名词 | 出云显世与高天神国 | |
位面球 | 出云的祸津众神 | |
连结绳 | 出云的终始一刀 | |
套装效果 | 2件: 使装备者的攻击力提高 |
目录 |
位面球 |
连结绳 |
剧情 |
Gallery |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 8.57% |
攻击力 | 8.57% |
防御力 | 10.71% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
火属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
风属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 7.71% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
攻击力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
防御力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
生命值 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
攻击力 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
防御力 | 5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48% |
速度 | 3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6 |
暴击率 | 3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89% |
暴击伤害 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
效果命中 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
效果抵抗 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
击破特攻 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 17.21% |
攻击力 | 17.21% |
防御力 | 21.51% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
火属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
风属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 15.49% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61 |
攻击力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
防御力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
生命值 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
攻击力 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
防御力 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
速度 | 4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6 |
暴击率 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
暴击伤害 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
效果命中 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
效果抵抗 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
击破特攻 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 28.75% |
攻击力 | 28.75% |
防御力 | 35.94% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
火属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
风属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 25.88% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35 |
攻击力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
防御力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
生命值 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
攻击力 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
防御力 | 17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6% |
速度 | 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 |
暴击率 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
暴击伤害 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果命中 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
效果抵抗 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
击破特攻 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
基础属性 | |
生命值 | 43.2% |
攻击力 | 43.2% |
防御力 | 54% |
物理属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
火属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
冰属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
雷属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
风属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
量子属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
虚数属性伤害提高 | 38.88% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03 |
攻击力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
防御力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
生命值 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
攻击力 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
防御力 | 25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4% |
速度 | 12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6 |
暴击率 | 15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44% |
暴击伤害 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
效果命中 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果抵抗 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
击破特攻 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 12.86% |
能量恢复效率 | 3.86% |
生命值 | 8.57% |
攻击力 | 8.57% |
防御力 | 10.71% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
攻击力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
防御力 | 20.32 ~ 22.86 ~ 25.4 |
生命值 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
攻击力 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
防御力 | 5.18% ~ 5.83% ~ 6.48% |
速度 | 3 ~ 3.3 ~ 3.6 |
暴击率 | 3.11% ~ 3.5% ~ 3.89% |
暴击伤害 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
效果命中 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
效果抵抗 | 4.15% ~ 4.67% ~ 5.18% |
击破特攻 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 25.82% |
能量恢复效率 | 7.75% |
生命值 | 17.21% |
攻击力 | 17.21% |
防御力 | 21.51% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 81.29 ~ 91.45 ~ 101.61 |
攻击力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
防御力 | 40.64 ~ 45.72 ~ 50.81 |
生命值 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
攻击力 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
防御力 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
速度 | 4.8 ~ 5.2 ~ 5.6 |
暴击率 | 6.22% ~ 7% ~ 7.78% |
暴击伤害 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
效果命中 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
效果抵抗 | 8.29% ~ 9.33% ~ 10.37% |
击破特攻 | 12.44% ~ 14% ~ 15.55% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 43.13% |
能量恢复效率 | 12.94% |
生命值 | 28.75% |
攻击力 | 28.75% |
防御力 | 35.94% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 135.48 ~ 152.42 ~ 169.35 |
攻击力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
防御力 | 67.74 ~ 76.21 ~ 84.68 |
生命值 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
攻击力 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
防御力 | 17.28% ~ 19.44% ~ 21.6% |
速度 | 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 |
暴击率 | 10.37% ~ 11.66% ~ 12.96% |
暴击伤害 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果命中 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
效果抵抗 | 13.82% ~ 15.55% ~ 17.28% |
击破特攻 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
基础属性 | |
击破特攻 | 64.8% |
能量恢复效率 | 19.44% |
生命值 | 43.2% |
攻击力 | 43.2% |
防御力 | 54% |
副属性 | |
生命值 | 203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03 |
攻击力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
防御力 | 101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01 |
生命值 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
攻击力 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
防御力 | 25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4% |
速度 | 12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6 |
暴击率 | 15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44% |
暴击伤害 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
效果命中 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
效果抵抗 | 20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92% |
击破特攻 | 31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88% |
两颗行星交织着彼此悲惨的宿命,围绕一轮漆黑的大日跳着永恒的轮舞。 最初,其中一颗行星孕育出了人类,他们俯首,将脚下的土地唤作「出云」;又抬头,指天上的世界为「高天原」。于史无载的某日,「八百万神」自高天原垂迹。以神为名的恶兽使天穹倾覆、海川燃烧、大地崩毁——人们惊觉,那并非是为了统治、支配或掠夺的入侵,凶神仅为猎杀而来。 存亡之际,出云踏上「神刈」的道路,穷举国之力斩落大祸「都牟刈神」,将其兽体锻造成最初的「诏刀」。以彼之道还施彼身,通过吟诵蕴含于刀身中的真言,持刀者便可将高天原的神业握在手中,以之对抗恶神,救天下苍生。由此,出云国开始了漫长的征伐,以不可胜数的牺牲换来一位又一位神明的陨落,尽折人间万千剑,终铸成「护世诏刀」十二柄。 在残酷的生存战争中,仅用不足十个琥珀纪,出云国便借诏刀伟力,将未开化的黑暗世界点亮,建立起虹霓缭乱的城邦,那过去遥不可及的高天神国,也已近在咫尺、唾手可得——但历史在这一刻戛然而止,两颗行星的存在于旦夕间灰飞烟灭,消失得无影无踪。 如今,边星「出云」的过去只能在宇宙的只言片语中寻得。针对它的消亡,学者们众说纷纭,任谁也无法解开谜团。出云的历史本应是条流淌的长河,可它却被一刀斩断,种种过往与将来皆消失在空无的彼岸。难道它不曾存在,只是一段被虚构的故事?难道它未曾发生,被搁浅在倒果为因的海滩?这是「原始博士」又一场惨绝人寰的实验,还是「贪饕」从银河尽头归来的预兆? 只有那轮漆黑的大日知道答案。然而祂沉默,从不言说。 因为所发生的一切必将归于终结,而已终结的一切必将再度发生,宇宙在祂的阴影下中永劫回归,出云不过是一个省略号的注脚。 |
两颗行星交织着彼此悲惨的宿命,天岩户间散落着一段故去的歌谣。 那歌谣无始无终、无声无息,来自无人之口,传往无人之耳。它如是写道: 高天原万里迢迢一如出云,原乃是极乐净土天成地平。 天地变漆黑大日引动潮汐,似迁徙众神垂迹来势沄沄。 八百万祸神显世屠戮无情,怎料想无上权柄反遭窃行。 出云国折剑七万三十三柄,铸为尊护世诏刀一十二名。 其一为「真」,斩「都牟刈神」所铸,可令凡人遍观法理,解构万象再造神迹; 其二为「天」,斩「天常立尊」所铸,可令高天变作墙垣,祸津众神穿行维艰; 其三为「鸣」,斩「建御雷神」所铸,可令雷光撕裂长空,星流霆击施罚天刑; 其四为「岚」,斩「志那都彦」所铸,可令裂风摧折大地,云奔雨啸狂飙不息; 其五为「霜」,斩「天之冬衣」所铸,可令时序霜结凝滞,冻土无垠刹那难逝; 其六为「命」,斩「石长比卖」所铸,可令荒冢遍开花丛,生生死死流转无踪; 其七为「烈」,斩「迦具土命」所铸,可令炽火燃烧尘寰,赫赫炎炎烛天燎原; 其八为「觉」,斩「八意思兼」所铸,可令水镜鉴往知来,不见虚实千秋万代; 其九为「础」,斩「大山津见」所铸,可令列岛高悬天边,山坼地裂崩碎阵前; 其十为「千」,斩「大己贵命」所铸,可令凡众连缀成络,形影无数潮起潮落; 十一为「束」,斩「久那止神」所铸,可令歧途尽入樊笼,邪祟诸恶咫尺皆空; 十二为「喰」,斩「八十枉津」所铸,可令常世剥蚀朽坏,神鬼难辨四魂两拆。 而后幽世皆扫,鸣金罢鏖,尽断十二寒耀; 空余荒魂鼓噪,黑日昭昭,终铸负世二刀。 其一为「始」,其二为「终」;以人为始,以鬼为终。 寸断声止,落花枯荣,败者归无,胜者…成空。 跛脚的僧侣唱着不成调的歌,持柄神力者,亦向着众神退行。 在大日的见证下,那曾经名为「出云」的土地上,人、神、鬼…皆已无处可寻。 |
18 responses to “出云显世与高天神国”
When is the story for this coming out?
It seems to be Acheron’s homeland. They tried to save themselves by the power of Nihility path but they extinted anyway, leaving Acheron behind as a space wanderer.
Himeko + Herta, Topaz + Ratio, and Acheron. Even if it isn’t as optimal, this helps you focus on one world for your dpses, especially considering the other practically pure fiction planar in the same world as well. Overall it’s a nice but niche buff to these characters .
dose this stack
umm, this crit effect can stack or not?
This only affects the wearer. How can you have 2 sets of planar ornaments on a same character?
I assumed they meant if there’s multiple same path teammates
This is for units that are oversaturated in DMG%. It’s the perfect set for Acheron and will be her best, she wants crit and attack way more than DMG%. Might be BiS for other units in the future, but idk who or if it’s BiS for any other current units. It’s also just pretty good as a generalist set, not like it’s bad on other units. It’s nice to be rid of the attack type specific buffs and just give more crit and attack for a more universal set. I am all for universal sets, I hate farming more niche ones.
really? only 12%? 4% extra? Rutilant and salsotto only 8% but it has better effects.
This should be buffed to idk.. maybe 15%? because 12%atk is extremely underwhelming
It’s kinda just acheron’s set, I don’t see another really good use
Either Salsotto or Rutilant still works for her just fine tbh. Technically she has more Ult damage overall (even in terms of main target damage) but her Skill isn’t incredibly far behind.
I feel like their thought process behind this set is that Acheron has high Dmg% (traces, A6, sig LC/GNSW, Debuff set’s 2pc) so a combination of Atk%+Crit is usable on her and other similar high Dmg% DPSes. Even in my calcs I actually made Acheron go Atk% Orb, and this set still provides a miniscule improvement over Salsotto. Emphasis on miniscule though.
I don’t think its too bad, With this set, a crit rate chest piece and Pioneer of Dead waters you’d already be at 57.4 Crit Rate. For me at least getting crit rate is harder than crit dmg.
Copied from my reply to the thread: “This is for units that are oversaturated in DMG%. It’s the perfect set for Acheron and will be her best, she wants crit and attack way more than DMG%. Might be BiS for other units in the future, but idk who or if it’s BiS for any other current units. It’s also just pretty good as a generalist set, not like it’s bad on other units. It’s nice to be rid of the attack type specific buffs and just give more crit and attack for a more universal set. I am all for universal sets, I hate farming more niche ones. “
I don’t think it’s that good generally for now. It’s arguably better than Glamoth on Herta and Himeko in their combined team, but otherwise… Hard to tell. Jingliu doesn’t want it, Blade certainly doesn’t want it, Topaz still prefers Salsotto I think, Ratio has plenty of crit, though also plenty of dmg%, so that’s an option. Acheron’s BIS, yes, no arguments.
Too situational to be a generalist set. You can’t run it without the condition, Glamoth or even SSS would be better generally. And there are not many characters that work with someone of their path and want atk and crit rate, but not dmg%. Ratio with Topaz – sure, maybe, but what if you don’t want to run them together this time? Do you swap back to another set? Is it really worth the effort and energy then?
Hopefully it’s decent on Firefly. It is really most likely made for the future characters (Boothill? Screwllum?), but for now it feels really clunky to use properly. I personally think Sigonia is the more desirable one for now.
Firefly is dead tho