名词 | 大黑塔 | |
阵营 | 空间站「黑塔」 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 智识 | |
战斗属性 | 冰 | |
汉语 | 侯小菲 | |
英语 | PJ Mattson | |
韩语 | 김서영 | |
日语 | 山崎はるか | |
专属材料 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行迹材料 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
剧情 | 尊贵的「天才俱乐部」#83,人类,女性,年轻,貌美,可爱。 传说她隐居在银河边境,几乎不踏出其间,想必此次现身—— 一定是为了某个不得不亲自出马的问题吧? |
目录 |
属性 |
战技 |
行迹 |
星魂 |
光锥 |
背包 |
Gallery |
语音 |
剧情 |
等级 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴击率 | 暴击伤害 | 嘲讽 | 能量 | 专属材料 |
1 | 92.4 | 66 | 158 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
20 | 180.18 | 128.7 | 309 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 217.14 | 155.1 | 372 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
30 | 263.34 | 188.1 | 451 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 300.3 | 214.5 | 515 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
40 | 346.5 | 247.5 | 594 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 383.46 | 273.9 | 657 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
50 | 429.66 | 306.9 | 737 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 466.62 | 333.3 | 800 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
60 | 512.82 | 366.3 | 879 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 549.78 | 392.7 | 942 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
70 | 595.98 | 425.7 | 1022 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 632.94 | 452.1 | 1085 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 | |
80 | 679.14 | 485.1 | 1164 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 220 |
开窍了吗 - 普攻 | 单攻 | |
能量恢复 : 20 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔 对指定敌方单体造成少量冰属性伤害。 | |
等级 | |
格局打开 - 战技 | 扩散 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 45 / 群攻 : 15 / 扩散 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔 对指定敌方单体造成伤害。对被本次战技击中的目标及其相邻目标造成伤害,重复2次。 | |
等级 | |
早说了是魔法吧 - 终结技 | 群攻 | |
能量恢复 : 5 | |
弱点击破 : 群攻 : 60 | |
将敌方全体的【解读】层数重新排序,较高层数的【解读】将优先转移到精英级别及以上的目标,并对敌方全体造成等同于大黑塔 将敌方全体的【解读】层数重新排序,较高层数的【解读】将优先转移到精英级别及以上的目标,并对敌方全体造成冰属性伤害。使用后获得强化战技并立即行动。 | |
等级 | |
拿来吧你 - 天赋 | 强化 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
敌方目标进入战斗时,大黑塔对其施加1层【解读】。每个波次开始时,对一个随机敌方目标施加 强化战技根据目标【解读】层数,提高造成的伤害。 | |
等级 | |
攻击 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
看看好看的 - 秘技 | 强化 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
使用秘技后,下一次战斗开始时大黑塔攻击力提高 若当前场景存在普通战利品,使用秘技后标记最多 在模拟宇宙、差分宇宙中使用秘技进入战斗后,每个波次开始时对精英级别以下的敌方目标造成等同于目标 使用秘技后,可以标记数个普通战利品的位置,并且下一次战斗开始时大黑塔攻击力提高。 在模拟宇宙、差分宇宙使用秘技进战后,每个波次开始时对敌方全体造成大量真实伤害。 | |
我有一个大胆的想法 - 战技 | 群攻 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 60 / 群攻 : 15 / 扩散 : 30 | |
消耗1层【灵感】,对指定敌方单体造成等同于大黑塔 对指定敌方单体造成伤害。对被本次战技击中的目标及其相邻目标造成伤害,重复2次。之后,对敌方全体造成伤害。 | |
等级 | |
冷漠的诚实 | |
需要角色晋阶 2 | |
我方目标攻击时,对被击中的敌方目标施加1层【解读】。攻击后,本次攻击每击中1个目标就使大黑塔固定恢复 | 5000 3 1 |
视界外来信 | |
需要角色晋阶 4 | |
进入战斗时,若队伍中的「智识」命途角色大于等于2名,使我方全体暴击伤害提高 | 20000 5 1 1 |
伤害强化•冰 (冰属性伤害提高) | |
需要角色晋阶 4 | |
冰属性伤害提高 | 20000 5 4 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
需要角色晋阶 5 | |
攻击力提高 | 45000 3 3 |
伤害强化•冰 (冰属性伤害提高) | |
需要角色晋阶 5 | |
冰属性伤害提高 | 45000 3 3 |
饥饿的地景 | |
需要角色晋阶 6 | |
敌方目标每被施加1层【解读】,大黑塔获得1层【谜底】,最多叠加 | 160K 8 1 1 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
需要角色等级 75 | |
攻击力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
伤害强化•冰 (冰属性伤害提高) | |
冰属性伤害提高 | 2500 2 |
伤害强化•冰 (冰属性伤害提高) | |
需要角色等级 80 | |
冰属性伤害提高 | 160K 8 8 |
群星岸落之夜 | ||
强化战技计算【解读】层数时,额外计算主目标及相邻目标中层数最高的1个目标当前【解读】层数的 |
穿过锁孔之风 | ||
大黑塔进入战斗和施放终结技后,额外获得1层【灵感】。施放强化战技后,大黑塔的下一次行动提前 |
进入盛夏之门 | ||
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
第十六把钥匙 | ||
队伍中的「智识」命途角色的速度提高 |
苦药似的真理 | ||
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
甜饵般的答案 | ||
大黑塔的冰属性抗性穿透提高 |
名词 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 战技 | 专属材料 | |
智库 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使装备者终结技造成的伤害提高 | ||
灵钥 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使装备者施放战技后额外恢复 | ||
睿见 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 当装备者施放终结技时,攻击力提高 | ||
「我」的诞生 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者追加攻击造成的伤害提高 | ||
别让世界静下来 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者进入战斗时立即恢复 | ||
天才们的休憩 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者攻击力提高 | ||
早餐的仪式感 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者造成伤害提高 | ||
今日亦是和平的一日 | 4 | erudition-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 进入战斗后,根据装备者的能量上限,提高装备者造成的伤害:每点能量提高 | ||
银河铁道之夜 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 场上每有1个敌方目标,使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
拂晓之前 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | 使装备者暴击伤害提高 |
Per Page |
Idle #1
Idle #2
Title | loc_sound |
初次见面 | * |
问候 | * |
道别 | * |
关于自己•头衔 | * |
关于自己•生活 | * |
关于自己•习惯 | * |
关于自己•研究 | * |
闲谈•穿着 | * |
闲谈•论文 | * |
爱好 | * |
烦恼 | * |
分享 | * |
见闻 | * |
关于开拓者 | * |
关于阮•梅 | * |
关于螺丝咕姆 | * |
关于艾丝妲 | * |
关于银狼 | * |
关于姬子 | * |
关于瓦尔特 | * |
星魂激活 | * |
角色晋阶 | * |
角色满级 | * |
行迹激活 | * |
队伍编成•开拓者 | * |
队伍编成•阮•梅 | * |
队伍编成•艾丝妲 | * |
队伍编成•阿兰 | * |
队伍编成•黑塔 | * |
队伍编成•银狼 | * |
队伍编成•姬子 | * |
战斗开始•弱点击破 | * |
战斗开始•危险预警 | * |
回合开始•一 | * |
回合开始•二 | * |
回合待机 | * |
普攻 | * |
战技•一 | * |
战技•二 | * |
强化战技•一 | * |
强化战技•二 | * |
轻受击 | * |
重受击 | * |
终结技•激活 | * |
终结技•施放 | * |
无法战斗 | * |
重回战斗 | * |
回复生命 | * |
秘技 | * |
战斗胜利 | * |
开启战利品•一 | * |
开启战利品•二 | * |
开启贵重战利品 | * |
解谜成功•一 | * |
解谜成功•二 | * |
发现敌方目标 | * |
返回城镇 | * |
Title | 文本语言 |
角色详情 | 天才俱乐部#83黑塔本尊,深居银河边境的时钟塔内,探寻宇宙终极奥秘的「魔法使」。 因返老还童,外貌永葆全盛时期的少女青春。厌恶闲人琐事,杂事通常交由人偶完成。 |
角色故事·一 | 【档案编号】███████ 【奇物名称】「天才的童年万华镜」 【注意事项】千万别偷看!千万别偷看!!千万别偷看!!! 真的要看? 你确定? 算了,都滑到这了。后果概不负责。 【奇物档案】 天才俱乐部#83黑塔女士的私人密藏品,由忆庭提供技术支持。仅供当事人以第一人称视角重温美妙时光的记忆切片。 警告:危险物品,非当事人请勿私自凝视,否则有极大概率遭受严重的精神攻击。 案例:曾有两位审核人员私自观看。一位胡言乱语不知自己姓甚名谁,另一位胡言乱语只知重复「黑塔女士伟大!」。 【科员留言】 「『不动点是乳白色的蝴蝶结,发散级数像闪着寒光的匕首项链。卷积作褐色头发的波浪,分形是坏心情的影响。无限大与无限小吵得不可开交,给它们套上对角线的裙装再劝架:看呐,在一切集合中,最美的,当属我自己……』——对,就是那个小女孩念叨的,很神奇吧,哈哈哈哈,好神奇呀,我又是谁,我在哪里……」 「摆满洋娃娃的大房间里,飘满了我从没见过的公式与符号,它们长出手脚,扮鬼脸,围着她跳舞。她会打开像城堡一样高的衣橱,为它们挑选衣服,它们有各自的角色,出现在不同的节目中…当她停下计算时,我的精神也在那一刻得到了彻底的洗礼——黑塔女士伟大!黑塔女士伟大!黑塔女士伟大!黑塔女士伟大……」 【备注】 留着这份奇物,不过是方便我重温欣赏儿时的美貌。你们这么想看,出事可怪不得我。姑且还是给你们点建议吧:给这两个倒霉蛋找点博识学会的书念念对冲一下,马上就会好起来的。 |
角色故事·二 | 纪念黑塔女士诞辰██周年研讨会 会议记录•议题一:黑塔女士科学成就回顾 会议记录•议题二:黑塔女士生平轶事回顾 …… 会议记录•议题五:专题研讨「科学的极限与真意」 …… 会议记录•临时议题:默哀环节:据权威媒体突发报道,黑塔女士已因病离世…… 会议记录•临时议题二:黑塔女士现身致辞! 黑塔女士发言: 「感谢各位对我的深情悼念,真不巧,又要让某些人失望了。」 「您是…黑塔女士?」 「这是,黑塔女士的人偶?」 「是那篇返老还童的论文…真的实现了?!」 「黑塔女士,请解释一下!」 …… 黑塔女士清了清喉咙,举起手中的权杖—— 「是因为『魔法』。」 「黑塔女士,请留步!」 「不可能!返老还童仅仅具备理论上的可能性,离实现还有十万八千里……」 「科学…她还算个科学家吗!一派胡言!」 「不是姐们…你怎么做到每次出场都这么酷炫的?」 「好玩吧?媒体为了抢头条总是三天两头假报新闻,而那些老家伙总盼着我去世,好验证我返老还童的理论不过是纸上谈兵。」 她关掉会议录像,继续悠然享用每日下午茶。 「你的每一项理论成果,最后都被证明有实现的可能,不过…后世的学者从未理解你的真意,因此也无法复现。」清冷的女士端起茶。 「逻辑:所谓重返青春的『魔法』,是黑塔女士表示嘲讽的修辞。推理:该理论的基础原理涉及能量的逆转与时间的流动,涉及到苛刻的实现条件。计算:……」 她笑眯眯地将一块梅花糕点推至智械面前,打断了他的话。 「看破不说破。吃你的吧。」 |
角色故事·三 | 银河边境,寂寥无生命的星系中,一座神秘的高塔在漩涡中若隐若现。 「这么大的地方,我可不想被累死。」 她看了看空空荡荡的屋子,示意人偶向前。 咯咯哒,咯哒咯,哒咯咯,她们扭动身体,雀跃而来—— 「黑塔女士举世无双!」 「黑塔女士聪明绝顶!」 「黑塔女士沉鱼落雁!」 「好了好了,忙你们的去吧。」她不耐烦地挥挥手。 三个擦地,两个浇花,还有一个…… 「泡咖啡吧。天冷了,喝热的。」 棕色的豆子碾碎,沸水冲过,黑色液体咕嘟咕嘟冒泡。 「黑塔女士。您有一条来自博识学会的消息。他们质疑您……」 「又在抱怨我的『显然可证』了么,替我从自动回复列表中挑几句回复吧。」 「黑塔女士。您有一条来自星际和平公司的消息。他们邀约您……」 「跟他们说,我对那些发明不感兴趣。」 「黑塔女士,您有一条来自第一真理大学的消息。他们聘请您担任荣誉教授……」 「那是什么学校?」 …… 渐渐地,人偶替她处理所有世间琐事,她也从人们的视线中淡出。 在那高塔顶端,她不再关心外界,只用演算心中尚存的疑问。 「我想知道,█████████████?」 第一面镜由此诞生。 「我想知道,█████████████?」 第二面镜熠熠落成。 「我想知道,█████████████?」 第三面镜清脆有声。 「我想知道,█████████████?」 第四面镜毕恭毕敬。 无人知晓那名烁古今的天才如今在何处,又为何从不现身。唯有她提出的理论与猜想,仍不断引起经久不息的讨论。 漫长的时光过去,当她演算完毕时,看起来似乎并不满意。 「现在没有问题可解了——这才是最大的问题啊。」 「您是说……」镜子心领神会。 「不如,来创造更多的问题吧!」 |
角色故事·四 | 黑塔:模拟宇宙一直在模拟星神并向祂们发问,这一次不如让星神来问问我…最好把我问得哑口无言。 黑塔:…得先把祂们引出来。 模拟宇宙:黑塔女士向模拟宇宙全域广播虚数流溢问题的答案,失败。 模拟宇宙:黑塔女士捏着鼻子向模拟宇宙全域发表了赞美星神的演讲,失败。 黑塔:没劲,走了。 模拟宇宙:一瞬间,祂出现了。祂的身躯庞大若神物,齿轮与纤缆精妙绝伦地纠缠在一起。祂观察、计算、求解一切。祂提出疑问、进行验证、获取解答。除此之外,祂什么都不做。 模拟宇宙:祂知道的太多了——你什么都可以问祂。在祂面前,人类是如此无知:那些你头脑中仅有的经验、知识,它们…少得可怜。 黑塔:果然还是博识尊给我面子。 黑塔:别人把我的思考视作无法理解的魔法,你的思考对我来说也差不多。所以,无所不知的存在,请向我提问—— 博识尊:██! 黑塔:拜托你了,说人话吧。 博识尊:祂没有回答,唯有静默。 黑塔:…… 黑塔:我也无话可说。 模拟宇宙:一瞬间,你被某种力量驱逐了,这宇宙间至深的秘密犹如长着触手的深渊,把你拖进无法逃脱的恐怖之中。 模拟宇宙:黑塔被强制登出。 模拟宇宙:黑塔重新登录。 黑塔:阿哈,就知道是你! 博识尊?:祂说的是:「哈哈!」哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 博识尊?:你信了?瞧啊,模拟宇宙的算力像波板糖的花纹一样涌到这儿。 博识尊?:怎么?你知道祂不会回你一个「哈哈」? 黑塔:哈哈,因为机器头根本不会回答!问题和怀疑是思想的本质,没有禁忌、没有边界、没有尽头—— 黑塔:除非祂撂挑子不干了。 黑塔:不过你不能就这么走了,作为补偿,你来问我一个问题吧,不许讲笑话。 阿哈:凡人一思考,机器头就发笑!要不要来当假面愚者?让我看你一眼? 黑塔:滚。我要伊德莉拉。 —— |
角色故事·一 | |
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角色故事·四 | |
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143 responses to “大黑塔”
Not sure how I feel about Herta’s need for another Erudition character in the team … if there were good combo’s with her it would be bearable, but the selection of Erudition characters doesnt synergize with her in any way.
But looking at the numbers youre losing out on a lot of dmg if youy dont use a second one… really annoying choices here. Not sure if I like the ideas behind it.
Screwllum future synergy
wdym? madam herta synergize well with most erudition units, even with himeko and argenti. Remember himeko+herta back in early PF? Double erudition isnt a restriction at all, as long as it work. Her BiS in MoC & AS is jade or serval, and in PF it could be anyone (except qingque), as long as they can act frequently. You dont have to worry about dmg loss as madam herta buffs the entire party with 80% cdmg. Mind you that this is slightly behind sparkle’s skill buff (hers is around 90-100% cdmg).
Theres a talk how there could be another erudition unit (potentially screwllum) that could have more synergy with her, but IMO its better not to have high hope on it as theres not even a slight confirmation on it. For all we know they could have as much synergy as everyone else. We likely going to have BiS support than BiS erudition for madam herta
If I’m correct, madam Herta’s CD buff will also affect Sparkle, and in turn, improve the latter’s buff — similar to in a superbreak team, Ruan Mei’s teamwide DMG% is calculated based on her BE after buffs such as her own passive, Watchmaker, Harmony MC (whose BE is affected by RM’s passive and Watchmaker), and etc., — combined with how eruditions tend to want to use their E often, Sparkle might be a really good teammate for madam Herta.
double dps teams exist btw.
also trace gives 80% critdmg (for now) to everyone, not only herself? i dont see any issues in running double erudition with party wide buffer, considering how much she herself provides. Plus you actually want active unit with lots of targets hit due to her having trace that likes when lots of enemies getting hit simultaniously. She herself has enough stuff to sinergize with any other erudition. I would agree if it would be Acheron type moment, where you need team almost exclusevily build out of Erudition units, but you need only one extra instead of 2.
Plus…. Herta and The Herta. Also maybe later they will add sustain Herta and buffer Herta (copium)
Does the Interpretation stack count as a debuff?
It does not, specifically to stop what you’re thinking about doing
Damn I was thinking same thing… that’s unfortunate
Nope, it’s not count as debuff. It’s like for example when Svarog apply his “Mark of Counter” and it counts as “other”, not buff or debuff.
Can someone give a tldr pls I read this like 4 times and don’t really get it
team need to attacks as frequently and as much enemies as you can to apply stacks on enemies and to give madam herta energy. Ult deal more dmg based on how much stacks applied on enemies
madam herta can use ult to advance her next turn and to make her next skill to perform enhanced skill instead
after performing enhanced skill, additionally deal dmg based on stacks on enemies. When theres at least 2 erudition unit in the team, the dmg is doubled. Afterward, reset all stacks on enemies to 1
when theres at least 2 erudition unit in the team, everyone gain cdmg buff
Just a couple of additions for clarity:
With 2 erudition units the overall damage of her empowered skill isn’t doubled, but the bonus multiplier gained from the stacks IS doubled.
After using her empowered skill, it doesn’t reset ALL stacks on enemies to 1. It only resets the stacks of just the target enemy to 1 (the one target you select, the target her empowered skill checks for stacks to calculate the damage multiplier).
Sorry if it seems nitpick-y, but these details do make a huge difference~
Otherwise, spot on! 🙂
Does any of her attacks count as follow up attack?
Enhanced skill attack is not FUA, there’s a video if you curious how her kit work.
Im wondering would a Herta team be better with sunday or RMC
cause sunday gives a lot of energy + great crit stat, but RMC gives stacking via the summon + decent crit stats + ocasional advance with a true dmg bonus per hit (wich herta has a LOT)
i dont have jade so my f2p harmony would be herta puppet so RHC could help the stacking process and clear up sunday for JY.
the only problem would be i cannot use HMC and RMC at the same time so FF and rappa would be hurt in the process
that’s where fugue came to rescue. now you can even use 2 break team if rmc turns out to be not that great
She has no crit rate or crit damage in her traces what the heck! Even 4 star herta has it.
Her talent already gives her and her allies crit dmg so long as there is another Erudition unit on the team, and one of the planner set gives out crit rate, so over all not bad but it is indeed less crit stat to her if she did have them. Anyways, since she is a crit dps anyway, crit buffers would always be a part of her team, like Sunday or RMC (gives cd on their base kit and provide cr on their e1)
She has 80% crit dmg for the whole team if there’s another erudition which is pretty much guaranteed anyway since she wants lots of aoe to charge her ult, that makes up for not having crit in her minor traces
Read A4
what is her best team
Most people came up with is: Therta, Jade, Robin and Lingsha
I mean she does have 80% crit damage built in, a BiS relic set that gives a bunch of damage bonus and 8% crit rate, and another BiS relic set that gives 12% atk and 12% crit rate, not to mention the absurd amount of atk she gets, and that her whole kit revolves around building up these enormous atk multipliers.
She is getting an abundance of stats for free, even before talking about teams and Light Cones. Don’t even get me started on her damage potential once we start bringing in def ignore and all-type res ignore from outside supports~
She has no crit rate or crit damage in her traces what the heck! Even 4 star herta has it.
The Herta – Jade – Robin – Gallagher
What do you think about this team? Will it work?
I’d probably replace robin with sunday or RMC
Gallagher with Quid quo pro for energy, or HouHou, that’s my opinion for this roster.
Would her best 4-star LC be:
Today is another peaceful day (S1)
Make the world clamor (S3-ish)
Geniuses’ Repose (S1)
The seriousness of breakfast (S5)
her ult has a really high energy cost, so the QQ lightcone is probably pretty good on her. And that A6 trace is a multiplier increase, so it’s a separate buff bracket from the Serval lc…
… I guess I’m gonna have to give you the least helpful answer: they all seem pretty good.
I got so many World Clamor I have two S5 + one S4… If it’s a good option for her, I’ll be happy =D (plus there is Serval on it <3)
Otherwise, I have the BP one S5 as well.
Peaceful day is usually good, and she caps the energy requirement
breakfast. the rest at s1 are eh, even the bp one. ramps up if u upgrade it ofc. but why stress, since u seem to be new? wait for calcs lol
Love how the max interpretation stacks is 42
lack of responses to this shows people do not read these days 🙁