Silence, Wraithfly’s Caress

Silence, Wraithfly's Caress
Silence, Wraithfly's CaressConceptsSilence, Wraithfly's Caress
Weakness BreakSingle Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Energy Regeneration0
Character Materials
Ethereal Omen7
Bīja of Consciousness2
Seedling of Manas12
Echoing Wail11
Flower of Ālaya26
Eternal Lament6
Auspice Sliver3
Tracks of Destiny2
Silence, Wraithfly's CaressSilence, Wraithfly's Caress - Skill | Blast
Consumes of all allies' current HP. Deals Quantum DMG equal to of Castorice's Max HP to one designated enemy and Quantum DMG equal to of Castorice's Max HP to adjacent targets.
If current HP is insufficient, this ability will reduce HP to 1.
If Deathwing is on the battlefield, this Skill becomes "Boneclaw, Doomdrake's Embrace" instead.

Consumes all allies' HP. Deals Quantum DMG to one enemy and minor Quantum DMG to adjacent targets.
Level 15

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