New in 2.0

Daftar Isi
Light Cone
Set Relic
Musuh Monster


IstilahKelangkaanPathTipe SeranganATKDEFHPn/a
Dream Flamer
Shards of Desires
Heavenly Melody
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster
Tracks of Destiny
Black Swan
Black Swan5
Ascendant Debris
Squirming Core
Heaven Incinerator
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster
Tracks of Destiny
Dream Fridge
Dream Making Engine
Moon Rage Fang
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster
Tracks of Destiny
Per Page

Light Cone

Earthly Escapade
Earthly Escapade5
harmony-class529.2463.051164.24Meningkatkan 32% CRIT DMG pengguna. Saat pertempuran dimulai, pengguna akan memperoleh "Mask" selama 3 giliran. Saat pengguna memiliki "Mask", akan meningkatkan 10% CRIT Rate dan 28% CRIT DMG rekan tim pengguna. Untuk setiap 1 Poin Skill yang dipulihkan pengguna, akan memperoleh 1 lapis "Radiant Flame" (Poin Skill yang melebihi batas juga akan masuk dalam penghitungan). Setelah jumlah "Radiant Flame" mencapai 4 lapis, semua "Radiant Flame" akan dihapus dan pengguna akan memperoleh "Mask" selama 4 giliran.
Heavenly Melody
Shards of Desires
What Is Real?
What Is Real?4
abundance-class423.36330.751058.4Meningkatkan 24% Break Effect pengguna. Setelah melancarkan Basic Attack, pengguna akan memulihkan HP diri sendiri sebesar 2% Max HP + 800.
Flower of Eternity
Dream Making Engine
Flames Afar
Flames Afar4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4Saat pengguna kehilangan HP sebesar total lebih dari 25% Max HP dirinya dalam 1 serangan yang diterimanya, atau ketika mengonsumsi HP diri lebih dari 25% Max HP dirinya (dalam 1 kali konsumsi), maka akan segera memulihkan HP dirinya sebesar 15% Max HP pengguna serta meningkatkan 25% DMG yang diakibatkan pengguna selama 2 giliran. Efek ini hanya dapat terpicu 1 kali setiap 3 giliran.
Moon Rage Fang
Dream Making Engine
Destiny's Threads Forewoven
Destiny's Threads Forewoven4
preservation-class370.44463.05952.56Meningkatkan 12% Effect RES pengguna. Untuk setiap 100 DEF yang dimiliki pengguna, DMG yang diakibatkan pengguna akan meningkat 0.8%, maksimal meningkat hingga 32%.
Safeguard of Amber
Shards of Desires
The Day The Cosmos Fell
The Day The Cosmos Fell4
erudition-class476.28330.75952.56Meningkatkan 16% ATK pengguna. Setelah pengguna melancarkan serangan, jika jumlah target musuh yang terkena serangan (yang memiliki Tipe Weakness yang sama dengan Tipe Serangan pengguna) tidak kurang dari 2 musuh, maka CRIT DMG pengguna meningkat 20% selama 2 giliran.
Key of Wisdom
Dream Making Engine
It's Showtime
It's Showtime4
nihility-class476.28264.61058.4Setelah pengguna menambahkan status Debuff pada target musuh, pengguna akan memperoleh 1 lapis "Trick". Setiap lapis "Trick" meningkatkan 6% DMG yang diakibatkan pengguna, maksimal 3 lapis, dan berlangsung selama 1 giliran. Saat Effect Hit Rate pengguna lebih dari atau sama dengan 80%, ATK akan meningkat 20%.
Heaven Incinerator
Squirming Core
Reforged Remembrance
Reforged Remembrance5
nihility-class582.12463.051058.4Meningkatkan 40% Effect Hit Rate pengguna. Saat pengguna mengakibatkan DMG pada target musuh yang berstatus Wind Shear/Burn/Shock/Bleed, pengguna akan memperoleh masing-masing 1 lapis "Prophet" dari setiap jenis status prasyarat tersebut yang ada pada target, dapat ditumpuk hingga 4 lapis. Dalam 1 pertempuran, setiap jenis status DoT hanya dapat menciptakan 1 lapis efek "Prophet". Setiap lapisan "Prophet" akan meningkatkan 5% ATK pengguna, dan DoT yang diakibatkan pengguna akan mengabaikan 7.2% DEF target.
Heaven Incinerator
Squirming Core
Indelible Promise
Indelible Promise4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Meningkatkan 28% Break Effect pengguna. Saat pengguna melancarkan Ultimate, CRIT Rate meningkat 15%, berlangsung selama 2 giliran.
Moon Rage Fang
Dream Making Engine
Final Victor
Final Victor4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Meningkatkan 12% ATK pengguna. Saat setelah pengguna mengakibatkan CRIT HIT pada target musuh, akan memperoleh 1 lapis "Good Fortune", maksimal dapat ditumpuk hingga 4 lapis. Setiap lapis "Good Fortune" akan meningkatkan 8% CRIT DMG pengguna. "Good Fortune" akan dihapus saat giliran pengguna berakhir.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Shards of Desires
Dreamville Adventure
Dreamville Adventure4
harmony-class423.36396.9952.56Setelah pengguna melancarkan salah satu jenis Kemampuan antara Basic Attack, Skill, atau Ultimate, akan menambahkan efek "Childishness" pada seluruh rekan tim. "Childishness" akan meningkatkan 12% DMG yang diakibatkan dari jenis Kemampuan yang terkait. "Childishness" hanya akan efektif pada jenis Kemampuan terakhir yang digunakan oleh pengguna, efek ini tidak dapat ditumpuk.
Heavenly Melody
Dream Making Engine
Per Page

Set Relic

IstilahEfek Set Relic
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters2: Meningkatkan 12% DMG yang diakibatkan pada musuh yang terkena pengaruh status Debuff.
4: Meningkatkan 4% CRIT Rate. Meningkatkan 8%/12% CRIT DMG pengguna pada target musuh yang memiliki setidaknya 2/3 efek Debuff. Setelah pengguna menambahkan efek debuff pada target musuh, efek peningkatan di atas meningkat 100% selama 1 giliran.
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations2: Break Effect +16%.
4: Saat pengguna melancarkan Ultimate pada rekan tim (termasuk pengguna sendiri), Break Effect seluruh rekan tim akan meningkat 30% selama 2 giliran. Efek ini tidak dapat ditumpuk.
Per Page


Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters2
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters3
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters4
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters5
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations2
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations3
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations4
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations
Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations5
Borisin Teeth
Borisin Teeth2
Peningkatan Light Cone, Skill Material Upgrade, Material Peningkatan Level Trace
Lupitoxin Sawteeth
Lupitoxin Sawteeth3
Peningkatan Light Cone, Skill Material Upgrade, Material Peningkatan Level Trace
Per Page


IstilahSeri AchievementBukaPenjelasanHadiah
Sisi Lain Surga
Sisi Lain SurgaPenyelidikan MisteriMengaktifkan Space Anchor 15 kali di Penacony
Stellar Jade5
Mimpi Penacony
Mimpi PenaconyPenyelidikan MisteriMembuka Peti Harta 120 kali di Penacony
Stellar Jade10
Berjalan di Luar Angkasa
Berjalan di Luar AngkasaPenyelidikan MisteriMenyelesaikan misi "Tempat Pemotongan Daging", dan menemukan kebenaran di balik hotel dunia mimpi
Stellar Jade5
*Cuit*?Penyelidikan MisteriBantu 1 Burung Origami kembali ke "Pohon Besar"
Stellar Jade5
*Cuit-cuit-cuit*!Penyelidikan MisteriBantu 60 Burung Origami kembali ke "Pohon Besar"
Stellar Jade5
Selalu Sejalan dengan Waktu
Selalu Sejalan dengan WaktuPenyelidikan MisteriPerbaiki 15 Jam Dunia Mimpi
Stellar Jade5
Mimpi Siapa?
Mimpi Siapa?Penyelidikan MisteriMenyaksikan keajaiban misterius dalam Child's Dream untuk pertama kalinya
Stellar Jade5
Lagi, Lagi
Lagi, LagiKegembiraan SesaatMenggunakan kemampuan Pejalan Mimpi untuk melewati Jembatan Gelembung Mimpi yang sama berkali-kali
Stellar Jade5
Jangan Kocok Soda
Jangan Kocok SodaMemori BersamamuMenggunakan Pinball Gelembung untuk pertama kali
Stellar Jade5
Beda Dinding
Beda DindingPenyelidikan MisteriMenggunakan Mata Pemimpi untuk menghubungkan jalan yang tidak mungkin dan lewati jalan itu
Stellar Jade5
Per Page

Musuh Monster

IstilahTingkat KesulitanHadiah
Dreamjolt Troupe's Spring Loader
Dreamjolt Troupe's Spring LoaderMinion
Dream Collection Component
Rusty Gear
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
Dreamjolt Troupe's Birdskull
Dreamjolt Troupe's BirdskullMinion
Dream Collection Component
Rusty Gear
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
n/aMusuh Monster
Dreamjolt Troupe's Bubble Hound
Dreamjolt Troupe's Bubble HoundMusuh Monster
Dream Collection Component
Old Molar
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
Sombrous Sepulcher
Sombrous SepulcherMusuh Monster
Tatters of Thought
Fragments of Impression
Shards of Desires
Dreamjolt Troupe's Mr. Domescreen
Dreamjolt Troupe's Mr. DomescreenMusuh Monster
Dream Collection Component
Old Molar
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
Memory Zone Meme
Memory Zone Meme "Something Unto Death"Pemimpin Musuh
Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla
Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet GorillaMusuh Elite
Dream Collection Component
Thermal Gel
Mechanical Cube
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond Overcooked
Dreamjolt Troupe's Beyond OvercookedMusuh Elite
Dream Collection Component
Thermal Gel
Mechanical Cube
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
Memory Zone Meme
Memory Zone Meme "Heartbreaker"Musuh Monster
Tatters of Thought
Fragments of Impression
Shards of Desires
Per Page

193 responses to “New in 2.0”

  1. My current Aventurine set is sitting at 70-140 crit, ~3800 def (he has no orb or gloves yet, 4pc pioneer, 2pc salsotto)
    On another note, which 2.1 character has the most interesting kit to you?

    • Interesting kit? another buff making Acheron even more savage, since she will be the first energy less unit, this are surely more interesting style to have a try, she will be really good with the right comp… but even so…. Firefly moe!! so am saving all the way.

  2. Aventurine shocked me with his def to CR trace, 40% CR at 3600 def is wild
    His shield is abt 60% of gepard’s at base but can stack higher, and also gives the whole team 50% effect res
    As for his offensive capabilities, a FuA that does 175-250% def is solid, his ult is also a decent multiplier
    because of his def conversion, you may want to replace either your body or orb with a def% one, so my personal preference will be Crit DMG%, SPD, DEF%, DEF%
    As for sets, 2pc Knight (or 4pc for pure shield), 2pc ashblazing, 2/4pc dead Waters and 2pc desert all seem good (if you have his lc or E2 I’d go 4pc dead Waters no question)
    Planar I’d assume salsotto or FFG (or architect for shield)
    I look forward to my lovely blond gambler

  3. Some Acheron stuff (just check out the reddit leaks for the kit itself)

    The leaks only show Lvl 1 and Max (9/15) values so here’s the relevant lvl 6/10 values:
    — Lvl 10 talent All RES debuff: 20%

    We’re going with the assumption that there are only 9 Knots present. You technically can delay her Ult to increase the amount of Knots present and they won’t be wasted because the final hit removes, and presumably detonates, all remaining Knots. But of course, you’re wasting Slashed Dreams (Energy) playing that way.
    Also, in the old leaks, the first 3 attacks of her Ult has differing hit counts (2/3/1 respectively) but we’ll assume that’s no longer the case.

    — Acheron Lvl 10 ability values
    Basic: 100%
    Skill Main/Adj: 160%/60%
    Ult first 3 attacks: 24% each attack
    Ult Crimson Knot (AoE): 15% per knot
    Ult final hit (AoE): 65%
    Ult breakdown: 72% single target / 200% AoE dmg

    — Trace active with 2 Nihi teammates (ability values x1.6)
    Basic: 160%
    Skill Main/Adj: 256%/96%
    Ult first 3 attacks: 38.4%
    Ult Crimson Knot (AoE): 24% per knot
    Ult final hit (AoE): 104%
    Ult breakdown: 115.2% single target / 320% AoE Dmg

    • Her Ult values aren’t incredibly high due to it being mostly AoE damage (so treat it as Erudition-like) and how low its effective cost is. She can realistically cast it within 3-4 turns and ideally lower it to 2 turns with 2 Nihi teammates (4 from Acheron casting Skill, 4+ from her Nihi teammates debuffing).

      Coupled with the multiplier increase, her Ult actually performs similar to (if not better than) Argenti’s 180 Ult (570% single target / 280% AoE Dmg = 850% total). Assuming you can bring down Argenti’s Ult to 4 turns, then Acheron performing 2 Ults in comparison is equal to 230.2% single target / 640% AoE Dmg = 870.2% total. Without the multiplier increase, she requires 3 Ult casts to compare.

      Everything else about her leans towards offense, too. You have the aforementioned ability mult increase, 20% All RES debuff talent while performing her Ult, up to a 90% Dmg Inc when she Ults (lasts 2 turns), and her trifecta of offense Stat traces (Atk, CDmg, Lightning).

      But of course, there’s some big caveats here. Since she doesn’t use Energy every single source of it is useless — kills, abilities, SU effects, even any potential MoC/PF effect that may generate Energy. Also, her kit’s making it a requirement to have 2 Nihi teammates. It’s really tough replacing all these good Harmony characters but the Multiplier increase *is* massive. Also looking at it this way, the right Nihi teammates *will* serve as constant batteries that can easily account for half of her Dream gain.

      As for any currently available teammates, there’s the usual Pela (you may want to use Resolution LC over Tutorial Mission) or SW (play her with high Spd and EHR), but I’m also curious about Gui. Firekiss can be applied/refreshed during the enemy’s turns which potentially means more Dreams for Acheron. Dreams can be generated once per action which, based on the addendum in the previous leak, should also work during enemy turns, and on self-inflicted enemy debuffs. Unfortunately Gui by herself has too long of a ramp up time and doesn’t really provide much more than that for Acheron.

      You can maybe attempt BS as a Debuffer sub-DPS (triggering 3-stack Arcanas should be a similar interaction to Firekiss) however to utilize E1, Shocked must be present which requires you to be careful about turn order if your only Shock source is Kafka’s LC… unless you use that on Acheron herself? Also please, no BS+Kafka+Acheron. They’ll suck you so hard and leave you dry. 0 SP.

      So we’ll have to assume that we’re getting more “proper” Debuff-oriented Nihis down the line after the recent string of DoTs. I can imagine they might even try a Field-type Debuffer (an RM counterpart?) somewhere down the line to break away from the limitations (needing to take a turn to apply a debuff, debuff downtime if the enemy is too fast).

      Now as for LC prediction… I think hands down it’ll be a Crit-oriented debuff-applying LC, no two ways about it. Technically, debuff-applying LCs already exist (Resolution LC, and 2 sig LCs – Kafka and SW) as well as offensive ones (GNSW S5 at the peak), but of course having both is the winning combination.

      • “no BS+Kafka+Acheron. They’ll suck you so hard and leave you dry”
        Oya, but that’s exactly why i think will be the reason someone still going to do it…!

        Something i find weird is, she’s emanator of Nihility with core concept of leading Nihil comp, yet her E2 somehow allow for 1 less member, as if they KNEW that current Nihil characters still not working with her perfectly, Acheron fate can change a lots with future 5* Nihil.
        at this rate she’ll having to suffer the wait for ideal teammates by very long times like Kafka without her E2 or if you can make Welt working at sustain.

        Yea, the part about “When any characters *uses* their ability to debuff, Acheron gain 1 Slashed Dream” are really important to know if it would trigger outside of ability usage or counts follow-up

        I guess this is all we have for now, thing are still susceptible to change.

      • The firekiss interaction is something I’m really interested after thinking about it, as well as Universal Market LC being another one of the only non-ultimate ways of applying debuffs outside of turn.


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