Lordly Trashcan

Lordly Trashcan
Lordly TrashcanConceptsLordly Trashcan
FactionClass Cosmos
Dream Collection Component
Old Molar
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Making Engine
DescriptionA peculiar entity born within the realm of fiction, its story documented in the nameless chronicles: A lone and valiant trashcan bearing the mission of the Garbage King to seek formidable warriors to eliminate all waste that threatens the world.

Table of Contents



Lordly Trashcan

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Cocona's Honesty

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Lordly Trashcan

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Head Judge

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Lordly Trashcan

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Lordly Trashcan

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.


Mass-Production Machine

Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit's Weakness is Broken, Weakness will be Broken for all friendly units except Lordly Trashcan (Projection). At the same time, this unit will exit the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit is Weakness Broken, it will leave the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted, up to 2 Weaknesses.



Level 80
Class ATKClass DEFClass HPClass SPDToughnessClass Effect Hit RateClass Effect RESMin RESClass CRIT DMGFirst Turn Delay
Weaknessn/a n/a
 n/a n/a0%
n/a n/an/a n/a
 Speed Reduction0%
 Wind Shear0%

Phase #1

The Can's TrialsThe Can's Trials - Ability | Single Target
Energy Regeneration :
Deals Physical DMG to a single target.
The Can's TribulationsThe Can's Tribulations - Ability | Enhance
Energy Regeneration :
Increases this unit's ATK. This effect is stackable and unremovable.
The Can's CreedThe Can's Creed - Talent | Talent
Energy Regeneration :
When this unit's Weakness is Broken, Weakness will be Broken for all friendly units except Lordly Trashcan (Projection). At the same time, this unit will exit the battle. When attacked, Weaknesses corresponding to the attack's Type will be implanted.


Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Dream Collection Component
Dream Collection Component2
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Old Molar
Old Molar2
Dream Flow Valve
Dream Flow Valve3
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Dream Making Engine
Dream Making Engine4
Light Cone Enhancement, Character Ascension Materials, Skill Upgrade Materials, Traces Leveling Material
Per Page

5 responses to “Lordly Trashcan”

  1. Finally, we can meet him! I really want to learn more about this guy’s lore. But I certainly didn’t expect him to be from the same faction as Argenti.


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