名詞 | 飛霄 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 巡獵 | |
戰鬥屬性 | 風 | |
n/a | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
劇情 | 仙舟「曜青」的天擊將軍,帝弓七天將之一,為人不拘一格,率直瀟灑。 精通百般武藝,煉化軀體至極致,享有「大捷將軍」美名,深受仙舟軍民愛戴。 但身負「月狂」之症,如要在時限內獵盡孽物——飛霄唯一的敵手,便是自己。 |
目錄 |
屬性 |
戰技 |
行跡 |
星魂 |
光錐 |
背包 |
Gallery |
語音 |
劇情 |
等級 | 攻擊力 | 防禦力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴擊率 | 暴擊傷害 | 嘲諷 | 能量 | n/a |
1 | 81.84 | 52.8 | 143 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
20 | 159.59 | 102.96 | 278 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 192.32 | 124.08 | 335 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
30 | 233.24 | 150.48 | 406 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 265.98 | 171.6 | 463 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
40 | 306.9 | 198 | 535 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 339.64 | 219.12 | 592 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
50 | 380.56 | 245.52 | 663 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 413.29 | 266.64 | 720 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
60 | 454.21 | 293.04 | 791 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 486.95 | 314.16 | 848 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
70 | 527.87 | 340.56 | 920 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 560.6 | 361.68 | 977 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 | |
80 | 601.52 | 388.08 | 1048 | 112 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 12 |
閃裂 - 普通攻擊 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 | |
對指定敵方單體造成等同於飛霄 對敵方單體造成少量風屬性傷害。 | |
等級 | |
鉞貫 - 戰技 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 60 | |
對指定敵方單體造成等同於飛霄 對敵方單體造成風屬性傷害,隨後額外發動1次天賦的追加攻擊。 | |
等級 | |
鑿破大荒 - 終結技 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 90 | |
對指定敵方單體造成最多等同於飛霄 其中,飛霄先對該目標發動【閃裂刃舞】或【鉞貫天衝】,總計 終結技期間可無視弱點屬性削減敵方韌性,目標未被擊破時飛霄弱點擊破效率提高。 對敵方單體發動 | |
等級 | |
雷狩 - 天賦 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 15 | |
【飛黃】達到 當飛霄的隊友對敵方目標發動攻擊後,飛霄立即對主目標發動追加攻擊,造成等同於飛霄 【飛黃】達到 隊友發動攻擊後,飛霄對主目標發動追加攻擊,造成風屬性傷害。該效果每回合最多觸發1次,發動此攻擊時使自身造成的傷害提高。 | |
等級 | |
攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 | |
攻擊敵人,進入戰鬥後削弱敵方目標對應屬性韌性。 | |
嵐身 - 秘技 | 強化 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 0 | |
使用秘技後進入持續 【陷鋒】狀態下主動攻擊會使所有牽引的敵人進入戰鬥。進入戰鬥後,每個波次開始時對敵方全體造成等同於飛霄 進入【陷鋒】狀態,持續牽引敵人且移動速度提高,進入戰鬥後獲得【飛黃】。 【陷鋒】狀態下可主動攻擊所有牽引的敵人,每個波次開始時對敵方全體造成風屬性傷害,該傷害必定暴擊。牽引敵人越多,傷害倍率越高。 | |
閃裂刃舞 - 終結技 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 15 | |
對所選目標造成等同於飛霄 對敵方單體造成少量風屬性傷害,對被擊破的目標傷害倍率提高。 | |
等級 | |
鉞貫天衝 - 終結技 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 15 | |
對所選目標造成等同於飛霄 對敵方單體造成少量風屬性傷害,對未被擊破的目標傷害倍率提高。 | |
等級 | |
鑿破大荒 - 終結技 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 0 | |
n/a | |
等級 | |
天通 | |
需要角色晉階 2 | |
戰鬥開始時,獲得 回合開始時,若上回合未透過天賦發動追加攻擊,計入1次獲得【飛黃】所需的攻擊次數。 | 5000 3 1 |
暴擊率強化 (暴擊率) | |
需要角色晉階 2 | |
暴擊率提高 | 5000 3 6 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
需要角色晉階 3 | |
攻擊力提高 | 10000 3 3 |
解形 | |
需要角色晉階 4 | |
施放終結技對敵方目標造成傷害時,被視為發動了追加攻擊。追加攻擊的暴擊傷害提高 | 20000 5 1 1 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
需要角色晉階 4 | |
攻擊力提高 | 20000 5 4 |
暴擊率強化 (暴擊率) | |
需要角色晉階 5 | |
暴擊率提高 | 45000 3 3 |
電舉 | |
需要角色晉階 6 | |
施放戰技時,攻擊力提高 | 160K 8 1 1 |
防禦強化 (防禦力) | |
需要角色晉階 6 | |
防禦力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
暴擊率強化 (暴擊率) | |
需要角色等級 75 | |
暴擊率提高 | 160K 8 8 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
需要角色等級 80 | |
攻擊力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
攻擊力提高 | 2500 2 |
防禦強化 (防禦力) | |
需要角色晉階 3 | |
防禦力提高 | 10000 3 3 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
需要角色晉階 5 | |
攻擊力提高 | 45000 3 3 |
鎮綏天鈞 | ||
施放【閃裂刃舞】或【鉞貫天衝】後,使飛霄造成的終結技傷害額外提高,提高數值等同於原傷害的 |
禮辰禱月 | ||
天賦效果中,我方目標每發動1次追加攻擊即可使飛霄獲得1點【飛黃】。該效果每回合最多觸發 |
景星出宿 | ||
終結技等級+2,最多不超過 |
驅颶聽冰 | ||
天賦的追加攻擊的削韌值提高 |
擢登霄漢 | ||
戰技等級+2,最多不超過 |
惟首正丘 | ||
飛霄造成的終結技傷害的全屬性抗性穿透提高 |
名詞 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻擊力 | 防禦力 | 生命值 | 戰技 | n/a | |
鋒鏑 | 3 | the-hunt-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 戰鬥開始時,使裝備者的暴擊率提高 | ||
離弦 | 3 | the-hunt-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使裝備者消滅敵方目標後,攻擊力提高 | ||
相抗 | 3 | the-hunt-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使裝備者在消滅敵方目標後,速度提高 | ||
唯有沉默 | 4 | the-hunt-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使裝備者的攻擊力提高 | ||
論劍 | 4 | the-hunt-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 當裝備者多次擊中同一敵方目標時,每次造成的傷害提高 | ||
按個追蹤吧! | 4 | the-hunt-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使裝備者普通攻擊和戰技造成的傷害提高 | ||
春水初生 | 4 | the-hunt-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 進入戰鬥後,使裝備者速度提高 | ||
重返幽冥 | 4 | the-hunt-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 使裝備者暴擊率提高 | ||
於夜色中 | 5 | the-hunt-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | 使裝備者的暴擊率提高 | ||
如泥酣眠 | 5 | the-hunt-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | 使裝備者的暴擊傷害提高 |
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660 responses to “飛霄”
I can’t tell if V4 is an overall nerf or buff
Maybe neutral
i think it is? My feixiao is being pre-built anyway so the crdmg turning into dmg% isnt bad. The ult having more toughness bar dmg is actually kinda big it went from 5 to 30 (im assuming this is the first hit? though I guess the technique doesnt do any toughness bar dmg (it was 10 before)).
its still critdamage% not dmg%
ah I guess they changed it back, was on the change notes originally.
When does V4 come out for Fei Xiao
Probably later this morning
Is V3 the final change or will there be more?
V4 is usually the last balance change
I was wondering why Feixiao has too little self crit buff (only 12% CR and 36% CD from traces) then i remembered that Feixiao’s team is giving her more than 170% free CDmg just from the traces:
– 36% FUA CD from Feixiao’s trace
– 60% CD from March 8th’s trace or 40% CDmg from Moze’s E2
– 20 + 25% CD from Robin’s trace
– 25% CD from new FUA planar set
– 12% CD received from Aventurine’s ult (Don’t know if this is multiplicative or addictive)
– 10% or 20% more from Broken Keel if you equip them on the supports
– 24% CD received if you got Topaz’s LC on M8 (might as well just use her ig)
Straight up +200% CD (if you use M8) for free just for Feixiao to do barely more than 200k ultimate LMAO
No hate but she still need more adjustments IMO
She needs too much investment with too little return
Acheron needs Sig, FF needs teammates, and then there’s Feixiao who needs both
Fuixiuan don’t actually needs sig, she can be run as a wind breaker in Rat comp, both rat and urine are imaginaray and they will struggle hard if a tough 3.0 enemies does not have it, heck even wolverine already fit that. My friend working in Hoyo told me David planned to make ALL FUA DPESES equal at around 200~500k avaiable for all elements
ofcourse Topaz can’t be counted as a Dps so there will still be tons of Europeans IPC FUA Dpses of remaning elements coming, they will serve as niche second chars in future banners and their kits will be so simple that David don’t have to fix them in beta at all. Fuixiuan is an exception 1st banner char because she is the first premium of the archetype and also serve as a diversion to elude the fans from David’s true intention of flooding HSR’s 5* roster with FUA Dpeses of all elements
What is good speed stat and crit ratio for FeiXiao after this update, what is the difference between atk orb and wind damage orb
the element orb is slightly better than attack orb
Is V3 the final change or is there more to come?
the element orb is slightly better than attack orb
Feixiao wants speed to reliably use FuA and gain stacks for her ult,
but with any turn-advance harmony unit (Bronya \ Sparkle \ Robin), you can focus more on CR\CD and ATK%.
A general recommendation would be to keep your Feixiao above 134 SPD.
ATK orb is better with S1 and any DMG% buffing harmony units (Ruan Mei \ Bronya \ Robin).
In most other cases, WIND DMG% orb would be better, since now Feixiao can buff ATK for herself.
After the update, I changed SPD boots to ATK and CR body to CD one.
Right now, my build for E0S1 is looking like this:
3747 ATK
139 SPD
70 CR \ 195 CD
I’m planning to use Feixaio with Ruan Mei and March 7th (hunt), and their SPD buff will give her an additional 22 SPD, bringing her to 161 SPD.
Here is a good tool for build simulations: https://fribbels.github.io/hsr-optimizer
I have Topaz,Aventurine,Robin all at E0S0 and currently prefarming the planars because i think planars are much harder to get than relics. As expected she needs 200CD likes most Dpses, i’m till having ptsd with my seelee only have 174 CD after 1 year, my Topaz is fine but only 57% CR and i won’t farm for her anymore, my Aventurine has 142 Spd but only exactly 4k Def and he is falling off in Appocalistic Shadow, guess i need to replace his boot with a Def boot, my Robin is wierdly build with a physical orb, Atk rope and Spd boot but i currently has okayish experience with her because she is fast enough to forget the energy rope, i gave up farming for a good energy rope with high Atk or it will take me 10 years lmao.
Always gotta remember the 1:2 crit ratio is best for average DPS. You’d be better off going for 80 CR and 175 CD. But alas, i know some ppl like to go 50% CR if it means they can get to 300% CD.
It’s funny how little everyone goes for the 1:2 ratio despite the fact everyone knows it’s the best ratio until you alr have 100% CR.
I very respectfully disagree
You should be aiming for as much Crit Rate as possible. There are soo many sources of Crit Damage in the game, I guarantee you, your ratio is more like 1:3 in an actual fight. Not citing is simply disastrous.
In Feixiao’s case it is not 1:2 ratio.
Feixiao gets 36% crit damage from the major trace that is never visible outside of the battle, 25% crit damage from the duran set 2pc, and 45% crit damage from Robin. Can be more if broken keel set present in the team. March 7th (Hunt), Moze, and Topaz (E1S1+) each has additional sources of crit damage.
In Feixiao’s case I would rather suggest 100% crit rate outside of battle.
Damn I never realised just how much Crit DMG Robin is giving out lmfaoo
Talents back: more energy than you could ever wish for and some random 20 Crit damage because why not
Lingsha’s talent… your summon gets disabled if you don’t cuddle it :>
The E1 is independant damage boost. It never diminish the returns of wind damage orb.
My current build has:
– 4010 attack;
– 119.2 speed;
– 84.3% crit rate;
– 177.3% crit damage; (+36% for FUA)
– 120164 damage from ultimate vs. Wind-weak.
When counting Robin:
– 5310 attack; (assuming +1300 from Robin)
– 197.3% crit damage; (+61% for FUA)
– 232137 damage from ultimate vs. Wind-weak.
I dream I could get more crit rate on her, if she had 100% crit rate the ultimate damage should have been 261763.
Valorous set gives another 36%, quite a relieve to see she wants more crit rate so i can halfassedly build her like a speedy seelee meme, after one year farming i realised crit rate are like much easier to get than crit damage. Is she the new generation of dps that can use trash pieces with critrate+spd substats, this can save like half the time farming for her.
Nah, the 36% is damage amp, not crit damage.
The 61 crit damage for FUA, 36 are from Feixiao’s major trace and 25 are from Robin’s major trace.
134 speed IG. 70/200
But still, this unit requires a lot of thinking and calculating! You need to think about the amount of stacks you need to kill the enemy with one ult, like to collect 7 or 8 when enemy can’t be killed with 6 and be sure you’re killing it instead of just pressing the button when ready… Nevermind, they just removed it.
Also, as I predicted, they did absolutely nothing about her heavy team-dependance.
Maybe I judge the run wrong (basically every DPS at e0s0?), but David basically tells me to wait tillllllll 2.7 and get Aventurine and Robin’s S1 instead. 🙂
David doesn’t know you and why are you assuming those two will rerun in 2.7?
Esp when it’s leaked Robin is 2.5 lol.
nah, u just overreacting
“a real C6r1 ayaka main should lso E6s1 robin”
David tells you that instead frr🔥🔥
At this point I’m scared to ask who David is
Pro tip: for HSR, addressing David makes you look more knowledgeable than addressing Hoyo. 😀
David Liu is the CEO of hoyo.
His english name is Forrest actually
Life is like a box of chocolates. You’ll never know which rerun David’ll give you.
If we’re talking technically Liu Wei (Da Wei/Forrest) is the president and chairman while Cai Haoyu is the CEO, at least from all the sources I could find
I still don’t really get where David comes from… is it just a play on Da Wei (Da Wei looks similar to Dawid ig which is a form of David)
I thought they were talking about David Jiang, producer of Honkai Star Rail
The voices in their head
My next door neighbor who occasionally makes loud noises at night
Low multiplier but high self-buff? Nah I don’t want JL situation.
IMO, despite an overall buff, she has less 0-cycle potential (always 6 stacks lol) and is less future-proof (as mentioned… low multiplier, high self-buff).
“Despite it is an overall buff I’m still unsatisfied unless they buff the multipliers back to the V2 level while the self buffs and free FUA per skill persist.”
It’s not an overall buff.
It makes her better with our current teams, at a low/average investment. It ruins her ceiling in exchange for looking better on release. It also removed the appealing part of her kit. The building up to one super strong ultimate and stack management. Dropping 10-12 head bashes on a boss felt good.
Unless we get good nihlities (it’s been a year and a half already…), 0 cycling, as in dropping up sustain will end up being a lot worse. Also unlike say, Acheron or even Jingliu who do have self buffs, they don’t literally buff every one of their stats, which allows you to fill certain gaps and still abuse harmonies.
I do agree she’ll be more than fine on release though. She’s not in a bad spot
So are you implying that the game has no good nihility units, since 1.0 was last april, therefore we are only 16 months into the game’s lifespan? omegaLOL
Nihlity, the class designed around impairing and maiming enemies, has more damage dealers than debuffers. If we get a 5 star Pela, whose jump is as high as Asta -> RM, the whole meta would shake up
-JQ is balanced around Acheron and awfully mediocre elsewhere
-SW is single target, can’t even prefunnel all her debuffs due to ult and energy being awkward.
That’s all our premium debuffers. You can’t expect the 1.0 4 star Pela to hold up to our latest and greatest harmonies do you?
700% is not a low multiplier. Though from what i;ve seen the enemies are never weakness broken so you have to look at the 520% multiplier instead. Acheron has 522% but is still able to hit 1m single target at high investment. She can do it. :3
Her Ult multiplier is still 700% against unbroken enemies
700 is the base but Feixiao does bonus DMG if broken/unbroken so that multiplier is about 1000%
Why you would care for 0 cycles ? You can’t even beat it full stars in the first place.
Bring nothing to the table?
Okay so if stan is relevant in asking question, answer how future-proof she is. 1000x more relevant to my stan. 🙂
Tbh, if you care enough to go on some obscure forum and leave a comment… 0 cycles are very relevant
It’s like going to some nerdy, computer geekish forum, and telling them to buy premade Computers. Of course they all take pride in building their own machines???
So yeah, future proofing, meta relevance, eidolons, niche strategies and fun interactives are 100% valid things to bring up here. Game’s too easy for them to matter, but meta is fun
this place has a troll that goes around insulting new people, i don’t know what is it’s purpose but seems the mods know it 😉
FR. Guy spent his life savings on HSR but can’t even 0 cycle with E6S5. Money made his brain rot
V3 Feixiao seems like a direct upgrade to Jingliu in her BiS comp.
Bronya’s buff (including lightcone) now also apply to Feixiao’s FuA when using her skill, similarly to Dr. Ratio. With Bronya’s E2, you can easily still run attack boots.
Feixiao’s lightcone and Pela’s lv12 ultimate, totals to 96% def ignore/shred for Feixiao.
Lingsha > Fuxuan for stacks.
oh i see you are a genius, so this version changed everything about FuXiao, from being a direct powercrept of dr ratio to a powercreep of her own version in 1.0 midliu
so i add this: topliu doesn’t have the base time frame of ps5 release like midliu so topliu will not achieve the brokeness of midliu when she released back in 1.0, that means topliu can not be stronger than midcheron like midliu was stronger than daniel
I can sense that it’s trying to communicate with us.. let’s keep trying to understand it
damn right this vietnamese is using google translate to troll and calling we “us”, i bet it is of a lesser indigenous from a backwater city as well not even in a capital city
Your racism is as strong as your yapping is coherent. Not at all.
Couldn’t even be more wrong if you tried.
Try again.
Actually made my brain rupture in 3 places and gave me a stroke and heart attack simultaneously by reading this
that’s assuming you have a brain and can still process human codes, the “thing” above you can’t even understand what i typed , it is confused and immidiately decided to throw insult to assert it’s imaginary dominance, my advice for you: don’t be too friendly with potential trolls, they may be google translate user and can’t understand your grammar, there are many “dark” countries in the world that you don’t want to know them 😉
i mean they are not as friendly as me, i advice you to go to league of legend twitch chat to see how these “things” behave my friend 😉
protips: feixao spd got reduced to jingyuan level to make sure when the 290spd bigboy is broken she crave a Robin ult advance to get a turn in before he recover
this is hoyo’s way to tell you: buy robin or go home
*i disappeared into the sea of butterfly again, slow bullies*
What… does this even mean? JY has 99 base sod while FX has 112
Idk how to tell you this but… 112 =/= 99
First part of your comment is dead wrong but you’re right. Her kit is screaming “get Robin”