
운명의 길Class 수렵
전투 속성Class 바람
신용 포인트308K
공조 기계 부품15
공조 톱니바퀴15
만취의 시대 한잔65
공조 환류 심장15
행적 재료
신용 포인트3M
운철 탄환18
공조 기계 부품41
숙명적인 사인69
공조 톱니바퀴56
시간을 역행하는 일격139
공조 환류 심장58
무한한 가짜의 여한12
운명의 발자취8
스토리선주 「요청」의 천격 장군. 천궁의 7대 장군 중 하나로, 격식에 얽매이지 않으며 솔직하고 소탈하다.
각종 무예에 정통하고 신체를 극한으로 단련하여 「대첩 장군」이라는 명성을 얻었으며, 선주 군인과 백성의 사랑을 받고 있다.
그러나 「달의 광기」 증상을 겪고 있으며, 제한된 시간 내에 흉물을 모두 사냥하기 위해선——비소의 유일한 적은 바로 자신뿐이다

전투 스킬


레벨공격력방어력HP속도치명타 확률치명타 피해도발에너지n/a
신용 포인트4000
공조 기계 부품5
신용 포인트8000
공조 기계 부품10
신용 포인트16000
공조 톱니바퀴6
만취의 시대 한잔3
신용 포인트40000
공조 톱니바퀴9
만취의 시대 한잔7
신용 포인트80000
공조 환류 심장6
만취의 시대 한잔20
신용 포인트160K
공조 환류 심장9
만취의 시대 한잔35
신용 포인트4000
공조 기계 부품5
신용 포인트16000
공조 톱니바퀴6
만취의 시대 한잔3
신용 포인트40000
공조 톱니바퀴9
만취의 시대 한잔7
신용 포인트80000
공조 환류 심장6
만취의 시대 한잔20
신용 포인트160K
공조 환류 심장9
만취의 시대 한잔35

전투 스킬

섬렬섬렬 - 일반 공격 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30
지정된 단일 적에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다

단일 적에게 소량의 바람 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 9
꿰뚫는 도끼꿰뚫는 도끼 - 전투 스킬 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 60
지정된 단일 적에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가하고, 그 후 즉시 해당 목표에게 특성의 추가 공격을 1회 추가로 발동한다

단일 적에게 바람 속성 피해를 가하고, 그 후 특성의 추가 공격을 1회 추가로 발동한다
레벨 15
천지 격쇄천지 격쇄 - 필살기 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 90
지정된 단일 적에게 최대 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다. 해당 공격 중에는 약점 속성을 무시하고 목표의 강인성을 감소시키며, 목표가 약점 격파 상태가 아닐 시 비소의 약점 격파 효율이  증가한다.
비소는 먼저 해당 목표에게 [섬렬의 검무] 또는 [하늘을 꿰뚫는 도끼]를 총 회 발동하고, 마지막으로 해당 목표에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다

필살기 발동 중엔 약점 속성을 무시하고 적의 강인성을 감소시킬 수 있으며, 목표가 격파되지 않았을 시 비소의 약점 격파 효율이 증가한다.
단일 적에게 [섬렬의 검무] 또는 [하늘을 꿰뚫는 도끼]를 #3[i]회 발동하며, 마지막으로 바람 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 15
뇌정의 수렵뇌정의 수렵 - 특성 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 15
[비황] pt 도달 시 필살기를 활성화할 수 있으며, 최대 pt 누적된다. 아군 목표가 공격을 회 발동할 때마다 비소가 [비황]을 1pt 획득하며, 비소의 필살기 공격은 횟수에 계산되지 않는다.
비소의 동료가 적 목표에게 공격 발동 후 비소가 즉시 주목표에게 추가 공격을 발동하고, 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다. 공격 가능한 주목표가 없을 시 랜덤 단일 적을 공격한다. 해당 효과는 턴마다 최대 1회 발동하며, 비소의 턴 시작 시 발동 횟수가 초기화된다. 해당 공격 발동 시 자신이 가하는 피해가  증가한다, 지속 시간: 

[비황] #3[i]pt 도달 시 필살기를 활성화할 수 있으며, 최대 #4[i]pt 누적된다. 아군이 공격을 #2[i]회 발동할 때마다 비소가 [비황]을 획득한다.
동료가 공격 발동 후 비소가 주목표에게 추가 공격을 발동하고 바람 속성 피해를 가한다. 해당 효과는 턴마다 최대 1회 발동하고, 해당 공격 발동 시 자신이 가하는 피해가 증가한다
레벨 15
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30
적을 공격하며, 전투 진입 후 적에게 대응하는 속성의 강인성을 감소시킨다
레벨 1
폭풍의 몸폭풍의 몸 - 비술 | 강화
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
비술 사용 후 초 동안 지속되는 [적진 돌격] 상태에 진입한다. [적진 돌격] 상태에서는 일정 범위 내의 적을 끌어당기고 자신의 이동 속도가  증가하며, 전투 진입 후 [비황]을 pt 획득한다.
[적진 돌격] 상태에서 선공하면 끌어당긴 모든 적을 전투에 진입시킨다. 전투 진입 후 웨이브가 시작될 때마다 모든 적에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가하고, 해당 피해는 반드시 치명타를 가한다. 끌어당긴 적이 1기를 초과하면 1기를 초과할 때마다 해당 피해의 배율이  증가하고, 최대 까지 증가한다

[적진 돌격] 상태에 진입한다. 지속적으로 적을 끌어당기고 이동 속도가 증가하며, 전투 진입 후 [비황]을 획득한다.
[적진 돌격] 상태에서는 끌어당긴 모든 적을 선공할 수 있고, 웨이브가 시작될 때마다 모든 적에게 바람 속성 피해를 가하며, 해당 피해는 반드시 치명타이다. 끌어당긴 적이 많을수록 피해 배율이 증가한다
레벨 1
섬렬의 검무섬렬의 검무 - 필살기 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 15
선택한 목표에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다. 목표가 약점 격파 상태일 경우 피해 배율이  증가한다

단일 적에게 소량의 바람 속성 피해를 가하고, 격파된 목표에게 가하는 피해 배율이 증가한다
레벨 15
하늘을 꿰뚫는 도끼하늘을 꿰뚫는 도끼 - 필살기 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 15
선택한 목표에게 비소 공격력의 만큼 바람 속성 피해를 가한다. 목표가 약점 격파 상태가 아닐 경우 피해 배율이  증가한다

단일 적에게 소량의 바람 속성 피해를 가하고, 격파되지 않은 목표에게 가하는 피해 배율이 증가한다
레벨 15
천지 격쇄천지 격쇄 - 필살기 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
레벨 15


캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2
전투 시작 시 [비황]을 3pt 획득한다.
턴 시작 시, 이전 턴에서 특성으로 추가 공격을 발동하지 않은 경우 [비황] 획득에 필요한 공격 횟수가 1회 계산된다
신용 포인트5000
운철 탄환3
무한한 가짜의 여한1
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2
치명타 확률 2.7% 증가
신용 포인트5000
운철 탄환3
공조 기계 부품6
공격 강화공격 강화 (공격력)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3
공격력 4% 증가
신용 포인트10000
숙명적인 사인3
공조 톱니바퀴3
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4
필살기를 발동해 적에게 피해를 가하면 추가 공격을 발동한 것으로 간주한다. 추가 공격의 치명타 피해가 36% 증가한다
신용 포인트20000
숙명적인 사인5
운명의 발자취1
무한한 가짜의 여한1
공격 강화공격 강화 (공격력)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4
공격력 6% 증가
신용 포인트20000
숙명적인 사인5
공조 톱니바퀴4
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5
치명타 확률 4% 증가
신용 포인트45000
시간을 역행하는 일격3
공조 환류 심장3
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6
전투 스킬 발동 시 공격력이 48% 증가한다. 지속 시간: 3
신용 포인트160K
시간을 역행하는 일격8
운명의 발자취1
무한한 가짜의 여한1
방어 강화방어 강화 (방어력)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6
방어력 7.5% 증가
신용 포인트160K
시간을 역행하는 일격8
공조 환류 심장8
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 75
치명타 확률 5.3% 증가
신용 포인트160K
시간을 역행하는 일격8
공조 환류 심장8
공격 강화공격 강화 (공격력)
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 80
공격력 8% 증가
신용 포인트160K
시간을 역행하는 일격8
공조 환류 심장8
공격 강화공격 강화 (공격력)
공격력 4% 증가
신용 포인트2500
공조 기계 부품2
방어 강화방어 강화 (방어력)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3
방어력 5% 증가
신용 포인트10000
숙명적인 사인3
공조 톱니바퀴3
공격 강화공격 강화 (공격력)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5
공격력 6% 증가
신용 포인트45000
시간을 역행하는 일격3
공조 환류 심장3


극지 평정극지 평정극지 평정
[섬렬의 검무] 또는 [하늘을 꿰뚫는 도끼] 발동 후 비소가 가하는 필살기 피해가 기존 피해의 10%만큼 추가로 증가한다. 최대 5스택 중첩되며, 필살기 행동이 종료될 때까지 지속된다
별과 달에 올리는 예별과 달에 올리는 예별과 달에 올리는 예
특성 효과에서 아군 목표가 추가 공격을 1회 발동할 때마다 비소가 [비황]을 1pt 획득한다. 해당 효과는 턴마다 최대 6회 발동한다
서성 출현서성 출현서성 출현
필살기 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15. 일반 공격 레벨+1, 최대 Lv.10
대담하고 신중하게대담하고 신중하게대담하고 신중하게
특성 추가 공격의 강인성 감소 수치가 100% 증가하고, 발동 시 자신의 속도가 8% 증가한다, 지속 시간: 2
드높은 하늘에 올라드높은 하늘에 올라드높은 하늘에 올라
전투 스킬 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15. 특성 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15
비소가 가하는 필살기 피해의 모든 속성 저항 관통이 20% 증가한다. 특성의 추가 공격 피해는 동시에 필살기 피해로 간주되며, 피해 배율이 140% 증가한다


명사희귀도운명의 길공격력방어력HP전투 스킬n/a
the-hunt-class317.52264.6846.72전투 시작 시 장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 확률이 12% 증가한다. 지속 시간: 3턴
별 쫓는 화살
짓밟힌 의지
시위를 떠난 화살
시위를 떠난 화살3
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88장착한 캐릭터는 적을 처치한 후 공격력이 24% 증가한다. 지속 시간: 3턴
별 쫓는 화살
철위대 훈장
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88장착한 캐릭터는 적을 처치한 후 속도가 10% 증가한다. 지속 시간: 2턴
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고대 엔진
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56장착한 캐릭터의 공격력이 16% 증가한다. 필드 위의 적이 2명 이하일 경우, 장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 확률이 12% 증가한다
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철위대 훈장
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56장착한 캐릭터가 동일한 적을 여러 회 명중 후 매번 가하는 피해가 8% 증가한다. 해당 효과 최대 중첩수: 5스택. 공격 목표에 변화가 생길 경우 현재 버프 효과가 해제된다
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the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56장착한 캐릭터의 일반 공격 혹은 전투 스킬이 가하는 피해가 24% 증가하며, 장착한 캐릭터의 현재 에너지가 에너지 최대치일 시, 해당 효과는 추가로 24% 증가한다
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공조 환류 심장
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the-hunt-class476.28396.9846.72전투 진입 후 장착한 캐릭터의 속도가 8% 증가하고, 가하는 피해가 12% 증가한다. 장착한 캐릭터가 피해를 받은 후 해당 효과는 사라지며 다음 턴이 종료되면 해당 효과는 회복된다
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고대 엔진
또다시 저승으로
또다시 저승으로4
the-hunt-class529.2330.75846.72장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 확률이 12% 증가한다. 치명타 발동 후 16%의 고정 확률로 피격된 적이 보유한 버프 효과를 1개 해제한다. 해당 효과는 턴마다 1회만 발동할 수 있다
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영생의 가지
야경 속에서
야경 속에서5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 확률이 18% 증가한다. 장착한 캐릭터의 전투 중 속도가 100보다 높을 경우, 10pt 초과할 때마다 일반 공격 및 전투 스킬이 가하는 피해가 6% 증가하고, 필살기의 치명타 피해가 12% 증가한다. 최대 중첩수: 6스택
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짓밟힌 의지
깊게 든 단잠
깊게 든 단잠5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 피해가 30% 증가한다. 장착한 캐릭터의 일반 공격 혹은 전투 스킬 피해가 치명타를 발동하지 않으면 자신의 치명타 확률이 36% 증가한다. 지속 시간: 1턴. 해당 효과는 3턴마다 1회만 발동할 수 있다
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661 responses to “비소”

  1. so how is she? I tried her on my friend’s account with bis team, E0 R1 and stats like 90/250 and that was… meh.
    Her ultimate is 400 thousand peak. not that it’s weak, just… could be more in four event legendary team with two event cones in it. If we sum this number with significant damage dealt by team with Robin, we’ll get around a million damage per cycle. And it’s worse than Buthill, who can do the same million in much, MUCH cheaper team.
    But who cares about the numbers. Was it fun to play? Well… Since HSR is just a farming simulator with tactical deepness similar to your grandma’s garden pond, nothing in this game is fun to play. But was it pleasant at least? Well… No. Feixiao is a pure single target character. That means a ton of problems. First, she’s simply unplayable in PF, obviously. Second, she’s really unpleasant to play in cases where enemies are weak enough to go in groups but strong enough not to be oneshot by ult or be blown by the series of FuAs her team performs. I had such cases in mirror. Three smaller elites or something like that will make you switch targets and waste ult.
    Also her ult break is really bad for such a core ability. If you want enemy to be broken more than once a fight, it must have both fire and wind.
    So you see what I mean. Feixiao excels in really certain cases being maybe one of the most expensive characters in the entire game. And even in her own team with almost perfect conditions she’s still not much better (or maybe even worse) than cowboy. If you still think should you pull for her, here is the answer: if you have at least Robin and Aventurine and you want her, she will be okay. If not, you’ll be heavily disappointed. She’s far from Acheron (not even speaking about FF) with her clunky gameplay, heavy team dependence and simply issues of her class.

  2. I just got 40k in PF with Luocha, Robin, Herta, and Feixiao. Actually insane. Like I wasn’t even optimized, Herta had mid relics and Feixiao was running izumo and Yanqing Signature.

  3. Got Fei.
    My apologies, Robin 🥲 I’ll get e1 or beyond in another rerun, since Aventurine is rumored to rerun in 2.6.
    Anyway, I noticed that every char I pulled so far is T0: Robin, RM, FF and Fei. I feel a bit meta slave, but do I feel like Warren Buffett? Absolutely. These chars were getting doomposted when I pulled (except RM since I pulled on her rerun). Doomposters can’t sway my mind anymore.

    • You know I wonder if the opposite is true too. Warren Buffett looks at his stocks and sees them as his waifus? I remember a quote somewhere talking about how it’s like he’s married to Berkshire Hathaway. Also, the traditional stocks he owned were getting doomposted pretty badly in the late 90’s during the dotcom bubble. Investors were telling him to pull internet stocks instead but he refused.

      • I got the joke, but…
        I actually didn’t vertically invest into my girl all the way to c6 at first bcz I didn’t have such devotion at that time (she wasn’t even called “my girl” lol). I still did some horizontal investment, bcz… other half exists. 2.x was my biggest pulling portfolio, even 2 times bigger than 3.x and 4.x.
        I only started pulling for cons in 3.5 (c0->c2) and 4.3 (c2->c6). Between them, I only pulled for Furina lol. (Got double Furina in 10 pulls… I was lucky 😎)
        In conclusion, Robin shall get used to delayed gratification. 🙂

  4. I got E1/S1 Robin and E2/S1 Fei. I was not going to get Fei but i did a random 10 pull to try to get another Moze and got Fei right after E1 Robin, so i said fk it and got her LC and 2 other copies. :eyes:

    I don’t have a follow up sustain as of yet, and i am using 4/4 wind set with 2/2 12% Atk 12% CR with another hunt char so it’s kinda scuffed and i am at level 8 traces but alr i can see her being > Acheron. I have pretty much 100% CR and legit less than 100% CD that’s how scuffed my set up is atm but I can 0 cycle pretty easily against Kafka. Feixiao, March, Robin and Gall is my team atm. I will get Lingsha for her next banner. Advent will be for Acheron later on so i will have 2 very solid teams. I want to get everyone i can in this 2.X to get ready for 3.X not waiting for ANY reruns.

    Pretty much now my aim is.

    Acheron, JQ, Sparkle, Advent
    Firefly, NTY, RM, Lingsha (NTY = Nihility Tingyun.)
    Feixiao, March, Robin, Lingsha/Advent. (She uses which every my other team isn’t using.)

    Knowing me i am going to regret not getting Topaz next banner skipping out on Fei’s current BiS team, but honestly i like the feel of March with her even if it costs me a bit of damage and such. THen again i sdaid the same about Acheron skipping Advent the first time round because i didn’t wanna get him. Watch me get Topaz on 4th rerun… i hope a replacement comes before then…

        • She literally does.

          50% FUA Vuln that’s always on.
          48% Crit damage bonus from E1
          24% Damage bonus from LC.

          All together Fei’s ult deals 80% more.

          • Oh i am baka. You probs thought i meant E0/S0. No. But she is a 50% bonus at E0/S0. I’m a whale, thought you would have noticed that by now lol. I don’t E6 tho, only E1 or E2. Only get E2 if it’s a game changer though. I regret getting Sparkle E2 tho, does so little.

          • LMFAO, soo real

            Having E2 Sparkle is sad. Not because it’s underwhelming, but because it makes you realise how weak her Basekit is.

            I still wouldn’t say March is that baad. Unlike Topaz:

            – She generates a lot more stacks

            It’s hard to put into words how many more times she acts. And more importantly how many techs there are out there. March can trigger a follow up attack, into her special state, into her ultimate. And then she still gets pushed back into the action order before Feixiao for a basic, only to then launch another follow up attack. All of this happened in one turn. Don’t forget unlike Topaz, her ultimate deals damage. Unlike Numby, she doesn’t get stuck in the action order while Fua’s trigger

            – She also gives Speed, her own Crit Buff (100% uptime), applies more toughness damage (fei deals more dmg to broken enemies), can deal toughness damage despite not matching elements. I’m not sure at E1S1, but March’s personal damage is competitive if not higher than Topaz’s

            I’d also like to add the 50% Vuln is a little worse than you think, since Robin deals a lot of the teams damage. And her dmg isn’t follow up.

          • March does not generate more stacks.

            Also i used my very solid March and a friends Topaz E0/S1 to compare. Topaz did more damage. Topaz acted more times doing 60k follow ups (120k ult follow ups.) And 40k self hits. She acted a total of 19 times in a battle generating me 19 ult stacks. March However acted 14 times. 7 follow ups, 3 enhanced skills 2 ults and 2 normal follow ups. 30k per follow up, 170k per enhanced atk, 70k ults and 20k normals for a total of 10.5 ult stacks. (9.5 stacks vs 7 stacks at E0/E2. Mines E2.)

            Total damage is 1.02m for Topaz and 900km for March. Keep in mind since i borrowed a Topaz i started with no energy and i was mostly using normals with Topaz’s high energy bar. Meanwhile march started with her ult ready yet Topaz won in every area.

            This ofc does not include all the buffs Topaz gives Fei compared to Match’s 0.

        • I forgot to say that Topaz also gens more SP, since March does not generate with her enhanced normal which gets off more than she normal attacks sending her down in the move order. So if you use Lingsha on Fei team over Advent (Coz he’s used elsewhere like a Acheron team.) you’d rly need that SP to allow Lingsha to use some.

          Also since i was using Gall and not a FUA sustain, Numbly actually got less advances than they should have gotten.

  5. I’m going to make a very not hot take and say Feixiao’s old kit design was cooler, I don’t really see why the 12 stack ult was removed
    But I also want to go back to Firefly, she was a character who scaled her actual multipliers off BE which was undertuned and eventually totally forgotten in favor of super break DPS, another design that I think was pretty interesting
    Or Jiaoqiu pre-beta being a (presumably very slight) healer

    I think there’s a lot of neat ideas that get scrapped, there’s nothing wrong with the Feixiao we got but there’s a slightly cooler Feixiao we’ll never get

    • Possibly to reduce your burden on comprehension. Casting ult at 12 energy is equivalent to casting ult at 6 energy twice.

      The sam e happened in Dr.Ratio’s beta. His talent used to be a gacha from five effects, one of them being FUA and the rest are self buffs. The self buff part was removed and it is now simply an FUA at a chance. He got his base attack stat and multipliers increased as an compensation and the resulting unit is still mighty and strong.

  6. so. i have seen a LOT of negativity this beta regarding feixiao – and look, i get it. do i prefer how her v1 kit was designed? absolutely! do i dislike how strong her sig lc is compared to other options? yep. but there are a lot of complaints regarding team flexibility and strength that i honestly just. do not fully agree with

    while i do like v3 feixiao less than v1, i still really enjoy how shes designed – namely, i enjoy the way she generates stacks compared to acheron far more, it makes her stacking requirements ‘less restrictive’ and thus makes her much more usable outside of fua-focused units. another thing i like about v3 feixiao is her virtually taking 3x the actions a normal unit takes compared to her v1 where it was only 2x – thus further making her feel way more usable outside her best teams

    i really like how her kit’s design actually means there is a tangible, non-zero, potentially justifiable reason to pull e0s0 topaz over other options. congratulations topaz, you now have pull value slightly below that of legendarily high pull value unit jiaoqiu absolutely insane (/j)

    that said, her v1’s essentially linearly scaling ult damage was really nice and unique, plus the stack conservation was a nice bonus that i wish they kept in some form going into v3. her base atk is also very extremely low, ~601 which is lower than serval, seele, robin – i personally think its a bummer but the atk% buff i guess makes up for it. and i wish they kept the extremely funny 125 speed zoooom but seele’s speed aint getting powercrept it seems :/

    in terms of power, ive seen the general consensus being that she’s a step down from acheron and especially firefly, but still extremely powerful given you have the means to support her. all you rlly need is robin – march 8th/moze and multiplication gallagher make this team’s investment requirements in terms of 5* chars slightly below par firefly’s, which is kinda neat and i like that.

    overall i like feixiao and i think shes in a pretty good place as of now – shes not here to powercreep anyone but offer a really good alternative which ultimately is much healtheir for the game as a whole. her teams perform well cheap, while still giving plenty of room for vertical investment and some flexibility in options.

    • Feixiao is overwhelmingly stronger than Firefly and Acheron. Those 2 aren’t the best DPS either or anything, dunno where the notion of those two girls being “the big two” even came from.

      Topaz has absolutely 0 pull value. Unless you somehow have Robin, Aventurine, E1 Robin, S1 Feixiao, E2 Feixiao, S1 Robin, then maybeeeee you could start considering even pulling for Topaz. She’s literally soo down the bucket list. Feixiao is a godsent for Topaz, Topaz isn’t a godsent for Feixiao.

      • Firefly has a high damage floor, is very easy to use and her best supports consist of 2 free units and one of the most common 5*s
        Acheron has an exceptionally high dmg ult but I feel like her flaws are still overlooked, also she’s Raiden so everyone loves her (except me I hate her she shafted Jiaoqiu fr)
        Popular, easy to use waifu character who deal big numbers

        There’s also the stigma around hunt units ever since MoC started having multiple elites, and the fact Boothill came out of nowhere between Robin and Firefly means he gets kinda underrated, also he got slightly shafted by his relic set because he doesn’t deal super break
        Ratio is also underrated because Dan IL was already seen as the peak imaginary dps and the wonderful people at Prydwen placed Ratio below him for ages
        Two hunt men who have little story relevance

        I forgot who the other strong DPSes are

        • ^ YES, that’s why I HATEEE Firefly. I don’t use that word lightly

          – She killed Sam. My murder robot, reduced to twirling around in the air with silly big explosions
          – She killed Lingsha. Seriously, worst 5 star ever released, just because she might get a little crazy at E1S1, with Firefly specifically
          – Will probably make Tingyun a lot worse than she should be. The fact 2 premium break supports are Fire is already worrying.
          – The trend of nerfing break as a whole continues with TWO relic sets, carefully deisgned to be limited with anyone but her (Nerfed Boothill)

          Oh those aren’t even the real kickers

          – They keep adding the same F*******, tree headed unspiried horrible BOSS in MoC for months now. Because we all love fighting Stages everyone.
          – TWO, TWO WHOLE PATCHES of the story were murdered by Firefly. The entire Sparkle is not a villain, pool party your girlfriend catches you mid air patch, and all the boring filler, like the superflous 3 realm arcade filler. Added so we can spend time with our Girlfriend <3
          – The most boring Simulated Universe expansion to break, nerfing every path, equation and playstyle that's not Firefly break. Seriously Boothill feels horrible to play in comparison. It's not a break Sim Uni. It's a Firefly sim uni

          I probably forgot a bunch of stuff. The fact the tally is so high thooo. Damn I'm glad Hoyo at least made her bad. Not as bad as her EN battle voice lines…

          • I still play SAM just for SAM and I think the technique divebomb is pretty cool

            Firefly reminds me a lot of Ayaka, but less ugly and with a sick ass robot attached so I don’t hate her like Ayaka, but I don’t care much for the obvious ship (lemme have Aventurine bro)

            Honestly I don’t think Lingsha is bad, but Gallagher was an extremely powerful character despite being a 4* so maybe they got scared of going too far past him

            As for the DU thing between my Firefly and my GF’s Boothill I found both pretty fun, but I have to admit I like Boothill a lot more than I thought I would, maybe I’ll pull him next time, I’ve also tried DoT team and Blade and both felt fine

          • She’s only bad if viewed in the eyes of f2p. I will admit f2p should NOT pull for her. She adds very little to your teams. But at E1/S1 she increase the overall break team by around 50% total DPS and also does way more damage than Gall himself. Pretty much she’s as strong as Gall if Gall got his ultimate off every turn.

            In the eyes of a f2p Firefly, it’s always done. Just stick to it and you’ll be fine. But when it comes to people willing to get Eidolons Firefly still has a huge wall she can still climb to help future proof for people that really like and enjoy her.

      • ok, so for power-wise i admit i didnt see much gameplay relating to feixiao before her release, but looking at it now yeah. i wouldnt call her “overwhelmingly stronger” but i wouldnt say that she’s a “step down” either

        i don’t usually enjoy talking about power level, since it gets very messy very quickly.

        as for topaz, i personally dont consider sig lcs and eidolons to be real things, so topaz would follow next afterwards. thats not how a lot of people play the game, so i completely understand the sentiment and do agree that topaz is one of the lowest pull value units – well, she’s higher compared to dhil or ratio on 2.0 and 1.6 respectively but those bars could not be further down in hell

        • You aren’t wrong totally wrong

          Acheron and Feixiao aren’t worlds apart. But in order for the former to match the latter, she needs to ditch sustain. Meanwhile Feixiao retains her strong damage with Aventurine just fine.

          That’s a self imposed restriction. Getting E1 Robin is by far the biggest boost you can give your account.

          • She really does not. Their single target damage is the same via calcs, Feixiao just has the advantage of having a sub DPS team mates. If we go by team, Feixiao with her BiS is probably stronger, but it’s not from Feixiao herself. Follow up teams are just strong overall. Acherons still better vs multiple strong targets tho.

        • This user is an Acheron and Firefly hater and would deny their powers and advantages simply because they hate them for some reason unrelated to power, which is a behavior I never expect from a person with any trace of basic logic capability. This is why I’m no bother to read any of their comments any more, despite sometimes I leave comments nevertheless. Sometimes when they tell their metric of power without anyone asking, they say, only 0-cycling matters, you don’t 0-cycle, you play suboptimally, and you can’t be meta. Meanwhile, they are blind on the numerous 0-cycling showcases of Acheron and Firefly and only put their eyes on the showcases of Boothill and those they like, calling them meta and Acheron and Firefly to be mid. I don’t even need a word for insult, I merely described what I see from someone’s behavior.

        • When we talk about Topaz’s pull value, that’s right, she has never been of high pull value. Dr.Ratio is strong alone with 4-star units, while Feixiao has good enough f2p 4-star alternatives leaving upgrading into Topaz less beneficial then getting Robin’s E1, a pure damage upgrade and no gameplay changes. As someone who don’t view eidolons to be worth consider unless you love this character for a reason, especially those offer nothing more than damage, I agree Topaz is still at a low pull value even after the release of Feixiao.

          Seems Hoyo is trying something new. Both Feixiao and Firefly are strong at low investment in pulls, you need only themselves at E0S0 and a certain limited support at E0S0 and the comp is complete, unlike previous comps such as Dr.Ratio’s premium FUA comp which asks for multiple limited units, light cones, and possibly eidolons, to work.

          • As well as Hoyo don’t make E0S0 Topaz to be apparantly better than March, Hoyo don’t make Lingsha to be apparently better than Gallagher, keeping the minimal investment of pulls to make the comp work low and f2p friendly.

          • Omg omg omggg, Dazz complimented me??? TYSM <333

            Though at the same time, I feel hurt you think I'd mix my own personal distaste with meta

            Everything I said turned out to be true, and will continue to. Look at Acheron. On youtube and on reddit people are starting to wake up and correctly mention she's mid af without her Lightcone. Which I've been saying TWO MONTHS BEFORE she got released. Apparently I was a doomposter

            As I've said above, Acheron is by all means a top tier DPS, just not with a sustain. It makes sense why after maxxing her trace, using a Harmony would blow up her damage. Feixiao doesn't have such a restriction. All in all, Acheron is a top tier DPS, just not for a casual player. Tell me which part of that is blind hate.

            Firefly is not a top tier DPS. She's easy to use. That's literally it. She's never been in the talk for the best DPS and never will. The fact everyone is talking about her E2 reeks of old DHIL. Overrated, overhyped and down in the gutter once it all died down.

          • Literally 60% of the entire fandom calling Firefly the top DPS in the game atm. Idk where you get she’s not even in the talk for it when most people think she is it.

          • @Waifu Invigilator
            You are searching the Internet for the info you wanted to believe, do you aware of it? As I stated above, you have been blind to the numerous 0-cycling showcases of Acheron and Firefly everywhere on the Internet, seems you trend to deny everything you see on the Internet you didn’t want to believe. I’m no bother to prove anything to you, it’s a waste of time.

          • @Reina @Dazz

            Soo? People are WRONG. Robin still isn’t regarded the best Harmony on Prydwen. People mass skipped her. On release Bennett and Kazuha were overlooked. Boothill and Yunli are currently barely given any attention.

            Firefly being considered strong means exactly 0. It took people MONTHS to say with their chest Blade is horrid.

            You said I chose to ignore stuff???

            – I never said Acheron was weak in the hands of a good player. She’s Seele at home
            – On release, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to gouge how strong a DPS is. The enemy lineup and blessings benefit them a lot. People still haven’t discovered techs and teams. Some weaknesses might be overlooked. You NEED to talk to people who know. Private servers, beta testers or Theory Crafters. Again, most of my opinions aren’t strictly my own. I don’t wake up one day and start making crazy statements.

            You need to be visionary. Ofc Firefly looks incredible with Feigned Toughness and when fighting the eternal stage. Christ, Xolze Telos dedicates her life to showing how overrated Firefly is

            You won’t reply. Cuz ur acting like a toddler. I’m mad so I won’t talk to you anymore. Wheeee

          • @Waifu Invigilator – You said: “On youtube and on reddit people are starting to wake up and correctly mention she’s mid af without her Lightcone.” then in next post: “Soo? People are WRONG.”

            So when are they right and when are they wrong? And most important, when do you actually backup your claims with actual source or numbers?

            Yes Firefly is very strong, and especially at E0. But she is also one of the easiest characters to put offline if Hoyo decides to. Even easier than Jingliu. So don’t overinvest in her, enjoy her while it’s her time under the light, and get ready to transition when the time comes.

            I think there’s nothing more foolish than future proofing in this game. Variety is what keeps the game fun, and those who know what they’re doing can clear content with most E0 DPS.

            An E2 FF could’ve been an E0 FF / E0 BH and E0 Feixiao. More choice, more variety and just as many stars in MoC/AS. Of course, for “people” who refuse to think for themselves and prefer to rely on others to tell them what to do, I can understand how that could be a problem. But hey, that’s also what funds the game so it’s a win-win for me I guess 🙂

    • what the hell is this thread now lmao

      guys you overlook giga important point, this game high-end content does not have infinite health + super fast 0 cycle clear does not matter in terms of the game.
      Literally any e0s0 limited carry right now is capable clearing high-end with ease for full stars, so any *oh nuow dis caracter is deeed becus my numbur is not high enuff* viewpoint is wrong by default.
      Legit if you dont like the character, just say *I personally dont like it* and dont pull it. Vice versa, if you like character say *i personally like this character* and go pull it, or dont pull it cuz you saving for fate collab

      man people really dont understand how game works, huh

      • i just wanted to talk about feixiao kit design lol the power level stuff was legit only one paragraph out of like 6 idk why the entire thread is like this now T_T

      • There’s 2 types of “meta” in this game
        The easiest to build, easiest to play characters who will clear content with max stars
        and the characters who kill the fastest

        Both are fine, no one is misunderstanding the game, “My Firefly clears MoC with 0 investment” is just as valid as “I just 0 cycled PF with Seele and Robin because I felt like it”

  7. There is a new video of Feixiao clearing MoC 12 in 5 cycles with only Aventurine and herself in the team at E0S1, truly mid unit, useless without Robin 😔

    • Sometimes, some who don’t want to pull a unit or didn’t have pulled a unit find themselves motivated to look for the flaws and weaknesses of the said unit and to downplay the unit’s powers and advantages. This is more common seen on DPS units because it is the most common archetype of units in the game and you don’t really need too many of them, meaning it is more common that people will want to skip a DPS unit and fall into the behavior stated above.

        • I am not sure if we will ever get a blessing with close to no damage output, something like after a turn heal character by 20% of their max HP. Would be nice to see though

        • If you can past end game content or okay to lose 40-80 jade in the last room it is highly recommended to skip entire 2.5-2.6. They are going to release new power creep unit at 2.7 and 3.1 or 3.2 which will last an entire years. However you may need to acquire 3 of them and some of them may also need E2 & S1. Even if Robin is so fk good and also the best of 2.5 but new power creep unit will always be a better and last longer and her song is also annoying it haunted me alot.

  8. Just wanna share this info…

    In early access server, someone just 0-cycle MoC with e0 Feixiao without ultimate.

    Go find in YouTube yourself, Feixiao 0-Cycle WITHOUT using Ultimate.


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