Planeshred Claws

Planeshred Claws
Planeshred ClawsConceptsPlaneshred Claws
FactionClass Other
DescriptionClaw of the Inner Beast, shredder of heavenly planes, sunderers of earthly latitudes.



Planeshred Claws

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
WeaknessStatus Effect Defense
 Status Effect Defense100%
Combat Damage Defensen/a Defense
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

Plane ShredPlane Shred - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Deals minor Wind DMG to one designated Party target and any adjacent targets.
Firmament DividerFirmament Divider - Ability | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 10
Use while in the Resonance state. Deals massive Wind DMG to one designated Party target and any adjacent targets.
SafeguardSafeguard - Ability | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
Enters the Safeguard state. While not Weakness Broken, reduces DMG received. Once Weakness is Broken, action will be delayed. After Weakness is Broken, increases DMG received.

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