Fractal, Exiles Fallacy

Fractal, Exiles Fallacy
Fractal, Exiles FallacyConceptsFractal, Exiles Fallacy
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 30
Energy Regeneration6
Character Materials
Ethereal Omen9
Rough Sketch3
Dynamic Outlining15
Echoing Wail13
Exquisite Colored Draft30
Eternal Lament7
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish3
Tracks of Destiny2
Fractal, Exiles FallacyFractal, Exiles Fallacy - Skill | Bounce
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Anaxa's ATK to one designated enemy and additionally deals instance(s) of DMG. Each instance of DMG deals Wind DMG equal to of Anaxa's ATK to one random enemy, prioritizing Bouncing to enemy targets that have not been hit in this usage of Skill.

Deals minor Wind DMG to one enemy and Bounces 5 times, prioritizing Bouncing to targets that have not been hit.
Level 15

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