名词 | 景元 | |
阵营 | 仙舟「罗浮」 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 智识 | |
战斗属性 | 雷 | |
汉语 | 孙晔 | |
英语 | Alejandro Saab | |
韩语 | 류승곤 | |
日语 | 小野大輔 | |
专属材料 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行迹材料 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
剧情 | 仙舟联盟帝弓七天将之一,负责节制罗浮云骑军的「神策将军」。 师从前代「罗浮」剑首,但并不显名于武力。 |
目录 |
属性 |
战技 |
行迹 |
星魂 |
光锥 |
背包 |
Gallery |
语音 |
剧情 |
等级 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴击率 | 暴击伤害 | 嘲讽 | 能量 | 专属材料 |
1 | 95.04 | 66 | 158 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
20 | 185.33 | 128.7 | 309 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 223.34 | 155.1 | 372 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
30 | 270.86 | 188.1 | 451 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 308.88 | 214.5 | 515 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
40 | 356.4 | 247.5 | 594 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 394.42 | 273.9 | 657 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
50 | 441.94 | 306.9 | 737 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 479.95 | 333.3 | 800 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
60 | 527.47 | 366.3 | 879 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 565.49 | 392.7 | 942 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
70 | 613.01 | 425.7 | 1022 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 651.02 | 452.1 | 1085 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 | |
80 | 698.54 | 485.1 | 1164 | 99 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 130 |
石火流光 - 普攻 | 单攻 | |
能量恢复 : 20 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于景元 对敌方单体造成少量雷属性伤害。 | |
等级 | |
紫霄震曜 - 战技 | 群攻 | |
能量恢复 : 30 | |
弱点击破 : 群攻 : 30 | |
对敌方全体造成等同于景元 对敌方全体造成少量雷属性伤害,增加【神君】的攻击段数。 | |
等级 | |
吾身光明 - 终结技 | 群攻 | |
能量恢复 : 5 | |
弱点击破 : 群攻 : 60 | |
对敌方全体造成等同于景元 对敌方全体造成雷属性伤害,增加【神君】的攻击段数。 | |
等级 | |
斩勘神形 - 天赋 | 弹射 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 15 | |
战斗开始时召唤【神君】。【神君】初始拥有 【神君】最多累计 当景元陷入无法战斗状态时【神君】消失。 当景元受到控制类负面状态影响时【神君】也无法行动。 战斗开始时召唤【神君】,【神君】行动时发动追加攻击,自动对随机敌方单体及其相邻目标造成少量雷属性伤害。 | |
等级 | |
攻击 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 单攻 : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
摄召威灵 - 秘技 | 强化 | |
能量恢复 : 0 | |
弱点击破 : 0 | |
使用秘技后,下一次战斗开始时【神君】第1回合的攻击段数增加 使用秘技,下一次进战时增加【神君】的攻击段数。 | |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
攻击力提高 | 2500 2 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
需要角色等级 80 | |
攻击力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
星流霆击碎昆冈 | ||
【神君】施放攻击时,对指定敌方单体的相邻目标造成的伤害倍率额外提高,提高数值等同于对主目标伤害倍率的 |
戎戈动地开天阵 | ||
【神君】行动后,景元的普攻、战技、终结技造成的伤害提高 |
移锋惊电冲霄汉 | ||
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
刃卷横云落玉沙 | ||
【神君】每段攻击后,景元恢复 |
百战弃躯轻死生 | ||
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
威灵有应破敌雠 | ||
【神君】每段攻击后会使指定敌方目标额外陷入易伤状态。 易伤状态下的敌方目标受到的伤害提高 |
名词 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻击力 | 防御力 | 生命值 | 战技 | 专属材料 | |
智库 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使装备者终结技造成的伤害提高 | ||
灵钥 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使装备者施放战技后额外恢复 | ||
睿见 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 当装备者施放终结技时,攻击力提高 | ||
「我」的诞生 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者追加攻击造成的伤害提高 | ||
别让世界静下来 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者进入战斗时立即恢复 | ||
天才们的休憩 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者攻击力提高 | ||
早餐的仪式感 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使装备者造成伤害提高 | ||
今日亦是和平的一日 | 4 | erudition-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 进入战斗后,根据装备者的能量上限,提高装备者造成的伤害:每点能量提高 | ||
银河铁道之夜 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 场上每有1个敌方目标,使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
拂晓之前 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | 使装备者暴击伤害提高 |
Per Page |
Title | loc_sound |
初次见面 | * |
问候 | * |
道别 | * |
关于自己 | * |
闲谈•弈棋 | * |
闲谈•罗浮 | * |
爱好 | * |
烦恼 | * |
分享 | * |
见闻 | * |
关于彦卿 | * |
关于符玄 | * |
关于驭空 | * |
关于停云 | * |
关于罗刹 | * |
关于素裳 | * |
关于白露 | * |
关于镜流 | * |
关于刃 | * |
关于丹恒 | * |
关于列车组 | * |
关于十王司 | * |
星魂激活 | * |
角色晋阶 | * |
角色满级 | * |
行迹激活 | * |
队伍编成•彦卿 | * |
队伍编成•符玄 | * |
队伍编成•镜流 | * |
队伍编成•丹恒•饮月 | * |
队伍编成•刃 | * |
战斗开始•弱点击破 | * |
战斗开始•危险预警 | * |
回合开始•一 | * |
回合开始•二 | * |
回合待机 | * |
战技•一 | * |
战技•二 | * |
轻受击 | * |
重受击 | * |
终结技•激活 | * |
终结技•施放 | * |
无法战斗 | * |
重回战斗 | * |
回复生命 | * |
秘技 | * |
战斗胜利 | * |
开启战利品•一 | * |
开启战利品•二 | * |
开启贵重战利品 | * |
解谜成功•一 | * |
解谜成功•二 | * |
发现敌方目标 | * |
返回城镇 | * |
Title | 文本语言 |
角色详情 | 位列帝弓七天将之一的「神策将军」,外表懒散、心思缜密。不以危局中力挽狂澜为智策,因此在常事上十分下功夫,以免节外生枝。因其细心谋划,仙舟承平日久,看似行事慵懒的景元反被送上绰号「闭目将军」。 |
角色故事·一 | 「想请教太卜大人,这星阵棋为何是棋枰四方,棋子浑圆?」 「取法天圆地方?古人文明未开化前,相信大地平坦。这星阵棋仿效的是列国逐鹿相争,一统大地的旧事,自然是方枰。至于棋子…那时的人相信天如穹盖浑圆,棋子仿效星辰流转,下应人事,自然是圆的。」 「不对,不对。」 「你未下的四十八手,我已预见了。景元,你要是想借提问让我分神,我劝你趁早歇歇。」 「哎,符卿怎么无端疑我?」 「别打岔,你接着说。」 「诚如符卿所说,棋是比喻,以局喻人。战争的规则写的明明白白,各子的行动早有定数,也不过是进退飞跳罢了。因此进退以方,这便是方枰的原因。至于棋子,先贤有云『用智如圆』,阵中各子皆有自己的心智,所以用了圆棋。」 「《玉沙巡拾》一书里提过星阵棋的来由,景元,我读书多,你莫要诳骗我!」 「云车左移三进四,将军。你输了,符卿。」 「等,等等!为什么刚刚的预视里没看到这一手?退、退回去重来。」 「棋子如人,各有心智。你我落子无悔,岂有重来的道理?哈哈,一司之首岂能混赖?」 |
角色故事·二 | 作为横跨六大仙舟的建制,云骑军自火劫大战的尾声中脱胎,立誓卫蔽仙舟,奉行帝弓的「巡猎」诰谕,传承至今。尽管长生种的寿命漫长到不可思议,但在血火厮杀的战争中,却鲜有云骑将军能在履任后撑过百年的大关。与其说这是一种宿命,不如说这是一种传统。作为镇护仙舟、讨伐孽物的武装力量,将军除去绸缪调遣的职责,更需要身先士卒,叩关斩阵。在无数残酷短暂的年限记录之中,负责节制罗浮云骑军的「神策将军」景元却脱颖而出,已安然治军数百年。在他折冲运筹之下,罗浮云骑一度蜚声联盟,立下过众多惊人的战绩。虽然有人腹诽他本人畏战怯阵,鲜少动武。但也不得不承认,其人的智谋不逊于最锋锐的利剑,尽解难结。 |
角色故事·三 | 如今流传最广的传言中,景元出生于世代效力地衡司的家族中。 按照从狐人传入的「试儿」习俗,家长会在幼儿周围摆上种种物事玩具任其抓取,以卜前途。其父母原本指望孩子继承衣钵,成为地衡司的学者或是执事官,景元却独独抓起了玩具刀剑。 似乎「试儿」之俗应证了未来。在学宫结业后,为了摆脱一眼望穿的人生,景元不顾家族的反对加入了云骑军。 在云骑军的战事牍库中,记录了他身为云骑士卒的首次出征。运送部队的天艟迫降在了一颗海洋星球上。此地深受孽物的侵染,一支被称为「傀儡蛸」的新兴长生种劫持了云骑的心智,混入舰队中,几乎成功将这艘战舰转化为自己的巢穴。景元敏锐地觉察出了危机,并迅速梳理出傀儡蛸操控的条件,应对手法。剩余的船员最终通过了敌我难辨的考验,击败了对手,安然返乡。 这场几乎兵不血刃的战争让云骑将军们看到了景元的锋芒。重返仙舟后,景元在云骑军内部崭露头角,受到重用。 他的应变急智和实用主义手段屡屡让上级们难忘又头疼。最终,受到前任罗浮剑首的邀请,景元加入其所部为之效力,开启了「云上五骁」传奇之路。 |
角色故事·四 | 作为仙舟历史上著名的传奇,来自诸仙舟云骑军中的五位英雄聚首同战,合称「云上五骁」。以此五人为首,成就的功勋史不绝书:驱走攻入塔拉萨的步离人舰队;破坏丰饶联军中慧骃族与造翼者的同盟;乃至解围玉阙仙舟,并击溃了活体星球「计都蜃楼」,保全了联盟凝视星海的眼睛…… 然而累累功业,最终却敌不过时间的轻轻一弹指。「云上五骁」在短暂相聚不逾百年的时光后分崩离析。随着战事渐少,联盟各大仙舟各循其位,罗浮开始巡航于银河间的商路,为联盟寻求补给与盟助。 故交旧友风流云散,不复存焉;宿敌旧雠或死或擒,徒留回忆。倒下的将军不必承受此等折磨,而活下来的将军必须面对一切:无论曾梦想过何等伟大的远景,无论曾战胜过多少个神明一样的强敌,时间总是逐一拔去你的爪牙却又不杀死你,让你苟延在角落中憎恨自己的无力。 而唯有真正的智者,才能在时光这位不败的对手前兀自傲立。 |
角色故事·一 | |
角色故事·二 | |
角色故事·三 | |
角色故事·四 | |
关于「你」 | |
你的「故事」•一 | |
你的「故事」•二 |
25 responses to “景元”
With the release of Sparkle, Jing Yuan just keeps winning
I’m happy to see him be more powerful than ever
Sparkle has a trace that’s specifically made for JY. I’m glad to see Hoyo not abandoning anyone.
It also works very well for Clara and Ratio, its imo one of the best additions to her kit
Can anyone with Jing Yuan tell me what path he uses in simulated universe?
Elation to make Lightning Lord do big pp dmage, that’s what i’ve seen people do as I don’t own our General
Elation, since his main source of damage is his LL, which is also a follow-up attack
Is best choice is Elation, and the second would be the hunt
question for people who have them : wich worth the most between E1 And S1 for Him ?
Cause unless im Lucky i’ll probably can pull only one of them
E1 offers not too much value (only affects adjacent target dmg)
Meanwhile S1 is a generally amazing erudition LC, so S1 definitely (also it’s cheaper)
Thank you, i’ll go for S1 then
Jing Yuan’s eidolon’s don’t offer much. His light cone is better if you really like him.
By the way I highly recommend Sparkle to you if you plan to use Jing Yuan very often. Sparkle generously offers VERY HIGH crit damage boost to both him AND lightning lord at ALMOST 100% UP TIME and should make him much more strong than ever before.
In comparason, Bronya offers damage amp only to Jing Yuan and not to lightning lord.
Sparkle is just goated for anyone who can crit
wow. that sounds amazing.
as someone who enjoy JingYuan and Dan Heng IL it seems like Sparkle has a lot of value for me.
I already have DHIL and his LC, I’m going to go for JY and his LC. definitely going to pull Sparkle when she’s on rerun.
“Mid Yuan” currently has some of the fastest MoC clears and the new 1.5 relics offer good buffs for him
Just saying this could be a redemption for him
I think some people really have the wrong approach to him, that they’re treating him as a fill-in for Seele or Blade like a main DPS. But he really shines as a secondary damage dealer with his efficiency in crowd sweeping. He’s best suited to pair with a main DPS that isn’t afraid to use a normal attack for a turn (maintaining SP positive/neutral turns). His strengths isn’t in boosting Lightning Lord’s damage in each individual hit, but managing to get close or at 10 stacks. Besides, it’s all apples to oranges if you’re trying to put him on the pedestal with the likes of Blade and Seele, or even Kafka.
The problems with him lie outside his kit anyway. There aren’t really any good Erudition lightcones for him (or anyone, really) aside from his signature and the BP one. It’s a result of the game itself still being relatively new. Who knows? Maybe later on there’ll be a good event LC? A good 4* gacha one? Or maybe the Herta shop will pop out one that screams “jing yuan’s” (doubtful)? All that remains is that Jing Yuan’s current value isn’t as low as people make it out to be, but time will tell if it goes higher or lower.
Is he still a good character even after all the “powercreep” going on over him? Cuz like, I got him at E2 (by luck) and I’m wondering where that lands me. I’m going to keep using him, cuz he’s my only limited character DPS so far. But I’m just a tad bit concerned right now. This is not an invite for doomposters to tell me to pull on the latest banner.
He is the worst limited character released so far. He is also not an idea choice as Kafka will outperform him with the same investment as a lightning dps, and other dps will also be better as they are overall stronger.
I will definently say if you really like him you can use him, but seeing the amount of 5 star dps characters coming out down in the line he will be quickly replaced if you don’t really like the character. despite being e2, if you don’t have his lc he really isnt going to be competitive. He is still better than all of the standard banner dps tho, so he is still a good character.
What constitutes as competitive? Clearing MoC in as few turns as possible? Making Sim Univ runs faster? I don’t really care about that stuff tbh, despite the incentive for efficient clears being the whole aim of the late-game grind. But oh well, I’ll make do with what I have now. I am pulling for Kafka (but with a DoT focused team build), and (whenever she arrives) Jingliu. I can’t say it doesn’t hurt to see my main man JY get done dirty, but I’m used to my favorites dropping the tier list, after the many versions I’ve seen the very same happen in Genshin. Thank you for answering, though.
This can be inaccurate or accurate really depend on the content, MoC buff/line up or even team, I can 0 cycle MoC 12 with E0S1 Jing Yuan with traditional DPS team ( No Sparkle ), where Kafka E0S1 in same team can’t, as well without Black swan in a DoT team. At the same times some line up favor Kafka more like MoC 11 where she can 0 cycle easier than JY ( he still can but base more on luck with my build ) due to the enemies mechanic favor DoT more. E0S1 JY has good consistence 0 cycle showcase on every MoC until first floor 12 show up, Kafka on the other hand are mostly 90% at E2S1 level in most 0 cycle showcase before Black swan release
Overall they are both pretty close to each other performance wise for me, I don’t see where is this ” Outperform at same investment “, as I give them both same relics for these run. If DoT set/stats is the argument then it make the point way worse because Kafka is having over 4.2k ATK and 140 SPD with full DOT Set, which is way better than JY 80/140 set in term of investment. Not to mention this MoC doesn’t benefit JY as much, Kafka get quite a buff for her skill dmg, same goes how E6 Serval can also 0 cycle this MoC fairly easy
And no, I am not gonna build entire DoT team or some crazy BE DoT build, as it cost a lot of resources and times, which is pretty much against the point of Kafka doing better at same investment or need less stats than JY. Other than that, JY does have a lackluster mechanic with his lightning lord acting too slow, at E2 he should be able to perform well enough, don’t listen to the crap of ” Needing S1 “. I gave him Destruction lightcone and he still slap really hard, worse case just 1 cycle slower, heck I did 0 cycle sometimes with that xD. Putting 0 cycles aside, a well build JY can tackle most fight as long lightning weakness is present
Tho to be fair, it is still not wrong to advice not getting him, especially this late of the game now. Hoyoverse purposely don’t favor him as much, you either see it favor DHIL or Jingliu with the line up, or just buff that favor them if there is a line up for JY
I don’t know if you’re still here, but I wanna say that my worst limited character is now a powerhouse. It only took 19ish months for a character to fix his big glaring problem. But it’s fixed. E2 has finally paid off.
Jing Yuan as a lightning attacker is almost equivalent to kafka without a powerful DoT assigner like black swan.
Who makes Jing Yuan so incompetitive is Bronya. The lightning lord can never receive the damage increment from Bronya (without E6), while most of the other attackers can make full use of her.
However, the lightning lord do receive full bonus from Sparkle and Ruan Mei, which should make Jing Yuan a bit more competitive.
He’s gonna be mine.
Want him no matter what. He looks so fine… EN voice is amazing too! Hope he is a good dps unlike my beloved Himeko 😛
You will be mine daddy Juan