명사 | 선데이 | |
희귀도 | ||
운명의 길 | 화합 | |
전투 속성 | 허수 | |
n/a | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
행적 재료 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
스토리 | 「질서」의 좋은꿈은 이미 사라졌지만 여전히 초심을 버리지 않는 사람도 있다. ————날개가 꺾여 추락한 여행자, 그의 발걸음은 어디로 향할 것인가? |
목록 |
속성 |
전투 스킬 |
행적 |
성혼 |
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배낭 |
Gallery |
음성 |
스토리 |
레벨 | 공격력 | 방어력 | HP | 속도 | 치명타 확률 | 치명타 피해 | 도발 | 에너지 | n/a |
1 | 87.12 | 72.6 | 169 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 169.88 | 141.57 | 329 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 204.73 | 170.61 | 397 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 248.29 | 206.91 | 482 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 283.14 | 235.95 | 549 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 326.7 | 272.25 | 634 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 361.55 | 301.29 | 701 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 405.11 | 337.59 | 786 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 439.96 | 366.63 | 853 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 483.52 | 402.93 | 938 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 518.36 | 431.97 | 1005 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 561.92 | 468.27 | 1090 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 596.77 | 497.31 | 1157 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 640.33 | 533.61 | 1242 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
전투 스킬
번쩍이는 권계 - 일반 공격 | 단일 공격 | |
에너지 회복 : 20 | |
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30 | |
지정된 단일 적에게 선데이 공격력의 지정된 단일 적에게 소량의 허수 속성 피해를 가한다 | |
레벨 | |
종이와 의전의 은혜 - 전투 스킬 | 서포트 | |
에너지 회복 : 30 | |
약점 격파 : 0 | |
지정된 단일 아군 캐릭터 및 해당 캐릭터의 소환물을 즉시 행동하게 하고, 대상이 가하는 피해를 [은혜 입은 자]에게 전투 스킬 발동 후 전투 스킬 포인트를 1pt 회복한다. 선데이가 「화합」 운명의 길 캐릭터에게 해당 스킬을 발동하면 즉시 행동 효과는 발동되지 않는다 지정된 단일 아군 캐릭터 및 해당 캐릭터의 소환물을 즉시 행동하게 하고, 해당 캐릭터가 가하는 피해를 증가시키며, 목표가 소환물을 보유하면 피해가 추가로 증가한다. [은혜 입은 자]에게 전투 스킬 발동 후 전투 스킬 포인트를 1pt 회복한다. 선데이가 「화합」 운명의 길 캐릭터에게 해당 스킬을 발동하면 즉시 행동 효과는 발동되지 않는다 | |
레벨 | |
깃과 상흔의 찬송 - 필살기 | 서포트 | |
에너지 회복 : 5 | |
약점 격파 : 0 | |
지정된 단일 아군 캐릭터의 에너지를 에너지 최대치의 선데이 자신의 턴이 시작될 때마다 [은혜 입은 자] 상태의 지속 턴 수가 1 감소하고, 총 지정된 단일 아군 캐릭터의 에너지를 회복하고, 목표 및 목표의 소환물을 [은혜 입은 자]로 만들며, [은혜 입은 자]의 치명타 피해를 증가시킨다 | |
레벨 | |
고해의 육신 - 특성 | 서포트 | |
에너지 회복 : 0 | |
약점 격파 : 0 | |
전투 스킬 발동 시 목표의 치명타 확률이 전투 스킬 발동 시 목표의 치명타 확률이 증가한다 | |
레벨 | |
번쩍이는 권계 | |
에너지 회복 : 0 | |
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30 | |
적을 공격하며, 전투 진입 후 적에게 대응하는 속성의 강인성을 감소시킨다 | |
영광의 신비 - 비술 | 서포트 | |
에너지 회복 : 0 | |
약점 격파 : 0 | |
비술 사용 후 다음 전투에서 선데이가 처음으로 아군에게 스킬을 발동하면 목표가 가하는 피해가 증가한다 비술 사용 후 다음 전투에서 선데이가 처음으로 아군에게 스킬을 발동하면 목표가 가하는 피해가 증가한다 | |
주일을 향한 갈망 | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2 | |
필살기 발동 시 목표의 에너지가 | 5000 3 1 |
효과 저항 강화 (효과 저항) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2 | |
효과 저항 | 5000 3 6 |
치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3 | |
치명타 피해 | 10000 3 3 |
먼지를 털어내는 숭고함 | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4 | |
전투 시작 시 선데이의 에너지를 | 20000 5 1 1 |
치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4 | |
치명타 피해 | 20000 5 4 |
효과 저항 강화 (효과 저항) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5 | |
효과 저항 | 45000 3 3 |
손바닥 위 안식처 | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6 | |
전투 스킬 발동 시 목표의 디버프 효과를 | 160K 8 1 1 |
방어 강화 (방어력) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6 | |
방어력 | 160K 8 8 |
효과 저항 강화 (효과 저항) | |
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 75 | |
효과 저항 | 160K 8 8 |
치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해) | |
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 80 | |
치명타 피해 | 160K 8 8 |
치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해) | |
치명타 피해 | 2500 2 |
방어 강화 (방어력) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3 | |
방어력 | 10000 3 3 |
치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해) | |
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5 | |
치명타 피해 | 45000 3 3 |
천년의 고요한 끝 | ||
선데이가 전투 스킬 발동 시 목표 캐릭터가 피해를 가하면 목표의 방어력을 |
부족함을 메우는 믿음 | ||
처음 필살기 발동 후 전투 스킬 포인트를 |
가시의 은둔처 | ||
필살기 레벨+2, 최대 Lv. |
조각의 머리말 | ||
턴 시작 시 에너지를 |
은하를 표류하는 종이배 | ||
전투 스킬 레벨+2, 최대 Lv. |
뭇별의 떠들썩한 첫걸음 | ||
특성의 치명타 확률 증가 효과가 최대 |
명사 | 희귀도 | 운명의 길 | 공격력 | 방어력 | HP | 전투 스킬 | n/a | |
합창 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 전투 진입 후 모든 아군의 공격력이 | ||
맞물린 톱니 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 장착한 캐릭터가 공격 발동 혹은 피격 후 추가로 에너지를 | ||
어울림 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 전투 진입 시, 모든 아군의 속도가 | ||
기억 속 모습 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 장착한 캐릭터의 격파 특수효과가 | ||
행성과의 만남 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 330.75 | 1058.4 | 전투 진입 후 아군이 장착한 캐릭터와 동일한 속성의 피해를 가할 시 가하는 피해가 | ||
댄스! 댄스! 댄스! | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 장착한 캐릭터가 필살기 발동 후 모든 아군의 행동 게이지가 | ||
누월재운의 뜻 | 4 | harmony-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 전투 시작 시 및 장착한 캐릭터 턴 시작 시 랜덤으로 1개의 효과가 적용된다. 해당 효과 적용 시 이전 효과를 대체하며 이전과 중복되지 않는다. 효과 종류: 모든 아군의 공격력 | ||
아직 전투는 끝나지 않았다 | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 463.05 | 1164.24 | 장착한 캐릭터의 에너지 회복효율이 | ||
과거와 미래 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 장착한 캐릭터가 전투 스킬 발동 후 다음에 행동하는 다른 아군이 가하는 피해가 | ||
거울 속 지난날의 나 | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 529.2 | 1058.4 | 장착한 캐릭터의 격파 특수효과가 웨이브가 시작될 때마다 모든 아군은 즉시 에너지를 |
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204 responses to “선데이”
I believed I saw a rumor in the leak subreddit about getting him for free, but nothing about it was released after that so was it debunked or just forgotten?
Prob if the game wins any GotY prizes lol
time to pray i guess
Pretty sure that was just misinformation to rile up the Sunday wanters. Ratio was an exception, not a rule.
Yeah LMFAO, Ratio was simply a briliant move, that’s all. Prob not some yearly occurrence
He was some random dude surrounded by hyped and well liked chars. Awkward and with no good supports, Sig reliant. The game wasn’t even THAT BIG/hype at the time of his announcement.
In turn, this no namer shot the game up to Genshin’s level, made people pull 5 stars they other may not have. He introduced Follow up/was a stepping stone for Feixiao. Even crazier, he was the highest Single Target DPS in the game till Boothill release, balanced out by his awkwardness/difficulty.
All of this, instead of becoming some filler, mass skipped generic DPS
It was a nice time where Firefly didn’t exist ;_;
Yes that was 100% without a doubt indubitably certainly true (please please please please)
Does anyone know what his best 2piece would be?
Does anyone notice both Xianzhou generals r carried by certain wing siblings?
Coincidence? I think…
I love my birdies, but neither of em are really special
Every crit DPS wants Robin. It’s silly how good she is. Making summons and all just to target nerf her 😛 ( I jest). But it’d be funny if the best summon support is still Robin
I have S3 of Bronya’s Signature Lightcone, is it worth pulling Sunday’s signature?
Lol ur name
Worcestershire is a certain user in Genshin HH iirc
I’ve seen them here too! They’re great
Worcestershire Sauce is me btw I’m amazing I know :3
Didn’t they change their username a while ago?
Sunday LC: “After the wearer uses Skill or Ultimate on one ally character, the wearer regenerates 6 Energy and the ability’s target receives 1 stack of “Hymn” for 2 turn(s), stacking up to 3 time(s). Each stack of “Hymn” increases its holder’s DMG dealt by 15%. After every 2 instance(s) of Skill or Ultimate the wearer uses on one ally character, recovers 1 Skill Point.”
Bronya LC: “Increases the wearer’s Energy Regeneration Rate by 10% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered once after every 2 uses of the wearer’s Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30% more DMG for 1 turn(s).
Sunday LC buff lasts longer (2 turns), gives more damage boost (45%), and if you got two summon dps, you can buff both of them unlike bronya LC buff which says the buff is for the next ally taking action. I would say its better overall
Yeah but they have S3 Bronya LC, the damage buff is 40%, only 5 less then the fully stacked Sunday LC, and the ERR is 14% percent, which is definitely comparable if not better than 6 energy per skill/ult, as it applies to receiving dmg too. Worse skill point regen but overall I’d say it’s not worth to pull for such marginal differences.
Easy E0S1 pull just for my General Jing Yuan
They really need to give him an actual talent… The current one is just an additional line of text for his skill, just add it to the base skill and give him something that can set him apart from the other bronya-likes. Maybe something to enhance weakness break eff. for the ult target, both Bronya and Sparkle don’t really do much for break teams aside from the action advance. Current summoners are also great at break, though not necessarily specializing in it. Lightning Lord’s multi-hits do great toughness damage, Topaz and Numby have great attack frequency with decent toughness dmg, and Lingsha is literally built for break.
The other limited harmonies also all have very simple talents
True, but I’d love to see anything to distinguish him from Bronya in non-JY teams, currently he’s a weird sort of sidegrade there and it feels pretty awkward to have him only be a notable choice in summon focused teams. Maybe something like Robin’s 100% CR additional hit for the target of his ult would be interesting, giving him an outlet for the crit dmg you’re already building on him.
I can see some of y’all didnt learn from Topaz. Sunday having the ability to boost forward an ally AND their summon is gonna be insane when the time comes and summons are more common in the game. Take into consideration, ANY future character that can be built with crit value and has summons will benefit from him immensely. This is Kafka/Topaz levels of futureproof, where as characters come out based on this specific mechanic alone, this character will only become a better and more useful pick. Personally, I think pulling for buffers/debuffers is always the better choice overall, DPS will always be replaced with the next strongest DPS. In the end, this is again all up to the individuals discretion who they choose to pull for, but just wanna say that Sunday is not as weak or useless as some of the ppl here are saying he is.. I know plenty of people who regretted not pulling for Topaz in the past bc she had no uses since there wasnt any FUA based units early on who can make use of her full potential
The problem is he does nothing for the top 3 dps teams Acheron is not gonna be replaced for a long time. She is still the top DPS hitter. Then you have Feixiao who is a close 2nd. Firefly being the 3rd. The problem is Sunday is worse then sparkle when it comes to any team that does not have a summon. And he is useless for DoT and Break teams. One thing that makes Ruan Mei really the best support is that she has so much versatility that she can play on all teams. And for a character as iconic as Sunday to be on the same level as Bronya (unless you get him c6) is really a disappointment
3.0 is coming, as well as more summoners, new summoners will definitely be strong and Sunday is definitely more than just Bronya when it comes to summoners
Also Feixiao 2nd? Acheron propaganda (they excel in different areas)
Well, it’s made for the new summoning meta coming out in patch 3.x (and probably at least one of those DPS will end up outperforming Acheron, Feixiao and FF since according to the leaks, nihility characters will dominate the meta for a couple of patches and then destruction characters will dominate the meta)
I think Kafka still needs a true support for DoT to be complete, Black swan and her are very good but if we can get a support unit that allows DoT to either critically strike (divergent universe has an equation for this I believe) or have suspicion stacks like simulated universe it would allow DoT to be a bit better
Is he good on anyone else besides Jing Yuan lmao
No, he is made for the new summon character meta coming out in version 3.0
He’s also good with Yunli and Argenti, other than that he works in all teams that run bronya currently
i already have e1 onya with her sign and e0 sparkle, do you think sunday worth to pull? i need opinion :3
He’s worth to pull if you want to play with summon type characters. Sparkle is good too for summons but the advance forward of summons is his main gimmick. Plus he gives energy and we’ve seen how harmony characters usually preclude an archetype focus.
why i need 3 action forward characters alike on my team, doesnt make any sense. explain me more bcz i don’t see sunday value in my team at all
It is much more beneficial to get Sparkle’s LC and Eidolons on her. The only support I would say you should pull for that we have so far including Sunday is Ruan Mei as she has the most versatility.
Realistically, on your account, no. He’s currently less flexible because of weaker buffs to non summons, has ONLY Lingsha and JY as carries to buff, and his skill points are basically your E1 Bronya. 20 CritR% and 2 turn buffs are his selling points. His LC does similar performance to Bronya’s LC with better buff uptime.
You could pull him for Lingsha hypercarry as a Bronya alt to a quirky super break team (kinda wasted buffs) or FuA team with Robin (wow robin appears) or Jade. PF looks to be more fun with him for Lingsha/Jade but thats besides the point.
Pull Sunday and use Bronya’s light cone on him
I have Bronya E1 and Sparkle E0, and I feel scammed. They just take the same kit and make it either slightly better or leaning towards a certain meta/playstyle, but still basically using the same kit. Even his dmg amp is based on Crit Dmg, just like Bronya and Sparkle.
I like the hypercarry meta, but I can’t see myself pulling for him. This is just rewarding a predatory tactic from Mihoyo. I bet in 1 year, we will have 2 others exact copies of Bronya, along with Sunday and Sparkle, with a tiny slightly different touch on their kit, and there will be 5 Bronya in the game.
I can stand the powercreep when it’s slow, as it is the only sustainable way to keep the game alive for a long period of time. But taking a kit and copying it again and again just screams lack of creativity.
I know he will be an important asset for the next meta, but this is a clear skip for me, by principle. I am not rewarding laziness.
I don’t like Sparkle(and don’t have her), and Robin needs a brother, easy pull for me.
I don’t have Sparkle(and need her), and Aglaea is coming in 3.x, easy pull for me.
I do have Sparkle(and it doesn’t matter), and I like his design, easy pull for me.
jesus christ i just post the same question, im also the same position with you rn. already owned both, do you think this dude worth to pull?
wth they’re making topaz op with sunday with this one more follow up attacks = more toughness reduction= more damage. I knew it topaz is going to be top tier follow up semi dps/support
i dont even have topass so your comment not valid for me and im not talking bout topass i believe.
if ur playing hypercarry or summon/servant team
I hate Sparkle(and will never get her), and it’s a man in a sea of waifus. easy pull for me.
I don’t have Sparkle (and don’t want her), and summon meta goes hard, easy pull for me.