Coup de Grâce

Coup de Grâce
Coup de GrâceConceptsCoup de Grâce
TypeSingle Target
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 90
Energy Regeneration5
Character Materials
Ancient Part6
Obsidian of Dread2
Obsidian of Desolation12
Ancient Spindle10
Obsidian of Obsession23
Ancient Engine5
Regret of Infinite Ochema3
Tracks of Destiny1
Coup de GrâceCoup de Grâce - Ultimate | Single Target
Receives stack(s) of Fighting Will, with a base chance to increase a single enemy target's DMG received by for turn(s). Then, deals Physical DMG equal to of Luka's ATK to the target.

Receives #5[i] stack(s) of "Fighting Will," with a high chance of increasing the one enemy's DMG received, and deals massive Physical DMG to the target.
Level 15

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