Gran duque incinerador

Gran duque incinerador
Gran duque incineradorNombreGran duque incinerador
Corona de llamas infernales del gran duque
Corona de llamas infernales del gran duque
Guantes llameantes de terciopelo del gran duque
Guantes llameantes de terciopelo del gran duque
Túnica de gracia del gran duque
Túnica de gracia del gran duque
Botas elegantes del gran duque
Botas elegantes del gran duque
Efecto del conjunto2: Daño de los ataques adicionales +20%.
4: Cuando el portador lanza un ataque adicional, el ATQ del portador aumenta en un 6% por cada vez que haya infligido daño con el ataque adicional. Se puede acumular hasta 8 veces y dura 3 turnos. Este efecto se disipa la siguiente vez que el portador lance un ataque adicional.




Atributos base
Class PV
Atributo secundario
Class PV
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class ATQ
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class DEF
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class PV
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class ATQ
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class DEF
5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48%
Class VEL
3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6
Class Prob. CRIT
3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89%
Class Daño CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Acierto de efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class RES a efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%


Atributos base
Class PV
Atributo secundario
Class PV
81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61
Class ATQ
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class DEF
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class PV
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class ATQ
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class DEF
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class VEL
4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6
Class Prob. CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Daño CRIT
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%
Class Acierto de efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class RES a efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%


Atributos base
Class PV
Atributo secundario
Class PV
135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35
Class ATQ
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class DEF
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class PV
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class ATQ
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class DEF
17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6%
Class VEL
8 ~ 9 ~ 10
Class Prob. CRIT
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class Daño CRIT
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Acierto de efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class RES a efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%


Atributos base
Class PV
Atributo secundario
Class PV
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATQ
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class PV
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATQ
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class VEL
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class Prob. CRIT
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
Class Daño CRIT
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Acierto de efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class RES a efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%



Atributos base
Class ATQ
Atributo secundario
Class PV
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class ATQ
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class DEF
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class PV
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class ATQ
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class DEF
5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48%
Class VEL
3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6
Class Prob. CRIT
3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89%
Class Daño CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Acierto de efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class RES a efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%


Atributos base
Class ATQ
Atributo secundario
Class PV
81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61
Class ATQ
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class DEF
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class PV
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class ATQ
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class DEF
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class VEL
4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6
Class Prob. CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Daño CRIT
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%
Class Acierto de efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class RES a efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%


Atributos base
Class ATQ
Atributo secundario
Class PV
135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35
Class ATQ
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class DEF
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class PV
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class ATQ
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class DEF
17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6%
Class VEL
8 ~ 9 ~ 10
Class Prob. CRIT
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class Daño CRIT
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Acierto de efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class RES a efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%


Atributos base
Class ATQ
Atributo secundario
Class PV
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATQ
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class PV
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATQ
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class VEL
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class Prob. CRIT
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
Class Daño CRIT
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Acierto de efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class RES a efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%



Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class Prob. CRIT
Class Daño CRIT
Class Bonif. curación realizada
Class Acierto de efecto
Atributo secundario
Class PV
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class ATQ
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class DEF
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class PV
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class ATQ
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class DEF
5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48%
Class VEL
3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6
Class Prob. CRIT
3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89%
Class Daño CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Acierto de efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class RES a efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class Prob. CRIT
Class Daño CRIT
Class Bonif. curación realizada
Class Acierto de efecto
Atributo secundario
Class PV
81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61
Class ATQ
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class DEF
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class PV
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class ATQ
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class DEF
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class VEL
4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6
Class Prob. CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Daño CRIT
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%
Class Acierto de efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class RES a efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class Prob. CRIT
Class Daño CRIT
Class Bonif. curación realizada
Class Acierto de efecto
Atributo secundario
Class PV
135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35
Class ATQ
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class DEF
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class PV
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class ATQ
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class DEF
17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6%
Class VEL
8 ~ 9 ~ 10
Class Prob. CRIT
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class Daño CRIT
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Acierto de efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class RES a efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class Prob. CRIT
Class Daño CRIT
Class Bonif. curación realizada
Class Acierto de efecto
Atributo secundario
Class PV
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATQ
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class PV
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATQ
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class VEL
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class Prob. CRIT
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
Class Daño CRIT
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Acierto de efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class RES a efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%



Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class VEL
Atributo secundario
Class PV
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class ATQ
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class DEF
20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4
Class PV
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class ATQ
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class DEF
5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48%
Class VEL
3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6
Class Prob. CRIT
3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89%
Class Daño CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Acierto de efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class RES a efecto
4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class VEL
Atributo secundario
Class PV
81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61
Class ATQ
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class DEF
40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81
Class PV
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class ATQ
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class DEF
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class VEL
4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6
Class Prob. CRIT
6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78%
Class Daño CRIT
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%
Class Acierto de efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class RES a efecto
8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class VEL
Atributo secundario
Class PV
135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35
Class ATQ
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class DEF
67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68
Class PV
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class ATQ
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class DEF
17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6%
Class VEL
8 ~ 9 ~ 10
Class Prob. CRIT
10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96%
Class Daño CRIT
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Acierto de efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class RES a efecto
13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%


Atributos base
Class PV
Class ATQ
Class DEF
Class VEL
Atributo secundario
Class PV
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATQ
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class PV
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATQ
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class VEL
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class Prob. CRIT
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
Class Daño CRIT
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Acierto de efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class RES a efecto
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Efecto de Ruptura
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%



El elegante demonio del fuego nació en el más ardiente de todos los fuegos y cree que la Destrucción es la gloria suprema otorgada a Fetora.

"Yo, nacido en vísperas de la destrucción, soy la fe pecadora de Fetora. Soy la ira de Nanook".

Nanook destruyó a Fetora con sus propias manos. Así, las llamas de la estrella blanca se fusionaron con el poder de la Destrucción para dar origen a una forma de vida plasmática. El elegante demonio de fuego vio su nacimiento como una revelación: "Hoy, el Señor de la Destrucción derrotó a Fetora. Lo honraron con llamas ardientes. Los honores frívolos y sin sentido se evaporan con las llamas abrasadoras. Los honores sólidos y pesados marcarán mi coronación". Ifrit está obsesionado con la destrucción y la matanza desde su nacimiento.

"Los laureles del honor en este mundo están tejidos con espinas. El único laurel que supera estas espinas es mi corona de llamas infernales".

Ifrit recogió las ascuas de la estrella destruida por el Eón de la Destrucción y le dio forma a la corona de Fetora, la cual usa hasta el día de hoy.


Ifrit ha orquestado innumerables crisis empeñadas en aniquilar vidas. El gran duque se imaginaba como un director de orquesta y debía usar guantes para sujetar la batuta cubierta de espinas.

"Vengo con la revelación de la Destrucción. Una mano da, y la otra quita".

Con la creencia firme de que "el valor de algo solo puede apreciarse en su extinción", el Gran Duque del Infierno prendió fuego a la historia y a la cultura del planeta Lisalit, y redujo a cenizas las brillantes sedas de la aristocracia, los largos pergaminos de los poetas y los vívidos murales de los pintores... "La civilización es como una larva. Solo renacerá en una ejecución ardiente, cuando se convierta en una mariposa negra que revolotea en el viento". Como un sepulturero que agacha la cabeza para vigilar el horno del crematorio, Ifrit guía a las civilizaciones hacia su canción de despedida.

"Gracias a mi esfuerzo, imaginación y dirección, los encajes entre las distintas catástrofes, el orden en que se reproducen, los tonos y el tempo... se funden en un brillante espectáculo de destrucción".

Después de finalizar una destrucción satisfactoria, Ifrit se limpia la sangre de las manos y se pone los impecables guantes blancos nuevamente, como si fuera un aristócrata asistiendo a un banquete.


El elegante demonio de fuego admira su imagen en el espejo del tocador tras una masacre inhumana. Una audiencia con el monarca siempre requiere un atuendo apropiado.

"El propósito de la ropa no es adornar la apariencia, sino mostrar la verdadera esencia de uno mismo, así como la esencia de las llamas es la destrucción".

Los demonios de fuego siempre ardientes consideran a Nanook su emperador y salvador, pero el Eón nunca los ha mirado. La destrucción de Ifrit estaba plagada de ego, poder, conquista y motivación, y la rivalidad entre la Mansión del Fuego Eterno y la Hermandad de Jepella era aún más sórdida. "La destrucción impura mancha las prendas más magníficas con mayor facilidad que la suciedad". En cuanto a la pureza, Ifrit nunca pudo captar su esencia desde el principio.

"El valor de la destrucción radica en el valor de la cosa destruida. Nuestro valor radica en la práctica de la Destrucción hasta que el emperador se dé cuenta".

Ifrit, con piedad en su corazón, viste prendas de brocado tejidas con llamas de terciopelo rojo y espera el llamado de la Destrucción.


Por donde pasara el elegante rastro del demonio del fuego, sollozaban las civilizaciones humeantes en silencio. Ifrit nunca les prestó atención...

"A quienes no les quedan caminos por andar no necesitan botas. ¿Por qué estas civilizaciones al final se quejan de mí?".

El Gran Duque del Infierno, con la corona de fuego en la cabeza, es considerado por muchas civilizaciones como un demonio de otro mundo, aunque recibe una invitación del planeta de las celebraciones. Ifrit está feliz de asistir con su atuendo ceremonial completo. "Prepararé una destrucción cortés y reflexiva, y no quedará ni un solo hueso". El elegante demonio del fuego reúne un grupo malévolo y planea la grandiosa escena de ofrecer una montaña de cadáveres y un mar de sangre en un banquete... Esas civilizaciones destruidas son simples paradas en el peregrinaje hacia la Destrucción, y Colonipenal será una más.

"Su destrucción no es nada personal. Es solo con el propósito de atraer su mirada".

Al sonido del distante banquete que iniciaba, Ifrit se embarcó alegremente en el largo viaje hacia la fiesta.

84 responses to “Gran duque incinerador”

  1. It’s about a 15% damage increase for Topaz, and that’s only cuz her old set sucks. It’s not much an improvement for Himeko, and that’s only due to her old set also sucking; if the Fire set was as good as the other Elemental sets, then this set would be worse for her. Jing Yuan obviously benefits the most from this, but is it enough? It’s actually not as big of an improvement as it seems since the Lightning set is already quite good.

    I was hoping this set would make Follow-Up attackers somewhat competitive with Bronya focused teams, but it’s doesn’t bridge the gap AT ALL. Back the “you suck if you don’t work well with Bronya” mentality again, it’s really quite sad for the state of the game.

  2. Now that it’s here, time to confirm some details regarding the set’s mechanics:

    — The stack applies *before* the hit deals its damage.
    — Blast/AoE attacks can gain stacks from hitting multiple targets.
    — A Blast/AoE attack that hits multiple targets simultaneously increments its stacks in a left-to-right order (based on player PoV).
    Himeko’s FUA does 4 hits. In my test scenario vs 4 enemies, on the 1st hit, the damage taken by the leftmost enemy had 1 Atk stack, the enemy to its right 2 stacks, then the next one 3 stacks, and the rightmost enemy 4 stacks. For the 2nd hit, the leftmost enemy took damage for 5 stacks, until the rightmost was finally at max 8 stacks. Then of course, for the 3rd and 4th hits it’s already maxed out.
    I also double checked with my sheets and it matches with what I got in-game.

    I think that’s about it for what I wanted to test, it works as expected otherwise. Because of the important details above, it performs slightly better than if I went with my previous assumptions. Now onto characters…

    — Topaz, Jing Yuan, Himeko: Still good.
    — Clara: Unfortunately it still doesn’t help her case. 6% Atk on the main hit is still low.
    — Herta: It should be somewhat better now (my previous assumptions of the set were really not in her favor), but the way her kit works is still her crux.

  3. Regarding Topaz,

    What if I don’t unlock Topaz passive talent that makes her basic attack become follow up attack?

    Will it makes all 4-pc stacks will always be used by Numby, maybe only get refresh if Topaz use her skill

    I can still not unlock that her major trace.

    • Like I said in the Topaz’ page, the only thing you gain is to be SP positive and a 48% Atk buff on the basic attack and nothing else, the buff gets reset at the beginning of a follow-up attack.

      • Have you been able to test this?

        Does the stacked buff last from the beginning of a FUA to the beginning of the next FUA? If so, is the number of hits being taken into account before the dmg of the FUA goes out? I would be shocked if they coded in to add a different, progressively larger ATK multiplier to every instance of dmg in a FUA.

        • I haven’t been, myself, able to test this since I don’t have beta access, but some people that did tested it, the buff do gets reset at the beginning of every FUA, and no, you get one stack per hit, not before they happen like they did with DHIL, so dunno why you’re shocked about something that already exist. (Btw DHIL is working the same way without his eidolon, his buff on hits gets reset at every attack he does.)

          • Alright, thanks. Just thought it might be quite complex that way, because the game would have to look up the specific ATK stat for every instance and multiply that by DMG, Crit, Res, Def. It might be even more beneficial this way because it would affect even the first instance of FUA dmg.

            Do you know if buff does persists until the next FUA and can buff other sources of damage? For example, JY’s LL strikes and gives him 8 stacks over the multiple hits. Then the 48% ATK buff can be applied to his next 2 Skills + Ultimate until the next LL FUA?

          • If we have to be technical about it, DHIL’s Talent gives a stack *after* the hit, while his Skill gives a stack *before* the hit.
            Also, both buffs last until his turn ends, which allows you to chain his Ult either beforehand so you have a few Talent stacks, or afterwards so it can benefit not just from Talent, but also from Skill stacks.

          • @Our General Yes, it does work that way for JY and Himeko, they gets the full benefit for their skill, BA, and Ult until next FUA so it’s a really good set for them.

            @The Vizier Just used his gimmick as an explanation, but thanks for the thorough insight, since I don’t have him I have “basic” knowledge of how his kit works.

    • Seems to me Proof of Debt’s effect went over your head (and probably a lot of people too). It’s a 50% FUA Dmg Amp (Vulnerability effect), meaning it’s a raw 1.5x multiplier for your follow-ups.

      There’s really no point skipping that Trace. Ignoring the other benefits of turning her BA into a FUA and *only* looking at damage, 48% Atk hardly compares.

      • It’s not just that. If the BA is a follow-up attack, and you attack a target with Proof of Debt, you trigger a Numby attack (which hits 8 times)… so you do indeed lose the stacks on the BA, but you immediately gain a full stack again. That Numby attack will be at lower ATK because of lost stacks, but without the trace you wouldn’t get a Numby attack at all, and thus the trace still increases damage. The trace makes you lose stacks for the next Numby attack not on Topaz’ turn only if you attack a target without Proof of Debt, which is not really that relevant.

      • I guess we’re working off the premise that the stacks get reset at the start of a FUA, in which case no FUA would be affected by any number of stacks generated by the one preceding it. If that’s correct, then the 4pc set grants only 6% ATK buff to Topaz’s BA hit and Topaz’s other FUAs get an average increase to their ATK multiplier of 27%.

        That is still better than a flat 12% ATK from 2pc Musketeer / DoT set or 10% Fire DMG, but not by much. Realistically, the 15% difference in ATK might be worth sacrificing for better Crit and ATK sub stats from those sets.

        I will probably prioritize getting a decent 2pc FUA set for Topaz and Clara + 2pc Physical / ATK / Fire. Then, a decent 4pc FUA set to use on Jin Yuan / Himeko, because they seem to benefit a lot more from it.

        And only then would I aim to replace some of the pieces and form the second 4pc FUA set for Topaz. (probably months down the line if ever)

        • Correction:
          If the ATK is gained after every FUA hit, then 4pc will have no effect on Topaz’s BA and 21 or 24% ATK buff to her other FUAs, assuming her normal FUA is 7 hits and 8 hits during her ultimate.

          That’s not a huge benefit over being able to mix and match from any of the two ATK 2pc sets or Fire and get better sub stats. Especially if you can make use of DoT set pieces with crit rate on them, while farming the Cavern.

          • It’s 18% avg for the 7-hit, and 8-hit Ult ver is 21%+ or well… it should be 25.2%.

            In Ult ver hits 1-7 deals 10% of total dmg each, while hit 8 deals 30% of total dmg.
            Since the 8th hit is equivalent to 3 hits, you multiply its Atk% by 3, and accounting for that you then divide the sum by 10.
            — 0+6+12+18+24+30+36+(42*3) = 252 / 10 = 25.2%.

    • you gain 48% atk but you lose:
      50% bonus dmg from follow up atk from proof of debt
      20% bonus dmg from the 2pc.
      15% bonus dmg from 2pc inert planar set
      If you have the LC, you also lose
      30% bonus dmg
      If you have E1, you also lose
      50% crit dmg

      85-115% bonus dmg > 41-48% atk

  4. This set is a major buff for Lighting Lord.
    Clara is BiS Physical set as only the 2 piece works overall…
    Himeko can kinda use it but overall the fire set works better…

    Topaz gets slapped for this set being actually horrible 4 piece set…

    Really stupid but makes sense as Clara would become a major nuke after a few counters and all you would need to do is make sure she gets attacked every 2 rounds (that is kinda easy)

    Overall this set is just to buff Jing Yuan (No longer Mid Yuan, HA!)


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