名词 | 梦想之地匹诺康尼 | |
位面球 | 匹诺康尼的堂皇酒店 | |
连结绳 | 匹诺康尼的逐梦轨道 | |
套装效果 | 2件: 使装备者的能量恢复效率提高 |
目录 |
位面球 |
连结绳 |
剧情 |
Gallery |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 8.57% |
攻击力 | 8.57% |
防御力 | 10.71% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
火属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
风属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
攻击力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
防御力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
生命值 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
攻击力 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
防御力 | 5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48% |
速度 | 3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6 |
暴击率 | 3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89% |
暴击伤害 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
效果命中 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
效果抵抗 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
击破特攻 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 17.21% |
攻击力 | 17.21% |
防御力 | 21.51% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
火属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
风属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61 |
攻击力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
防御力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
生命值 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
攻击力 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
防御力 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
速度 | 4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6 |
暴击率 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
暴击伤害 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
效果命中 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
效果抵抗 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
击破特攻 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 28.75% |
攻击力 | 28.75% |
防御力 | 35.94% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
火属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
风属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35 |
攻击力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
防御力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
生命值 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
攻击力 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
防御力 | 17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6% |
速度 | 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 |
暴击率 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
暴击伤害 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果命中 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
效果抵抗 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
击破特攻 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 43.2% |
攻击力 | 43.2% |
防御力 | 54% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
火属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
风属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03 |
攻击力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
防御力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
生命值 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
攻击力 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
防御力 | 25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4% |
速度 | 12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6 |
暴击率 | 15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44% |
暴击伤害 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
效果命中 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果抵抗 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
击破特攻 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 12.86% |
能量恢复效率 | 3.86% |
生命值 | 8.57% |
攻击力 | 8.57% |
防御力 | 10.71% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
攻击力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
防御力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
生命值 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
攻击力 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
防御力 | 5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48% |
速度 | 3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6 |
暴击率 | 3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89% |
暴击伤害 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
效果命中 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
效果抵抗 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
击破特攻 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 25.82% |
能量恢复效率 | 7.75% |
生命值 | 17.21% |
攻击力 | 17.21% |
防御力 | 21.51% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61 |
攻击力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
防御力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
生命值 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
攻击力 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
防御力 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
速度 | 4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6 |
暴击率 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
暴击伤害 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
效果命中 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
效果抵抗 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
击破特攻 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 43.13% |
能量恢复效率 | 12.94% |
生命值 | 28.75% |
攻击力 | 28.75% |
防御力 | 35.94% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35 |
攻击力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
防御力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
生命值 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
攻击力 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
防御力 | 17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6% |
速度 | 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 |
暴击率 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
暴击伤害 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果命中 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
效果抵抗 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
击破特攻 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 64.8% |
能量恢复效率 | 19.44% |
生命值 | 43.2% |
攻击力 | 43.2% |
防御力 | 54% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03 |
攻击力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
防御力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
生命值 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
攻击力 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
防御力 | 25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4% |
速度 | 12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6 |
暴击率 | 15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44% |
暴击伤害 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
效果命中 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果抵抗 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
击破特攻 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
侍者们带着整齐划一的笑容鞠躬执礼,伴着音乐朗声迎宾:「欢迎光临盛会之星!美妙梦境欢迎您。」宾客们微笑前行,接过注满气泡的饮料一饮而尽。 景色渐渐光怪陆离,感知也仿佛丝绸扬起。异乡的客人们超脱重力,信步于墙壁。奇异的玩具获得生命,在街上游荡欢庆。泉水漾作巨鲸,遨游于广厦堂厅。推开窗棂,遥望所见不再是深空的群星,而是城市川流变幻的光影,捧起巨钟和剧院不绝的回音。宾客此刻终于意识到自己从未苏醒,而是在梦中见证匹诺康尼的真容——时光永驻的梦想之地。 人人皆知,在「家族」的治理下,匹诺康尼的大门向群星开启:为了超越现实的体验,为了灵感迸发的刺激,为了抚平烦扰与伤痕——上上之宾纷至沓来,交出痛苦,换得安宁,饮下佳酿,徜徉于梦的海洋。有人在此度过难忘的假日,满足离去;有人则为歌舞盛会沉沦,就此定居。繁星簇拥的酒店是织梦者的明珠,造梦者的国度,逐梦者的乐土。 鲜有宾客知晓尘封的历史:编织梦境的纱线产自现实。今日匹诺康尼天鹅绒般轻薄的华贵,诞自咸涩的铁锈、沉重的镣铐,和被剥夺的自由。盛会之星曾是公司的监牢,数之不尽的囚犯被迁移至此,为忆庭打捞汹涌流溢的忆泡。人们重复天无宁日的苦劳,直至身躯似灌铅般沉重,灵魂却变得如泡沫般轻巧:不知何时开始,狭小的牢房将现实隔断,人们的意识却在梦中联缀。在午夜的钟声里,那共同的梦境如此真实,反倒显得现实如此虚伪。 直至「毁灭」熔断公司的铁链,「开拓」将边陲与群星相连,「同谐」应邀而至,撒下和平的种子。自由终于破土发芽,并为最初的美梦添上新名——「匹诺康尼」。 如今,破败的监牢已无迹可寻。梦境中,万千高楼拔地而起,荒漠戈壁被修葺一新,变作通都大邑——逐梦之人追寻财富机遇的新大陆,寻欢之人纵情声色犬马的乌托邦,「盛会之星」的往昔如同偶然间落进柜底的相片,切实存在,但已无人问津。 如今梦想之地欢歌悦耳,过往杂音化作趣话闲谈,不声不息地遗落在某场喜剧的幕间、某部卡通的花絮,或某本杂志的边栏。 |
造访过匹诺康尼的宾客一定会赞同,「建于美梦之上」并非浮夸譬喻,而是千真万确的陈述。富丽堂皇的酒店不过是盛会之星的冰山一角,「下榻入梦」才算是正式踏入匹诺康尼。自此,由十二片梦境构成的梦之国度在客人眼前缓缓铺开。 初到的客人一时或为这狂欢的舞台无所适从。但不必惊慌,抬头看看,在重楼飞阁间交错的金属轨道,和轨道上飞快滚动的「球笼」,乃是这座梦境城市最为瞩目的交通方式,众宾客们游历城市各处的向导。 自中央车站起始,错综复杂的球笼轨道如同大都会的血脉,无论是在「黎明的时刻」地底管道、在「热砂的时刻」辽阔原野,还是在「星辰的时刻」闪耀赛场,彩色的圆球翻滚不休,将人流准确高效、安稳舒适地送往各个站点,为匹诺康尼的梦境注入不眠的活力。 梦为一切披上轻薄曼妙的质感,一颗颗坚果般的「球笼」被视作梦想之地的载具和玩具。却极少有人记得:「球笼」本是「囚笼」。通往美梦的车流,原是关押犯人的囚具。 久远之前,公司将数量庞大的囚犯送往阿斯德纳星系,试图阻止一场灾难的蔓延。人们在此回收忆质,逐渐在现实与幻想间迷离。真空中的球形工作舱成了囚犯们难忘的「记忆」:坚硬的曲面内壁、难受的翻滚体验、每日无比煎熬的出勤——或许这些痛苦过于深刻,重获自由的人开垦荒芜梦境时,球笼亦随之降临。 但今时不同往日,和平与自由诞下乐观的精神:与其一遍遍销毁挥之不去的噩梦,不如为其添上这里应有的色彩,将之吸纳、包容——于是过去的「囚笼」,变作今日的「球笼」。 此刻,匹诺康尼的城市中遍布快速流动的彩色球笼,和其中传来的轻微震动…悄声隐藏在梦境都市的光怪陆离之中,与那些雄心壮志、欢声笑语融为一体,一如时光永驻的梦想之地。 |
21 responses to “梦想之地匹诺康尼”
So this works like Planetary Randevouz right? The user also get’s the 10% increasse in Elemtal DMG right?
Y’all, this is crazy for Pela if you’re running her with Jingliu
and also crazy for Huohuo if you run her with Blade, and Tingyun if you run her with Kafka/Jing Yuan, its extremely good for Asta if you run her with Topaz. Its honestly a really really cool design for a set tbh
And SW in mono quantum
Yep. It will actually allow her to be skill point neutral and have a 2-turn rotation / 100% uptime on her ultimate with the Resolution LC, if 3 enemies are killed in those 2 turns (easy with Jingliu if there are any adds):
100+19.4%(ERR Rope)+5%(Penacony)=124.4% ERR
5(Ultimate) +30(Skill) + 10(Talent) + 20(Basic Attack) +10(Talent) + 5(Kill) + 5(Kill) + 5(Kill) = 90
90*1.244= 111.96
I guess this is the next support set to farm for. 10% DMG % will almost always be better than 10% Crit Dmg. It’s because of diminishing returns and restricted access to DMG that Planetary Rendezvous is so valuable.
The only drawback is that you have to farm the other set, which only Seele, and Kafka, could utilize that set. Other than that, ye this is the meta set for supports.
Or just craft the ERR rope with whatever stats and call it a day. That’s my plan
This set helps any mono-element team. This will retroactively get event better when harmony characters of other elements come out too.
It doesn’t even have to be put on a harmony, sustains and nihilities can wear it too if they need ERR (Like Huohuo or SW)
actuelly this set is meh tier, ernergy recharge is good, but if they can turn out to Increases DMG with the same damage Type as the wearer by 10% for all other allies. it will be great because some support character can enjoy this like tingyun who add electric dmg on a character or sampo/guinafen who incrase dmg dot deal by kafka with that, and it’s doesn’t close door on support like bronya or asta.
For harmonies it depends on who you use them with, a few abundance/preservation units may also like it depending on your teams
the dmg bonus depends on your team but it’s better than Vonwcq’s turn advance basically all the time
In mono Quantum you could use this on SW, Lynx AND Fu Xuan assuming it stacks
That would be too good simply because there are not many sources of damage %, It’s more balanced currently and actually opens up more team building with double DPS. Remember that these type of buffs on the 2p, usually, stack
Its probably “Increases DMG for allies with the same element of the wearer by 10%.”, similar to that one harmony lightcone.
Crap, mono team too broken then.
Damn I actually can put Huohuo in my Blade team then
And my DoT team when I get Black Swan
Huohuo winning in this beta
Now retranslated, you were correct
This is a really good set, a mix of vonwacq and planetary rendezvous could be great for almost every harmony +a lot of abundance, nihility or even preservation units
You will bully Yanqing 1000 times for this set and you will enjoy it.
anyone else confused with this relic set? like what do you mean similar stats? similar HP? similar atk? Most vague relic set
I think it’s some mistranslation, probably it means similar element most likely
This has got to be hands down the MOST ambiguous set piece description I’ve ever gotten the chance to read