名詞 | {RUBY_B#きぼう}帰忘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さすらいびと}流離人{RUBY_E#} | |
レア度 | ||
運命 | {RUBY_B#きょむ}虚無{RUBY_E#} | |
戦闘属性 | 炎 | |
n/a | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
軌跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
ストーリー | 八方美人な狐族の少女。外見も名前も、身分さえも奪われてしまった。 運命は彼女にわずかな生の可能性を残したが、「壊滅」の烙印は今も燻っている。 死の淵から蘇り生まれ変わった帰忘の流離人は、いつ故郷に帰ることができるのだろうか? |
目次 |
ステータス |
戦闘スキル |
軌跡 |
星魂 |
光円錐 |
バッグ |
Gallery |
ボイス |
ストーリー |
レベル | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 速度 | 会心率 | 会心ダメージ | 挑発 | EP | n/a |
1 | 79.2 | 75.9 | 153 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 154.44 | 148 | 299 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 186.12 | 178.37 | 360 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 225.72 | 216.31 | 436 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 257.4 | 246.68 | 498 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 297 | 284.62 | 574 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 328.68 | 314.99 | 635 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 368.28 | 352.93 | 712 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 399.96 | 383.29 | 773 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 439.56 | 421.25 | 850 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 471.24 | 451.61 | 911 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 510.84 | 489.56 | 988 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 542.52 | 519.91 | 1049 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 582.12 | 557.87 | 1125 | 102 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
{RUBY_B#さんぜん}燦然{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#じつげつ}日月{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#お}尾{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 単体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
指定した敵単体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵単体に少量の炎属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ぎ}義{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#ゆう}有{RUBY_E#}せば{RUBY_B#きっちょう}吉兆{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#まね}招{RUBY_E#}く - 戦闘スキル | サポート | |
EP回復 : 30 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
指定した味方単体に「狐の祈り」を付与し、自身は「灼熱」状態になる、 「狐の祈り」が付与されている味方の撃破特効+ 帰忘の流離人が「灼熱」状態の時、通常攻撃「燦然たる日月の尾」が「緩緩たる熾炎」に強化される。「狐の祈り」が付与されている味方が攻撃を行う時、 味方単体に「狐の祈り」を付与する。「狐の祈り」状態の味方の撃破特効がアップし、対応する弱点属性がない敵の靭性を削れるようになる。 自身は「灼熱」状態になる。「灼熱」状態では通常攻撃が強化される。「狐の祈り」状態の味方が攻撃を行う時、高確率でその敵の防御力をダウンさせる。なお、防御力ダウン効果の付与は帰忘の流離人が行ったものとして扱う。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#きょくよう}極陽{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あまね}遍{RUBY_E#}く{RUBY_B#よ}世{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#て}照{RUBY_E#}らす - 必殺技 | 全体攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 5 | |
弱点撃破 : 全体攻撃 : 60 | |
敵全体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵全体に炎属性ダメージを与える。この攻撃は弱点属性を無視して敵全体の靭性を削る。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#ぜん}善{RUBY_E#}{RUBY_B#み}満{RUBY_E#}ちる{RUBY_B#ところふくき}所福来{RUBY_E#}たる - 天賦 | 妨害 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、敵は自身の最大靭性値 帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、味方が弱点撃破状態の敵に攻撃を行った後、その回の攻撃の削靭値を1回の 帰忘の流離人がフィールド上にいる時、敵は「雲火昭瑞」を付与される。「雲火昭瑞」が0に削られる時、敵は再度弱点撃破ダメージを受ける。味方が弱点撃破状態の敵に攻撃を行った後、追加で超撃破ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 | |
敵を攻撃。戦闘に入った後、敵の対応する属性の靭性を削る。 | |
{RUBY_B#しょうしょう}照照{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#こうき}光輝{RUBY_E#} - 秘技 | 妨害 | |
EP回復 : 0 | |
弱点撃破 : 0 | |
秘技を使用した後、一定範囲内の敵を 目眩状態の敵を先制攻撃して戦闘に入った後、帰忘の流離人は行動順が 一定範囲内の敵を目眩状態にする。目眩状態の敵を攻撃して戦闘に入った後、帰忘の流離人の行動順が早まる。さらに、高確率で敵それぞれに帰忘の流離人の戦闘スキルと同じ防御力ダウン状態を付与する。 | |
{RUBY_B#かんかん}緩緩{RUBY_E#}たる{RUBY_B#しえん}熾炎{RUBY_E#} - 通常攻撃 | 拡散攻撃 | |
EP回復 : 20 | |
弱点撃破 : 単体攻撃 : 30 / 拡散攻撃 : 15 | |
指定した敵単体に帰忘の流離人の攻撃力 敵単体に少量の炎属性ダメージを与え、隣接する敵に少量の炎属性ダメージを与える。 | |
レベル | |
{RUBY_B#せいきゅう}青丘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#じゅうこう}重光{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 2 | |
味方が敵を弱点撃破した後、さらに敵の行動順を | 5000 3 1 |
{RUBY_B#とざん}塗山{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#げんせき}玄設{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 4 | |
自身の撃破特効+ | 20000 5 1 1 |
{RUBY_B#せいき}璣星{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#たいそ}太素{RUBY_E#} | |
キャラクター昇格が必要 6 | |
敵が弱点撃破される時、自身以外の味方キャラの撃破特効+ | 160K 8 1 1 |
撃破強化 (撃破特効) | |
キャラクターがLv.に達する必要があります 75 | |
撃破特効+ | 160K 8 8 |
{RUBY_B#こじん}狐塵{RUBY_E#}とうに{RUBY_B#ち}散{RUBY_E#}り、{RUBY_B#くも}雲{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#が}駕{RUBY_E#}とすればその{RUBY_B#き}期{RUBY_E#}あり | ||
「狐の祈り」状態の味方の弱点撃破効率+ |
{RUBY_B#ずいおう}瑞応{RUBY_E#}{RUBY_B#きた}来{RUBY_E#}れば、{RUBY_B#かなら}必{RUBY_E#}ず{RUBY_B#ゆうとく}有徳{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#あ}明{RUBY_E#}かす | ||
敵が弱点撃破された時、帰忘の流離人はEPを |
{RUBY_B#せいしょく}正色{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こうじゅ}鴻寿{RUBY_E#}、 {RUBY_B#しんし}神思{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#か}化{RUBY_E#}して{RUBY_B#う}伐{RUBY_E#}つ | ||
戦闘スキルのLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#じがかたち}自我形{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#はな}離{RUBY_E#}れ、 {RUBY_B#いま}今{RUBY_E#}や{RUBY_B#あまた}数多{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#せい}姓{RUBY_E#}となる | ||
「狐の祈り」状態の味方の弱点撃破ダメージ+ |
{RUBY_B#ごしき}五色{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#くも}雲{RUBY_E#}、 {RUBY_B#そうきゅう}蒼穹{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あと}後{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#ほどこ}施{RUBY_E#}す | ||
必殺技のLv.+2、最大Lv. |
{RUBY_B#はじ}肇{RUBY_E#}めて{RUBY_B#みらい}未来{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#さと}悟{RUBY_E#}り、 {RUBY_B#めいあん}明暗{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#こうぼう}興亡{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#し}知{RUBY_E#}る | ||
帰忘の流離人の弱点撃破効率+ |
名詞 | レア度 | 運命 | 攻撃力 | 防御力 | HP | 戦闘スキル | n/a | |
{RUBY_B#ゆうすい}幽邃{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘開始時、装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#えんかん}淵環{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 減速状態の敵に対する、装備キャラの与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#とくえい}匿影{RUBY_E#} | 3 | nihility-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戦闘スキルを発動した後、装備キャラの次の通常攻撃が、敵に自身の攻撃力 | ||
おやすみなさいと{RUBY_B#ねがお}寝顔{RUBY_E#} | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 敵に付与されたデバフが1つにつき、その敵に対する装備キャラの与ダメージ+ | ||
{RUBY_B#えもの}獲物{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#しせん}視線{RUBY_E#} | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#けつい}決意{RUBY_E#}は{RUBY_B#あせ}汗{RUBY_E#}のように{RUBY_B#かがや}輝{RUBY_E#}く | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの攻撃が敵に命中する時、その敵が「陥落」状態でない場合、 | ||
フェルマータ | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの撃破特効+ | ||
またお{RUBY_B#あ}会{RUBY_E#}いしましょう | 4 | nihility-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 装備キャラが通常攻撃または戦闘スキルを発動した後、攻撃を受けた敵からランダムに1体選択し、装備キャラの攻撃力 | ||
{RUBY_B#はじ}初{RUBY_E#}めてのクエストの{RUBY_B#まえ}前{RUBY_E#}に | 4 | nihility-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 装備キャラの効果命中+ | ||
{RUBY_B#せかい}世界{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#な}名{RUBY_E#}を{RUBY_B#もっ}以{RUBY_E#}て | 5 | nihility-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | デバフ状態の敵に対して、装備キャラの与ダメージ+ |
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252 responses to “{RUBY_B#きぼう}帰忘{RUBY_E#}の{RUBY_B#さすらいびと}流離人{RUBY_E#}”
I’m curious if the skill works on a summon if used on the summoner like Lingsha. Because this would make it so you can make Lingsha DPS because of Fuyuan Action advance after using a skill. Break and Superbreak doesn’t care about any stat other than Break Effect and Break Efficiency. If this is the case the Lingsha, Himeko, Ruan Mei and Fugue could make one of the dumbest teams ever where Fugue skills Lingsha and Himeko, Lisha only uses skill and Himeko skills and basics as needed.
Fugue can only skill 1 at a time, other than that decent comp.
nah, in v4 they make fugue can skill everytime now.
“Foxian Prayer” only takes effect on the most recent target of Fugue’s Skill. – this V6 text. It’s apply to everyone only at E6. So there is no point to swap skill taget every turn other then to charge ultimate faster.
As someone who only checks this website occasionally for upcoming characters to plan ahead on what to pull, what exactly was the nerf everyone is crying about? I don’t check often enough to see any difference in skills or traces.
Fugue lose break effect at skill and now give 30% instade of 40% for selected target. A6 trace bonus reduced from 8% to 6% and second part of trace reduced from 16% to 12%. In total main breake unit in team lose 22% break effect. It’s nerf, but don’t that critical since here 18% def shred still very good modicator for overall team damage.
They nerfed her multipliers which already weren’t that crazy to start with.
Then they still did nothing with her ult that everyone wanted to be changed. It’s high cost for basically nothing other than very small toughness reduction. They should’ve added extra debuff there or increase toughness reduction so she does way more. I don’t know, they should’ve given it SOMETHING that wasn’t just nothing for such high cost ult.
They reduced how much break effect she gives to allies
It’s Fuguover
Someone at Hoyo really hates Foxians. First Jiaoqiu, now her.
now v5 Fugue got a huge nerf, is she still worth for non-rappa and non-BH haver? the only break unit i have just firefly e1 and i think my free MC is more than enough to clear every content. design wise, i really like Fugue design but kit wise since she got huge nerf, IDK if she’s still worth it
The nerf wasn’t exactly “huge” she lost a bit of break effect, if you love her design then go for it
MC might want to switch path soon also, so having her keeps your break team safe
Given she can buff anyone, to make them deal toughness damage, no matter the element. Tingyun seems like she might be fun to try out in certain teams. Like Lingsha, Himeko, Robin. Slap the buff on Lingsha, break the foes. Watch himeko go brrr, watch HImeko go brr again due to exo toughness. Robin gets more energy. Of course might work out better with e1 Tingyun.
Tingyun does seem like the fun kind of character to mess around with. To just make any random character into a break dps. Which as for Firefly, well if that Firefly is e2 might be a bit more worth it. of course simply having another choice, for break team supports is nice. Could set up a second break team.
She still helps them off-element. Which is the biggest problem for any non-Firefly breaker. Even Boothill will lag a bit if you put him against non-physical weak enemies since he relies on ult for weakness implant.
Unless you have a team that plays around or has good synergy with her exo toughness or you plan to pull E0S1 then no, shes not worth it, especially for firefly. If you want to invest in firefly team you can safely skip her for now and gets everyone to E2 first, then get her
Firefly benefits a ton from exo-toughness tho. Fire (and Boothill’s Physical) Breaks hit really hard.
I wonder how many pulls it would take…I’m trying to go for at least e2s1 and I have like 260 pulls at the moment, I’m guaranteed
so… I would probably budget about 120 or so pulls per copy and 70-100 for the lightcone. being guaranteed for the first copy certainly helps (brings the first down to about 75), but it’s only the first copy.
… about 400 pulls?
i am going to e6s1 her because i am a foxgirl supremacist. what am i in for?
A second ruanmei basically
Tailor costs extra
i think getting e6 is sufficient enough payment. shits like $1k more or less
So no changes or is it just that the one dude who resported the changes is gone?
Only change is being able to recast her skill early, nothing else I don’t think
Is there any way I can make her into a sort of break dps (stacking break effect and stuff)…since her rebuff already has high base chance…I don’t really think I need much ehr… I’m planning to go for e2s1 and I should have around 280+ break effect… I’m planning to see if her skill can self buff…
Welp, that recent nerf kinda hurt.
I guess there’s no big difference if you play her with Firefly. Rappa still needs her.
For those still thinking abt pulling for her, just take into consideration that 3.x is near, and with it most likely a new path for MC.
If hoyo gives MC another path that’s really good like Harmony, your superbreak teams might get shafted a bit if you wanna use it for the one side when new path MC is being used for the other. Of course that depends on hoyo making the new path good but eh, it’s still a point for consideration lol.
Imo the new MC is always going to be > the old MC. I think at least for a time, the new MC is going to be meta on every patch. Before eventually falling off at least a few tiers when better versions of them come out.