名词 | 镜流 | |
阵营 | 仙舟「罗浮」 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 毁灭 | |
战斗属性 | 冰 | |
汉语 | 杜冥鸦 | |
英语 | AmaLee | |
韩语 | 박이서 | |
日语 | 桑島法子 | |
专属材料 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行迹材料 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
剧情 | 曾经的罗浮剑首,云骑军不败盛名的缔造者。 而今其名字已被抹去,成为行走于魔阴身边缘的仙舟叛徒。 |
目录 |
属性 |
战技 |
行迹 |
星魂 |
光锥 |
背包 |
Gallery |
语音 |
剧情 |
等级 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴击率 | 暴击伤害 | 嘲讽 | 能量 | 专属材料 |
1 | 92.4 | 66 | 195 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
20 | 180.18 | 128.7 | 381 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 217.14 | 155.1 | 459 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
30 | 263.34 | 188.1 | 557 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 300.3 | 214.5 | 635 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
40 | 346.5 | 247.5 | 733 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 383.46 | 273.9 | 811 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
50 | 429.66 | 306.9 | 908 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 466.62 | 333.3 | 987 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
60 | 512.82 | 366.3 | 1084 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 549.78 | 392.7 | 1162 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
70 | 595.98 | 425.7 | 1260 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 632.94 | 452.1 | 1338 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 | |
80 | 679.14 | 485.1 | 1436 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 140 |
流影方晖 - 普攻 | 单攻 | |
能量恢复 : 20 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于镜流 对指定敌方单体造成少量冰属性伤害。 | |
等级 | |
无罅飞光 - 战技 | 单攻 | |
能量恢复 : 20 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 60 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于镜流 对指定敌方单体造成冰属性伤害,并获得1层【朔望】。 | |
等级 | |
昙华生灭,天河泻梦 - 终结技 | 扩散 | |
能量恢复 : 5 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 60 / 扩散 : 60 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于镜流 对指定敌方单体造成大量冰属性伤害,对相邻目标造成冰属性伤害,并获得1层【朔望】。 | |
等级 | |
澹月转魄 - 天赋 | 强化 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
当拥有 当拥有 | |
等级 | |
攻击 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
古镜照神 - 秘技 | 妨害 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
使用秘技后,在自身周围制造1片持续 在自身周围制造特殊领域。领域内敌人陷入冻结状态。与领域内敌人进入战斗后,恢复能量、获得1层朔望并大概率使敌方目标陷入冻结状态。 | |
寒川映月 - 战技 | 扩散 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 60 / 扩散 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于镜流 对指定敌方单体造成冰属性伤害,对相邻目标造成冰属性伤害,并消耗1层【朔望】。 | |
等级 | |
暴击伤害强化 (暴击伤害) | |
暴击伤害提高 | 2500 2 |
月犯天关 | ||
施放终结技或强化战技时,镜流的暴击伤害提高 |
朔晕七星 | ||
施放终结技后,下一次强化战技的伤害提高 |
半璧迫望 | ||
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
持秉玄烛 | ||
【转魄】状态下消耗队友生命值获得的攻击力额外提高,提高数值等同于我方全体生命值消耗总量的 |
晦入三台 | ||
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
蚀变于娄 | ||
镜流进入【转魄】状态时,【朔望】的上限层数提高1层并额外获得 |
名词 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 战技 | 专属材料 | |
天倾 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 使装备者普攻和战技造成的伤害提高 | ||
乐圮 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 使装备者对当前生命值百分比大于 | ||
俱殁 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 装备者当前生命值百分比小于 | ||
鼹鼠党欢迎你 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 264.6 | 1058.4 | 装备者施放普攻、战技或终结技攻击敌方目标后,分别获取一层【淘气值】。每层使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
秘密誓心 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 264.6 | 1058.4 | 使装备者造成的伤害提高 | ||
在蓝天下 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者攻击力提高 | ||
汪!散步时间! | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
无处可逃 | 4 | destruction-class | 529.2 | 264.6 | 952.56 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
无可取代的东西 | 5 | destruction-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
到不了的彼岸 | 5 | destruction-class | 582.12 | 330.75 | 1270.08 | 使装备者的暴击率提高 |
Per Page |
360 Spin
Idle #1
Idle #2
Title | loc_sound |
初次见面 | * |
问候 | * |
道别 | * |
关于自己•剑首 | * |
关于自己•眼前黑纱 | * |
闲谈•苍城 | * |
闲谈•昙华剑 | * |
爱好 | * |
烦恼 | * |
分享 | * |
见闻 | * |
关于景元 | * |
关于刃 | * |
关于丹枫 | * |
关于白珩 | * |
关于彦卿 | * |
关于罗刹 | * |
星魂激活 | * |
角色晋阶 | * |
角色满级 | * |
行迹激活 | * |
队伍编成•彦卿 | * |
队伍编成•景元 | * |
队伍编成•丹恒•饮月 | * |
队伍编成•刃 | * |
战斗开始•弱点击破 | * |
【转魄】战斗开始•弱点击破 | * |
战斗开始•危险预警 | * |
回合开始•一 | * |
回合开始•二 | * |
【转魄】回合开始•一 | * |
【转魄】回合开始•二 | * |
回合待机 | * |
【转魄】回合待机 | * |
普攻 | * |
战技 | * |
轻受击 | * |
重受击 | * |
终结技•激活 | * |
终结技•施放 | * |
天赋 | * |
无法战斗 | * |
重回战斗 | * |
回复生命 | * |
秘技 | * |
战斗胜利 | * |
开启战利品•一 | * |
开启战利品•二 | * |
开启贵重战利品 | * |
解谜成功•一 | * |
解谜成功•二 | * |
发现敌方目标 | * |
返回城镇 | * |
Title | 文本语言 |
角色详情 | 曾经的罗浮剑首,云骑军不败盛名的缔造者。 而今其名已被抹去,成为行于魔阴边缘的仙舟叛徒。 |
角色故事·一 | 剑,长三尺七寸,轻如无物。 它并非凡铁熔铸,而是一截坚冰凝成,幽幽含光,如握一线月光在手。 「剑,长三尺七寸,重七斤有余。握在手上,用尖的那一端刺向敌人。」 戎装女子一手轻招,剑如有灵,自武备架上骨碌跳起,入掌出鞘,贯入女孩身侧,嗡鸣不休。 「学会了吗?会了的话,就以步离人陆战最常用的战兽为敌,杀够十只血眼睚眦,这第一课就算结束。」 她沉默不语,只是左顾右盼。这是被救以来,她第一次离开病房,也是她此生第一次摸到名为剑的武器。 「我已屏退了医士和医助,没我的命令,他们不会来找你的。」 「苍城罹难,活下来的人本就不多。我不知你在救援抵达前到底经历了些什么…但我不想看你就这样一辈子溺死在过去的恐惧里。」 「你不开口没关系,你可以用它说话。」 「你可以用它,让那些夺走我们一切的怪物彻底消失。似这般美好的东西,世上已不多了。」 戎装女子眉目不动,将视线投向女孩身侧的长剑。 如镜的剑刃让她照见自己的模样,无数锋利伤人的碎片风暴般卷起,将女孩拖入过去—— 幽暗的深空中,名唤罗睺的妖星悲鸣着,歌唱着,挟着燃烧的山脉与大地向所有人扑面而来。 长街上人们尖叫,在末日灭顶的绝望中挣扎、翻滚,任由金色的枝蔓在每个人的口鼻孔窍中滋长不休。 她看着一切发生,动弹不得。五内如沸,有一物自她的丹腑中勃然翻滚,仿佛熟透的谷粒即将脱壳挣出,膨胀至无限。 但迎面而来的山脉却让她明白,自己不过是蜉蝣,即将死于神使指尖的轻捻。 即将溺死的片刻,她抓住了身边唯一的浮草。 剑,长三尺七寸,重七斤有余。 |
角色故事·二 | 剑,长六尺五寸,重十四斤。 此乃云骑重剑形制,需双手握持挥舞。锋刃蕴藏离火,在接敌瞬间足以切开器兽的惰性外甲。 另有佐战援护的飞剑十二把,接入自「大椎」至「阳关」一线穴道,应使由心,一瞬间施展开来,如惊风疾雨。 她对剑术还不甚了解。她还有很多要学。 戎装女子来不及教她更多,就要率军出征。于是少女的第二课便在战场上学,由那些倒下的敌人教。 「刺」固然简单明了,但动作灵敏的怪物不会自觉迎上剑尖,任由少女处决。于是她学会了「斩」。 接着是「缠」,在力量惊人的怪物面前,少女懂得了以剑脊卸去攻击。 对剑术,她自认已心融神会,于是跳上了身高十倍于己的器兽战卒「龙伯」。 折断所有随身携带的剑,也不过在对手巨硕的身躯上留下成打成打的伤口。 她被巨掌拍飞,躺在战场的血泥里,再度被恐惧淹没。在溺死的关头,她才明白,剑术亦有极限。 一支装填炽火的弩矢炸去了龙伯的头颅。「起来。」戎装女子看着她。 「我不学剑了。这东西…没用。」 「没用?在我手里倒是好用的很。说到底,是人无用罢了。」 「……」 「不学剑,那你想学什么?飞行士星槎上的炼石箭,神臂直配备的炽火弩?还是…朱明仙舟的朱明火?要消灭那颗妖星,有它也尽够了。你想学那些?没毛病,那些东西连照面都不用打,便能杀死对手。」 「…我只是不明白,你为何一定要我学剑!?」 「上至将军下至兵卒,每个云骑都要从出剑开始学起。 「工造司的各色军械确实能代你杀灭敌人,但那些都是兵器自行运作罢了。如果有那么一天,箭矢耗尽、星槎坠落、金人停转,谁来保护你我,谁来保护仙舟? 「握住这柄剑,给我牢牢记着,只有云骑亲自掌剑上阵,才是人类自己的战斗。我们用自己的血肉、自己的技艺向那些非人的孽物们证明,我们必将战胜它们,而不是让机巧代我们行事!」 戎装女子转身离去,将她和断剑留在了演武室里。 剑,长二尺一寸,只余残锋断锷。 |
角色故事·三 | 剑,长五尺,重若千钧,玄黑的锋刃上血色浮泛。 剑以天外金石之瑛百炼所成,不遵兵仗规制,一如锻造它的那位短生种匠人般横逆不可当,狷狂已极。 从来只与剑为友的她,竟有了许多朋友。 她荣任剑首之日,匠人一袭黑衣出席典礼,负手投剑。剑没地数尺,惟余其柄。人人哗然。 「我造的剑,唯有罗浮云骑剑首方能诠尽真妙。」他露齿一笑。 如月般孤高傲岸的罗浮龙尊,因目睹她的神技,竟生出一较高下的胜负心。 枪与剑争锋多年,苦无结果。最终她于显龙大雩殿中一剑分断海潮,终于赢得龙尊钦服。 飞遍星海、见识广博的无名客曾为她操舟转舵,带来星海彼岸酿成的仙醪,与她酣饮畅谈,看天空中的群星熠熠。 「便是天上的星星,我也会斩下。」 她依稀记得酒酣耳热之际的豪言。自童年记忆中扑面而来的那颗燃烧星宿,那时时牵缠不休的恐怖梦魇仿佛也不再可憎可怖。 舞剑至今,她第一次明白了何谓生机。而在此之前,她所怀者,不过是死志罢了。 还有他,她的徒弟。 她想起与他的初识,这个年纪小小鬼主意却极多的孩子,曾问出与当年的自己相同的问题。 「师父为何执着于用剑?能杀死敌人的武器有千百种,就算要消灭那颗星星,仙舟的朱明火怕是也能做到。」 「这个问题就像问诗人为何要写诗一样?表达自我的方式有许多,但属于我的只有这一种。」 如今,他也已成为云骑的翘楚。 她已经没有老师了。戎装女子殒于战阵,无法再教她任何东西。 她也不再需要老师。对关于剑的一切,她了如指掌。它们就是身体的一部分,是行走坐卧间的一呼一吸。 人们称呼她「无罅飞光」,是万载犹不可得的剑士巅顶。但她明白,要「斩下天上的星星」,她的剑,仍然不够—— 即便她手中握着的,是夸称仙舟第一的宝剑…… 剑,长五尺,重若千钧,玄黑的锋刃上血色浮泛。 |
角色故事·四 | 剑,长五尺,重若千钧,玄黑的锋刃上布满裂纹,剑尖不知所踪。 在纷乱如雨的战事中,她曾手执此剑和战友弟子一同杀入千足之舟,斫下步离战首的狼头;也曾登上高耸入云的飞空城巢,削去羽卫们的翮羽;她与慧骃铁蹄相抗,将六足骏马的执辔者们尽数镇入牢狱…在她剑锋所向之下,孽物或死或败,无一幸免。 她从未料到自己竟会将这柄剑指向自己的生死至交。 她喘息着,勉力支撑伤疲之身。远处洞天中传来悲痛的龙咆,如祈求解脱。 看着狷狂的工匠跌落在污泥中,她游魂般走过他身畔。 「我本该先杀了你…但你还有别的罪要受,永生永世……」 她将残剑指向龙尊。 「不可能,龙师们说过…我族之血,我祖之魂,本该造就另一个龙尊。这一切…不该是这样的。」 「如果让你牺牲可以令一切恢复原状,我会做的…但现在…告诉我那头龙的逆鳞所在。」 「颅顶……」 半是龙形的孽兽掣电般在空中游过,足以吞灭海平线的身躯撞碎了又一座浮岛,哀鸣声如一千柄剑交击。 她感到自己的丹腑在翻滚烧灼,仿佛熟透的谷粒即将脱壳挣出,膨胀至无限。 她看到自己又被困在幼年的梦魇里,凶星灭顶而来,蜉蝣无力挣扎。 女人自裙幅上扯下一条黑色的绸布,蒙住双眼。 雷击霆碎。她持剑跃起,迎向孽龙。 在似梦似真的幻觉中,她感到血肉终于超越了极限,开始崩解。仿佛有丝弦般的束缚,紧绷着四肢百骸,一丝丝切裂她最后的意识。 毫无来由地,那句话在耳畔响起: 「便是天上的星星,我也会斩下。」 那一瞬,她握住了梦寐以求的剑。 那是能解脱一切束缚的剑。那是一柄熟悉多年的剑。 它并非凡铁熔铸,而是一截坚冰凝成,幽幽含光,如握一线月光在手。 剑,长三尺七寸,轻如无物。 |
角色故事·一 | |
角色故事·二 | |
角色故事·三 | |
角色故事·四 | |
关于「你」 | |
你的「故事」•一 | |
你的「故事」•二 |
298 responses to “镜流”
Given countless relic sets have been release since she was originally release. Which sets are the best for her? Ice set or something else?
Think the ice set is still her overall most universe and useful set currently. Going with idea it has similar stats as your other pieces.
if u got a debuffer like pela the 2 piece pioneer seems pretty relevant, so that + 2 piece ice probably
So think her or Fu Xuan will have a rerun in 2.1?
Some seem to think her and Fu Xuan will be 2.2 rather than 2.1
No one can make a guarantee for that to happen nor for that not to happen.
Yep. it a waiting game. On the bright side. Longer they take to come back. easier it gets to stock up on rolls for them.
I think Jingliu and Blade have the best DPS design so far:
Jingliu is a godly DPS at the cost of slowly eating away your team’s HP
Blade puts out less DPS but compensates by being near unkillable
Also I’m heavily biased because they both don’t use much SP (0.4 per turn for JL and 0.25 per turn for Blade.) which broadens their team options a lot
I don’t like Seele because her kit is way too easy to powercreep
Blade and Jingliu have more unique kits rather than just “big damage”
Uhhh… I can agree with Baldie, but Jing Liu literally just deals a lot of damage, the hp drain is VERY negligible when she 2 shots every boss in existence while having AoE.
Also Seele is actually pretty hard to powercreep in her role because of her Buff prolonging capability which no other character currently has. Also extra turns give her extra energy, hence the video above.
Despite written simple Selee is flexible and has many depth in real play. Every option has its meaning and her playstyle isn’t limited to a given formula. A sharp mind forged in battle that finds the optimal choice according to circumstances delves her full strength. When piloted unthinkfully she’s nowhere comparable to some other limited DPS but she is still greater than Yanqing and she can still earn 36 stars from MoC for you with no issue.
Blade and JL can do only one thing each action. The former being the enhanced normal and the latter being the skill. They don’t make much difference when piloted manually or automatically, unless when paired with Bronya, who brings up the level of depth for the whole team.
When it comes to powercreepability, every character is very well vulnerable, as every real number is powercreept by it plus 1, meaning there is no theoretical upper limit in how severly the powercreep can occur. A character that seems immortal or timeless can be instantly powercrept if Neuvillette is released just after them and a character that seems very easy to powercreep can be surprisingly long-living if Hoyo just don’t release a character that do so. I would rather suggest everyone not to think about powercreepability at all as doing so only makes them anxious for no purpose.
Yeah that seems like a good way to think about things. Try not to worry about it to much. Given we did have that one person in the Sparkle comments. Freak out, over something that didn’t seem to be in line with reality. With many going, yeah these characters can still get the job done.
For yeah, the only time power creep would become a issue. is if, you are force to roll for the newest character, otherwise. Your screwed. in terms of being able to complete/enjoy the content. Which seems like it wouldn’t be the best business plan for them. To just make a character totally worthless. if they want people to spend on rerun banners for older characters.
“blade is nearly unkillable”
You’re funny. When I played him with Bailu and Natasha, he died in almost every serious fight. Even Lynx wasn’t always able to keep his HP on a descent level. He was SO painful to play on release if you skipped Luocha (previous banner) for him being f2p.
Did you go to every page or something and search for something to argue about? That post is from over 6 months ago xD
I think so and also it seems pointless to talk about at release. Given everyone who has Blade. Most likely has him very well gear up. More so than someone that just slap random relics on him they happen to have laying around or making due with whatever rng gives them, after being screwed over a dozen times.
The original post was one of my worst takes, Jingliu became boring fast for me (Firefly does the same gimmick in a far more interesting way), Seele is much more interesting too
But I still stand on the part that Blade is near unkillable, his DMG isn’t especially impressive but he is the comfiest DPS I’ve played, and funnily enough I played him day 1 with Bailu after skipping Luocha, he rarely died, with Lynx he died even less, with Huohuo he never died at all
At S0 he can easily top 6k HP and with S1 (which I got in 1.6) mine has nearly 8,000, his defense isn’t high but nor are most of the DPSes’
I gotta know. Is a 37.8 crit rate to 160.4 crit damage ratio good? Also how much attack do I want for jingliu? (I also have about 121 speed for her, should I aim for more? I will be using bronya with messenger traversing hackerspace and broken keel, so speedy and tanky bronya).
38+50=88. a bit too much. Look for more CD. As for speed, aim 134 (if you can). As for ATK – it’s important to have high base ATK, so no 4* cons, use either Aeon or signature. With sig you’ll have 1261 base + 352 from hands + 2270 in buffed state = ~3883 АТК. Well more ATK = more DMG, so you can pick rope with ATK, but in that case you’ll need team with energy regen. Jingliu with ERR rope will lose some DMG, but she’ll be self-sufficient and able to ult every time she enters buffed state.
I gotchu I gotchu. I will try losing a little crit rate for some speed and crit damage. Right now I am at 130 speed, so almost there. I see I see, for the time being I have all my relics as five stars except for my rope. The relics are all fully leveled up too. Although I am not sure what you mean by no 4* cons, do you mean lightcones? Yeah I will be using Aeon (when I get it), for now clara’s lc will have to do.
I did get lucky and got clara and then jingliu right after, so I am pretty low on wishes which means I ain’t pulling for her weapon unfortunately (even though the attack and it’s benefit would be great). Ohh I see I see, I thought an attack rope was better hmmm. I haven’t used her much yet so I will see if I will have problems with energy, but I have heard something about how err rope is just not needed for her, like it’s a lose as you said. (I might be wrong).
ERR not needed, it’s true. She builds 5 energy from ult +30*3 from Enhanced Skills + 20*2 from regular skills =135 energy per rotation. 5 energy from being hit once or killing one thing per rotation is very doable when she has Destruction’s native taunt boost and hits as hard as she does.
Crit rate can be as close to 50 as you can get without going over, no need to lower it. Maintain the 2:1 ratio of crit dmg:crit rate and you’re ideal, but shifting slightly either way isn’t actually a significant DPS loss. Guaranteed crits inside Enhanced state are definitely a worthy goal.
Jing Liu > Dan Heng Trash 3 SP Eater IL
Delusion Convince yourself!