名詞 | フォフォ | |
所属 | 仙舟「羅浮」 | |
レア度 | ||
運命 | {RUBY_B#ほうじょう}豊穣{RUBY_E#} | |
戦闘属性 | 風 | |
中国語 | ... | |
英語 | ... | |
韓国語 | ... | |
日本語 | ... | |
専用素材 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
軌跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
ストーリー | 仙舟「羅浮」の十王司見習い判官。歳陽に取り憑かれた狐族の少女。 怪異を恐れる臆病で不憫な女の子だが、邪悪なるものを捕える責任を担っている。 |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
軌跡 |
星魂 |
光円錐 |
バッグ |
Gallery |
ボイス |
ストーリー |
レベル | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 速度 | 会心率 | 会心ダメージ | 挑発 | EP | 専用素材 |
1 | 81.84 | 69.3 | 185 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
20 | 159.59 | 135.13 | 360 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 192.32 | 162.85 | 434 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
30 | 233.24 | 197.5 | 527 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 265.98 | 225.22 | 601 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
40 | 306.9 | 259.88 | 693 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 339.64 | 287.6 | 767 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
50 | 380.56 | 322.25 | 859 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 413.29 | 349.97 | 933 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
60 | 454.21 | 384.62 | 1026 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 486.95 | 412.34 | 1100 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
70 | 527.87 | 446.99 | 1192 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 560.6 | 474.7 | 1266 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 | |
80 | 601.52 | 509.36 | 1358 | 98 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 140 |
{RUBY_B#れいき}令旗{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#ふううしょうらい}風雨招来{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 単体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
指定した敵単体にフォフォの最大HP 敵単体に少量の風属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#れいふ}霊符{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#ごしん}護身{RUBY_E#} - 戦闘スキル | 回復 | |
EP回復 : 30 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方単体のデバフを 味方単体のデバフを1つ解除し、その味方および隣接する味方のHPを回復する。 | |
レベル | |
シッポ・{RUBY_B#しんきしえき}神鬼使役{RUBY_E#} - 必殺技 | サポート | |
EP回復 : 5 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
自身以外の味方のEPをそれぞれの最大EP 自身以外の味方のEPを回復し、それら味方の攻撃力をアップする。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ひょうい}憑依{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#しんきつうてん}真気通天{RUBY_E#} - 天賦 | 回復 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
戦闘スキルを発動した後、フォフォは 「厄払い」が発動され、味方が治癒された時、その味方に付与されたデバフを 戦闘スキルを発動した後、フォフォは「厄払い」を獲得する。フォフォに「厄払い」がある場合、味方のターンが回ってきた時、または味方が必殺技を発動した時に、自身のHPを回復し、同時にHPが低い味方それぞれに回復効果を1回発動する。「厄払い」が発動され、味方が治癒された時、その味方に付与されたデバフを1つ解除する。 | |
レベル | |
攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
敵を攻撃。戦闘に入った後、敵の対応する属性の靭性を削る。 | |
{RUBY_B#きょうそう}凶相{RUBY_E#}・{RUBY_B#きぶつあっぷく}鬼物圧伏{RUBY_E#} - 秘技 | 妨害 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
フォフォが周囲の敵を威嚇し、敵を「魂魄飛散」状態にする。「魂魄飛散」状態の敵はフォフォの反対方向に向けて逃げる、 周囲の敵を「魂魄飛散」状態にする。「魂魄飛散」状態の敵と戦闘に入った後、高確率で敵の攻撃力をダウンする。 | |
{RUBY_B#いちぞん}一存{RUBY_E#}では{RUBY_B#うご}動{RUBY_E#}けない | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
戦闘開始時、フォフォは「厄払い」を獲得する、 | 5000 3 1 |
{RUBY_B#ていきょう}貞凶{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#めい}命{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
行動制限系デバフに抵抗する確率+ | 20000 5 1 1 |
{RUBY_B#おくびょうもの}臆病者{RUBY_E#}のストレス{RUBY_B#はんのう}反応{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
天賦を発動して味方に治癒を行った時、フォフォのEPを | 160K 8 1 1 |
効果抵抗強化 (効果抵抗) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 75 | |
効果抵抗+ | 160K 8 8 |
{RUBY_B#さいよう}歳陽{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#よ}拠{RUBY_E#}り{RUBY_B#どころ}所{RUBY_E#} | ||
天賦による「厄払い」の継続時間+ |
{RUBY_B#じゃれい}邪霊{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#やど}宿{RUBY_E#}した{RUBY_B#しっぽ}尻尾{RUBY_E#} | ||
フォフォに「厄払い」がある時、味方はHPが0になるダメージを受けても戦闘不能状態にならず、自身の最大HP |
{RUBY_B#ていきょう}貞凶{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#しょっか}燭火{RUBY_E#} | ||
必殺技のLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#はな}離{RUBY_E#}れぬ{RUBY_B#あっき}悪鬼{RUBY_E#} {RUBY_B#た}絶{RUBY_E#}えぬ{RUBY_B#も}揉{RUBY_E#}め{RUBY_B#ごと}事{RUBY_E#} | ||
戦闘スキルまたは天賦を発動し、味方に治癒を行った時、その味方の残りHPが少ないほど治癒量がアップする、最大でフォフォの治癒量+ |
{RUBY_B#ちょくれい}勅令{RUBY_E#}のままに{RUBY_B#ようまたいじ}妖魔退治{RUBY_E#} | ||
戦闘スキルのLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#くらく}苦楽{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#とも}共{RUBY_E#}にする{RUBY_B#なかま}仲間{RUBY_E#} | ||
味方に治癒を行った時、その味方の与ダメージ+ |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 戦闘スキル | 専用素材 | |
{RUBY_B#ぶつじょう}物穣{RUBY_E#} | 3 | abundance-class | 264.6 | 264.6 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが戦闘スキル、または必殺技を発動した時、治癒量+ | ||
{RUBY_B#かか}嘉果{RUBY_E#} | 3 | abundance-class | 317.52 | 198.45 | 952.56 | 戦闘開始時、味方全体のEPを | ||
{RUBY_B#はんしょく}蕃殖{RUBY_E#} | 3 | abundance-class | 317.52 | 198.45 | 952.56 | 装備キャラが通常攻撃を行った後、次の行動順が | ||
{RUBY_B#しゅじゅつご}手術後{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#かいわ}会話{RUBY_E#} | 4 | abundance-class | 423.36 | 330.75 | 1058.4 | 装備キャラのEP回復効率+ | ||
{RUBY_B#いま}今{RUBY_E#}が{RUBY_B#ちょうど}丁度{RUBY_E#} | 4 | abundance-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの効果抵抗+ | ||
{RUBY_B#とうかこうかん}等価交換{RUBY_E#} | 4 | abundance-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 装備キャラのターンが回って来た時、自身以外のEPが | ||
{RUBY_B#あたた}暖{RUBY_E#}かい{RUBY_B#よる}夜{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#なが}長{RUBY_E#}くない | 4 | abundance-class | 370.44 | 396.9 | 1058.4 | 装備キャラの最大HP+ | ||
{RUBY_B#ひつぎ}棺{RUBY_E#}のこだま | 5 | abundance-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 装備キャラの攻撃力+ | ||
{RUBY_B#じせつ}時節{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#お}居{RUBY_E#}らず | 5 | abundance-class | 476.28 | 463.05 | 1270.08 | 装備キャラの最大HP+ | ||
{RUBY_B#きょうこん}驚魂{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#よる}夜{RUBY_E#} | 5 | abundance-class | 476.28 | 529.2 | 1164.24 | 装備キャラのEP回復効率+ |
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Title | テキスト言語 |
キャラクター詳細 | ... |
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「あなた」について | |
あなたの「物語」・1 | |
あなたの「物語」・2 |
294 responses to “フォフォ”
Tail is the voice of argenti !?
Okay not anymore
She looks incredible, until you consider the best full team comps and why pretty much all of the hyper carries would still prefer one of the other sustains:
– Seele benefits the most from Fu Xuan in a mono quantum comp.
– Jing Yuan benefits more from Fu Xuan due to the crowd control immunity and crit rate buff, which is better than debuff removal. If JY gets CCd and you have to wait for his next turn Lightning Lord will still go for a smoke break for half of the battle. Even Luocha’s autoheal proc or Lynx’s debuff resistance might be more reliable in practice.
– Blade has great synergy with Luocha and the ATK and Energy buff is wasted on him.
– Kafka – Huohuo is great for her now, but for how long until she can run in a break comp and not even need a sustain?
– DHIL – Huohuo could work, but then you might need to make sacrifices in the rest of the comp to ensure skill point generation is sufficient. Hanya may very well be a downgrade for overall damage.
– JL – has a comp with Tingyun and Huohuo, which will perform worse than Bronya + Pela, so what’s the point of staying in Transcendant state to do less damage?
… And that is not to mention that most of these can easily clear MoC in 0 cycles without a sustain now, which may only be made easier in the future with the introduction of Ruan Mei in a few weeks.
I’m not sure why you only looked at hyper carries. The advantage of Huohuo is being able to buff multiple DPS characters at the same time. For now there’s Clara + Topaz, and in the future Clara can be replaced with Dr. Ratio.
As for Jingliu, I haven’t seen the math you’re speaking of before, can you share it with me? I don’t even play her, but I’m still curious.
As someone who runs Jingliu+Huohuo+Tingyun she keeps the state up for a really long time and it makes her completely SP free while doing tons of dmg with no downtime
I use my Bronya with Blade so no loss for me
whats really funny about your comment is you think everyone is either:
A) pulling for her or
B) has any/all those 5 stars
Huohuo has 3 things going for her:
– She is the best cleanser, you will never be stunned (or more like you don’t care if you’re stunned or not)
– She gives energy for the whole team
– She gives atk buff to the whole team too
Those last two points make her incredibly valuable in double-dps teams (Follow-up Character+Topaz or Kafka+Black Swan for example)
I don’t see her being powercrept as she also gives a lot of healing which makes her perfectly valuable in all content
sorry i need some opinion, which one is better E6 Huohuo or E6 Luocha?
Huohuo. At E6, the whole party member practically become immortal and able to deal 50% more damage by just using her skill.
guys im sorry but i need some opinion
which one of this is better E6 Luocha or E6 HuoHuo ?
maybe luocha give more offensive buff to your team but huohuo buffs are great too, and she got a revive witch is great.
i think it’s 50/50
both of them are amazing ngl the thing im confused of is their e6, luocha with his res pen and huohuo with 50% dmg increase, are res pen better than dmg increase or vice versa
i think res pen would be better cause dmg increase are more common but it depend of your teammates of course
Glad I skipped Luocha. Not that he is bad. But if I had him, I might have missed Huohuo.
Id say people who got Luocha got their money’s worth. Luocha is still good for low-end and weaker players. He was a big help for players who got him during his phase since we don’t have much options back then.
He still has his niche now.
Tbh Luocha is the opposite of niche, he’s the generalist jack of all teams while other healers are BiS in certain teams but not as versatile
I’d say that Huohuo is a lot more niche than both Luocha and Fu Xuan to be honest. She shines in more specific lineups, while Luocha and Fu Xuan can essentially be slotted in any team without any wasted benefits.
Got her! Surprised that she played well even with DHIL. I was skeptic to pull because I was not sure if I could use her with DHIL.
Sad to bench Luocha for a while. Hopefully we get overhealing benefits. The SP positivity is nice, but I found not much need for that too much.
She break my curse! first ever 50/50 won in Hoyo game…! in conclusion, Huohuo is a “good girl”
Also Horror-Struck indeed apply to all waves, but aren’t a dimensional type, so can be use together, so nice.