Ninja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds

Ninja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds
Ninja Dash: By Leaps and BoundsConceptsNinja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 90
Energy Regeneration0
Ninja Dash: By Leaps and BoundsNinja Dash: By Leaps and Bounds - Technique | Enhance
After using Technique, enters the "Graffiti" state for seconds. While in "Graffiti," Rappa will move forward rapidly for a set distance and attack any enemies touched. During the rapid movement, can block all enemies' incoming attacks. While in "Graffiti," using attacks can end the duration early. After entering combat by actively attacking enemies, ignores Weakness Type to deal Toughness Reduction to each Enemy target, deals Break DMG equal to of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to the targets, and deals Break DMG equal to of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to the adjacent targets. At the same time, regenerates Energy for this unit.

Enters the "Graffiti" state. Moves forward rapidly for a set distance and attacks any enemies touched. After entering combat by attacking enemies, deals Toughness Reduction regardless of Weakness Type to each Enemy target and deals Imaginary Break DMG to them as well as their adjacent targets. At the same time, this unit regenerates Energy.
Level 1

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