| Concepts | Destined Expiration |
Rarity |    |
Type | Light Cone Enhancement, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material |
Source | Calyx: SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue Omni-Synthesizer — Material Synthesis Embers Exchange Omni-Synthesizer — Material Exchange
Description | Embedded in the deceased's brow, piercing through the crevice of matter, this bullet forever resides where its bullet hole should be. Used to level up Traces moderately for The Hunt characters. |
Story | It traversed the winding paths amidst legions of soldiers, pierced through the weakest point of the stoutest helmets, and finally came to rest at the center of the skull of the invincible tyrant, emitting a whisper-like sigh. Its arrival came like a fatal coincidence. Its arrival was akin to an endpoint that all were fated to meet.
"Sometimes, the bullet hole precedes the trajectory." |
With his LC he can get 2 turn ult with atk% rope, without and energy LC he needs ERR rope for 2 tur...