| Concepts | Bough of Thought |
Rarity |   |
Source | Enemies such as Furiae Warriors drop "Strife Ruins Castrum Kremnos" Destructible objects in Amphoreus Assignment Rewards
Description | Tier 2 Synthesis Material |
Story | A glowing bough with branches sprawling unrestrained in every direction, resembling the organic divergence of thought. It is born in a quiet corner of the Grove where scholars often drift into contemplative dazes. Though lacking any practical use, Cerces appears particularly fond of such curiosities. Legend has it that the Titan would select the bough with the most intricate branching and wear it atop their head as an ornament.
"For a long time, I've been going to bed early, yet it does little to quiet my restless mind. It feels as though the thoughts from a past life have been reborn within me... At some point, I began to notice a cluster of intertwined branches outside my window." |