名词 | 血火啊,燃烧前路 | |
稀有度 | ||
类型 | 光锥, 毁灭 光锥 | |
命途 | 毁灭 | |
说明 | 毁灭命途专属的光锥,光锥技能仅对该命途生效。 | |
战技 | 使装备者的生命上限提高 若当前生命值不足,该效果最多使装备者的当前生命值降低至1点。 | |
专属材料 | 385K 20 4 12 20 15 14 | |
剧情 | 冰冷的露水凝结在锋刃,滑落血色的痕迹。 铁锈味的荒野,鏖战燃起的火焰仍在灰烬上跳跃。 「迈德漠斯,刚才真是神一样的战斗啊!」 赤裸上身的战士擦拭武器,兴奋地喊道。 「万敌,以后我也要像你一样百战百胜!」 孩子崇敬地看着他,手中捏着一把断剑。 「王储,我们回到悬锋指日可待啊。」 沧桑的老人笑着,举起酒杯向他致意。 他点点头,兀自走到了营地边。 重生的疼痛仍在皮肤上滚动,明日,他将带领悬锋孤军再次出发,迁往异乡。 流离将停于何处,他不知道,他唯一能确定的是——他将背负王的职责,直至血火燃尽。 夜色渐深,他独自痛饮血酿,过路的吟游诗人拉动琴弦,不着调的歌声在空中晃荡—— 「家乡是梦想之地呐,不是可以抵达的地方。」 |
目录 |
属性 |
战技 |
角色 |
Gallery |
远望 | |
使装备者的生命上限提高 若当前生命值不足,该效果最多使装备者的当前生命值降低至1点。 | |
等级 | |
名词 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 战斗属性 | 专属材料 | |
阿兰 | 4 | destruction-class | lightning-damage_type | ||
克拉拉 | 5 | destruction-class | physical-damage_type | ||
虎克 | 4 | destruction-class | fire-damage_type | ||
刃 | 5 | destruction-class | wind-damage_type | ||
镜流 | 5 | destruction-class | ice-damage_type | ||
丹恒•饮月 | 5 | destruction-class | imaginary-damage_type | ||
雪衣 | 4 | destruction-class | quantum-damage_type | ||
云璃 | 5 | destruction-class | physical-damage_type | ||
流萤 | 5 | destruction-class | fire-damage_type | ||
米沙 | 4 | destruction-class | ice-damage_type |
Per Page |
6 responses to “血火啊,燃烧前路”
You need at least 8334 hp to max out the lightcone’s passive at s1
Desconsidering that cones need to be on characters to work and all 3 (mydei, blade and arlan) current HP scaling destruction characters consume their own HP on their kits, you’re correct.
But practically, you wrong.
Mydei consumes 35% of current, whicheasily will be more than 500 if youre playing him with a sustain that fits his design (keeping him top’d up as much as possible)
Blade consumes 10% of maxhp on enhanced basic, 5khp blade = 500hp consumed, desconsidering the 6% from the cone
Arlan is 15%, same situation as blade, no boost for ultimate tho
nevermind i cant read
Arlan BIS 😭😭😭
mmm Mydei 🤤🤤