My Sword Zaps Demons

My Sword Zaps Demons
My Sword Zaps DemonsConceptsMy Sword Zaps Demons
TypeBasic ATK
TypeSingle Target
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 30
Energy Regeneration20
March 7th
March 7th
Ascension Materials
Meteoric Bullet2
Thief's Instinct4
Destined Expiration6
Usurper's Scheme5
Countertemporal Shot8
Conqueror's Will5
My Sword Zaps DemonsMy Sword Zaps Demons - Basic ATK | Single Target
Deals Imaginary DMG equal to of March 7th's ATK to a single enemy and gains Charge(s).

Deals minor Imaginary DMG to a single enemy and gains #2[i] Charge(s).
Level 9

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