Valorous Bracelet of Grappling Hooks

Valorous Bracelet of Grappling Hooks
Valorous Bracelet of Grappling HooksConceptsValorous Bracelet of Grappling Hooks
TypeRelics, Hands
SourceCavern of Corrosion: Penacony Grand Theater
Relic Set
The Wind-Soaring Valorous
The Wind-Soaring Valorous
Set Effect2-Pc: Increases ATK by 12%.
4-Pc: Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 6%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, increases the DMG dealt by their Ultimate by 36%, lasting for 1 turn(s).
Max Level15
StoryA bionic gauntlet integrated with the body. To hunt fearsome beasts, one must possess claws sharper than those of the beasts themselves.

Table of Contents


Base Stats
Class ATK
Subsidiary Stats
Class HP
203.22 ~ 228.62 ~ 254.03
Class ATK
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class DEF
101.61 ~ 114.31 ~ 127.01
Class HP
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class ATK
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class DEF
25.92% ~ 29.16% ~ 32.4%
Class SPD
12 ~ 13.8 ~ 15.6
Class CRIT Rate
15.55% ~ 17.5% ~ 19.44%
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%
Class Effect Hit Rate
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Effect RES
20.74% ~ 23.33% ~ 25.92%
Class Break Effect
31.1% ~ 34.99% ~ 38.88%


The Verdant Knights under her command were as valiant as the Borisin Wolftroopers. Even if their swords broke and their bows snapped, without an inch of iron left in their hands, they could still fight to the death relying solely on the sharp claws on their gauntlets.

It is rumored that the foxian warriors of the Verdant Knights often rescued worlds ruled by the borisin. These foxians born in "fallen territories" have mixed bloodlines, occasionally producing individuals exhibiting atavistic mutations. These foxian individuals are conscripted as war slaves, driven by their wolf-headed masters to serve as vanguards before battles and as cannon fodder to delay attacks by Xianzhou ships.

"Join the Verdant Knights, and we will give you the chance to seek revenge against your wolf-headed masters!" During recruitment and training, the general remembered saying this to the young foxian girl. But she felt guilty for the latter half of the sentence that she couldn't bring herself to say: "Like me, you were born for war and will die for war."

Although the war slaves possessed strength and speed comparable to their wolf-headed masters, their mutations also depleted their life and sanity. When their will was burnt to embers by rage, they would descend into bloodthirsty monsters.

When pure bestial fury rules their bodies and after completing the final hunt and chase of this life, these gauntlets will become shackles that bind their hands, never to be separated from flesh and blood again.

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