名词 | 星期日 | |
阵营 | 匹诺康尼 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 同谐 | |
战斗属性 | 虚数 | |
汉语 | 徐翔 | |
英语 | Griffin Puatu | |
韩语 | 강성우 | |
日语 | 大塚剛央 | |
专属材料 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行迹材料 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
剧情 | 「秩序」的美梦已然消散,但仍有人不会放下初愿。 ——折翼坠地的旅人,他的脚步将迈向何方? |
目录 |
属性 |
战技 |
行迹 |
星魂 |
光锥 |
背包 |
Gallery |
语音 |
剧情 |
等级 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴击率 | 暴击伤害 | 嘲讽 | 能量 | 专属材料 |
1 | 87.12 | 72.6 | 169 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
20 | 169.88 | 141.57 | 329 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 204.73 | 170.61 | 397 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
30 | 248.29 | 206.91 | 482 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 283.14 | 235.95 | 549 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
40 | 326.7 | 272.25 | 634 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 361.55 | 301.29 | 701 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
50 | 405.11 | 337.59 | 786 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 439.96 | 366.63 | 853 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
60 | 483.52 | 402.93 | 938 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 518.36 | 431.97 | 1005 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
70 | 561.92 | 468.27 | 1090 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 596.77 | 497.31 | 1157 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 | |
80 | 640.33 | 533.61 | 1242 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 100 | 130 |
闪烁的劝诫 - 普攻 | 单攻 | |
能量恢复 : 20 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于星期日 对指定敌方单体造成少量虚数属性伤害。 | |
等级 | |
纸与仪典的恩赐 - 战技 | 辅助 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
使指定我方单体角色及其召唤物立即行动,并使其造成的伤害提高 对【蒙福者】施放战技后恢复1个战技点。 当星期日对「同谐」命途的角色施放该技能时,无法触发立即行动效果。 使指定我方单体角色及其召唤物立即行动,并使其造成的伤害提高,若目标拥有召唤物,则造成的伤害提高效果额外提高。 对【蒙福者】施放战技后恢复1个战技点。 当星期日对「同谐」命途的角色施放该技能时,无法触发立即行动效果。 | |
等级 | |
轻与伤痕的赞颂 - 终结技 | 辅助 | |
能量恢复 : 5 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
为指定我方单体角色恢复等同于 星期日自身每回合开始时【蒙福者】状态持续回合减1,共持续 为指定我方单体角色恢复能量,并使目标及其召唤物成为【蒙福者】,【蒙福者】的暴击伤害提高。 | |
等级 | |
倾诉之肉身 - 天赋 | 辅助 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
施放战技时,使目标的暴击率提高 施放战技时,使目标暴击率提高。 | |
等级 | |
攻击 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
荣光之秘 - 秘技 | 辅助 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
使用秘技后,下一次战斗星期日首次对我方目标施放技能时,使目标造成的伤害提高 使用秘技后,下一次战斗星期日首次对我方目标施放技能时,使目标造成的伤害提高。 | |
主日渴慕 | |
需要角色晋阶 2 | |
施放终结技时,若为目标恢复的能量不足 | 5000 3 1 |
效果抵抗强化 (效果抵抗) | |
需要角色晋阶 2 | |
效果抵抗提高 | 5000 3 6 |
暴击伤害强化 (暴击伤害) | |
需要角色晋阶 3 | |
暴击伤害提高 | 10000 3 3 |
崇高拂尘 | |
需要角色晋阶 4 | |
战斗开始时,星期日恢复 | 20000 5 1 1 |
暴击伤害强化 (暴击伤害) | |
需要角色晋阶 4 | |
暴击伤害提高 | 20000 5 4 |
效果抵抗强化 (效果抵抗) | |
需要角色晋阶 5 | |
效果抵抗提高 | 45000 3 3 |
千纪沉寂之末 | ||
星期日施放战技时,使目标角色造成伤害时无视目标 |
笃信补完微缺 | ||
首次施放终结技后恢复 |
荆棘的静修所 | ||
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
雕塑的卷首语 | ||
回合开始时,恢复 |
纸筏漂流银湾 | ||
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
群星喧哗之始 | ||
天赋的暴击率提高效果可以叠加,最多叠加 |
名词 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 战技 | 专属材料 | |
齐颂 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 进入战斗后,使我方全体的攻击力提高 | ||
轮契 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 使装备者施放攻击或受到攻击后,额外恢复 | ||
调和 | 3 | harmony-class | 317.52 | 264.6 | 846.72 | 进入战斗时,我方全体速度提高 | ||
记忆中的模样 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 使装备者的击破特攻提高 | ||
与行星相会 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 330.75 | 1058.4 | 进入战斗后,当我方目标造成与装备者相同属性的伤害时,造成的伤害提高 | ||
舞!舞!舞! | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 当装备者施放终结技后,我方全体行动提前 | ||
镂月裁云之意 | 4 | harmony-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 在战斗开始时以及当装备者回合开始时,随机生效1个效果。该效果生效时,替换上次的效果且本次不会与上次重复。效果包含:使我方全体攻击力提高 | ||
但战斗还未结束 | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 463.05 | 1164.24 | 使装备者的能量恢复效率提高 | ||
过往未来 | 4 | harmony-class | 423.36 | 396.9 | 952.56 | 当装备者施放战技后,使下一个行动的我方其他目标造成的伤害提高 | ||
镜中故我 | 5 | harmony-class | 529.2 | 529.2 | 1058.4 | 使装备者击破特攻提高 每个波次开始时,我方全体立即恢复 |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Idle #2
Title | loc_sound |
初次见面 | * |
问候 | * |
道别 | * |
关于自己•过去 | * |
关于自己•未来 | * |
闲谈•梦境 | * |
闲谈•剧院 | * |
爱好•弹琴 | * |
烦恼 | * |
分享•天环 | * |
见闻 | * |
关于知更鸟 | * |
关于知更鸟•二 | * |
关于砂金 | * |
关于真理医生 | * |
关于加拉赫 | * |
关于瓦尔特 | * |
关于姬子 | * |
关于三月七 | * |
关于丹恒 | * |
星魂激活 | * |
角色晋阶 | * |
角色满级 | * |
行迹激活 | * |
队伍编成•开拓者 | * |
队伍编成•知更鸟 | * |
队伍编成•瓦尔特 | * |
队伍编成•姬子 | * |
队伍编成•三月七 | * |
队伍编成•丹恒 | * |
队伍编成•砂金 | * |
队伍编成•真理医生 | * |
战斗开始•弱点击破 | * |
战斗开始•危险预警 | * |
回合开始•一 | * |
回合开始•二 | * |
回合待机 | * |
普攻 | * |
战技•一 | * |
战技•二 | * |
轻受击 | * |
重受击 | * |
终结技•激活 | * |
终结技•施放 | * |
无法战斗 | * |
重回战斗 | * |
回复生命 | * |
秘技 | * |
战斗胜利 | * |
开启战利品•一 | * |
开启战利品•二 | * |
开启贵重战利品 | * |
解谜成功•一 | * |
解谜成功•二 | * |
发现敌方目标 | * |
返回城镇 | * |
Title | 文本语言 |
角色详情 | 「秩序」的美梦已然消散,但仍有人不会放下初愿。 ——折翼坠地的旅人,他的脚步将迈向何方? |
角色故事·一 | 「亲爱的妹妹: 你留给我的甜点我都已经吃掉啦!都怪布丁蛋挞太好吃了,上音乐课前我忍不住吃了三个!结果很不幸, 好在我的钢琴练得不错,大块头老师每次都夸我有天赋。现在只要听过一段旋律,我就可以把它原原本本复弹出来,和你一样厉害吧!等你下次回来,我们可以四手连弹,我也可以为你伴奏,我们可以再办一场演唱会! 我们的小鸟你不用担心,已经能飞得比昨天更高一点了。最近天气不错,它应该很快就能飞走了!下午我去打扫妈妈的墓时,瞧见了好几只和它一模一样的小鸟,我们的小鸟也会很快加入它们的! 时间过得真快啊,我最近开始跟着教堂里的「铎音」学习家族的课程了。这说明——我以后一定会变成特别特别厉害的人!到那个时候,我们一起,一定会把梦境变成特别好特别好的地方! 随信给你寄了一些新口味苏乐达饮料,有的味道是有点怪怪的,但很好玩,还是想让你尝尝。如果你还想喝,我再寄一些过来! (如果有看到好吃的布丁蛋挞,也给我寄点!) 不要太累了哦! 哥哥」 ——一封古旧的家书,珍藏于旅行箱的暗格中 |
角色故事·二 | 「亲爱的妹妹: 寄来的唱片我已收到,我跟着弹了几首,十分精彩。现在匹诺康尼的唱片店人满为患,街上到处都是你的新专辑海报,好多人总是向我赞美你,并打听是否能拿到你的签名。 你最近不回来也好。现在的匹诺康尼今时不同往昔,逐梦客蜂拥而入,经济像井喷一样发展,但梦境也比以前混乱多了,换作以前,我不曾想到「铎音」会面临如此艰巨的挑战。 企业家为了垄断行业,制定了极其不合理的工作时间,梦境里的工人经常要连续工作十二个系统时才能休息,但到手的却只有一笔微薄的工资。投机和高风险产业遍布匹诺康尼,逐梦客们为了泡沫般的愿望来到这里,最终却成了流浪汉中的一员…… 此前一位偷渡客向我求助,说他倾尽所有才能留在匹诺康尼,却被猎犬家系发现。他向我保证日后一定会还清自己的所有欠债,因此我才向猎犬家系请求,对他网开一面。只是每当我想到这样的人在匹诺康尼还有许多,便不免怀疑是否所有人都能做出正确的选择。 算算日期,信寄到的时候你应该也要启程开始下一轮巡演了。匹诺康尼的事你不必操心,我知道你心地善良,但不是所有人都如你这般。一定记得保护好自己。 星期日」 ——一封泛黄的家书,放在唱片盒中 |
角色故事·三 | 「亲爱的妹妹: 星系特产我已收到,谐乐大典在即,事务繁忙,等有时间了我仔细品尝。 关于家族中出了叛徒一事,情况我已知悉。你的猜想不错,此事的确与你注意到的死亡案件相关,更和那位神秘的「钟表匠」脱不开关系。但你离开匹诺康尼已久,不熟悉这里的情况,切不可轻举妄动。 至于失声一事,你的当务之急是好好修养,若是身体确实不适,谐乐大典的事我会和梦主商议,看能否做特殊处理。你认为失声是因为匹诺康尼的「同谐」并不纯粹,我同意。匹诺康尼唯一称得上纯粹的,或许只有人的「贪欲」而已。 自从担任家主以来,有很多话我不能说,有很多事我不能做,但这不代表我对梦里的一切熟视无睹。 我们也许都在新的道路上前进着,但我唯一能向你保证的,是我从未辜负我许下的诺言。 朝露公馆,朝露的时刻 匹诺康尼(梦境) 阿斯德纳星系」 ——一封新近的家书,笔迹潦草,涂抹众多 |
角色故事·四 | 「亲爱的妹妹: 许久未写信了。 往后的一段时间里,或许会有一阵子没法联系了,但我向你保证,这不会是寄给你的最后一封信。 一条充满希望的路也许只是一条充满诱惑的路,感谢你们,我还没有迷失得太远。以我现在的身份,我能补偿的不多,只能清除残留在匹诺康尼的秩序余响。如此,梦境便不会再有「秩序」的隐患了。 为了一睹天空的容貌,折翼的鸟儿也会选择再次出发。就像我们小时候共同养育的那只鸟儿,即便明知有坠落的可能,它也要飞上天空,因为那是它的宿命。我不会忘记我们「让所有人幸福」的愿望,但现在我必须离开,去往更广阔的世界找寻实现的道路。这是我的命运,也是我的选择。 瓦尔特先生已同意我登上列车,作为搭车客前往寻找我的应许之地。他们为人和善,品行高洁,你应当比我更了解。 很多时候,你不说,我还把你当成那个需要被人保护的孩子。但你早就长大了,匹诺康尼有你在,我很放心。 母亲的墓我已打扫过了,我折了一朵蓝花带在身旁,她会像一直以来那样祝福我们。 最后,谢谢你送的巨恐鸟布丁蛋挞,这么多年过去,它们还是那个令人怀念的味道。 哥哥」 ——一封未署名的信,留在了美梦的某个角落 |
角色故事·一 | |
角色故事·二 | |
角色故事·三 | |
角色故事·四 | |
关于「你」 | |
你的「故事」•一 | |
你的「故事」•二 |
323 responses to “星期日”
tbh i hope he is a DPS guy.
but alas…..
If you are going to play the “Summon Meta” so Remembrance Characters, then get Sunday!
If you don’t care much about Remembrance Characters then Sunday is still really good, basically a much better version of Bronya or Sparkle.
(If you want extra Skill Points then Sparkle is good for DH IL.)
Robin is a good character, but she is nowhere near as useful as Sunday is for Remembrance Characters.
(I have no bias toward any of these characters by the way, these are just facts, based on testing and calculations, and gameplay.)
Im waiting for rerun because Im only interested at the moment for Castorice so better wait to see if he fits her team or better options for her
“Sparkle is good for DH IL”
Yeah, for E0 DHIL only, perhaps.
Here is the thing, though: if you are DHIL main in 2024 and going forward, you sure as hell won’t go with E0 DHIL.
Even if you somehow are a DHIL main at E0, going E2 is a way bigger upgrade to him than Sparkle, and Sparkle is absolutely useless for E2 DHIL or higher. Just use Robin, Sunday, Jiaoqiu, Pela, Tingyun… Literally anyone who isn’t Sparkle is better for E2+ DHIL, as she gives nothing to him other than extra SP, which he also doesn’t care about that much at said E2 since his extra turn is free of SP cost. As such, having uptime on his ult is way more important for E2.
I dare saying that even at E0S1, having ult uptime is better because if he ults, than he won’t have to use -3 sp for his nuke. This is the tech that literally every E0 DHIL owner uses in the first place.
-get ult up
-when DHIL gets a turn then ult
-that way it’s only -1 sp over -3
Arguibly as such, Sparkle isn’t even that great for him at E0. Considering how fast DHIL mains dropped her from the team for Robin and mostly ran Robin and Tingyun with somewhat faster DHIL for more turns, yea. Sparkle is more of a bait for DHIL than actually a unit truly designed for him.
I do believe that sooner or later they will make someone with Sparkle in mind, but right now her value is 0 for everyone. I mean, there is QQ, but who the hell non-ironically is playing QQ in the current age and year? She wasn’t that high in usage even when she was considered to be competitive with some of the best DPS at that time, let alone now.
As for Sunday: Go with the rerun if you are unsure so far, because he too right now isn’t a must to anyone.
An improvement to someone like Aglaea, perhaps? However, not exactly a hard must for her either. Even outside of this specific turbulence, she isn’t exactly glued to Sunday due to the nature of her kit. Which is her going super fast.Sure. Sunday is still great for her if you have him, but at the same time, she will be more than fine without him, and this is the first summon character that we know of so far.
The second one is pink Xueyi (hopefully Castorice’s model will look better in the final game, as her reveal in the trailer has her look like ass), but she is now confirmed to be an HP unit that wants to be in a team with another HP DPS, and the only requirements for her team as of now are Luocha or Lingsha.
The second thing known about her is that she will be the slowest DPS. So 161 Sunday might be a thing for her, but nobody is saying it. Just that if you are going for her then Luocha is her BiS, or Lingsha is the 2nd option due to these two having the highest healing output by far out of every other healer in the game and this is very important to her.
Just lost 50/50 and I’m wondering if I should go for this guy. Saw some comments about Robin being good or at least usable for Remembrance teams. I will be going for Aglaea
Aglaea and her summon seem to be high speed. High speed, follow up, or high action count characters do great with robin, giving her more energy and taking full advantage of the high damage Robin deals with her ult. bested used two or more dps. Sunday much like Robin can buff any team well but he excels at slower dps characters with summons, which only Jing Yuan is the knowned character like that so far. Sunday is best used for hypercarry teams.
Also I don’t know but would be good to find out if Remembrance summons are considered follow up attacks, like Numby, Lightning lord, and that bunny thing.
Personally i think hes really good for Aglaea he helps her summons uptime by building speed stacks faster and how he works you can build more CRIT DMG because he will give her +20% CRIT Rate
Just a heads up.Not every unit on 3.0 will be summon specific neither the enemies. I advise you to summon on rerun if you’re conflicted.
Examples:Multiple harmony units on 2.0
Robin taking over Ruan Mei and Ruan Mei taking over Robin
just a common sense is enough to not making a regretful choice.Teams always have their alternatives.
Saw advance updates and my first thought was how this was bad news for Sunday and his value. Then saw showcase of Aglaea that compared him vs Robin and oh boy… 1 cycle difference and that’s only assuming that Robin is E0. At E1/2 that difference doesn’t exist, she even outperforms him and at E6… Let us not talk about Robin on E6 vs him. Thanks to his shitty E’s this is literally coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb comparison.
One can argue “just use them together” but the question is why one should even bother pulling Sunday then? If he is not core to new meta and Robin can easily completely replace him (even outperform him) in same comps that would want him, then isn’t it better to just wait limited version of remembrance trailblazer? Why pull someone who isn’t even best in slot for what is meant to be their own niche? Imagine Ruan Mei just being 2nd option for break, or Robin herself for FUA? Even Jiaoqiu was done less dirty than this as nobody is touching him for Acheron team. Sunday’s value absolutely tanked after advance updates.
On the bright side, nobody can blame my CN bros this time for certain male unit getting such shit treatment. Despite being infamous for being diehard waifu community that just as much hates the sight of males existing… They actually fought for a man for the 1st time in their life. They fought to have his kit reworked, make him irreplaceable to his niche, make him more futureproof, and have these God awful E’s of his fixed. They actually wanted of Sunday to be good because large majority of CN players actually looked forward to him.
Of course, Hoyo didn’t listen and we got current Sunday. Not even unique in his own niche at this point. Just glorified Tingyun for servants. One that can be slotted out easily and nothing of value would be lost. Hope that Sunday’s crappy sub-reddit is happy because while CN fought for this man to get justice, his en speaking sub-reddit of glazers removed anyone who just as much pointed out on issues that Sunday had, coping badly about his kit and calling anyone who brought genuine concerns like this as just “doomposting.” Well, they got their wish! Hoyo didn’t listen to CN or anyone who wanted him to be more than Jing Yuan’s glorified wheelchair pusher, and now this is all he truly is. The only “unique” thing he got left about his kit. Being able to push LL.
sheesh dude it’s almost if you’re having an imaginary battle inside living rent free in your head…
You and the ones below you do realize that the only reason for why there is only “1 cycle difference” without Sunday here is due to turbulence in that specific showcase, right? The turbulence in question being literally feeling like you have Sunday on your team. Hence how RMC+Robin can work on paper. Aglaea, the one being used, is said to be not greatest outside of this turbulence that perfectly works in her favor and your team of just RMC+Robin but not Sunday will be even more felt outside of this turbulence.
Being cautious like considering to pull him on rerun instead is fine. The issue is that some of the comments that I’m seeing are speaking things out of their own ass. Like yours when you use “1 cycle difference” without provided context, all while ignoring that the same people who are showing you these things are the same ones telling you that this showcase is extremely misleading due to turbulence that literally makes up for the lack of Sunday in this team.
For real. Here’s the MoC buff in question for those who can’t/don’t want to look it up:
“At the start of each cycle, regenerates 20% energy for all ally characters. The energy regenerated by this effect can exceed the target’s max energy. Enables all memosprites on the field to immediately take action again after their next action.”
Literally a mini Sunday.
>1 cycle difference only vs Robin+RMC
>this is with Robin only being E0S1 (at E1S1 there is no difference and at E6 she is killing him badly)
Yea… gonna wait limited version of RMC instead as Sunday is proven to be bait. Right before his release at that….
HSR dev team may as well drop males all together because it’s clear that they hate them. The first male limited harmony and he gets hit with st buffs only, dogshit Es, and now not even being a must for his own niche. Just use Robin and RMC, and then Robin and whatever limited version of RMC is.
I pity those who looked forward to this character (were saving for him), because holy shit! I can’t think of a single limited support that had it this bad. Even JQ is irreplaceable for Acheron at this point. Can’t say the same for Sunday.
Well, he’s irreplaceable for JY, but who the hell unironically gives a damn about him in current day and age? Sunday is DOA.
I love sunday so much
Bronya and Sparkle can CHOOSE BETWEEN advancing servant or its user. Might not be like how Sunday can push both, but still they can push servant if they so wish. If you think this is bad, then wait to hear this: Robin just ADVANCES EVERYTHING ANYWAY!!! Your team-wide servant buffer? It’s Robin! A unit from this very year is the same unit that buries her bro to the ground. Any dual dps servant? Yup! Gonna use Robin! They are in some niche like DoT? ROBIN AGAIN!
HOLY SKIP!!! HOLY BAIT!!! ONE BLOODY NICHE HE HAD AND IT’S FOR NOTHING! Who is this character even made for at this point? Mid Yuan? Seems to be the case since servant meta couldn’t care less for his ass other than having a glorified ER bot.
He’s still better than Sparkle and Bronya in all their teams, and if you already have a FuA team you won’t be able to play Robin in both teams. I think you need to rethink about your definition of “trash”.
Are you brain-dead? Yeah advancing once per ult is the exact same thing as advancing every turn. Also can’t wait to see Robin grant Aglaea 70 energy on her 40 billion energy cost ult! Oh wait…..
The male character haters stay being completely delusional as usual. See you in summon meta
Are you brain-dead? Yeah advancing once per ult is the exact same thing as advancing every turn. Also can’t wait to see Robin grant Aglaea 70 energy on her 40 billion energy cost ult! Oh wait…..
The male character haters stay completely delusional as usual. See you in summon meta
What are you talking about? Sunday can’t restore 70 energy either. His limit is 40. Without the trace his 20% energy restore can’t restore this much even to mosr expensive ults in the game like Argenti with 180 energy cap.
It restores based on 20% of the targeted user’s max energy. The trace says IF the restored energy is below 40 energy, it will be INCREASED to 40. Not that the CAP is 40.
So while the initial 70 energy I listed was a first glance number and is incorrect, it is STILL larger than 40 and has more potential if they start releasing higher energy cost ultimates
Wait, I take that back. 350 x .2 = 70. So like…..
Without the trace, 20% is what you get regardless of energy cost. With the trace, 40 is the minimum he can give. On character with an energy cap above 200, he will give them more.
Hear me out, Bronya and Sparkle are based, but seeing as path of remberance is based nearly entirely on summons, I’d say go for Sunday.
Also, not everyone wants a Robin. I personally love her design, character, and her personality; but I’d rather not hear her singing everytime she ults. Plus, a ton of Sunday and Fugue fans, have been waiting for both, so let people play how they want.
K? K.
Ah yes the waifu glazers doomposting the male characters from their mom’s basement huh??? Like as shown from the leaks, Sunday preforms much better than Robin in Aglaea showcases, and he gives much more turns compared to her. (Sunday gives two turns per cycle, Robin only giving once per 3 cycles). Oh not to mention, he’s also a battery and is especially important for characters like Aglaea with a high energy cap. Have you seen Robin giving Energy, crit rate, and skill points??? Also for what you have said, even without the thing about summons/servants, Sunday undoubtedly outpreforms Sparkle and bronya with his buffs, duration, sp-positivity, Energy etc. You waifu glazers please just stick to the hub if you just share shit like this and having a F in reading comprehension. Don’t come crying when Sunday is in T0 on every single game mode in 3.X. Coming from a E1 Robin haver btw. <3
He also has a WAY higher cealing if you go all in for Eidolons.
Defense Shred, even more Skillpoints and Energy and that Crit Rate -> Crit Damage conversion once you hit 100% Crit rate (which will be quite easy, considering that his talent alone will give 60% crit rate at that point.
He is already irreplacable for my Jingliu team and will be a strong support going forward.