
PathClass Abundance
Tipe SeranganClass Fire
Immortal Scionette15
Immortal Aeroblossom15
Raging Heart65
Immortal Lumintwig15
Material Trace
Alien Tree Seed18
Immortal Scionette41
Nourishing Honey69
Immortal Aeroblossom56
Myriad Fruit139
Immortal Lumintwig58
Tracks of Destiny8
Alur CeritaMaster Tungku baru di Alchemy Commission Xianzhou "Luofu". Seorang dokter Vidyadhara yang cerdik dan bijaksana.
Dia memiliki indra penciuman yang tajam dan sering memanfaatkannya untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit, serta menggunakan aromaterapi untuk menenangkan pikiran orang lain.
Pandai menangani hubungan interpersonal yang rumit. Sekalipun hatinya dipenuhi amarah, dia akan tetap terlihat tenang.

Daftar Isi
Light Cone
Alur Cerita


Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Scionette10
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Raging Heart3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Raging Heart7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Raging Heart20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Raging Heart35
Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Raging Heart3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Raging Heart7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Raging Heart20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Raging Heart35


Votive IncenseVotive Incense - Basic ATK | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Mengakibatkan Fire DMG sebesar ATK Lingsha pada 1 musuh yang ditargetkan.

Mengakibatkan Fire DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada 1 musuh.
Lv. 9
Smoke and SplendorSmoke and Splendor - Skill | AoE
Pemulihan Energy : 30
Weakness Break : AoE : 30
Mengakibatkan Fire DMG sebesar ATK Lingsha pada seluruh musuh. Pada saat yang bersamaan, memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim sebesar ATK Lingsha + , serta mendahulukan aksi "Fuyuan" sebesar .

Mengakibatkan Fire DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada seluruh musuh, pada saat bersamaan memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim, membuat "Fuyuan" mengalami Pendahuluan Aksi.
Lv. 15
Dripping MistscapeDripping Mistscape - Ultimate | AoE
Pemulihan Energy : 5
Weakness Break : AoE : 60
Membuat seluruh musuh memasuki status "Befog". Saat berstatus "Befog", Break DMG yang diterima target akan meningkat selama giliran.
Mengakibatkan Fire DMG sebesar ATK Lingsha pada seluruh musuh. Pada saat yang bersamaan, memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim sebesar ATK Lingsha + , serta mendahulukan aksi "Fuyuan" sebesar .

Membuat Break DMG yang diterima seluruh musuh meningkat, mengakibatkan Fire DMG pada seluruh musuh, dan pada saat bersamaan memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim, membuat "Fuyuan" mengalami Pendahuluan Aksi.
Lv. 15
Mistdance ManifestMistdance Manifest - Talent | AoE
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : AoE : 30
Memanggil "Fuyuan" saat melancarkan Skill. "Fuyuan" memiliki SPD dasar sebesar dan jumlah aksi dasar sebanyak kali.
Saat "Fuyuan" beraksi, akan melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan, mengakibatkan Fire DMG sebesar ATK Lingsha pada seluruh musuh. Mengakibatkan tambahan Fire DMG sebesar ATK Lingsha pada 1 musuh acak, dan DMG ini memprioritaskan target yang Toughness-nya lebih dari 0 dan memiliki Fire Weakness. Menghapus masing-masing efek Debuff dari seluruh rekan tim, serta memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim sebesar ATK Lingsha + .
"Fuyuan" maksimal dapat mengakumulasi kali jumlah aksi. Saat jumlah aksi mencapai 0 atau Lingsha gugur, "Fuyuan" akan menghilang.
Saat "Fuyuan" berada di medan pertempuran, melancarkan Skill Lingsha dapat menambah kali jumlah aksi "Fuyuan".

Memanggil "Fuyuan" saat melancarkan Skill: Saat "Fuyuan" beraksi, akan melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan, mengakibatkan Fire DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada seluruh musuh. Mengakibatkan tambahan Fire DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada 1 musuh acak, memprioritaskan target yang Toughness-nya lebih dari 0 dan memiliki Fire Weakness. Menghapus masing-masing 1 efek Debuff dari seluruh rekan tim dan memulihkan HP.
Melancarkan Skill lagi dapat menambah jumlah aksi "Fuyuan".
Lv. 15
AttackAttack | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Setelah menyerang musuh dan memasuki pertempuran, akan mengurangi Toughness target musuh sesuai dengan tipe Toughness-nya.
Lv. 1
Wisps of AuroraWisps of Aurora - Technique | Support
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : 0
Setelah menggunakan Technique, akan segera memanggil "Fuyuan" saat pertempuran berikutnya dimulai, serta membuat seluruh musuh memasuki status "Befog", berlangsung selama giliran.

Setelah menggunakan Technique, akan segera memanggil "Fuyuan" saat pertempuran berikutnya dimulai dan meningkatkan Break DMG yang diterima seluruh musuh.
Lv. 1


Vermilion WaftVermilion Waft
Memerlukan karakter ascension 2
Meningkatkan ATK/Outgoing Healing karakter ini, peningkatannya adalah sebesar 25%/10% dari Break Effect, peningkatannya maksimal hingga 50%/20%.
Alien Tree Seed3
Peningkatan HPPeningkatan HP (HP)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 2
Max HP +4%
Alien Tree Seed3
Immortal Scionette6
Peningkatan BreakPeningkatan Break (Break Effect)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 3
Break Effect +5.3%
Nourishing Honey3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 3
ATK +4%
Nourishing Honey3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
Sylvan SmokeSylvan Smoke
Memerlukan karakter ascension 4
Saat melancarkan Basic Attack, akan memulihkan 10 Energy tambahan.
Nourishing Honey5
Tracks of Destiny1
Peningkatan BreakPeningkatan Break (Break Effect)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 4
Break Effect +8%
Nourishing Honey5
Immortal Aeroblossom4
Peningkatan HPPeningkatan HP (HP)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 5
Max HP +6%
Myriad Fruit3
Immortal Lumintwig3
Peningkatan BreakPeningkatan Break (Break Effect)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 5
Break Effect +8%
Myriad Fruit3
Immortal Lumintwig3
Ember's EchoEmber's Echo
Memerlukan karakter ascension 6
Saat "Fuyuan" ada di medan pertempuran, ketika karakter mana pun menerima DMG atau mengonsumsi HP: Jika ada karakter dalam tim yang persentase HP-nya saat ini kurang dari atau sama dengan 60%, maka "Fuyuan" akan segera melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan dari Talent pada musuh, dan pelancaran kali ini tidak akan mengonsumsi jumlah aksi "Fuyuan". Efek ini dapat dipicu lagi setelah 2 giliran.
Myriad Fruit8
Tracks of Destiny1
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 6
ATK +6%
Myriad Fruit8
Immortal Lumintwig8
Peningkatan HPPeningkatan HP (HP)
Memerlukan karakter Lv. 75
Max HP +8%
Myriad Fruit8
Immortal Lumintwig8
Peningkatan BreakPeningkatan Break (Break Effect)
Memerlukan karakter Lv. 80
Break Effect +10.7%
Myriad Fruit8
Immortal Lumintwig8


Bloom on Vileward BouquetBloom on Vileward BouquetBloom on Vileward Bouquet
Weakness Break Efficiency Lingsha meningkat 50%. Saat ada unit musuh yang terkena Weakness Break, DEF musuh tersebut akan berkurang 20%.
Leisure in Carmine SmokeveilLeisure in Carmine SmokeveilLeisure in Carmine Smokeveil
Saat melancarkan Ultimate, Break Effect seluruh rekan tim meningkat 40%, berlangsung selama 3 giliran.
Shine of Floral WickShine of Floral WickShine of Floral Wick
Level Ultimate +2, maksimal Lv. 15. Level Talent +2, maksimal Lv. 15.
Redolence from Canopied BanquetRedolence from Canopied BanquetRedolence from Canopied Banquet
Saat "Fuyuan" beraksi, akan memulihkan HP rekan tim yang HP-nya saat ini paling rendah sebesar 40% ATK Lingsha.
Poise Atop Twists and TurnsPoise Atop Twists and TurnsPoise Atop Twists and Turns
Level Skill +2, maksimal Lv. 15. Level Basic Attack +1, maksimal Lv. 10.
Arcadia Under Deep SeclusionArcadia Under Deep SeclusionArcadia Under Deep Seclusion
Saat "Fuyuan" berada di medan pertempuran, RES Seluruh Tipe milik seluruh musuh berkurang 20%. Saat "Fuyuan" menyerang, akan mengakibatkan ekstra 4 kali DMG, yang setiap DMG-nya akan mengakibatkan Fire DMG sebesar 50% ATK Lingsha dan Pengurangan Toughness sebesar 5 pada musuh acak, memprioritaskan target yang Toughness-nya lebih dari 0 dan memiliki Fire Weakness.

Light Cone

abundance-class264.6264.6952.56Meningkatkan 12% Outgoing Healing saat pengguna melancarkan Skill atau Ultimate.
Flower of Eternity
Silvermane Guard Medal
Fine Fruit
Fine Fruit3
abundance-class317.52198.45952.56Saat pertempuran dimulai, segera memulihkan 6 Energy seluruh rekan tim.
Flower of Eternity
Squirming Core
abundance-class317.52198.45952.56Setelah pengguna melancarkan Basic Attack, mendahulukan 12% aksi yang selanjutnya.
Flower of Eternity
Immortal Lumintwig
Post-Op Conversation
Post-Op Conversation4
abundance-class423.36330.751058.4Meningkatkan 8% Energy Regeneration Rate pengguna dan meningkatkan 12% Outgoing Healing saat pengguna melancarkan Ultimate.
Flower of Eternity
Squirming Core
Perfect Timing
Perfect Timing4
abundance-class423.36396.9952.56Meningkatkan 16% Effect RES pengguna dan meningkatkan Outgoing Healing sebesar 33% Effect RES. Outgoing Healing maks. dapat ditingkatkan hingga 15%.
Flower of Eternity
Artifex's Gyreheart
Quid Pro Quo
Quid Pro Quo4
abundance-class423.36396.9952.56Saat giliran pengguna dimulai, akan secara acak memulihkan 8 Energy 1 rekan lain yang persentase Energy-nya lebih rendah dari 50%.
Flower of Eternity
Silvermane Guard Medal
Warmth Shortens Cold Nights
Warmth Shortens Cold Nights4
abundance-class370.44396.91058.4Meningkatkan 16% Max HP pengguna. Setelah melancarkan Basic Attack atau Skill, memulihkan HP seluruh rekan tim sebesar 2% Max HP mereka masing-masing.
Flower of Eternity
Squirming Core
Echoes of the Coffin
Echoes of the Coffin5
abundance-class582.12396.91164.24Meningkatkan 24% ATK pengguna. Setelah pengguna melancarkan serangan, untuk setiap 1 target musuh berbeda yang diserang oleh pengguna, akan memulihkan 3 Energy. Setiap serangan dapat memulihkan Energy hingga 3 kali dengan cara ini. Setelah pengguna melancarkan Ultimate, akan meningkatkan 12 SPD seluruh rekan tim selama 1 giliran.
Flower of Eternity
Artifex's Gyreheart
Time Waits for No One
Time Waits for No One5
abundance-class476.28463.051270.08Meningkatkan 18% Max HP dan 12% Outgoing Healing pengguna. Saat pengguna menyembuhkan rekan tim, jumlah Outgoing Healing akan tercatat. Setelah salah satu rekan melancarkan serangan, akan ada DMG tambahan pada 1 musuh secara acak dengan berdasarkan 36% jumlah Outgoing Healing yang tercatat. DMG tambahan ini satu Tipe dengan pengguna, tidak terkena dampak buff lain, dan hanya dapat terjadi 1 kali per giliran.
Flower of Eternity
Squirming Core
Night of Fright
Night of Fright5
abundance-class476.28529.21164.24Meningkatkan 12% Energy Regeneration Rate pengguna. Saat rekan tim melancarkan Ultimate, pengguna akan memulihkan HP rekan tim yang persentase HP-nya saat ini paling rendah sebesar 10% Max HP rekan tersebut. Saat pengguna memberikan pemulihan untuk rekan tim, ATK dari rekan tim yang dipulihkan akan meningkat 2.4%, efek ini dapat ditumpuk hingga 5 lapis dan berlangsung selama 2 giliran.
Flower of Eternity
Immortal Lumintwig
Per Page



Alur Cerita

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236 responses to “Lingsha”

  1. This is the worst character they cooked yet.
    >NPC looking design that looks AI generated
    >lame animations
    >lame kit too as she is not touching Huohuo as best generalist healer and units who don’t care for Huohuo (Acheron and Feixiao) would rather have Aventurine who is way better on sole fact of being preservation

    The only damn unit she is truly for is for Firefly but:
    1) Firefly doesn’t need her as is + her stupid bunny gimmick is crap for any E2 Firefly haver such as myself because it can steal breaks which happened to me in trials couple of times
    2) She already got good enough option
    3) Firefly can already go sustainless in any mode with ease as it is
    4) For any E0 Firefly haver she sounds like pain as well unless you pull damn Tingyun so you can have your harmony TB that uses no SP so this chick doesn’t crap herself and rest of the team due to SP issues

    5* Tingyun requirement so she can utilize her kit to actual full potential is comedy lol No other sustain REQUIRED another limited this hard so their kit isn’t half cooked.

    I wish I could travel back in time and pull Yunli, who is at least fun to play. But, nah! I thought 5* Gallagher is going to cook and what I got is this NPC looking trash with hot garbage for a kit.

    • She’s a good adve replacement in Feixiao teams. Adve cannot be everywhere and some people don’t even have him. Say you want to use Acheron and to 0 cycle your Acheron needs Adve on her team to get that extra ult before the end of the cycle to finish off the enemy or you just don’t have the guy. What does your Fei team use? Gall? Sure his 8 turns in a 0 cycle is nice. But i’ve actually found at the end of my 0 cycle vs Adve boss that my Fei has 5 stacks remaining, literally just 1 away from getting another one. If my Fei was any weaker i’d actually need that ult stack to finish him off. Well guess what? Lingsha who gets 11 turns in a 0 cycle (3 more than Gall.) gets me that extra stack. (4 vs 5.5 or 8.5 if E2 Fei) This is without taking Robin into account, you could actually pull some Robin shenanigan’s to have Lingsha gain more actions. I think i heard she should get 13 with Robin vs 9 with Gall.

      Tl;dr Lingsha lets Fei at least my Fei get extra ult compared to Gall.

      This on top of the fact her healing is way better than Galls which no one is ever talking about when they compare the two which makes no sense since their main purpose is to HEAL!

      Ontop of that if you build her for damage she actually does really well in PF fiction. Putting her with Jade is a very solid 2 team clear.

      At E1/S1 she also increases the break teams overall DPS by over 50% while giving far more weakness break than Gall is capable of. If the current superbreak team is considered a tier 0 team, then how good is a character than can increase that teams damage by over 50%? I’d say pretty damn good. It does need an Eidolon though which for some people is too much commitment. But you have to look at Imo at least the first and 2nd Eidolon to say if a char is bad or not.

      No doubt since i mentioned Firefly being tier 0 a certain someone is going to come to this comment and say she’s not tier 0. Idc, most people consider her as such, and i said considered tier 0! Considered =/= Is. Plus with the extra 50% from Lingsha and however more powerful Tingyun 2.0 is going to make it you may end up having to eat your words. as a 2m damage Firefly comes rocketing in.

      • When it comes to Firefly. She sort of like Seele. In that the more you invest in her team. The more noticable improvement you will see. Like faster clears. Due to getting something as simple as more speed or break effect on the likes of Harmony Mc, Gall.

        The only issue I can think of. Is skill points if FIrefly is e0. However, if firefly is E1. There shouldn’t be much issue with going for Lingsha. Since you should have enough skill points to have her use her skill every now and then, while also spamming Harmony Mc skill for energy or just additional damage. Which given Lingsha also has follow up attacks. Her being a hybrid of sorts. Does make her flexible. When it comes to team building.

        Tingyun 2.0 will be interesting to see how that plays out. Of course when it comes to Lingsha. I would say. She is a newer character. So if people skip and pick her up later. She is likely to return sooner rather than later. Unless they end up with the genshin cyro curse. Wriothesley no rerun for over a year. Chiori gets two banners in the same year. Going back to star rail. So if someone wanted to pick up e1 Firefly first before picking her up. Due to wanting to ensure they have the Jades for it. I could see it making alot of sense.

        Which yeah, she doesn’t seem to be a bad character. Given she does have oh fuck I need a heal now build into her kit. To help keep your party alive and kicking, when it needed most. Which given she can help boost damage. For break effect teams. She reminds me alot of HuoHuo. A healer that is also a buffer. So might not be the best for every team but the ones she works in, she will work very well in.

    • Lol
      > Lingsha has one of the prettiest design in the game. Even if you don’t wanna agree with that, her fluffy puffy cutesy bunny follow ups are in now way poorly animated or lame.

      > Her kit isn’t weak. Her pull value is simply low. The Topaz theorem. Aventurine is miles better. Gallagher already fulfills the EXACT SAME niche incredibly well. Her kit is not bad, just redundant. Are the 100+/- pulls worth it? Who knows :3 (so far no)

      > Blame the fraudulent content creators who undermined all limited 5 star physical characters in the game lol. Payed hoyo shillers.

  2. Did anyone else try her out during new mission? I know it is just a trial charcter, so there is still room for improvement. Nevertheless her performance compared to Gallagher (mine is E6) was already fine in Firefly Break team. I could see a damage increase and never felt like worrying about dying. Only thing i would miss in this team is the immunity of Gallagher. Next up i tried her for a few fights in Feixiao team. TBH there she felt a bit underwhelming. I would say performance wise sidegrade/slight upgrade to Gallagher, but downgrade compared to Aventurin


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