Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten

Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten
Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be BittenConceptsBrows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten
TypeBasic ATK
TypeSingle Target
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 15
Energy Regeneration30
March 7th
March 7th
Ascension Materials
Meteoric Bullet2
Thief's Instinct4
Destined Expiration6
Usurper's Scheme5
Countertemporal Shot8
Conqueror's Will5
Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be BittenBrows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten - Basic ATK | Single Target
This attack deals Hits Per Action initially. Each hit against the target enemy deals Imaginary DMG equal to of March 7th's ATK. After dealing the final hit, there is a fixed chance to deal 1 extra hit, up to extra hit(s). Energy regenerated from using Enhanced Basic ATK does not increase with the number of Hits Per Action.
Enhanced Basic ATK cannot recover Skill Points.

Deals Imaginary DMG to a single enemy, dealing #4[i] hits initially. There is a chance to additional deal up to #3[i] hit(s).
Level 9

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