Dance, Destined Weaveress

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Weakness Break0
Energy Regeneration5
Character Materials
Fear-Stomped Flesh7
Bīja of Consciousness2
Seedling of Manas12
Courage-Torn Chest11
Flower of Ālaya26
Glory-Aspersed Torso6
Auspice Sliver3
Tracks of Destiny2
Dance, <unbreak>Destined Weaveress</unbreak>Dance, Destined Weaveress - Ultimate | Enhance
Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker. If Garmentmaker is already on the field, then restores its HP to max. Aglaea enters the "Supreme Stance" state and immediately takes action.
While in "Supreme Stance," Aglaea gains the SPD Boost stacks from Garmentmaker's Memosprite Talent, with each stack increasing this unit's SPD by . Enhances Basic ATK to "Slash by a Thousandfold Kiss," and cannot use Skill. Garmentmaker is immune to Crowd Control debuffs.
A countdown appears on the Action Order, with its own SPD set at . While the countdown exists, using Ultimate again will reset the countdown. When the countdown's turn starts, Garmentmaker self-destructs. When Garmentmaker disappears, Aglaea dispels the "Supreme Stance" state.

Summons the memosprite Garmentmaker, enabling Aglaea to enter the "Supreme Stance" state, immediately take action, and gain Enhanced Basic ATK.
Level 15

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