
VíaClass Nihilidad
Tipos de combateClass Fuego
Brote verde inmortal15
Flor etérea inmortal15
Corazón ardiente65
Rama gloriosa inmortal15
Material de Rastros
Espíritu ardiente18
Brote verde inmortal41
Esencia de fuego estelar69
Flor etérea inmortal56
Incinerador divino139
Rama gloriosa inmortal58
Arrepentimiento del eterno vehículo del alma12
Huellas del destino8
HistoriaUn sanador raposiano y consejero del Yaoqing de Xianzhou. A menudo saluda a la gente con una sonrisa, pero es bastante astuto.
Proveniente de una familia distinguida de la Comisión de Alquimia, una vez se retiró del mundo y dejó de practicar la medicina, desilusionado. Sin embargo, regresó para tratar a Feixiao, la Garra Celestial.
Experto en el estudio de la prescripción alquímica que considera los alimentos como medicina, especialmente aquellos que inducen una sensación picante. Inventó un estilo medicinal en caldero conocido como la "cuadrícula de nueve espacios".

Habilidad básica
Conos de luz


NivelATQDEFPVVELProb. CRITDaño CRITProvocaciónEnergían/a
Brote verde inmortal5
Brote verde inmortal10
Flor etérea inmortal6
Corazón ardiente3
Flor etérea inmortal9
Corazón ardiente7
Rama gloriosa inmortal6
Corazón ardiente20
Rama gloriosa inmortal9
Corazón ardiente35
Brote verde inmortal5
Flor etérea inmortal6
Corazón ardiente3
Flor etérea inmortal9
Corazón ardiente7
Rama gloriosa inmortal6
Corazón ardiente20
Rama gloriosa inmortal9
Corazón ardiente35

Habilidad básica

Corazón inflamadoCorazón inflamado - ATQ básico | ATQ individual
Recuperación de energía : 20
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30
Inflige un del ATQ de Jiaoqiu como Daño de Fuego a un enemigo.

Inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño de Fuego a un enemigo.
Nivel 9
Asalto conflagradorAsalto conflagrador - Habilidad básica | Ráfaga
Recuperación de energía : 30
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 60 / Ráfaga : 30
Jiaoqiu inflige un de su ATQ como Daño de Fuego a un enemigo y un de su ATQ como Daño de Fuego a los enemigos adyacentes. Tiene una probabilidad base del de aplicar una acumulación de Asado al rescoldo al objetivo principal.

Inflige Daño de Fuego a un enemigo y una pequeña cantidad de Daño de Fuego a los enemigos adyacentes. Tiene una gran probabilidad aplicar 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo al objetivo principal.
Nivel 15
Arcano pirográficoArcano pirográfico - Habilidad definitiva | ATQ AdE
Recuperación de energía : 5
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ AdE : 60
Iguala las acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo que tiene cada enemigo a las que tenga el efecto de Asado al rescoldo con más acumulaciones en el campo de batalla. Luego, activa un campo e inflige un del ATQ de Jiaoqiu como Daño de Fuego a todos los enemigos.
Los enemigos dentro del campo reciben un más de daño de habilidad definitiva y tienen una probabilidad base del de recibir 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo al actuar. Este efecto solo se puede activar veces mientras dura el campo, y solo puede activarse 1 vez por cada turno de cada enemigo. El recuento de activaciones se reinicia cada vez que Jiaoqiu lanza la habilidad definitiva.
El campo dura turnos. Al comienzo de cada turno de Jiaoqiu, los turnos del campo disminuyen en 1. Cuando Jiaoqiu es derrotado, el campo también se disipa.

Iguala las acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo que tenga cada enemigo a las que tenga el efecto de Asado al rescoldo con más acumulaciones en el campo de batalla. A continuación, activa un campo e Inflige Daño de Fuego a todos los enemigos. Los enemigos dentro del campo reciben más daño de habilidad definitiva y tienen una probabilidad de recibir 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo cuando actúan.
Nivel 15
Superposición de poder exquisitaSuperposición de poder exquisita - Talento | Alteración
Recuperación de energía : 0
Ruptura de Debilidad : 0
Después de que Jiaoqiu golpee a un enemigo con el ATQ básico, la habilidad básica o la habilidad definitiva, tiene una probabilidad base del de aplicarle 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo. Con 1 acumulación, el daño que recibe el enemigo aumenta en un , y cada acumulación posterior aumenta el daño que recibe en un .
Asado al rescoldo se puede acumular hasta veces y dura turnos.
Cuando un enemigo está en el estado de Asado al rescoldo, se considera que también está afectado con Quemadura. Al comienzo de cada turno, recibe un del ATQ de Jiaoqiu como Daño de Fuego con el tiempo.

Tras atacar, tiene una gran probabilidad de aplicar 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo al objetivo. El daño que recibe el enemigo aumenta y se considera que también es afectado con Quemadura.
Nivel 15
Recuperación de energía : 0
Ruptura de Debilidad : ATQ individual : 30
Ataca a un enemigo y, tras entrar en combate, consume la Firmeza del tipo correspondiente del enemigo.
Nivel 1
Llamas extintorasLlamas extintoras - Técnica | Alteración
Recuperación de energía : 0
Ruptura de Debilidad : 0
Tras usar la técnica, crea una zona especial que dura  s. Tras entrar en combate con enemigos dentro de la zona especial, inflige un del ATQ de Jiaoqiu como Daño de Fuego a todos los enemigos y tiene una probabilidad base del de aplicarles 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo. Solo puede haber una zona especial creada por los aliados a la vez.

Crea una zona especial. Tras entrar en combate con los enemigos dentro de la zona, inflige una pequeña cantidad de Daño de Fuego a todos los enemigos y tiene una gran probabilidad de aplicarles 1 acumulación de Asado al rescoldo.
Nivel 1


Prende la llamaPrende la llama
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 2
Recupera 15 pts. de energía al comenzar la batalla.
Espíritu ardiente3
Arrepentimiento del eterno vehículo del alma1
Bonificación de daño: FuegoBonificación de daño: Fuego (Aumento de Daño de Fuego)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 2
Daño de Fuego +3.2%
Espíritu ardiente3
Brote verde inmortal6
Bonificación de acierto de efectoBonificación de acierto de efecto (Acierto de efecto)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 3
Acierto de efecto +4%
Esencia de fuego estelar3
Flor etérea inmortal3
Bonificación de VELBonificación de VEL (VEL)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 3
VEL +2
Esencia de fuego estelar3
Flor etérea inmortal3
Saltea la comidaSaltea la comida
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 4
Cuando el acierto de efecto de Jiaoqiu es superior al 80%, por cada 15% de exceso, el ATQ aumenta en un 60% adicional, hasta un máximo del 240%.
Esencia de fuego estelar5
Huellas del destino1
Arrepentimiento del eterno vehículo del alma1
Bonificación de acierto de efectoBonificación de acierto de efecto (Acierto de efecto)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 4
Acierto de efecto +6%
Esencia de fuego estelar5
Flor etérea inmortal4
Bonificación de daño: FuegoBonificación de daño: Fuego (Aumento de Daño de Fuego)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 5
Daño de Fuego +4.8%
Incinerador divino3
Rama gloriosa inmortal3
Bonificación de acierto de efectoBonificación de acierto de efecto (Acierto de efecto)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 5
Acierto de efecto +6%
Incinerador divino3
Rama gloriosa inmortal3
Guisa el aromaGuisa el aroma
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 6
Mientras el campo está activo, los enemigos son afectados con Asado al rescoldo al entrar en combate. Las acumulaciones aplicadas son iguales a las que tenga el objetivo con más acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo mientras el campo está activo, con un mínimo de 1 acumulación.
Incinerador divino8
Huellas del destino1
Arrepentimiento del eterno vehículo del alma1
Bonificación de VELBonificación de VEL (VEL)
Requiere niv. de ascensión de personaje 6
VEL +3
Incinerador divino8
Rama gloriosa inmortal8
Bonificación de daño: FuegoBonificación de daño: Fuego (Aumento de Daño de Fuego)
Requiere personaje de niv. 75
Daño de Fuego +6.4%
Incinerador divino8
Rama gloriosa inmortal8


Transferencia pentapáticaTransferencia pentapáticaTransferencia pentapática
El daño que infligen los aliados a los enemigos afectados con Asado al rescoldo aumenta en un 40%. Cada vez que el objetivo es afectado con Asado al rescoldo por la activación del talento, se obtiene 1 acumulación adicional del efecto actual de Asado al rescoldo.
Del sabor sale el dolorDel sabor sale el dolorDel sabor sale el dolor
Cuando un enemigo está en el estado de Asado al rescoldo, el multiplicador del Daño de Fuego con el tiempo que le inflige Asado al rescoldo aumenta en un 300%.
Armonía de sabor irresistibleArmonía de sabor irresistibleArmonía de sabor irresistible
Niv. de habilidad básica +2 (máximo: nivel 15). Niv. de ATQ básico +1 (máximo: nivel 10).
Serenidad interior y lustre exteriorSerenidad interior y lustre exteriorSerenidad interior y lustre exterior
Mientras el campo está activo, el ATQ de los enemigos se reduce en un 15%.
Lucha en la luz y asesta en las sombrasLucha en la luz y asesta en las sombrasLucha en la luz y asesta en las sombras
Niv. de habilidad definitiva +2 (máximo: nivel 15). Niv. de talento +2 (máximo: nivel 15).
Pirovínculo nonomorfoPirovínculo nonomorfoPirovínculo nonomorfo
Cuando un enemigo es derrotado, sus acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo se agregan al enemigo con menos acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo en el campo de batalla. El límite de acumulaciones de Asado al rescoldo aumenta a 9. Cada acumulación de Asado al rescoldo reduce la RES a todos los tipos del objetivo en un 3%.

Conos de luz

NombreRarezaVíaATQDEFPVHabilidad básican/a
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72Al comenzar la batalla, el acierto de efecto del portador aumenta en un 20% durante 3 turnos.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Motor antiguo
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72El daño que el portador inflige a los enemigos afectados por Ralentización aumenta en un 24%.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Motor antiguo
Sombra oculta
Sombra oculta3
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72Tras usar la habilidad básica, el siguiente ATQ básico del portador inflige al objetivo un daño adicional equivalente al 60% de su ATQ.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Corazón armonioso mecánico
Buenas noches, que duermas bien
Buenas noches, que duermas bien4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Por cada estado negativo que tenga el enemigo, el daño infligido por el portador aumenta en un 12%. Se puede acumular hasta 3 veces. Este efecto también es válido para el Daño con el tiempo.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Medalla del guardia
Visión de presa
Visión de presa4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56El acierto de efecto del portador aumenta en un 20% y el Daño con el tiempo que inflige aumenta en un 24%.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Motor antiguo
Determinación reluciente
Determinación reluciente4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Cuando el portador golpea a un objetivo, si este no está afectado por Cepo, hay un 60% de probabilidad base de afectarlo con Cepo. En este estado, la DEF del objetivo se reduce en un 12% durante 1 turno.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Corazón armonioso mecánico
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56El efecto de Ruptura del portador aumenta en un 16% y el daño que inflige a los enemigos afectados por Electrocución o Intemperie aumenta en un 16%. Este efecto también es válido para el Daño con el tiempo.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Medalla del guardia
Volveremos a encontrarnos
Volveremos a encontrarnos4
nihility-class529.2330.75846.72Cuando el portador usa su ATQ básico o su habilidad básica, inflige un daño adicional equivalente al 48% de su ATQ a un enemigo al azar de los atacados.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Motor antiguo
Antes de que comience la misión del tutorial
Antes de que comience la misión del tutorial4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56El acierto de efecto del portador aumenta en un 20%. Cuando el portador ataca a un enemigo con reducción de DEF, recupera 4 pts. de energía.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Núcleo serpenteante
En nombre del mundo
En nombre del mundo5
nihility-class582.12463.051058.4El portador inflige un 24% más de daño a los enemigos afectados por estados negativos. Cuando el portador usa su habilidad básica, su acierto de efecto en ese ataque aumenta en un 18% y su ATQ en un 24%.
Obsidiana de la obsesión
Medalla del guardia
Per Page




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514 responses to “Jiaoqiu”

  1. say I noticed something abt his kit, his ult says inflict ashen roast on enemy when taking action so is it just me or does the debuff occur after the enemy turn ends. if so wouldn’t having bs on team give 1 debuff due to burn dot at start of enemy turn? does that make it 2 debuffs on enemy giving acheron 2 stacks per enemy turn? plz clarify.

  2. What if I made a team with Gallagher, Guinaifen, Jiaoqiu, and Hook? Triple burn playstyle?

    • Guinaifen and Jiaoqiu actually work well together, but hook is mid. Consider replacing hook with asta on planetary rendezvous and sets that increase fire dmg

    • The ult damage boost is entirely lost because firefly doesn’t deal damage in her ultimate. Although, Jiaoqiu will get quite a bit of toughness DMG on the enemy because of fire implant. Don’t pull for him unless you also have acheron or want acheron in the future. Even ult-heavy characters like argenti would benefit much more from sparkle/tingyun so only pull for acheron.

    • kind of, the ashen roast stacks. at max stacks he buffs 35% damage vulnerability for firefly’s super break. damage buffs don’t affect break damage but vulnerability does. so yes, but the 15% ult damage buff is pointless on hed

  3. This page has become extremely tiring….of course he could’ve way been better, but the community took things way out of proportion and i feel like it’s a ”Childe needs his c6” type of thing. Even hoyolab (who’s always late for everything) just repeats the same narrative, but of course anything you say is ‘cope and being a hoyo defender’

    • Jiaoqiu is a great character. Just because he isn’t incredibly broken doesn’t mean he’s bad. His synergy with acheron is even better than black swan and guinaifen and I’m gonna pull.

    • Most of it comes from his E0 being barely better than Pela or Guinaifen in their respective fields. But ofc, he is actually a combo of the two and is even a little better at both. We are so use now to 5* just completely blowing everything else out of the water. So when one comes along that seems to do 2 jobs in 1 but is only slightly better at each of those jobs than alr widely used chars, people will ofc look at them as a failure. Esp when the latter of the two isn’t used herself and RM is used instead a lot of the time.

      The thing about his Eidolons/LC is that they are extremely OP. They completely change his value from being just better than a half fusion of Pela and Guinaifen to being better than both put together on the same team at E1/S1 and beating Acherons next best Nahility by 50% max team damage which is a LOT. Bring E2 in as well and he’s completely nuts for DoT beating RM as well by over 50% max team damage. When i say 50% I mean 50%. Kafka goes from dealing 250k ult damage to 375k ult damage. Making her pretty much a buffed Jingliu all on her own never mind the other DoT damage going off. BS is next patch i’ve heard, i skipped out on a DoT team since i was saving for mono quantum which tbh i kinda regret (Until the next Quantum carri DPS comes out.) but since i am getting him for Acheron i’m feeling like building one.

      • yeah, jiaoqiu isnt bad, just disappointing.

        and when he requires e1/s1 to perform significantly better than the 4* alternatives, at that point his pull value for general teams is like topaz’s pull value for ratio teams

        his one saving grace is that unlike topaz, his e0s0 is a meaningful damage increase over alternatives for exactly 1 team in the game (acheron hypercarry if it wasnt obvious)

      • If you don’t enjoy playing the mono Quantum comp then just reassign your Sparkle into Acheron’s team and you won’t regret it. She’s much greater than Bronya for her damage increment, buff uptime, and the fact that she’s SP positive. Sparkle is also unconditional 3 turn ult with no need for additional energy gain from the light cone or teammates meaning she may wield S5 DDD. Since you have Sparkle I suppose you have Dr.Ratio at least, reassign your SW with Dr.Ratio and give him TY and it won’t be bad.

        • The issue is i’d have no other team atm. Maybe March BE team can pull me through on the other side then i might after i get Jiaoqiu.

          I plan on building a DoT team as well now but that will take Jiaoqiu out of my Acheron team. Idk yet lol.

      • If the character needs signature and eidolons to be good, then the character is not good.

    • Many pulled for Acheron and regard her as futureproof, expecting her to grow much stronger when more nihility supports are released. However the nihility supports can’t be too great since Acheron is already so great on her own, she ruled the meta for a long time before we knew anything about Jiaoqiu until the release of Firefly who took over the throne of the strongest, meaning she doesn’t really need a Robin or Sparkle class nihility support to be made great again. For a balancing purpose Jiaoqiu was made to be not so great but still a valuable pull, which in turns broke the promise that Acheron would grow much stronger.

      • Nah Acheron is still stronger than Firefly. Then again Firefly support is right round the corner as well. She clears just as fast as Firefly but does not have a major weakness when enemies can’t be weakness broken.

        • I don’t see where is the major weakness when no known enemy who enters the MoC / PF is unbreakable and the comp unconditionally 0 cycles any known MoC with little interaction with the enemies and little requirement on the player’s understanding of tactics. If there is a possibility that there might be an unbreakable enemy in the future who enters the MoC then it is as possible as that there might be an enemy who has 200% lightning res rendering all lightning DPS useless.

        • Something like:

          “I can easily think up of how to render >insert unit here< useless…”

          Doesn’t mean it’s a major weakness of the said unit. Your intention might be too obvious and your plan might cause unacceptably heavy collateral damage. For example, unbreakable enemies do not only ban Firefly, but also Boothill and possibly Feixiao who rumored to be another break DPS. Also, 200% lightning res does not only ban Acheron, but also the innocent Jing Yuan and Arlan. This is what I mean by “as possible as”.

          If your plan is something like “characters other than Firefly gains +1,000,000% damage amp…” then you are fired by Hoyo.

          • I don’t mean totally unbreakable. I mean when the weakness break is crossed out because you have to kill the mini enemies first like what Boss Sam or Boss Argenti can do at times.

          • If it isn’t unbreakable then it stands no threat to Firefly. Firefly has minimal interaction with the enemies, if they do not start unbreakable they will never have a chance to turn unbreakable before they are swiftly broken and destroyed. If they start unbreakable but they lower their shields when something happens, then again they are swiftly destroyed before they have a chance to turn unbreakable again. It is indeed an impossible 0 cycle for Firefly if the boss starts unbreakable and will not lower the shields within 150 AV but that doesn’t matte, 0 cycling does not reward additional jades.

          • My friend said he ran into that problem though so i was working with what i got told from him. I don’t have Firefly myself so imma be a bit ignorant.

          • I have Firefly and as much as I can tell no existing enemy stand a threat in MoC, PF, and AS, unless the said enemy is specifically crafted against Firefly. You might need Firefly’s E2 and the HTB to have S5 DDD in order to grind 40k score in PF.

            1. No toughness lock mechanic -> swiftly broken and destroyed and little interaction with the team.

            2. Toughness lock after some point -> swiftly broken and destroyed before that point.

            3. Thoghness lock since start and unlocks it after some point -> swiftly broken and destroyed after that point.

            When fighting the bosses in SU / DU then things might be difficult if you don’t have the right blessings. Bosses have way higher HP and toughness meter than usual meaning if you don’t destroy them swiftly enough they will lock their toughness meter over and over again. In this case no unit do a job without the right blessings. I suppose your friend might ran into the said issues challenging DU V6 with Firefly superbreak comp where long toughness meters and toughness locks are usual.

          • Not necessarily the strongest imo, but she is indeed a low invest DPS queen over all other characters currently. When you talk about 0 cycle, she may actually fall short against some enemies like 2 phase bosses or weakness shielded / can’t break fast enough

            But in term of how low effort it is to clear everything within 0 – 3 cycles with almost no strategy in mind, Firefly is at the top for most players, hence gave her the reputation of being a powercreep of Boothill or even Acheron for most players. Which is fair tbh, the other powerful DPS like Acheron, Jingliu, Seele, etc … require more strategies and team stats build ( 1 – 2 copies of S5 DDD, E1 / E2 supports like RM / Robin / Sparkle / Broyna with Eagle set and Vonwacq, around 161 SPD as well )

            Firefly just wants an E0 RM and you are all set, just slap whatever relic with at least some BE% and correct main stats, mix set relic even and she can demolish everything currently within comfortable clear time ( within 5 cycle, normally 1 – 2 )

            That say I know there are people who can make DPS like E0S0 Archeron, Seele, etc… to 0 cycle everything without limited 5* teammates ( or any LC ), but I wouldn’t use them as a base standard as they somehow can build the stats and deal the dmg that may be even higher than E0S1 standard, that I can’t exactly understand how, nor I have the RNG luck for relic to bother

          • I’m working with a Acheron that does 600k damage single target as well so imma be a bit bias as well on that front.

            @Dazz Aephiex That’s thanks to Sparkle ofc. 670k vs1 or 1,3m vs 3. Quantum team may take a back seat from hear out.

          • @Random Comment Enjoyer
            If you find yourself looking for a circumstance where she isn’t strongest then you effectively agreed. Every character is different, there can’t be someone who outperforms the other under any circumstance, unless it’s a direct copy-paste of existing characters and only the numbers are tuned up which isn’t how Hoyo make new characters. A unit doesn’t have to be the strongest to be worthy since there can be only 1 strongest and Firefly will cease being the strongest when the stronger comes out.

            Yes, Sparkle work very well with Acheron save for the fact she isn’t nihility. E0S1 Acheron may opt to have Sparkle as the 3rd member of the team rather than some nihility units with little damage increment and the resulting team can’t be bad. Since you have E2 Acheron it is equivalent to 18% additional crit rate and an additional 1.6 / 1.15 ≈ 39.1% damage increment above all else, which is very delicious when viewed as pay for damage.

    • i feel like it’s a ”Childe needs his c6” type of thing

      Well you’re not wrong. Jia only needs his S1/E2.

  4. Given the current circumstances, Jiaoqiu would be a nice addition to my Acheron team despite with his 6 debuff per ult limitation. His present would be beneficial especially on Pure Fiction, although the 6 debuff limitations would be saturated faster.

    The usual team would consist of
    Acheron, Pela, Guinafen, Gepard (universal market)
    This team is lacking on sustain and prone to get crowd controlled by the enemy. With Jiaoqiu on the team, you could replace Gepard with other free sustain like Lynx as debuff cleaner while maintaining a good Acheron ult cycle.

    I see other nihility character on Acheron team comp just for the debuff only, but given that he is 5* surely we want more than that. He gives 35% increase DMG received on max stack + 15% increased DMG ult from his ultimate.

    While this is nice, this kind a buff isn’t really important (?) on Pure Fiction compared to other mode like MOC.

    He is a nice addition to the team, but he doesn’t fix the underlying problem with the F2P Acheron team comp which is the sustain. Tbh, idk whether I would pull or not. E0S0 is probably the max I would do.

    I hope the website updates his kit to the current one.

    The only reason I consider pulling him is for the Pure Fiction potential, but on other mode I would prefer a Sustain Character like Aventurine which give 50% effect Res.

    If what I care only pure fiction, isn’t Jade would be the better option?

    I don’t have Himeko, so for pure fiction I run both Firefly team and Acheron team.

    • If you take only PF into consideration then Jade + Herta is a ruthless 40k score grinder that fear not even the DoT PF. Only E0S0 Jade is required for the purpose.

      If you take every mode into consideration then probably get Jiaoqiu for Acheron if you don’t have the DoT comp.

  5. Given the current circumstances, Jiaoqiu would be a nice addition to my Acheron team despite with his 6 debuff per ult limitation. His present would be beneficial especially on Pure Fiction, although the 6 debuff limitations would be saturated faster on pure fiction.

    The usual team would consist of
    Acheron, Pela, Guinafen, Gepard (universal market)

    This team is lacking on sustain and prone to get crowd controlled by the enemy. With Jiaoqiu on the team, you could replace Gepard with other free sustain like Lynx as debuff cleaner while maintaining a good Acheron ult cycle.

    I see other nihility character on Acheron team comp just for the debuff only, but given that he is 5* surely we want more than that. He gives 35% increase DMG received on max stack from the talent + 15% increased DMG ult from his ultimate.

    While this is nice, this kind a buff isn’t really important (?) on Pure Fiction compared to other mode like MOC.

    He is a nice addition to the team, but he doesn’t fix the underlying problem with the F2P Acheron team comp which is the sustain. Tbh, idk whether I would pull or not. E0S0 is probably be the max I would do

    I hope the website updates his kit to the current one

    • it’s actually 15% increase ult damage taken by the enemies(which is diff from a straight damage dealt increase)

      • The egregious nerfs and his extremely modest attire mean only mod casting couch makes him worth 94 expected pulls to me. Otherwise since I have Trend on Gepard and Pela and Silver Wolf, why would I need a “healer” that can’t heal and does what Guinaifen does?

  6. is it better to get his e1 rather than his LC?
    his LC make enemies take 24% more damage while his e1 is 40%

    • Depends. The 40% as far as i can tell is a normal damage bonus and gets hit by major diminishing returns. If your DPS has 100% elemental damage bonus alr then that buff is massively weakened. If your DPS also has a Harmony unit giving another 60+ % then at that point the LC wins out pretty easily.

      The upgrade to his debuffs stack generation is nice but it’s barely a factor, he gets high stacks after 1 turn. But ig it’s something to consider.

      So ig it depends, is he for Acheron to be a team mate with SW/Pela? Or is your Acheron E2 and you’re using a Harmony with her?

      Either way though both are very nice and getting both is even nicer.


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