Nombre | Rappa | |
Rareza | ||
Vía | Erudición | |
Tipos de combate | Imaginario | |
Materiales exclusivos | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
Material de Rastros | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
Historia | Una misteriosa chica, autoproclamada ninja, que aparece en Colonipenal como un relámpago a medianoche y que atribuye todo al ninjutsu. Su vía del ninja consiste en recitar mantras ninja, pintar sellos ninja y estudiar los manuales secretos... Es decir, rap, graffiti y manga. Rappa sigue una rigurosa disciplina y viaja entre las estrellas para defender la justicia. Como Vigilante de la Galaxia, persigue a Osaru, el ninja malvado, hasta los confines del cosmos. |
Índice |
Atributos |
Habilidad básica |
Rastros |
Eidolon |
Conos de luz |
Inventario |
Gallery |
Voz |
Historia |
Nivel | ATQ | DEF | PV | VEL | Prob. CRIT | Daño CRIT | Provocación | Energía | Materiales exclusivos |
1 | 97.68 | 62.7 | 148 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
20 | 190.48 | 122.27 | 288 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 229.55 | 147.34 | 347 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
30 | 278.39 | 178.69 | 421 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 317.46 | 203.77 | 480 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
40 | 366.3 | 235.12 | 554 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 405.37 | 260.2 | 614 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
50 | 454.21 | 291.55 | 687 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 493.28 | 316.63 | 747 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
60 | 542.12 | 347.99 | 821 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 581.2 | 373.06 | 880 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
70 | 630.04 | 404.41 | 954 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 669.11 | 429.5 | 1013 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
80 | 717.95 | 460.85 | 1087 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 |
Habilidad básica
Ninjutsu: Alzarse tras tropezar - ATQ básico | ATQ individual | |
Recuperación de energía : 20 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30 | |
Inflige un Inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a un enemigo. | |
Nivel | |
Corte ninja: Voluntad inquebrantable - Habilidad básica | ATQ AdE | |
Recuperación de energía : 30 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ AdE : 30 | |
Inflige un Inflige Daño Imaginario a todos los enemigos. | |
Nivel | |
Vía del ninja suprema: Aishiteru - Habilidad definitiva | Potenciación | |
Recuperación de energía : 5 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : 0 | |
Entra en el estado de Forma de sello y obtiene inmediatamente 1 turno adicional y En el estado de Sello, su ATQ básico se potencia y no puede lanzar la habilidad básica ni la habilidad definitiva. Tras lanzar un ATQ básico potenciado, consume 1 pt. de Tinta cromática, y sale del estado de Forma de sello cuando los gasta todos. Entra en el estado de Forma de sello y obtiene un turno adicional y 3 puntos de Tinta cromática. Además, aumenta su eficiencia de la Ruptura de Debilidad y su efecto de Ruptura. En el estado de Forma de sello, su ATQ básico se potencia. Tras lanzar el ATQ básico potenciado, consume 1 punto de Tinta cromática, y sale del estado de Forma de sello cuando los gasta todos. | |
Nivel | |
Tecnología ninja: Bolsa resistométrica - Talento | Potenciación | |
Recuperación de energía : 0 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 6 | |
Cuando se rompe la Debilidad de un enemigo, Rappa obtiene 1 pt. de carga, hasta un máximo de Al causar Ruptura de Debilidad, se activa el efecto de Ruptura de Debilidad Imaginaria. Cuando se rompe la Debilidad de un enemigo, Rappa obtiene 1 pt. de carga. Cuando lanza el tercer golpe de Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios, inflige adicionalmente a todos los enemigos Daño de Ruptura Imaginario que reduce la Firmeza ignorando los tipos de Debilidad. Además, consume todos los pts. de carga, con lo que el multiplicador del Daño de Ruptura y la Reducción de Firmeza de este golpe aumentan. | |
Nivel | |
Ataque | |
Recuperación de energía : 0 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30 | |
Ataca a un enemigo y, tras entrar en combate, consume la Firmeza del tipo correspondiente del enemigo. | |
Paso ninja: ¡Ahí te quedas! - Técnica | Potenciación | |
Recuperación de energía : 0 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 90 | |
Tras usar la técnica, entra en el estado de Grafiti durante Entra en el estado de Grafiti, avanza rápidamente una cierta distancia y ataca a los enemigos con los que entra en contacto. Tras atacar al enemigo y entrar en combate, reduce la Firmeza ignorando los tipos de Debilidad a cada enemigo, e inflige Daño de Ruptura Imaginario a los enemigos y a los objetivos adyacentes. Además, recupera energía. | |
Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios - ATQ básico | Ráfaga | |
Recuperación de energía : 5 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30 / Ráfaga : 15 | |
n/a Inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a un enemigo y una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a los objetivos adyacentes. Este ataque también puede reducir la Firmeza de los enemigos que no tengan Debilidad Imaginaria. | |
Nivel | |
Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios - ATQ básico | Ráfaga | |
Recuperación de energía : 5 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30 / Ráfaga : 15 | |
n/a Inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a un enemigo y una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a los objetivos adyacentes. Este ataque también puede reducir la Firmeza de los enemigos que no tengan Debilidad Imaginaria. | |
Nivel | |
Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios - ATQ básico | ATQ AdE | |
Recuperación de energía : 10 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ AdE : 15 | |
n/a Inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a todos los enemigos. Este ataque también puede reducir la Firmeza de los enemigos que no tengan Debilidad Imaginaria. | |
Nivel | |
Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios - ATQ básico | Ráfaga | |
Recuperación de energía : 0 | |
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 75 / Ráfaga : 45 | |
Lanza Instrumento ninja: Estrella matademonios. Los 2 primeros golpes infligen un Daño Imaginario equivalente al El ATQ básico potenciado no recupera pts. de habilidad básica. Este ataque también puede reducir la Firmeza de los enemigos que no tengan Debilidad Imaginaria en un Los 2 primeros golpes infligen una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a un enemigo y una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a los objetivos adyacentes. El tercer golpe inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño Imaginario a todos los enemigos. Este ataque también puede reducir la Firmeza de los enemigos que no tengan Debilidad Imaginaria. | |
Nivel | |
Pergamino ninja: Tocar el cielo | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 2 | |
Cuando se rompe la Debilidad de un enemigo de élite o superior, Rappa obtiene | 5000 3 1 |
Bonificación de VEL (VEL) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 2 | |
VEL + | 5000 3 6 |
Bonificación de ATQ (ATQ) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 3 | |
ATQ + | 10000 3 3 |
Bonificación de ruptura (Efecto de Ruptura) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 3 | |
Efecto de Ruptura + | 10000 3 3 |
Pergamino ninja: Eco del mar | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 4 | |
Mientras dura el estado de Forma de sello, después de que Rappa lance su ATQ básico potenciado e inflija daño a un enemigo con Ruptura de Debilidad, la Reducción de Firmeza de este daño se convierte 1 vez en un | 20000 5 1 1 |
Bonificación de ATQ (ATQ) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 4 | |
ATQ + | 20000 5 4 |
Bonificación de VEL (VEL) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 5 | |
VEL + | 45000 3 3 |
Bonificación de ATQ (ATQ) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 5 | |
ATQ + | 45000 3 3 |
Pergamino ninja: Hoja seca | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 6 | |
Cuando se rompe la Debilidad de un enemigo, el Daño de Ruptura recibido aumenta en un | 160K 8 1 1 |
Bonificación de ruptura (Efecto de Ruptura) | |
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 6 | |
Efecto de Ruptura + | 160K 8 8 |
Bonificación de VEL (VEL) | |
Requiere personaje de niv. 75 | |
VEL + | 160K 8 8 |
Bonificación de ATQ (ATQ) | |
Requiere personaje de niv. 80 | |
ATQ + | 160K 8 8 |
Sin pago para el trasbordo, los difuntos regresan | ||
Mientras está en el estado de Forma de sello tras lanzar la habilidad definitiva, el daño que inflige Rappa ignora un |
Libre es la mente iluminada por haikus | ||
Aumenta en un |
El infierno aguarda por santuarios que haya | ||
Niv. de habilidad básica +2 (máximo: nivel |
El tiempo devora la vía del ninja | ||
Durante el estado de Forma de sello, la VEL de todos los aliados aumenta en un |
El cazador decidido no yerra sus flechas | ||
Niv. de habilidad definitiva +2 (máximo: nivel |
La justicia nunca se apiada del mal | ||
Al comenzar la batalla, Rappa obtiene |
Conos de luz
Nombre | Rareza | Vía | ATQ | DEF | PV | Habilidad básica | Materiales exclusivos | |
Archivos | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | El daño que inflige la habilidad definitiva del portador aumenta en un | ||
Llave maestra | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | Tras usar la habilidad básica, el portador recupera | ||
Sagacidad | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | Cuando el portador usa su habilidad definitiva, su ATQ aumenta en un | ||
El nacimiento del yo | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | El daño que infligen los ataques adicionales del portador aumenta en un | ||
Que el mundo clame | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | Cuando el portador entra en combate, recupera inmediatamente | ||
El reposo de los genios | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | El ATQ del portador aumenta en un | ||
La solemnidad del desayuno | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | El daño que inflige el portador aumenta en un | ||
Hoy es otro día tranquilo | 4 | erudition-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | Tras entrar en combate, el daño que inflige el portador aumenta según su energía máx. Por cada punto de energía, el daño aumenta en un | ||
Noche en la Vía Láctea | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | Por cada enemigo que haya en el campo de batalla, el ATQ del portador aumenta en un | ||
Antes del amanecer | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | El Daño CRIT del portador aumenta en un |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Idle #2
Title | loc_sound |
Title | Idioma del texto |
220 responses to “Rappa”
correct me if wrong rappa v4
additional break dmg from rappa charge/stack now compareable or even better than HTB superbreak, as long rappa has charge/stack. with this charge/stack rappa can deal break dmg to the enemy , even if they has toughness bar.
but the main problem is to obtain the charge/stack is kinda tricky/difficult and somehow rappa want enemy to quickly recover from weakness broken state,
so she can break them again and again to obtain more charge/stack, that its not synergize with ruan mei/htb delay ability
and i feel rappa is like experimental character that mihoyo want to learn, so the future break dps to be less rely on ruan mei or HTB.
cuz as break dps enjoyer, playing HTB/Ruan mei everyday is boring Af (you guys also feel it right!!)
with this v4, rappa can be less rely on ruan mei or htb as long enemy has imaginary weakness, that also a biggest problem.
replacing ruanmei/ Htb with bronya/tingyun is good option since rappa not sp hungry and want to get more turn/use ultimate as soon as possible.
ik i might be capping to much, but idk why Rappa somehow give me kuki shinobu Agenda all over again😆👍🤡
ok since you asked i’ll correct you bcoz everyone know im kind, always correct and never make mistake
HYV is not that smart that can’t conspirate like you implied, they simply want to sell the 100% action advance LC so they made rappa the slowest, easy enough?
but the genZ cool bois also complained about her kits are too brainded and unsmart, so they add some convolunted “charge???” system to make genZcoolBois have to count sheeps and call it high skill counting
understand my brilliance yet?😆👍🤡
people complain about rappa being to slow, when you can just slap her with 9-11spd substat on each relic & replace sustain with bronya.
but the biggest problem is rappa take eternity to break boss with non imaginary weakness.
lucky enough if that boss have fire weakness ,lingsha/ENIGMATA man can do the job.
tougness reduction ignore all element type are sound OP, but what is the point of that if weakness implant being 200-300%better?
any unit that got nerf in hoyo game is a death sentence, RIP slowest ninja in history of hsr
180 in 2 days
96 speed but she’s a ninja lmao. Her LC gives her 50% action advance which is a paid way to make her an actual ninja ig
Rip Rappa, erudition is trully “Midrudition”
I wont pull any erudition unit till herta come to save the day
If she didnt then yeah, erudition is dead
heard her v4 got nerf, lmao she ult now bcm charge. is this true? if yes bruh lmao
Rappa V4 got heavily reworked and is now much stronger… vs. Imaginary weak PF.
Still not so good vs. non-Imaginary weak PF.
at least she is good for something.
How is Eternal Calculus on her? I don’t have Night on the Milky Way or After The Charmony Fall and I don’t have enough pulls for her signature LC. Eternal calculus is solely focused on ATK and SPD so I think it’s a decent option? Thoughts?
eternal calculus is only good to reach certain speed threshold, if you don’t know what exactly speedy you want to reach with it then its not very good
its like using the yanqing lc on boothill aka naked boothill= naked cowboy on your neighborhood
There really isn’t any other better light cone on her except for the ones I listed in the original post. Also who says no to more speed? 16 extra speed is good no matter where you’re at since it can give you double turns at a faster rate.
There really isn’t any other better light cone on her except for the ones I listed in the original post. Also who says no to more speed? 16 extra speed is good no matter where you’re at since it can give you double turns at a faster rate.
rappa is the first character specially made so powerful that i can spam “don’t skip” on her page, she is so strong she killed the 2nd 5 star on her patch
you will regrets your entire hsr career if you skip her now 😱😱😱 because all contents will be rappa gated for the next 2 years 😱😱😱 hsr’s kazuha right here
Comparing a dps to a god tier support that is Kazuha. Well played well played. You truly live up to your name.
Imma do it for 21 days
Rappa was made so Firefly can look like a strong (break) DPS
So Rappa is secretly a four star that stole a five stars outfit.
Sidious would be proud of you.
Good good. Give into your anger. Let it flow through you. This is the power of the dark side.
Yeah the bait in these comments are strong.
Rappa is stronger than Firefly in scenarios with 4-5 enemies, which is every PF update. Rappa isn’t bad, she’s just situational (and is very strong in those situations). And while she isn’t as strong as Firefly in MoC and AS, she can still hold her own. Just pull for her if you need a DPS for PF or you like her character. Rappa is like Herta, weaker than other characters in low enemy count scenarios, and stronger than other characters in high enemy count scenarios.
Very strong?
She can’t 0 cycle Pure Fiction to save her life. I’m not saying that’s the only metric we should focus on, but the likes of Jade and even Argenti do not struggle with such a feat. In fact, I’d ever argue without Ruan Mei, she struggles to 40k her own tailored made Pure Fiction. That’s unacceptable
Her performance against her own 5 tailed boss is also poor. Can’t wait to watch Acheron or Firefly clear it in less cost. At least the fraudulent fire girl made Stages look like a joke.
skill issue
i’ve seen rappa vs firefly and they both clear near the same time i wouldn’t say rappa isn’t far behind jade or argenti
Since Himeko exists. You can slap someone like Firefly into the party or Boothill, long as they can break the foe, be it due to naturally having their weakness or implaneting the weakness on the foe. It can lead to Himeko going brrr.
That and you have mr knight of beauty. Jade as well. Lots of choice when it comes to pure fiction. Be they limited, standard or even four stars like Herta. So if someone rolling for reasons beside they like her. She going to face alot of rivalry from other characters. For Aventurine also exists, who can deal damage and keep the party alive. Which yeah dps are a dime a dozen and there is many choices for pure fiction.
Rappa was made so Firefly E1 can play without Ruan Mei, in 2 DPS Team (Rappa + Firefly E1). They already have “stance – deal 50% more Toughness damage”, so 50% or 100% – no big deal, but Double Breakers – double performance.
Rappa was made so I can skip her for Robin e1
While I’m sure she’s a strong character, I don’t really feel a need to pull her. In PF, I already have Herta for phase 1 and Acheron for phase 2. And Acheron is basically another AoE DPS with weakness ignore. I’d much rather wait until Firefly’s rerun banner because Firefly is way less situational. I’ll probably pick up Rappa when she gets a rerun but for now, its a skip for me. Now if you still need a dps in PF because you don’t have 2 full teams, then I’d say its valuable to pick her up.
Yeah to be honest. Many characters get overhype, when it comes to their release. Yeah alot them tend to be good. Yet many tend to make it your account is ruin without them. Which tends to be far from the truth. Otherwise you would need to roll for every character ever release. Just to be able to enjoy the game or end game content.
You really don’t. Rappa is very very mid. All you need is Acheron, Firefly, and Feixiao.
v3 changes:
Rappa’s Energy problem is sorted for now.
* Energy reduced to 150 from 160.
* Technique energy restore reduced to 15 from 20.
* T1 “Ninjutsu Inscription: Sky High” now regenerates 10 Energy when breaking Weakness of Elite enemy targets or greater. It no longer regenerates Energy when breaking normal enemy targets.
Talent functionality changed.
* Now bounces twice instead of dealing DMG to adjacent opponents from the target.
* The bounces deal 75% of the Break DMG dealt and reduce 5 Toughness.
* The bounces prioritise targets with a Toughness bar greater than 0.
ooh okok im kinda down for this
i am going to miss the blast toughness mechanic, maybe they could rework the idea into a ST unit, but break-damaging break bounces is super cool, i love this actually
probs not gonna write a whole essay of thoughts for her v3+ changes but so far this is nice
so is this good buffs? i don’t get it
I would say that its an adjustment, not a buff or nerf. V3 change makes her more solid to play in MoC or AS; EBA target range changed from blast to ST w/ bounce means she can break easier when there only 1-2 elites/boss on the field
However, V3 change is also a nerf for her performance in PF. Now that she wont recover energy from breaking normal enemies it’ll take much longer for her to use her ult, as in PF theres only 1-2 elite on wave 1 and 2-3 elite/boss on wave 3, and this assume if she can reliably break them (youre looking at a minimum of 4T ult). 4pc thief set is mandatory for her now
oops ignore my first paragraph because I misread (I thought it was EBA but its actually the talent). My opinion now is slightly changed. talent’s target range from blast to bounce means it’ll be much easier to break the elites/boss in the field, assuming mobs are constantly summoned/stay on the field (PF). This is only a buff when rappa is against ideal enemies like the new penacony troupe boss & AS sunday. Otherwise this hardly change her overall perfomance
don’t skip
don’t skip
who give a f*
who give a f*
why do you sound like the marketing team for the game? Unless my brain is failing to work. Who are you saying don’t skip to?
Like if someone already has this element type cover in terms of dps. They might not need another. Or are still building a character or two they just got. Rolling for more characters might just lead to them, having a large roaster of characters they can’t make good use out of. Due to all of them having awful artifacts.
Im curious to how if a double dps break team like Harmony MC, FireFly E1, Rappa and Gallagher would perform.