
PathClass Nihility
Combat TypesClass Wind
EnglishRoger Rose
Character Materials
Ancient Part12
Ancient Spindle13
Storm Eye50
Ancient Engine12
Trace Materials
Obsidian of Dread12
Ancient Part28
Obsidian of Desolation54
Ancient Spindle42
Obsidian of Obsession105
Ancient Engine42
Guardian's Lament12
Tracks of Destiny5
StoryA merchant who freely travels between the Overworld and the Underworld.
He acts like he is everyone's friend, is enthusiastically humorous, and is good at bantering.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
Ancient Part4
Ancient Part8
Ancient Spindle5
Storm Eye2
Ancient Spindle8
Storm Eye5
Ancient Engine5
Storm Eye15
Ancient Engine7
Storm Eye28
LevelCharacter Materials
Ancient Part4
Ancient Spindle5
Storm Eye2
Ancient Spindle8
Storm Eye5
Ancient Engine5
Storm Eye15
Ancient Engine7
Storm Eye28


Dazzling BladesDazzling Blades - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Sampo's ATK to a single enemy.

Deals minor Wind DMG to a single enemy.
Level 10
Ricochet LoveRicochet Love - Skill | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 6
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Sampo's ATK to a single enemy, and further deals DMG for extra time(s), with each time dealing Wind DMG equal to of Sampo's ATK to a random enemy.

Deals minor Wind DMG to single enemy targets with 5 Bounces in total.
Level 15
Surprise PresentSurprise Present - Ultimate | AoE
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : AoE : 60
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Sampo's ATK to all enemies, with a base chance to increase the targets' DoT taken by for turn(s).

Deals Wind DMG to all enemies, with a high chance to cause increased DoT taken to them.
Level 15
Windtorn DaggerWindtorn Dagger - Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
Sampo's attacks have a base chance to inflict Wind Shear for turn(s).
Enemies inflicted with Wind Shear will take Wind DoT equal to of Sampo's ATK at the beginning of each turn. Wind Shear can stack up to time(s).

After hitting an enemy, there is a chance of inflicting Wind Shear on the target.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Shining BrightShining Bright - Technique | Impair
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
After Sampo uses his Technique, enemies in a set area are afflicted with Blind for second(s). Blinded enemies cannot detect ally targets.
When initiating combat against a Blinded enemy, there is a fixed chance to delay all enemies' action by .

Enemies in a set area are Blinded. When initiating battle against a Blinded enemy, there is a high chance to delay all enemies' actions.
Level 1


Defensive PositionDefensive Position
Requires Character Ascension 4
Using Ultimate additionally regenerates 10 Energy.
Obsidian of Desolation4
Tracks of Destiny1
Guardian's Lament1
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Ascension 4
ATK increases by 6%
Obsidian of Desolation4
Ancient Spindle3
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Effect Hit Rate increases by 6%
Obsidian of Obsession2
Ancient Engine2
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Ascension 5
ATK increases by 6%
Obsidian of Obsession2
Ancient Engine2
Spice UpSpice Up
Requires Character Ascension 6
Enemies with Wind Shear effect deal 15% less DMG to Sampo.
Obsidian of Obsession6
Tracks of Destiny1
Guardian's Lament1
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 6
Effect RES increases by 6%
Obsidian of Obsession6
Ancient Engine6
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Lv. 75
Effect Hit Rate increases by 8%
Obsidian of Obsession6
Ancient Engine6
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
ATK increases by 4%
Ancient Part2
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Lv. 80
ATK increases by 8%
Obsidian of Obsession6
Ancient Engine6
Requires Character Ascension 2
Extends the duration of Wind Shear caused by Talent by 1 turn(s).
Obsidian of Dread2
Guardian's Lament1
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 2
Effect Hit Rate increases by 4%
Obsidian of Dread2
Ancient Part4
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Ascension 3
ATK increases by 4%
Obsidian of Desolation2
Ancient Spindle2
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Effect RES increases by 4%
Obsidian of Desolation2
Ancient Spindle2


Rising LoveRising LoveRising Love
When using Skill, deals DMG for 1 extra time(s) to a random enemy.
Infectious EnthusiasmInfectious EnthusiasmInfectious Enthusiasm
Defeating an enemy afflicted with Wind Shear has a 100% base chance to inflict all enemies with 1 stack(s) of Wind Shear, equivalent to that of Skill.
Big Money!Big Money!Big Money!
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
The Deeper the Love, the Stronger the HateThe Deeper the Love, the Stronger the HateThe Deeper the Love, the Stronger the Hate
When Skill hits an enemy with 5 or more stack(s) of Wind Shear, the enemy immediately takes 8% of current Wind Shear DMG.
Huuuuge Money!Huuuuge Money!Huuuuge Money!
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Increased SpendingIncreased SpendingIncreased Spending
Talent's Wind Shear DMG multiplier increases by 15%.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72At the start of the battle, the wearer's Effect Hit Rate increases by 20% for 3 turn(s).
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72Increases DMG dealt from its wearer to Slowed enemies by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Hidden Shadow
Hidden Shadow3
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72After using Skill, the wearer's next Basic ATK deals Additional DMG equal to 60% of ATK to the target enemy.
Obsidian of Obsession
Artifex's Gyreheart
Good Night and Sleep Well
Good Night and Sleep Well4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56For every debuff the target enemy has, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 12%, stacking up to 3 time(s). This effect also applies to DoT.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
Eyes of the Prey
Eyes of the Prey4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20% and increases DoT by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat
Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already "Ensnared," then there is a 60% base chance to "Ensnare" the hit enemy. "Ensnared" enemies' DEF decreases by 12% for 1 turn(s).
Obsidian of Obsession
Artifex's Gyreheart
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Shock or Wind Shear by 16%. This also applies to DoT.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
We Will Meet Again
We Will Meet Again4
nihility-class529.2330.75846.72After the wearer uses Basic ATK or Skill, deals Additional DMG equal to 48% of the wearer's ATK to a random enemy that has been attacked.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20%. When the wearer attacks DEF-reduced enemies, regenerates 4 Energy.
Obsidian of Obsession
Squirming Core
In the Name of the World
In the Name of the World5
nihility-class582.12463.051058.4Increases the wearer's DMG to debuffed enemies by 24%. When the wearer uses their Skill, the Effect Hit Rate for this attack increases by 18%, and ATK increases by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
Per Page


First Meeting
About Self
Chat: Intel
Something to Share
About Natasha
About Svarog
About Clara
About Seele
About Gepard
About Serval
About Bronya
About Luka
About Sparkle
Eidolon Activation
Character Ascension
Max Level Reached
Trace Activation
Added to Team With Natasha
Added to Team With Hook
Added to Team With Seele
Added to Team With Trailblazer
Added to Team With Sparkle
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Turn Begins 1
Turn Begins 2
Turn Idling
Hit by Light Attack
Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Ultimate: Unleash
Return to Battle
Health Recovery
Battle Won
Treasure Opening 1
Treasure Opening 2
Precious Treasure Opening
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Enemy Target Found
Returning to Town


n/aA silver-tongued salesman. Where there is profit to be made, you can be sure Sampo is nearby.
The information that only Sampo possesses makes it hard not to approach him for help, but becoming his "customer" is not necessarily a good thing.
After all, "customers" can quickly turn into "commodities" for the right price.
n/a"Hello everyone! This is Brughel Poisson from the Crystal Daily, and I'm here at Fountain Plaza in the Administrative District. Standing next to me is someone who calls themselves a member of the Dark-Blue Scam Victims' Association, and I am about to conduct a short interview with him."

"Hello there, sir. Could you please tell me and the audience about your experience of getting scammed?"

"Oh... I'm so utterly enraged! That blue-haired punk... I hope he dies!"

"Sir, we're live right now... please calm down."

"Ahem... Fine. The Crystal Daily, right? That's it. You should report more on the suffering of everyday people and pay less attention to gossip about the Architects..."

"I'm telling you, that blue-haired punk has slipped off into the Administrative District again! Yesterday he pinched three catties of rye bread spices from my store — three whole catties! Do you know how long those will last for the dignitaries? Next thing, he'll be robbing a spice factory!"

"Please calm down, sir! We sympathize deeply with your plight. Now then, you just mentioned the Belobog spice factory, didn't you?"

"Err... Sure, I mentioned it. Was that important?"

"This factory... are you able to tell me its exact location?"

"Err... Why?"

"Well you see, as journalists, we want to contribute to social justice causes — and only by knowing the exact location can our Silvermane Guards and righteous citizens reduce burglaries. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Err... That makes sense. Then listen up, the address of the factory is..."

"Alexey. Alexey Bulger."


"Private First-Class."

"Hello, Private First-Class Alexey. I'm Brughel Poisson, senior human resources specialist for the Silvermane Guards. Captain Gepard asked me to approve your application for personal leave."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Madam Brughel."

"Let's see... It says here that you were wounded four months ago during a defensive operation, with a total of five fractures... Yet despite all this, you have continued to carry out your duties right up until now. Admirable!"

"Thank you, Madam Brughel."

"You guard the... 3rd Arsenal at the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone, yes? Terrific! As far as I know, that's an extremely important military zone where the most expensive... Ahem, the most valuable Silvermane military resources are stored."

"You're right, ma'am."

"Let me see... Hmm, no problem. Private First-Class Alexey, at this stage you are cleared to go home next Tuesday."

"...What? So soon? As far as I know, this kind of high-level guard duty usually takes at least a month to process handovers —"

"...Don't worry, Private First-Class. I appreciate your determination to the cause, but nothing is more important to me than protecting the physical and mental well-being of one of our best Silvermane Guards! Don't worry. I've already picked out someone to fill in for you, so everything's taken care of."

"...I understand. Thank you very much, ma'am."

"That's the one! Remember, next Tuesday — I want you and your luggage out of the restricted zone before 20:17!"
n/a"Yo, my man."

"Yo, you're here working for Poisson, too?"

"Yeah. Are you in charge of demolitions?"

"Yup. Are you the lockpick?"


"Nice. Then we're ready. Let's get to work."

"Unh... Unh... Done. Now let's just wait."

"That doesn't look very reliable... Can this tiny thing blow through this steel door?"

"I didn't doubt your professionalism. Why are you doubting me? Trust me. I've bombed mine shafts more times than you've had hot dinners."

"Err... okay. Getting back on topic, what did that girl tell you again?"

"The factory's abandoned, as it's completely unguarded. Just take what you want. I've never heard of such an easy job."

"Mmm, yeah that's what she told me too. But something seems kinda off to me..."

"Money's money. Don't ask so many questions. Come on, plug up your ears. It's fireworks time!"


"...Holy moly! That's too much, man... Just spectacular!"

"I told you already. Don't question my professionalism. Let's go. It's over to you now."

"Shh! Don't say anything. Can't you hear? I can hear voices inside!"

"What? N—No way, she said there were no guards."

"It's the Silvermane Guards. The Silvermane Guards! It's the end of the line for us, bro. Scram!"

"Darn it. Poisson must've set us up! That piece of scum. This isn't finished yet!"
n/a"Good morning, ma'am, I hope I haven't disturbed you."

"...Who are you? Why are the Silvermane Guards knocking on my door first thing in the morning?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We're just carrying out building-to-building searches as ordered by the Architects."

"Uh... searches? What are you searching for? I don't have anything..."

"Please calm down, ma'am — we are not targeting you. Everyone in the city is subject to questioning."

"Has something... something big happened?"

"Please trust us. Everything will turn out fine if you cooperate with us. I just have one question: Do you have any wigs at home?"

"What... Wigs? No, I don't have any. As you can see, my hair is great... Why are you asking about that?"

"Are you sure? Please think again. The Silvermane Guards have been ordered to gather up all the wigs in Belobog City. Refusal to submit may result in serious consequences..."

"No, I'm sure. I don't have any of those at home — if you don't believe me, come inside and have a look."

"Ah, that won't be necessary. I'm sure you have nothing to hide. Goodbye, ma'—"

"...Hold on a minute, can I ask what happened?"

"Oh, there's no harm in telling you. Recently, a male thief disguised as a woman has stowed away up here into the Overworld and is swindling everyone. This person is extremely slippery and changes appearance often. The Silvermane Guards have not been able to locate him. Apparently, the Minister of Security was absolutely furious at yesterday's briefing, and ordered the confiscation of all wigs in the city..."

"...Is that so? How outrageous!"

"I'll level with you. We all feel the same way as you do. We need to keep up our search, so I won't bother you any longer... Wishing you a good day, Madam Poisson."

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