| If Time Were a Flower | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 396.9 | 1270.08 | Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. After the wearer launches a Follow-up ATK, additionally regenerates 12 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s). While the wearer has "Presage," all ally targets' CRIT DMG increases by 48%. When entering battle, the wearer regenerates 21 Energy and gains "Presage," lasting for 2 turn(s). | |
| Memory's Curtain Never Falls | 5 | remembrance-class | 529.2 | 396.9 | 1058.4 | Increases the wearer's SPD by 6%. After the wearer uses Skill, increases the DMG dealt by all allies by 8%, lasting for 3 turn(s). | |
| Flame of Blood, Blaze My Path | 5 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 1375.92 | Increases the wearer's Max HP by 18% and Incoming Healing by 20%. When using Skill or Ultimate, consume HP equal to 6% of the wearer's Max HP and increases the DMG dealt by this attack by 30%. If this effect's consumed HP is greater than 500, this attack's DMG additionally increases by 30%. If the current HP is not sufficient, this effect reduces the wearer's HP down to 1. | |
102 responses to “New in 3.1”
Some sources say there will be 8 Remembrance Characters in total in 3.x !
I hope it is true, I love Remembrance! 😀
Mr Reca
Those are all the predicted remembrance characters so we have 1 left to guess PLEASE BE A MAN
So Prydwen has added a “partner” tag for units strongly reliant on certain supports.
The currently tagged characters are Aglaea, Jing Yuan and Acheron.
Jing Yuan is fair, he’s reliant on Sunday to be good
Aglaea I can’t speak for
Acheron I assume they mean Jiaoqiu but she’s far less reliant on him than Firefly is to the superbreak supports (who are both competed for by other units)
But Firefly, who is hard-locked with HMC/Fugue, doesn’t get the tag? HMC is free yes but they also have a form who may be more valuable for other characters, so Firefly’s reliance absolutely should be noted
But this is Prydwen and whatever they say will be taken as gospel (like the countless times they misplaced a new character on release day)
Prydwen doesn’t even respect their own metrics for that cursed tierlist, so I was not surprised. For Aglaea, Prydwen basically says Sunday is as mandatory to her as HMC is to Firefly, which from my experience isn’t really true. It’s more of a case of Ideal Teammate vs Lesser but still serviceable alternatives as opposed to “I am basically a 3 star character without this teammate”.
Like you said. Sadly the larger community eats their tierlist up and never questions it. Not much we can do there.
Fr, i play Firefly a lot and she is not only reliant on HMC/Fugue but also Ruan Mei. I mean you can play her without Ruan Mei but the damage diference is notable. I don’t get the tag sistem tbh because in my opinion Aglaea doesn’t rely that much on Sunday, i’m playing her with RMC and Robin and she’s doing great damage and having a lot of turns
that’s bullshit. their wuwa tier is the same they don’t even care about past chars anymore……yeah I’m a chixia fan she needs justice for shaming her
Power Creep is a huge issue because players loving some characters want to be able to use those characters in the future aswell and in HSR currently that can’t really be done too well.
So if power creep in Honkai Star Rail drops to a low level like in Genshin Impact, then that is great news for sure!
Also HoYo can keep selling old characters so it is good for them aswell, it is good for everybody!
Genshin has its own issues of meta stagnation and- worse in my opinion- the complete unbalance of 5 stars.
New characters in Genshin vary from the highest dmg DPS with the easiest playstyle ever, to completely dead on release.
I hope HSR finds an in-between
That is because Action Combat is a lot harder to ballance than Turn Based Combat.
Question of the zero-cycle:
Since the official announcement that older characters are getting buffed in later patches, which older character would you want to see buffed, what stats or abilites would you tweak, and why?
Can we give Blade some actual multipliers pls?
Gepard ~ REMOVE THE DAMN TURN LIMIT ON HIS ULT SHIELD, unlike adventurine, where its attached to his skill, his shield is his ultimate, so it should be “sturdier” than adventurine’s shield, or just make it EXTREMELY easier to get by giving him a “the herta” but like (when allies get hit without a shield regain x energy)
Blade ~ Give him a buff similar to fu xuan where he absorbs a certain amount of the teams dmg but only when he uses his skill and triggers like once per turn (meaning if an enemy does an aoe attack he only gets 1 stack instead of 4) so that way he can trigger his talent more often and offers some support.
Yanqing~Make it so he gets like a dmg mitigation or shield of some sort that he himself can refresh so that he can actually maintain his buff or make it like “critical boost” in simulated universe where instead of just one singular buff its stacks and you lose like 1 or 2 when your hit, so he still does what he needs to do, but hes not required to have the WHOLE team directly supporting him.
i have more but like i dont got my hopes that high rn tbh.
I don’t think we get “number” buff on skill or somethink like that. Devs just add new trace passive for each hero or start more activle create new forms for existed characters. Preservation Den hang that leak early is one of possable option of that.
“difficulty strengthening of these (‘deployed’ — meaning those that one’s having on the account already…?) older characters” as the announcement puts it… sounds more like a way to say “we’re simplyfying 1st gen bosses/calyces like we did in genshin” tbh, and not like any sort of buff that actually (and actively) ups the game for pre-archeron twerpinos
They said “difficulty deploying(as in using) older characters in combat, and strengthening of those characters”
The CN wording is even more specific stating “Strengthening these older characters THEMSELVES”
They are straight up buffing units directly, there is no other way to interpret this. Now question is what exactly will they change and how? We will only know when they’re put in the game/beta.
eh alright then, im taking my shit back if cn wording goes this way
still im pessimistic as hell abt it, taking on each old char one by one is too much work that will also change the way they were “supposed” to be played, and revamping a whole mechanic or stat is too broad to be noticeable (unless it’s DoT) in light of newer, better-accustomed units
so in the end id expect they maybe slap stat conversions to everyone, or swap minor traces here and there at worst
which ofc would be a shame because i do want my poor kid edition lowcoaster seele to actually compete with modern setups etc
Well there are some very questionable leaks about the buffs, but if they’re anything like in these leak then they will leave a massive impact
my beautiful queen Kafka. she’s one of my favorite characters and I love DOT playstyle so much
Old characters that have a stack passive should also have an over-capped stack. JY, Himeko. Blade in current conditions can’t do that, unlike Aventurine, Jade, Fei Xiao, and Acheron. JY should be able to keep his stack when it’s capped, The same goes for Himeko when she breaks more than 3 enemies the over stack should be carried on the next passive, Blade with Jade can get 2 stacks in every attack he can at least have 1 stack from previous attack.
They give Silver Wolfe AoE in either her ULT or her skill, also with a new ram-up mechanic that makes her either viable as a sub-DPS or a really good support. Not like Robin level but more like Jiaoqiu level. I think she should also get some sort of modifications to her skill implant so it’s less RNG when runing a team with different elements.
They’re buffing Seele, ABSOLUTE CINEMA
I wouldn’t have THAT much faith yet
I hope they buff up Bladie tho
I am just really happy and excited 😀
bro Admin, how to upload a profile picture here why so many rules? i using JPEG it’s said not valid picture. i use PNG and WEBP type also say the same thing. what kind of file this web support?
Traitor 🫵🏻
errmm…. i can explain
And now your pfp is broken hmm
Nevermind, it works