名詞 | 守备 | |
屬性 | 天赋 | |
屬性 | 天赋 | |
戰鬥屬性 | 物理 | |
怪物 | 失控的飛霄 | |
說明 | 进入【守备】状态,弱点未被击破时受到的伤害降低,被击破时行动额外延后,被击破后受到的伤害提高。 |
i wonder if her E2(?) would move to one of her traces which gives team wide true dmg that would r...
crap, shes good for the herta, that aoe FUA is kinda busted plus a big res pen debuff for entire te...
In game toughness numbers are 1/3 of internal toughness numbers, his toughness isn’t anything speci...