名詞 | 亂破 | |
稀有度 | ||
命途 | 智識 | |
戰鬥屬性 | 虛數 | |
專屬素材 | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
行跡素材 | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
劇情 | 如丑時三刻的閃光彈一般現身在匹諾康尼,以忍者自居,將世間一切歸因於「忍法」的奇妙少女。 貫徹吟誦忍•真言、繪製繚亂•忍符、修習忍•法帖的「忍•道」——即饒舌、塗鴉、漫畫——苦煉自身意志,馳騁星間行俠仗義。 身為「巡海遊俠」的一員,始終追獵著名為「御猿•邪忍」的惡黨,直至銀河盡頭。 |
目錄 |
屬性 |
戰技 |
行跡 |
星魂 |
光錐 |
背包 |
Gallery |
語音 |
劇情 |
等級 | 攻擊力 | 防禦力 | 生命值 | 速度 | 暴擊率 | 暴擊傷害 | 嘲諷 | 能量 | 專屬素材 |
1 | 97.68 | 62.7 | 148 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
20 | 190.48 | 122.27 | 288 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 229.55 | 147.34 | 347 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
30 | 278.39 | 178.69 | 421 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 317.46 | 203.77 | 480 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
40 | 366.3 | 235.12 | 554 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 405.37 | 260.2 | 614 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
50 | 454.21 | 291.55 | 687 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 493.28 | 316.63 | 747 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
60 | 542.12 | 347.99 | 821 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 581.2 | 373.06 | 880 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
70 | 630.04 | 404.41 | 954 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 669.11 | 429.5 | 1013 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 | |
80 | 717.95 | 460.85 | 1087 | 96 | 5% | 50% | 75 | 140 |
忍術•七轉八起 - 普通攻擊 | 單體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 20 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 | |
對指定敵方單體造成等同於亂破 對指定敵方單體造成少量虛數屬性傷害。 | |
等級 | |
忍切•初志貫徹 - 戰技 | 群體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 30 | |
弱點擊破 : 群體攻擊 : 30 | |
對敵方全體造成等同於亂破 對敵方全體造成虛數屬性傷害。 | |
等級 | |
忍道•極•愛死天流 - 終結技 | 強化 | |
能量回復 : 5 | |
弱點擊破 : 0 | |
進入【結印】狀態,立即獲得1個額外回合並獲得 【結印】狀態下普通攻擊獲得強化且無法施放戰技和終結技,施放強化普通攻擊後會消耗1點【彩墨】,耗盡時退出【結印】狀態。 進入【結印】狀態,獲得額外回合並獲得3點【彩墨】,且弱點擊破效率提高,擊破特攻提高。 【結印】狀態下獲得強化普通攻擊,施放強化普通攻擊後會消耗1點【彩墨】,耗盡時退出【結印】狀態。 | |
等級 | |
忍•科學•堪忍袋 - 天賦 | 強化 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 6 | |
每當敵方目標的弱點被擊破時,亂破獲得1點充能,最多擁有 擊破弱點時,觸發虛數屬性的弱點擊破效果。 當敵方目標的弱點被擊破時,亂破獲得1點充能。發動【忍具•降魔花弁】的第3段攻擊時,額外對敵方全體造成虛數屬性擊破傷害,該傷害可無視弱點屬性削韌,並消耗所有充能,使本次擊破傷害倍率和削韌值提高。 | |
等級 | |
攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 | |
攻擊敵人,進入戰鬥後削弱敵方目標對應屬性韌性。 | |
忍步•血義理 - 秘技 | 強化 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 90 | |
使用秘技後進入持續 進入【塗鴉】狀態,快速向前移動一段距離並攻擊接觸到的敵人。攻擊敵人進入戰鬥後,對每個敵方目標造成無視弱點屬性的削韌及虛數屬性擊破傷害,並對其相鄰目標造成虛數屬性擊破傷害,同時使自身獲得能量。 | |
忍具•降魔花弁 - 普通攻擊 | 擴散 | |
能量回復 : 5 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 / 擴散 : 15 | |
n/a 對指定敵方單體造成少量虛數屬性傷害,並對其相鄰目標造成少量虛數屬性傷害。攻擊沒有虛數弱點的敵人也可以削減韌性。 | |
等級 | |
忍具•降魔花弁 - 普通攻擊 | 擴散 | |
能量回復 : 5 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 30 / 擴散 : 15 | |
n/a 對指定敵方單體造成少量虛數屬性傷害,並對其相鄰目標造成少量虛數屬性傷害。攻擊沒有虛數弱點的敵人也可以削減韌性。 | |
等級 | |
忍具•降魔花弁 - 普通攻擊 | 群體攻擊 | |
能量回復 : 10 | |
弱點擊破 : 群體攻擊 : 15 | |
n/a 對敵方全體造成少量虛數屬性傷害。攻擊沒有虛數弱點的敵人也可以削減韌性。 | |
等級 | |
忍具•降魔花弁 - 普通攻擊 | 擴散 | |
能量回復 : 0 | |
弱點擊破 : 單體攻擊 : 75 / 擴散 : 45 | |
施放【忍具•降魔花弁】,前2段攻擊對指定敵方單體造成等同於亂破 強化普通攻擊無法恢復戰技點,攻擊沒有虛數弱點的敵人也可以削減韌性,效果等同於原削韌值的 前2段攻擊對指定敵方單體造成少量虛數屬性傷害,並對其相鄰目標造成少量虛數屬性傷害。第3段對敵方全體造成少量虛數屬性傷害。攻擊沒有虛數弱點的敵人也可以削減韌性。 | |
等級 | |
忍法帖•枯葉 | |
需要角色晉階 6 | |
敵方目標的弱點被擊破時,受到的擊破傷害提高 | 160K 8 1 1 |
擊破強化 (擊破特攻) | |
需要角色晉階 6 | |
擊破特攻提高 | 160K 8 8 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
攻擊力提高 | 2500 2 |
攻擊強化 (攻擊力) | |
需要角色等級 80 | |
攻擊力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
常世道返三途無六錢 | ||
施放終結技進入【結印】狀態期間,亂破造成的傷害無視目標 |
俳句暗記有識無罣礙 | ||
強化普通攻擊的前2段攻擊對指定敵方單體的削韌值提高 |
堂塔伽藍末法無間獄 | ||
戰技等級+2,最多不超過 |
經年劣化任俠無忍義 | ||
【結印】狀態期間,我方全體速度提高 |
一心不亂鳴弦無徒矢 | ||
終結技等級+2,最多不超過 |
破邪顯正應報無慈悲 | ||
戰鬥開始時亂破獲得 |
名詞 | 稀有度 | 命途 | 攻擊力 | 防禦力 | 生命值 | 戰技 | 專屬素材 | |
智庫 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使裝備者終結技造成的傷害提高 | ||
靈鑰 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 使裝備者在施放戰技後,額外恢復 | ||
睿見 | 3 | erudition-class | 370.44 | 264.6 | 740.88 | 當裝備者施放終結技時,攻擊力提高 | ||
「我」的誕生 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使裝備者追加攻擊造成的傷害提高 | ||
別讓世界靜下來 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使裝備者進入戰鬥時立即恢復 | ||
天才們的休憩 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使裝備者攻擊力提高 | ||
早餐的儀式感 | 4 | erudition-class | 476.28 | 396.9 | 846.72 | 使裝備者造成傷害提高 | ||
今日亦是和平的一日 | 4 | erudition-class | 529.2 | 330.75 | 846.72 | 進入戰鬥後,根據裝備者的能量上限,提高裝備者造成的傷害:每點能量提高 | ||
銀河鐵道之夜 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 場上每有1個敵方目標,裝備者的攻擊力便提高 | ||
拂曉之前 | 5 | erudition-class | 582.12 | 463.05 | 1058.4 | 使裝備者暴擊傷害提高 |
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Title | loc_sound |
Title | 遊戲語言 |
220 responses to “亂破”
listen this unit is kuki shinobu of honkai star rail.
with incoming of 5*tingyun that apply exo-tougness you can tell that rappa kit mechanic are going to be busted,
behold hyperbloom of honkai star rail.
and so does firefly
Wasn’t Kuki a support, not a main dps?
This isn’t the latest version of Rappa. New Rappa works off of a charge system for her talent.
I like break characters but I gotta save up for Fugue.
It feels like Rappa was powercrept by Firefly before ever being released.
Don’t suppose a super copium Critppa build exists somewhere?
The unit relies on breaking to activate the talent. However, the unit’s toughness damage using EBA vs. single target is 50 (/w RM), and the toughness damage is halved when the target has no Imaginary weak, meaning she can almost break a 30 toughness mob with no Imaginary weak with one EBA.
Interestingly, the PF in 2.6 has a node that the first wave consists of all 30 toughness mobs with no Imaginary weak.
If it turns out crit builds work on Rappa I won’t be surprised.
If it turns out the 5-star TY has a break efficiency buff I won’t be surprised. Rappa needs just 10% more break efficiency in order to one-shot a 30 toughness mob.
There’s only so many ways to buff break damage so if she’s gonna be specific to break damage, that’s not surprising at all.
I’m, in fact, gonna build Critppa just for fun and stole Xueyi’s relic
Reminds me of the Critfly discussion a ways back and (i think?) some person there decided to write a wall of text about Critfly or something like that.
Is rappa’s kit still not updated with the changes from the last version? One of her traces mentions charges, but they aren’t used anywhere in her kit. Unless they’re enhanced basic charges? but those have their own name.
Rappa’s kit is updated, it’s that the site is slow at updating sometimes. The main deal is that her talent got reworked in v4, it reads:
When enemy targets’ Weakness are Broken, Rappa gains 1 Charge, max 10 Charges. The next time Rappa performs the 3rd hit of “Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade,” additionally deals Break DMG equal to 60% of Rappa’s Imaginary Break DMG to all enemy targets. This DMG reduces 2 Toughness regardless of Type. This also consumes all Charges, each Charge increasing the DMG multiplier by 50% and Toughness reduction by 1.
When inflicting Weakness Break, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.
if you are uniformed of this 5* performance, i posted a great insight of the best math calculator this site has to offer:
“ok since you asked i’ll correct you bcoz everyone know im kind, always correct and never make mistake
HYV is not that smart that can’t conspirate like you implied, they simply want to sell the 100% action advance LC so they made rappa the slowest, easy enough?
but the genZ cool bois also complained about her kits are too brainded and unsmart, so they add some convolunted “charge???” system to make genZcoolBois have to count sheeps and call it high skill counting
understand my brilliance yet?😆👍🤡
don’t trust anything white names YAP yap because it can just be one “ONE” homless homo from reddit spam with white name comments
You are a white name
feels like such a nothing release, not by the strength of the character itself(not that good herta and acheron will probably still be 1 and 2) but because she is just there, idk man i am thinking that if in this slot you drop a real character that does real stuff that have real impact in the story it would be pretty cool, like hoolay.
although i understand the game itself is telling you to ignore this version because the big guys are coming very soon, so she doesnt matter at all.
bro where the fuck is Screwllum
Standing besides DU as an NPC.
release my husband. he must be playable
um…what the hell happened to my girl rappa?
in v4, rappa underwent some changes that are honestly so big one could tell you it was a v3 change and youd believe it.
so let’s start with what i do like/am not against.
firstly, her ult cost has now been lowered even more to 140 energy, from 150 in v3 and 160 even before that which for a transformation/enhancement ult, i dont mind.
second, her base atk has been significantly increased, from 640 (equal to seele and serval’s) to 717 (around dhil if im not mistaken).
to compensate, her break vuln trace has been altered; from 3% initial vuln with 12% additional vuln at 3200 atk for a maximum vuln of 15%, she now has 2% initial vuln with 8% additional vuln at 3200 atk for a maximum vuln of 10%. slight nerf, but its easier to hit which is very nice.
now for the parts that i dont really like!
starting with her base speed going from 102 to 98, on par with legendarily fast unit himeko. she does still have speed traces, putting her at 107 before speed boots takes that to 132 and ruan mei takes that over 134 – nice for moc, but youre not usually inclined to build too much speed for pure fiction, since her talent allows her to still deal damage outside of her tur- good LORD what the HELL is this ABOMINATION of a TALENT
yeah, so what was once previously a really neat way for rappa to deal a very significant chunk of her damage outside of her turn has turned into what i can only describe as a break acheron-like unit who deals all her damage when taking her turn – a turn that only happens once in a blue moon due to that really freaking low speed AND requires all your teammates to be able to deal enough toughness damage to reliably break AND defeat a few enemies.
acheron is not a unit i particularly like playing in or think is too great in pure fiction – well she works, but if your team isnt already clearing like a few trash enemies like they are in dotcheron before acheron comes in to clear the field with her ult, theres always gonna be like one or two enemies sitting there on field after your acheron ults blocking the next wave and laughing in your face as your jiaoqiu struggles to find enough damage to kill them.
typically, for a dps-focused unit to thrive in pure fiction, they either need to take a lot of turns or they need to have a way of dealing a huge chunk of their damage outside of their turn. herta has her kurukuru, himeko has her charges, jade has her fua, argenti has extremely frequent field demolishing 90 cost ults and is typically played with any combination of huohuo, tingyun and one of the action advance units, etc.
rappa previously had this with her talent’s additional damage and bounces upon break, but now she doesnt even have the ruan mei talent anymore, its JUST her eba
now in pure fiction, rappa’s teams require them to not only have the toughness damage to give her charges, but ALSO have the pure damage to clear a few enemies before she acts and cleans up the wave. this *might* be achievable with the duo of hmc and lingsha in img/fire weak pf stages but i definitely wouldnt count on it.
the other option you have for rappa teams is to run dual break dpses, which definitely can work due to rappa consuming around as many or less skill points as like jingliu or e1 firefly – but right now, this requires you to forgo a sustain and thus a lot of comfort that the average player would prefer having, though it can definitely work.
outside of pf tho, i feel these changes are somewhat negligible and will still excel in the moc and apoc scenarios shes supposed to and struggle in the ones shes not – v4 rappa is fine there.
apparently people were saying that the reason they changed it was because people were too stupid to see the big, yellow numbers that occurred when lingsha broke enemies and thus concluded that lingsha was the one dealing the absurd damage, not rappa, leading to less people being inclined to pull rappa than there already was – so they changed her kit to be more damage per screenshot.
if they wanted to communicate that rappa was the one doing a big, big chunk of the damage, they couldve done so in a (purely cosmetic) follow-up attack that did the bounce toughness and break damage similarly to a 3* DU equation that would trigger at the end of an ally’s turn, but it is most certainly too late for that now.
anyways, if 5* tingyun arrives and turns out to be the hmc-ruan mei role compression that also does enough damage to kill a few enemies and thus facilitate rappa’s nukes, a lot of my gripes with rappa’s v4 kit would be resolved, but as it stands now, i dont really like this all too much.
Skip happened