the Fire breaking squad, replacing Gallagher. I don’t expect him to deal more toughness damage than Gallagher but the huge def shred is juicy enough to compensate. He also has some healing capacity that might be just enough to sustain the whole team, giving Sparkle, Ruan Mei, and the HTB are all tanky units and very hard to kill.

          • Sorry, not Sparkle, it’s Firefly.

            Also, Sparkle is a notebly tanky unit as well. She seldom dies when I retry again and again when zero cycling. It was always Ting Yun or Pela who die first.

        • Asta seems like one of her best f2p Supports
          her uptime and energy problems barely even exist because you can cast her ult after Firefly’s and that 2 turn spd boost should let her take all 3 turns at lightning speed (If a spd buff is cast during a character’s action, I don’t think it ticks down after that action)
          Combined with a significant atk buff and some good DMG% buffs gives you an all round solid teammate imo

          • My bad, typo. That’s 270 not 280.

            Still, that’s a really high amount of Spd that sacrifices character slots to attempt it. With Sam at 180, 53 from Asta, then you need something like E5 Hanya with ~177 Spd to get the remaining 37 Spd.

            Not to mention Asta has to recast Ult for Sam’s 3rd/4th turns to get buffed, though Hanya might get away without needing to as long as the buff was cast during the 1st turn. Sam’s moving at 37.037 AV per turn, while Asta and Hanya (assuming they’re at 200 Spd) are only hitting 50 AV.

          • Yeah I didn’t expect it to work
            But 53 spd still speeds things up overall so I’ll stick with she’s a good f2p support

  3. Ah yes 240 energy cost and a skill that automatically regenerates 120 energy
    Argenti in shambles seeing Firefly’s energy fuckery
    Her kit is focused on raw multipliers (I think, I’ll be honest those multipliers confuse me) and def ignore which means she’ll want dmg% amplifiers like the classic Ruan Mei

    Also giving her 98 spd AFTER traces is pretty annoying but everything else seems pretty awesome

    • Since her self-energy is so ridiculous I feel like Huohuo isn’t even needed and her dmg reduction passive makes me lean toward using aventurine with her instead

      • but HuoHuo isn’t just about energy regeneration, the constant healing, the debuff dispel, the 40% atk bonus, the 12%Speed if E1
        she’s still the Best option Imo
        also the energy regenration benefit the whole team, some other characters like it

        • My reason was because Firefly is self-sufficient on HP as long as you can keep the shield and has a passive that benefits being at low HP
          DMG reduction affects shields as well so if she’s at 1hp her shield won’t even get dented
          I’ll find out who’s actually better for her later tho

          • Given gamble man with the fancy hat, has many ways of refreshing his shield. More so at e1. Yeah, he should easily be able to keep the shields up. Along with offering a bit of damage, more so than HuoHuo might bring to the table.

        • I do agree that her buffs help the others, but let’s say your firefly consumed half her health, but then she got bombarded by attacks since Destruction units do have slightly higher aggro. Sure it may not always happen but it can. At that point the regen is all you have but still. It may not be enough.

          Working in tandem with her built in damage reduction and protecting her with a shield or hell even using Fu Xuan for damage redirection and further reduction is probably better. And it’s likely why it was put in her kit in the first place along with the self heal in ult state.

    • Yeah the entire kit is out. She essentially keeps on ramping up to some absurd atk and crit (+ 120 CRIT DMG) self buffs over the course of a fight.

      She’s like Argenti, but even more unfortunate. Jade seems to be a Pure Fiction bot and that’s about it, which is unfortunate in my opinion. Her entire kit is aoe, she has 0 buffs against one enemy, extra multipliers or anything of the sort.

      • I figured as much with her being Erudition. I was always planning to have her be a PF exclusive like Himeko/Herta.

        Do we have any info on what her lightcone does?

        • if your favorite character is a dps. You most likely want characters who will work well with them. So I can yeah, some people will pull for kit after grabbing their favorite characters.

        • Well if you like a character, it’s kinda offensive for them to be bad. Ur skipping others, just for a pretty face?

          Jade is delegated solely to Pure Fiction… . She only works in 1 of the 3 end game modes, and doesn’t seem outstanding in SU either. It doesn’t help PF just feels so, dry? I have no ambition or drive to replay PF stages, it also doesn’t feel skillful or anything of the sort. Just crazy buffs and “blessings” at work mowing down enemies

          • I’ll be honest. Kinda ya. My long term goal in this game is to collect every playable member of the Ten Stonehearts. Jade’s design being kinda cool is just a cherry on top. And now I can do that as I have 2 fully built teams for MoC and they will likely work in the new Hunt focused (supposedly) mode too. If those folks ever get so crept I cannot even clear MoC 7, I’ll start looking for replacements.

            I also build characters I like and just do endgame with them where it makes sense, not trying to only go for the best or nothing. It’s why I was using DoT before Black Swan was a thing for example. I learned my lesson with Silver Wolf where I only pulled her cuz she was at the time very broken but now she does nothing for me as I have good coverage and I don’t like Mono Quantum. I’ll always try and balance good units with liking said units.

            Absolutely nothing wrong with going for meta tho, we all play the game however we like and if 0 cycles and the like are your cup of tea, that’s perfectly fine 😀 And I completely agree it’s kinda wasteful for Jade to only be viable in PF but she’s sadly the archetypal Erudition with no bounce so she was doomed in MoC. Could be a fun meme attempt tho hehe

          • I get what ur saying, but it just feels terrible. Look at Dehya from Genshin, I’m sure there are some who pulled regardless, but it felt like a massive spit in the face. And it’s a feeling that echoes ever so faintly whenever a character is just, bad or underwhelming. Don’t get me wrong, Jade will slay, but ehh. I never met one person who was passionate about PF

            SW was never meta btw. It’s simply that this community is seldom able to be critical and just blindly overhypes things. The same way monoquantum is a mediocre team yet no one speaks against it. God forbid someone be the bearer of bad news.

          • I also admit that this is my first ever gacha and I kinda put a bit too much trust in the community, hence why I believed them when they said weakness implant is a must have. And logically it kind of is and don’t get me wrong she was alright and kinda cool but the regret is still there. Since then I’ve been more aware of flaws and thinking a bit more about how I can benefit from said character while still remaining true to my ideal of use who you like. It’s a tough balance to achieve but I have not had regrets since 😀

            And I get you as well. It would be nice if every character is at least a certain level of useable. But alas. At the very least she has some use as opposed to none, even if it’s PF. I know that’s a little too “accepting” and maybe even a load of cope, but eh xD

          • okay here’s the thing u can beat every shit in the game with 4 stars except moc and pure fiction. she can buff another dps deal ton of dmg with her charge stack. ANd first of all u think everyone who pull for kafka for the kit? at least I did until she got powercrept by black swan and acheron…. so there’s no need for consider about kit for someone from the next patch gonna power creep everyone

    • heres her entire kit copied from the hsr leak subreddit

      HP: 1086
      Attack: 659
      Defense: 509
      Speed: 103
      Taunt: 75

      Ascension Materials: Credit (x308000), Dream Collection Component (x15), Dream Flow Valve (x15), Dream Flamer (x65), Dream Making Engine (x15)

      Trace Materials: Credit (x3000000), Tracks of Destiny (x8), Rough Sketch (x18), Dynamic Outlining (x69), Exquisite Colored Draft (x139), Lost Echo of the Shared Wish (x12), Dream Collection Component (x41), Dream Flow Valve (x56), Dream Making Engine (x58)

      Selflessness? Still Settleable: The follow-up attack DMG from Jade’s Talent increases by 20%. Every time Jade acquires a Charge, she additionally obtains 1 Charge(s).

      Morality? Herewith Authenticated: When Pawned Asset increases to 15 stacks, Jade’s CRIT Rate increases by 18%.

      Sincerity? Put Option Only: When using the Ultimate, the DMG dealt by Jade ignores 12% of the enemy’s DEF, lasting for 3 turn(s).

      Equity? Pending Sponsorship: When there is a character in the Debt Collector state on field, Jade’s Quantum RES PEN increases by 20%, and Jade gains the Debt Collector state.

      Stats Quantum DMG Boost (22.4%), ATK (18%), Effect RES (10%)

      Reverse Repo: When an enemy enters combat, Jade gains 1 stack of Pawned Asset. When the turn of a character in the Debt Collector state begins, Jade additionally gains 3 stacks of Pawned Asset.

      Discounted Brokerage: When the combat begins, Jade’s action is Advanced Forward by 50%.

      Unredeemed Asset: In the Talent, every stack of Pawned Asset additionally increases Jade’s ATK by 0.5%.

      [Basic ATK] Lash of Riches
      Deals Quantum DMG equal to 45% (117%) of Jade’s ATK to a single enemy, and Quantum DMG equal to 15% (39%) of Jade’s ATK to any adjacent enemies.

      [Skill] Surety of Unscrupulous Takeover
      Appoints a single ally as a Debt Collector, increasing their SPD by 30, lasting for 3 turn(s). When a Debt Collector attacks, deals Additional Quantum DMG equal to 10% (25%) of Jade’s ATK to every enemy hit by the attack and consumes the Debt Collector’s HP equal to 5% of their Max HP. If their current HP is insufficient, their current HP is reduced to 1.
      If Jade becomes a Debt Collector, she is unable to gain the SPD increase effect and she will not consume HP after attacking.
      When there is a character in the Debt Collector state on field, Jade is unable to use the Skill. The Debt Collector state duration reduces by 1 turn at the start of Jade’s every turn.

      [Ultimate] Descend to this Abyss, Succumb to this Incarceration
      Cost: 140 energy.
      Deals Quantum DMG equal to 120% (300%) of Jade’s ATK to all enemies. Enhances the follow-up attack from Jade’s Talent, increasing the follow-up attack’s DMG dealt multiplier by 40% (100%). The Enhanced follow-up attack can take effect 2 time(s).

      [Talent] Gold Dust Pawnage
      When Jade or a Debt Collector attacks, Jade acquires 1 Charge for every enemy hit by the attack. When Charge reaches 8 points, consumes 8 and launches a follow-up attack, dealing Quantum DMG equal to 60% (150%) of Jade’s ATK to all enemies. This follow-up attack cannot acquire Charge for Jade.
      When Jade launches a follow-up attack from the Talent, immediately gains 5 stacks of Pawned Asset. Every stack of Pawned Asset increases CRIT DMG by 1.2% (3.0%), up to a maxmium of 50 stacks.

      [Technique] POV of a Huntress After using the Technique, enemies in a set area are inflicted with Blind Fealty for 10 second(s). Enemies in the Blind Fealty state will not actively attack the team. When attacking an enemy in the Blind Fealty state to enter combat, causes all enemies in the Blind Fealty state to simultaneously enter combat. After entering combat, deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Jade’s ATK to all enemies and immediately gains 15 stacks of Pawned Asset.

  4. About
    Hey! I couldn’t really find a supportpage or something and the contact form on the appsample website doesn’t work, so sorry about contacting you this way lol. From what I know I cleared everything collectible on the HSR map, but the progress bar is still showing me I have like 36 chests and 1 book to go. It’s not like the bar still needs to update because it has always been this way. My Hoyolab says I collected 654 treasures, but that must be with all the quest-related/hidden/unlockable stuff too. Does the map actually have 600 treasures or is that just like a placeholder? The collect progress json does seem to say I have 600, as well as the markers_all json seems to say there are 600 chests.
    Also: “o409″:”Shape of Scorch” seems to be missing in the markers. Maybe thats why all the battle icons in Fyxestroll Garden and Penacony don’t work.
    You can contact me on my e-mail if you want.
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards, Natalie

  5. Firefly has high base attack stat and high attack scalar in her enhanced skill. However she has neither damage amp nor crit values on her own, so she may not be able to deal an impressive amount of critable damage.

    However she is speculated to have very high toughness damage and she is able to make every enemy weak to fire literally consistantly. When teammed with the Harmony Trailblazer, over 50% of her damage composition are break damage. If Boothill may outright abandon the critable damage and only stick to the break damage, Firefly is a mix of the two and should not abandon any of them.

    You may see two thresholds of break effect in her kit: 250% and 360%. Assuming she already has 250% break effect, increasing it to 360% you only gain 55% / 27.5% attack scalar for her critable damage and 10% more def pen in addition to the 30% she already has. She also deals ~31% more break damage. That’s definitely a boost on her damage, but might not worth the opportunity cost for substats.

    You may want Firefly to have 180 speed when transformed, so she may launch three enhanced skills for every of her ultimate rather than just two. That would be a huge change to her damage output and you should definitely not give up on giving her 180 speed.

    My plans on her relics:
    • +12% attack on 2pc;
    • +16% break effect on 2pc;
    • Rutilant Arena because she’s lacking of damage amp and crit values;
    • Crit value body, speed boost, atk% sphere and atk% rope. You shouldn’t have fewer than 2 main stats on atk% or her attack stat might be too low.

    Let’s estimate her attack stat:
    • 1391 base stats from character and sig lc;
    • +352.7 from gloves;
    • +12% from relic set bonus;
    • +86.4% from relic main stats (assuming 2 of them are atk% main stat).
    She now has 3112 attack. Just a bit more substats and she has 3200, thus gaining +48 break effect.

    How difficult it is to reach 250 break effect:
    • +37.3 from minor trace;
    • +48 from major trace; (3200 atk)
    • +60 from sig lc;
    • +16 from relic set bonus;
    • +20 from Ruan Mei;
    • +60 from Harmony Trailblazer (200 break effect).
    She now has 241.3 break effect. It’s pretty easy to reach the 250 threshold. I’m not using break effect rope and it is still fine.

    Let’s estimate her speed stat:
    • 92 base speed;
    • +5 from minor traces;
    • +50 when transformed (speculated lv.10 value);
    • +25 from speed boots.
    She now has 172 speed. When counting Ruan Mei’s passive speed boost and some potential substats it is easy to reach the 180 threshold. Yes, of course you may opt to use atk% boost, but it would be substats intensive to reach the 180 threshold.

    The rest of the substats can be distributed freely among atk%, crit value, crit damage, break effect, and speed.

    How she feels like in real play:
    • She starts the battle with 120 energy. Cast her first skill and she is immediately ready to transform.
    • If she has 180 speed, she may cast three enhanced skills before she untransforms. Assuming the enhanced skill deals the same toughness damage as Jing Liu’s (60 to main target and 30 to adjacent targets), when counting all of the break efficiency bonuses she deals a total of 360 toughness damage to the main target and 180 to the adjacent targets. Assuming each cast of her enhanced skill generates 30 energy like Jing Liu’s, she now has 95 energy, not counting any hits and kills.
    • After she untransforms, a cast of her unenhanced skill generates 30 + 120 energy, meaning she is immediately ready to transform again. However it is possible that her unenhanced skill only generates 20 energy like Jing Liu’s, in this case she now has 235 energy, that’s just a little bit. She must kill something or gets hit at least once during the process or it would be a painful lose to her.

    I’m only thinking about the team of Firefly + HTB + Ruan Mei. Team her with someone else and things may change accordingly.

    • Hey a few things to note.

      We’re getting an entire new artifact set as well as planner. So don’t worry about current relics. You are highly encouraged to farm the new ones as well, they are very strong and tailor made for Firefly, supplementing extra def shred and a lot more break to fill the absurd 350 requirement.

      I do wanna mention that, for optimized tryhards, crit might be the answer. You can stack Crit Rate on her relics, and use Sparkle to supplement the CDMG. Not only that, but Sparkle seems best at granting Firefly the most turns. I think trying to speed tune with Bronya will be a nightmare

      For other supports, I’m curious if Robin will be better than Ruan Mei. It seems stupid at a glance, but she already innately boosts her break efficiency, and more importantly, the ATK boost, which can easily reach over 1000, (expect 1.3k on a well built Robin), can be converted into break, as well as extra damage of course. Both wanna go as fast as possible, and Firefly happens to move a lot, there is some synergy here.

      • You only get +40 more when attacking a fire weak enemy with the new planar set. That’s far not enough to reach 360. When not considering RM and HTB it is difficult to maintain even the 250 bottomline.

        I don’t think Sparkle is an option because Firefly is too fast. Excluding the speed boots she has 147 speed, you may need Sparkle to be slower than that to make the most of the action advance. In this case the crit damage boost uptime is too low. If Sparkle is faster than Firefly then Sparkle must have 180 speed and she speed boosts on Firefly herself are completely wasted, and also you are unable to afford the heavy usage of SP.

        I’m skipping Robin so I’m not considering it. Assuming you get 1300 attack from it, so let’s compare.

        Team 1:
        Firefly + RM + HTB
        Firefly uses the aformentioned relics and gains +80 break effect, +10% speed, +66% damage amp, and +20% res pen from teammates.
        Substats: 2 on atk%, 2 on break effect, 12 on crit rate and 16 on crit damage.
        Final stats: 3220 attack, 181.2 speed, 80.44 crit rate, 143.28 crit damage, and 252.96 break effect.
        In this case her enhanced skill has 526.48% attack scalar and does ~36000 damage to the main target.

        Team 2:
        Firefly + Sparkle + Robin
        Firefly uses the +6% speed and +40 break effect planar set and drops the Rutilant Arena. She uses atk% boots, crit rate body, atk% orb, and break rope. She gains +100 break damage from Sparkle for 50% uptime and +1300 attack, +50 damage amp, and +20 crit damage from Robin consistantly.
        Substats: 18 on crit rate, and 14 on crit damage.
        Final stats: 4412 attack, 152.52 speed, 89.96 crit rate, 151.62 crit damage, and 278.1 break effect. You need 13 substat rolls to reach 360 so do not consider it.
        In this case her enhanced skill has 539.05% attack scalar and does ~37000 damage to the main target, or ~51000 when Sparkle’s crit damage boost is on.

        Very well you get ~22% more critable damage for the team 2, but you also has 1/4 less break efficiency and you have no access to the super break damage mechanic that Firefly benefits a lot from.

        • The enemy is assumed to be at lv.95 and no innate Fire weakness, thus 20 fire res in nature. Note that giving something a weakness itself does not reduce its element res unless stated otherwise. Silver Wolf’s skill reduces element res while a certain blessing in simu does not, leading to the latter having no effect on the actual Ice damage.

          Assuming Sparkle has 150 speed. Firefly has ~65.6 AV and Sparkle has ~66.7 AV. The untransformation timer has ~111.11 AV.
          Ultimate -> enhanced skill -> enhanced skill (65.6 AV spent) -> enhanced skill (32.8 AV spent, 98.4 in total) -> it reaches 111.11 AV and Firefly untransforms.
          In this case Sparkle’s crit damage boost has only 1/3 uptime.

          Assuming Sparkle has 180 speed and Firefly has 181. Firefly has ~55.24 AV and Sparkle has ~55.55 AV.
          Ultimate -> enhanced skill -> enhanced skill (55.24 AV spent) -> enhanced skill (27.62 AV spent, 82.86 in total) -> it reaches 111.11 AV and Firefly untransforms.
          In this case Sparkle’s crit damage boost has only 1/3 uptime, again. I’m afraid you won’t get the 4th enhanced skill from Sparkle. In this case Firefly needs speed boost and some investments on her speed stats, leading to much fewer critable damage. It is only a sidegrade at best.

        • Also, three enhanced skills would deal ~12k super break damage. That’s why it is a hardest choice you can make to abandon the HTB. Considering the break damage from the normal weakness breaking, the damage from Ruan Mei’s talent, and the super break damage from the HTB and Gallagher, that’s a lot, a lot of damage that a roration of 3 enhanced skills is enough to kill an elite enemy at ~50k HP. It is not easy to do the same thing with critable damage unless you run very, very high eidoloned limited supports and very, very many substats on Firefly to an impractical degree.

          While people may say that characters with zero damage amp or crit values on their own benefits more from Harmony units, that’s yes the fact but can never offset the lose for having zero damage amp or crit values at the first place.

          Let’s take Seele as an example. With Quantum set and Quantum damage orb she has 128.8 damage amp in nature. Give her 66 more from Ruan Mei and she deals ~50% more damage than before.

          Let’s take another example. Firefly has 0 damage amp and she deals 66% more damage if you give her 66 damage amp from RM. Very well, she does indeed benefit more than Seele.

          However, 128.8 + 66 is ~3x of 66. So let’s assume Seele and Firefly have identical crit values, Seele deals ~3x damage than Firefly for the same amount of attack scalar.

          You now learn how painful it is for a critable damage based DPS to have no damage amp or crit value on their own.

          • Sorry for my typo. That’s not ~3x damage than Firefly. That’s ~1.8x damage. I forgot to add the 1 in the formula.

            However that doesn’t affect the conclusion.

      • I don’t see why not. Lots of Destruction units work in PF. Will she be better than current top PF characters? That I don’t know. I am just an enjoyer, not a number cruncher xD

        As for Eidolons vs Jade, well it probably depends on if you’re struggling with PF as that’s where Jade will work. If not, her value becomes a love pull.

        Firefly’s eidolons (the leaked ones anyway) sounds insane tho. Her E2 for example turns her into Seele xD

      • Firefly in PF is nothing unlike Jing Liu. She has high damage output and no AoE capacity. She punches through a single enemy with no problem but she’s going to have a hard time taking care of them all.

        At E1 Firefly’s enhanced skill no longer consumes SP. At E2 Firefly gains an extra turn every time she breaks an enemy’s toughness bar, which is an almost consistant thing in PF. However that’s out of reach of a low spender. Unless you love Firefly so much you want to take her to each fight, I don’t recommend getting her eidolons just for her capacity in PF.

        Jade in the current state is just bad. She relies on Herta to be playable. She will definitely be good in PF but nothing else. Also, Herta on her own is already a god in PF and earns you 40k score.

        It is too early to make advices on your future investments as things may change drasically during the beta test. The opinions above are based on the current state of Firefly and Jade.


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