
PathClass Remembrance
Combat TypesClass Lightning
Character Materials
Fear-Stomped Flesh15
Courage-Torn Chest15
Nail of the Beast Coffin65
Glory-Aspersed Torso15
Trace Materials
Bīja of Consciousness18
Fear-Stomped Flesh41
Seedling of Manas69
Courage-Torn Chest56
Flower of Ālaya139
Glory-Aspersed Torso58
Auspice Sliver12
Tracks of Destiny8
StoryIn that holy city kissed by the dawn, the weaver caresses the golden threads, entwining fates.
The Chrysos Heir that bears the "Romance" Coreflame gathered the world's heroes, leading them on a long journey once more
— to topple the gods, reclaim the divine flame, and grant rebirth to the nearly fallen Amphoreus.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
195.04661691025%50%100 (125)350
20185.33128.73291025%50%100 (125)350
Fear-Stomped Flesh5
20+223.34155.13971025%50%100 (125)350
30270.86188.14821025%50%100 (125)350
Fear-Stomped Flesh10
30+308.88214.55491025%50%100 (125)350
40356.4247.56341025%50%100 (125)350
Courage-Torn Chest6
Nail of the Beast Coffin3
40+394.42273.97011025%50%100 (125)350
50441.94306.97861025%50%100 (125)350
Courage-Torn Chest9
Nail of the Beast Coffin7
50+479.95333.38531025%50%100 (125)350
60527.47366.39381025%50%100 (125)350
Glory-Aspersed Torso6
Nail of the Beast Coffin20
60+565.49392.710051025%50%100 (125)350
70613.01425.710901025%50%100 (125)350
Glory-Aspersed Torso9
Nail of the Beast Coffin35
70+651.02452.111571025%50%100 (125)350
80698.54485.112421025%50%100 (125)350
LevelCharacter Materials
Fear-Stomped Flesh5
Courage-Torn Chest6
Nail of the Beast Coffin3
Courage-Torn Chest9
Nail of the Beast Coffin7
Glory-Aspersed Torso6
Nail of the Beast Coffin20
Glory-Aspersed Torso9
Nail of the Beast Coffin35


Thorned NectarThorned Nectar - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Lightning DMG equal to of Aglaea's ATK to one designated enemy.

Deals minor Lightning DMG to one enemy.
Level 9
Rise, Exalted RenownRise, Exalted Renown - Skill | Summon
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : 0
Restores HP to Garmentmaker by of its Max HP. If Garmentmaker is absent, then summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and makes this unit immediately take action.

Restores HP for Garmentmaker. If Garmentmaker is absent, summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and makes this unit immediately take action.
Level 15
Dance, <unbreak>Destined Weaveress</unbreak>Dance, Destined Weaveress - Ultimate | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : 0
Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker. If Garmentmaker is already on the field, then restores its HP to max. Aglaea enters the "Supreme Stance" state and immediately takes action.
While in "Supreme Stance," Aglaea gains the SPD Boost stacks from Garmentmaker's Memosprite Talent, with each stack increasing this unit's SPD by . Enhances Basic ATK to "Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss," and cannot use Skill. Garmentmaker is immune to Crowd Control debuffs.
A countdown appears on the Action Order, with its own SPD set at . While the countdown exists, using Ultimate again will reset the countdown. When the countdown's turn starts, Garmentmaker self-destructs. When Garmentmaker disappears, Aglaea dispels the "Supreme Stance" state.

Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker, enabling Aglaea to enter the "Supreme Stance" state, immediately take action, and gain Enhanced Basic ATK.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Meteoric SunderMeteoric Sunder - Technique
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and launches a forward joint attack. After entering battle, regenerates Energy and deals Lightning DMG equal to of Aglaea's ATK to all enemy targets. Then, randomly inflicts the "Seam Stitch" state on a random enemy target.

Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and launches a forward joint attack. After entering battle, regenerates Energy and deals minor Lightning DMG to all enemies. Then, randomly inflicts the "Seam Stitch" state on a random enemy target.
Level 1
Slash by a Thousandfold KissSlash by a Thousandfold Kiss - Basic ATK | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Aglaea and Garmentmaker launch a Joint ATK on the target, respectively dealing Lightning DMG equal to of Aglaea's ATK and of Garmentmaker's ATK to the target. Also, respectively deals Lightning DMG equal to of Aglaea's ATK and of Garmentmaker's ATK to adjacent targets.
"Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss" cannot recover Skill Points.

Aglaea and Garmentmaker launch a Joint ATK on the target. Deals Lightning DMG to one enemy and minor Lightning DMG to adjacent targets.
Level 9
Rise, Exalted RenownRise, Exalted Renown - Skill | Restore
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : 0

Restores HP for Garmentmaker. If Garmentmaker is absent, summons the memosprite Garmentmaker and makes this unit immediately take action.
Level 15


Thorned SnareThorned Snare - Memosprite Skill | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30 / Blast : 15
Deals Lightning DMG equal to of ATK to one enemy and Lightning DMG equal to of ATK to adjacent targets.

Deals minor Lightning DMG to one enemy target and adjacent targets.
Level 10
A Body Brewed by TearsA Body Brewed by Tears - Memosprite Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
After attacking an enemy afflicted with "Seam Stitch," increases this unit's SPD by , stacking up to time(s). When Garmentmaker takes action, automatically uses "Thorned Snare," prioritizing enemies under the "Seam Stitch" state.

After attacking an enemy afflicted with "Seam Stitch," increases this unit's SPD. When taking action, automatically uses attacks, prioritizing enemies under the "Seam Stitch" state.
Level 10
The Speeding SummerThe Speeding Summer - Memosprite Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
When Garmentmaker is summoned, this unit's action advances by .

When summoned, this unit has its action advanced.
Level 10
Bloom of Drying GrassBloom of Drying Grass - Memosprite Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
When Garmentmaker disappears, regenerates Energy for Aglaea.

Upon disappearing, regenerates Energy for Aglaea.
Level 10
Rosy-FingeredRosy-Fingered - Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 10
Weakness Break : 0
The memosprite Garmentmaker has an initial SPD equal to of Aglaea's SPD and a Max HP equal to of Aglaea's Max HP plus . While Garmentmaker is on the field, Aglaea's attacks inflict the target with the "Seam Stitch" state. After attacking enemies in the "Seam Stitch" state, further deals Lightning Additional DMG equal to of Aglaea's ATK. "Seam Stitch" only takes effect on the most recently inflicted target.

While Garmentmaker is on the field, Aglaea's attacks inflict the target with the "Seam Stitch" state. After attacking enemies in the "Seam Stitch" state, deals minor Lightning Additional DMG.
Level 15


The Myopic's DoomThe Myopic's Doom
Requires Character Ascension 2
While in "Supreme Stance," increases Aglaea and Garmentmaker's ATK by an amount equal to 720% of Aglaea's SPD plus 360% of Garmentmaker's SPD.
Bīja of Consciousness3
Auspice Sliver1
DEF BoostDEF Boost (DEF)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Seedling of Manas3
Courage-Torn Chest2
DMG Boost: LightningDMG Boost: Lightning (Lightning DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Lightning DMG increases by 4.8%
Seedling of Manas4
Courage-Torn Chest4
Last Thread of FateLast Thread of Fate
Requires Character Ascension 4
When Garmentmaker disappears, up to 1 stack(s) of the SPD Boost from the Memosprite Talent can be retained. When Garmentmaker is summoned again, gains the corresponding number of SPD Boost stacks.
Seedling of Manas5
Tracks of Destiny1
Auspice Sliver1
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Flower of Ālaya3
Glory-Aspersed Torso3
DMG Boost: LightningDMG Boost: Lightning (Lightning DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Lightning DMG increases by 4.8%
Flower of Ālaya3
Glory-Aspersed Torso3
The Speeding SolThe Speeding Sol
Requires Character Ascension 6
At the start of battle, if this unit's Energy is lower than 50%, regenerates this unit's Energy until 50%.
Flower of Ālaya8
Tracks of Destiny1
Auspice Sliver1
DEF BoostDEF Boost (DEF)
Requires Character Ascension 6
Flower of Ālaya7
Glory-Aspersed Torso6
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Lv. 75
Flower of Ālaya8
Glory-Aspersed Torso8
DMG Boost: LightningDMG Boost: Lightning (Lightning DMG Boost)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Lightning DMG increases by 6.4%
Flower of Ālaya8
Glory-Aspersed Torso8
DMG Boost: LightningDMG Boost: Lightning (Lightning DMG Boost)
Lightning DMG increases by 3.2%
Fear-Stomped Flesh2
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 2
Bīja of Consciousness3
Fear-Stomped Flesh6
DMG Boost: LightningDMG Boost: Lightning (Lightning DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Lightning DMG increases by 3.2%
Seedling of Manas3
Courage-Torn Chest2


Drift at the Whim of VenusDrift at the Whim of VenusDrift at the Whim of Venus
Enemies afflicted with "Seam Stitch" take 15% increased DMG. After Aglaea or Garmentmaker attacks this target, Aglaea additionally regenerates 20 Energy.
Sail on the Raft of EyelidsSail on the Raft of EyelidsSail on the Raft of Eyelids
When Aglaea or Garmentmaker takes action, the DMG dealt by Aglaea and Garmentmaker ignores 14% of the target's DEF. This effect stacks up to 3 time(s) and lasts until any unit, other than Aglaea or Garmentmaker, actively uses an ability.
Bequeath in the Coalescence of DewBequeath in the Coalescence of DewBequeath in the Coalescence of Dew
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10. Memosprite Talent Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Flicker Below the Surface of MarbleFlicker Below the Surface of MarbleFlicker Below the Surface of Marble
The SPD Boost effect from the Memosprite Talent has its max stack limit increased by 1. After Aglaea uses an attack, Garmentmaker can also gain the SPD Boost effect from the Memosprite Talent.
Weave Under the Shroud of WoeWeave Under the Shroud of WoeWeave Under the Shroud of Woe
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Memosprite Skill Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Fluctuate in the Tapestry of FatesFluctuate in the Tapestry of FatesFluctuate in the Tapestry of Fates
While Aglaea is in "Supreme Stance," increases her and Garmentmaker's Lightning RES PEN by 20%. When Aglaea or Garmentmaker's SPD is greater than 160/240/320, the DMG dealt by Joint ATK increases by 10%/30%/60%.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
Victory In a Blink
Victory In a Blink4
remembrance-class476.28396.9846.72Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 12%. When the wearer's memosprite uses an ability on an ally target, increases the DMG dealt by all ally targets by 8%, lasting for 3 turn(s).
Flower of Ālaya
Conqueror's Will
remembrance-class317.52264.6846.72When the wearer summons memosprite for the first time, recovers 1 Skill Point(s) and regenerates 12 Energy for this unit.
Flower of Ālaya
Squirming Core
remembrance-class423.36264.6635.04When memosprite's turn starts, the wearer and memosprite each gain 1 stack of "Commemoration." Each stack increases DMG dealt by 8%, stacking up to 4 time(s). When memosprite disappears, removes "Commemoration" from the wearer and memosprite.
Flower of Ālaya
Glory-Aspersed Torso
Geniuses' Greetings
Geniuses' Greetings4
remembrance-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. After the wearer uses Ultimate, increases the Basic ATK DMG dealt by the wearer and their memosprite by 20%, lasting for 3 turn(s).
Flower of Ālaya
Glory-Aspersed Torso
Sweat Now, Cry Less
Sweat Now, Cry Less4
remembrance-class529.2198.451058.4Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. When the wearer's memosprite is on the field, increases the DMG dealt by the wearer and their memosprite by 24%.
Flower of Ālaya
Glory-Aspersed Torso
Time Woven Into Gold
Time Woven Into Gold5
remembrance-class635.04396.91058.4Increases the wearer's base SPD by 12. After the wearer and the wearer's memosprite attacks, the wearer gains 1 stack of "Brocade." Each stack of "Brocade" increases the wearer's and their memosprite's CRIT DMG by 9%, stacking up to 6 time(s). When reaching maximum stacks, each "Brocade" stack additionally increases Basic ATK DMG dealt by 9%.
Flower of Ālaya
Glory-Aspersed Torso
Memory's Curtain Never Falls
Memory's Curtain Never Falls5
remembrance-class529.2396.91058.4Increases the wearer's SPD by 6%. After the wearer uses Skill, increases the DMG dealt by all allies by 8%, lasting for 3 turn(s).
Flower of Ālaya
Squirming Core
Per Page





85 responses to “Aglaea”

  1. how much would I be falling behind if I didn’t have Sunday? Missed his 50/50 hope I don’t get screwed too much

    • Sunday’s buff allows Aglaea to get 100% Advance Forward for characters and memosprite and an additional 80% damage increase. It is true that if Aglaea is without Sunday, her damage will be much lower.

      But I think it’s okay if you don’t have Sunday. Remembrance MC also offers an equally strong buff for Memosprite Aglaea, although not as strong as Sunday’s buff.

      • I think sunday and even huohuo are the units you MUST have, since the MoC buff is recharging 20% max energy for the whole team and making the summons act extra 1 time when they act for the first time in the cycle. With that saying, without the MoC buff, aglaea would struggle in energy.

  2. For simplification
    Seam Stitch = SS
    Ulted joint atk = Duo

    Sig 12base speed, 6×9%cdmg +54%basicdmg at max stacks, does not drop
    E1 14%defpen after hit, up to 3x = 42% build up constantly required, drops off after ANY other unit active action

    15% speed p/stack (up to 6stacks~90%) 100speed Ult end and Memo gone countdown
    -Speed to atk conversion 720% Aglaea +360% Memo
    -300speed Aglaea + 335speed Memo (for reference)
    -2160 + 1206 = +3366 atk
    Memo talent SS hit +50speed up to 6x (+300)

    Speed: 102 base speed +12 with sig, percents rounded down, sub requirements rounded up
    boots+25, new4set +6%, SS up to 6 (+15% to 90% of most likely base speed)
    Sig 114 +25 +6 = 145 +6SSx90% (17/102) = 247 (+53 on subs before SSstacks, 9 per piece)
    noSig 102 +25 +6 = 133 +6SSx90% (15/90) = 223 (+77 on subs before SSstacks, 13 per piece, rough)
    Mmspd 35 +50 per stack = 335 (sig borderline irrelevant for Memo speed)

    Simplified Action Values:
    300 speed = 33,3av = 3 Aglaea actions inside one ultimate countdown window = very good
    Memo 30av (ulted joint attack does NOT advance memo)
    Countdown reaches 0 = Memo gone = SS stacks = not good, 33av Aglaea is ideal, similar to Firefly speed breakpoint
    Ult back before countdown goes off = 100% 6SS speed and atk conversion buff uptime

    Energy: 350 energy req <. 0av buffed Aglea > 33av buffed Aglaea > 33av notbuffed Aglaea > repeat
    Energy: ult +70(83,58) +1 Aglaea action worth of energy
    Full ultimate uptime seems to be almost doable

    I did these calcs for myself, this is how i intend to run her with Sunday, didnt think much about other team mates
    Ruan-mei 10speed+dmg% and respen or Jade +30 are good picks to help with speed requirements
    Robin can do Robin things as usual
    Asta/hanya not very good, substantial speed bumps but they last for only 2 Aglaea turns
    Meta-ing/MoC cycles or whatever were not taken into account at all
    Speed centered design finally, even tho requirements are crazy high, sadly we cant pre-farm the 4piece
    Cheers, happy new year and good luck on pulls (:

    • i broke the comment somehow, here is the energy section

      Energy: 350 energy req <. 0av buffed Aglea > 33av buffed Aglaea > 33av notbuffed Aglaea > repeat
      Energy: ult +70(83,58) +1 Aglaea action worth of energy

      Full ultimate uptime seems to be almost doable

    • but Sunday and (sometimes) RMC advances her actions during ult, the calc for how many actions per ult would just be less correct

      • being pushed or not changes nothing
        what i was trying to do is figure out how many times she needs to act inside her ult window and never have downtime on her own, supports come into account later on
        i see what your trying to say, but its not really the point i was going for
        also i had not really taken rmc into account because memoult is buffed char 3turns duration , and also rmc memo ult is another sheet on calcs on its own on how memo charges, id just figure it out ingame when it comes to it, im kinda done with this
        33av aglea = 100av rmc = 2(?) rmc turns for memoult = +1 action +30%dmg with 50% downtime

        hopefully this works now, i think a an emote i typed in was the reason…
        Energy: 350 energy req (Countdown vs Aglaea/Memo = 100vs300/335 speed or 100vs30/33av)
        Aglea actions 20 x3=60 + Memo actions 10 x3=30 = 90 energy
        ER rope 23,88 x3=71,64 11,94 x3=35,82 = 107,46
        Possible extra energy sources, not sure, Duo atk seems to be the case, animations are the same for Duo/Memo skill in the video
        If Memo regenerates skill equivalent energy on Ulted Duo atk: +10×3=30 (35,82) likely
        Talent: hits on SS’d enemy +10 x3 or x6 (Aglaea/Memo hits only or both Aglea and Memo hits) = +30/60 (+35,82/71,64)
        If so: total Aglea actions total Memo actions energy generated
        3x(+20+10+10)=120+ 3x(10+10)= 60 = 180 (210) if both regenerate energy on SS’d
        ER rope 3x 47,74 = 143,22+ 3x 23,88= 71,64 214,86 (250,72)

        300speed stacked = 3 actions inside ult window
        ult recharge requirements:
        6/7 actions without sunday, 5/6 with sunday
        4/5 with ER, 3/4 with sunday


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