
PathClass Nihility
Combat TypesClass Fire
Character Materials
Immortal Scionette15
Immortal Aeroblossom15
Raging Heart65
Immortal Lumintwig15
Trace Materials
Fiery Spirit18
Immortal Scionette41
Starfire Essence69
Immortal Aeroblossom56
Heaven Incinerator139
Immortal Lumintwig58
Regret of Infinite Ochema12
Tracks of Destiny8
StoryA foxian healer and counselor from the Xianzhou Yaoqing. Often greets people with a smile on his face and a scheme in his heart.
Born into a prestigious Alchemy Commission family, he once withdrew from practicing medicine due to a broken heart. However, he returned to the field to treat "the Merlin's Claw," General Feixiao.
Skilled in the study of alchemical prescription that views food as medicine, especially those that induce a sensation of spiciness. They invented a cauldron-based medicinal formula known as the "nine-squared grid."

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Scionette10
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Raging Heart3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Raging Heart7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Raging Heart20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Raging Heart35
LevelCharacter Materials
Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Raging Heart3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Raging Heart7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Raging Heart20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Raging Heart35


Heart AfireHeart Afire - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Fire DMG equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK to a single target enemy.

Deals minor Fire DMG to a single enemy.
Level 10
Scorch OnslaughtScorch Onslaught - Skill | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 30
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Deals Fire DMG equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK to a single target enemy and Fire DMG equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK to adjacent targets, with a base chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on the primary target.

Deals Fire DMG to a single enemy and minor Fire DMG to adjacent targets, with a high chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on the primary target.
Level 15
Pyrograph ArcanumPyrograph Arcanum - Ultimate | AoE
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : AoE : 60
Sets the number of "Ashen Roast" stacks on enemy targets to the highest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks present on the battlefield. Then, activates a Zone and deals Fire DMG equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK to all enemies.
While inside the Zone, enemy targets receive increased Ultimate DMG, with a base chance of being inflicted with 1 stack of Ashen Roast when taking action. While the Zone exists, this effect can trigger up to time(s). And for each enemy target, it can only trigger once per turn. This trigger count resets every time Jiaoqiu uses Ultimate.
The Zone lasts for turn(s), and its duration decreases by 1 at the start of this unit's every turn. If Jiaoqiu gets knocked down, the Zone will also be dispelled.

Sets the number of "Ashen Roast" stacks on enemy targets to the highest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks present on the battlefield. Then, activates a Zone and deals Fire DMG to all enemies. While inside the Zone, enemy targets receive increased Ultimate DMG, with a chance of being inflicted with 1 stack of Ashen Roast when taking action.
Level 15
Quartet Finesse, Octave FineryQuartet Finesse, Octave Finery - Talent | Impair
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
When Jiaoqiu hits an enemy with Basic ATK, Skill or Ultimate, there is a base chance to inflict 1 stack of Ashen Roast on them. At 1 stack, increases DMG received by the enemy by . Then, each subsequent stack increases this by .
Ashen Roast is capped at stack(s) and lasts for turn(s).
When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, they are also considered as being Burned at the same time, taking Fire DoT equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK at the start of each turn.

When attacking with Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, there is a high chance to inflict 1 stack of "Ashen Roast" on the target, causing the enemy to take increased DMG and also be considered as Burned at the same time.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Fiery QuellerFiery Queller - Technique | Impair
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
After using Technique, creates a Special Dimension that lasts for second(s). After entering combat with enemies in this Special Dimension, deals Fire DMG equal to of Jiaoqiu's ATK to all enemies, with a base chance of applying 1 "Ashen Roast" stack. Only 1 dimension created by allies can exist at the same time.

Creates a Special Dimension. After entering combat with enemies in this dimension, deals minor Fire DMG to all enemies, with a high chance of applying 1 "Ashen Roast" stack.
Level 1


Pyre CleansePyre Cleanse
Requires Character Ascension 2
When battle starts, immediately regenerates 15 Energy.
Fiery Spirit3
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
DMG Boost: FireDMG Boost: Fire (Fire DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 2
Fire DMG increases by 3.2%
Fiery Spirit3
Immortal Scionette6
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Effect Hit Rate increases by 4%
Starfire Essence3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
SPD BoostSPD Boost (SPD)
Requires Character Ascension 3
SPD increases by 2
Starfire Essence3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
Hearth KindleHearth Kindle
Requires Character Ascension 4
For every 15% of Jiaoqiu's Effect Hit Rate that exceeds 80%, additionally increases ATK by 60%, up to 240%.
Starfire Essence5
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Effect Hit Rate increases by 6%
Starfire Essence5
Immortal Aeroblossom4
DMG Boost: FireDMG Boost: Fire (Fire DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Fire DMG increases by 4.8%
Heaven Incinerator3
Immortal Lumintwig3
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Effect Hit Rate increases by 6%
Heaven Incinerator3
Immortal Lumintwig3
Seared ScentSeared Scent
Requires Character Ascension 6
While the Zone exists, enemies entering combat will be inflicted with Ashen Roast. The number of stacks applied will match the highest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks possessed by any unit while the Zone is active, with a minimum of 1 stack(s).
Heaven Incinerator8
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
SPD BoostSPD Boost (SPD)
Requires Character Ascension 6
SPD increases by 3
Heaven Incinerator8
Immortal Lumintwig8
DMG Boost: FireDMG Boost: Fire (Fire DMG Boost)
Requires Character Lv. 75
Fire DMG increases by 6.4%
Heaven Incinerator8
Immortal Lumintwig8
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Effect Hit Rate increases by 4%
Immortal Scionette2
Effect Hit Rate BoostEffect Hit Rate Boost (Effect Hit Rate)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Effect Hit Rate increases by 8%
Heaven Incinerator8
Immortal Lumintwig8


Pentapathic TransferencePentapathic TransferencePentapathic Transference
Allies deal 40% increased DMG to enemy targets afflicted with Ashen Roast. Whenever inflicting Ashen Roast on an enemy target via triggering the Talent's effect, additionally increases the number of "Ashen Roast" stacks applied this time by 1.
From Savor Comes SufferFrom Savor Comes SufferFrom Savor Comes Suffer
When an enemy target is afflicted with Ashen Roast, increases the multiplier for the Fire DoT dealt by Ashen Roast to this target by 300%.
Flavored Euphony Reigns SupremeFlavored Euphony Reigns SupremeFlavored Euphony Reigns Supreme
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Leisure In, Luster OutLeisure In, Luster OutLeisure In, Luster Out
When the Zone exists, reduces enemy target's ATK by 15%.
Duel in Dawn, Dash in DuskDuel in Dawn, Dash in DuskDuel in Dawn, Dash in Dusk
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Nonamorphic PyrobindNonamorphic PyrobindNonamorphic Pyrobind
When an enemy target gets defeated, their accumulated "Ashen Roast" stacks will transfer to the enemy with the lowest number of "Ashen Roast" stacks on the battlefield. The maximum stack limit of Ashen Roast increases to 9, and each "Ashen Roast" stack reduces the target's All-Type RES by 3%.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72At the start of the battle, the wearer's Effect Hit Rate increases by 20% for 3 turn(s).
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72Increases DMG dealt from its wearer to Slowed enemies by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Hidden Shadow
Hidden Shadow3
nihility-class317.52264.6846.72After using Skill, the wearer's next Basic ATK deals Additional DMG equal to 60% of ATK to the target enemy.
Obsidian of Obsession
Artifex's Gyreheart
Good Night and Sleep Well
Good Night and Sleep Well4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56For every debuff the target enemy has, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 12%, stacking up to 3 time(s). This effect also applies to DoT.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
Eyes of the Prey
Eyes of the Prey4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20% and increases DoT by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat
Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already "Ensnared," then there is a 60% base chance to "Ensnare" the hit enemy. "Ensnared" enemies' DEF decreases by 12% for 1 turn(s).
Obsidian of Obsession
Artifex's Gyreheart
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Shock or Wind Shear by 16%. This also applies to DoT.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
We Will Meet Again
We Will Meet Again4
nihility-class529.2330.75846.72After the wearer uses Basic ATK or Skill, deals Additional DMG equal to 48% of the wearer's ATK to a random enemy that has been attacked.
Obsidian of Obsession
Ancient Engine
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts
Before the Tutorial Mission Starts4
nihility-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20%. When the wearer attacks DEF-reduced enemies, regenerates 4 Energy.
Obsidian of Obsession
Squirming Core
In the Name of the World
In the Name of the World5
nihility-class582.12463.051058.4Increases the wearer's DMG to debuffed enemies by 24%. When the wearer uses their Skill, the Effect Hit Rate for this attack increases by 18%, and ATK increases by 24%.
Obsidian of Obsession
Silvermane Medal
Per Page





528 responses to “Jiaoqiu”

  1. LMAO, I got him and when using his ultimate, I managed to mishear him and instead from
    “why not have a meal before you leave”
    I got
    “why not have a meal before the beef”
    Kinda sad that is not the real voiceline, would have fitted him so much, proposing to have a meal before beating enemy up sound so much like him, especially with the “beef” thing

  2. He goes really well with Gui at E2. Her ult hits for 600k vs 3, I can 2 cycle MoC12 p1 which is way faster than the current BiS E0 DoT team of Kafka, BS, RM and HH that needs 4 cycles. I’m honestly very surprised at just how good it is. It’s making me rethink about getting Kafka. I could instead just get BS and only ult with Gui after i ult with BS making her ult also count as Burn allowing Gui to proc 3 different Burns at once or 4 in the enemies broken. The ult damage is higher from Gui but she can’t do much with her skill like Kafka can.

    • Also i just got 40k in PF with a team of. JQ, TY, RM and HH lmao. Idk why i even tried it, i just wanted to see what his DoT alone could do and he won.

      • I don’t go above E2. Imo E2 makes up for my BS relic look. (Legit the best Relic i have in the game is 5/10 at max.) The Notable ones are.

        SW (No longer in use.)

        I plan on getting.
        E2 Firefly
        E2 Adve (For Acheron/Fei.)
        E1 Topaz
        E1 Lingsha (For Firefly/Fei.)
        2.0 Tingyun E1 or E2 depending on what it does. I think that’s it but i could be wrong.

          • I have no where for her which is so sad coz i love her. ;-; Ig she can still come in sometimes but where and for who i just don’t know.

          • @Reina

            This just me, but I’m surprised you’re willing to invest so much into sustains.

            They feel soo useless when you can just go full damage and easily clear. Their gains are so minute compared to what Support/DPS eidolons do.

            From my point a view, going beyond E0S0 on a sustain is useless. If they can’t keep you alive they’re a failure. If you wanna do more damage, they usually aren’t the way to go. Having them is a dif story tho lol. Sometimes you just wanna turn your brain off, and let Aventurine remove damage from the game.

          • It’s just a choice. I hate going sustainless as too many times enemies solo focus on a single team mate and kill them. In the past it was almost necessary to do it if you wanted to 0 cycle but now like 5 or 6 chars can do 0 cycles with sustains in the team and easily at that. Like sure, SW would provide more damage than Adve does for my Acheron team while giving the same amount of stacks, but it’s just the annoying fact an ally can be solo’d and i’d have to restart. So i’d rather just use some sustains.

            Lingsha at E1/S1 is a bloody beast in Firefly teams tho so that will work out. The damage she deals is as much as IMC and Gall put together while boosting Firefly’s damage by a solid 45%, then after Tingyun it will be even better. As for putting her with Fei as i said somewhere else she gets me another ult and that’s it. Her E1/S1 does help with Fei a little ig vs broken enemies due to 18% more vuln and 20% def red but yea it’s not rly for that but for the Firefly team that i will finish probs in 2.7. After that i am ready for 3.0 waiting for 0 reruns which is the reason i am whaling so much now. Waiting for reruns is what got me into this position of having to whale so hard to get everythingi want coz hoyo just keeps making too many amazing chars for this game. So after 3.0 i will go back to baby whale.

            Pretty sure i put this somewhere before but my 3 dream teams at the end of 2.X will be.
            Acheron, JQ, Sparkle, Adve.
            Feixiao, Topaz, Robin, Adve/Lingsha depending on the other team i am using.
            Firefly, Tingyun, RM, Lingsha.

            Other than these chars in use i probably won’t even use anyone else other than for some random fun sometimes on probably easier content or just to see if they can even clear MoC like mono quantum in 3.2 or something. (Though tbh Mono quantum could come back with a new quantum DPS.)

          • talking about what if for a character not release yet. Makes me recall Robin used to have healing going by one leak. Ah yes Sparkle use to have crit rate as part of her kit.

          • Robin never had healing. Sparkle still has crit rate on her LC. Talk about a minor change anyway.

            Leaked characters have never strayed from the path that was leaked if said leaks were real. Never in any massive way. Sparkle was always a buffer that used SP, JQ was always going to be Acherons BiS. Yes small things can change, but not once has it ever been leaked. “This char is for so and so teams.” and they not be for said teams once released. Tingyun is a super break based Nahility and that’s not going to change unless the leaks were outright fake.

          • @Reina

            Jiaoqiu used to have healing in his beta. Tbh he would have been an insane nihlity if he had that utility. Would have unironically made 0 cycles and sustainless mainstream. Would have solidified his spot as a future proof debuffer, as opposed to a Pela alternative.

            Who am I even kidding, even with break making no hit runs possible, and 5 k HP teammates, people still wanna run sustains lol.

          • That crit rate for Sparkle, got changed to the attack % bonus she now gives. Which happen during the beta test for her. I don’t think they were talking about the lightcone. When it came to changes. Seem like they were talking about base kit. Not light cone. For that crit rate bonus used to be 5% from Sparkle herself, no matter what lightcone you were using. Until it got changed.

            Well given this is the internet. It does pay to take things with a gain of salt. For early leak hinted at Robin e2 being her e1. That and there was the time people when ah yes. Fu xuan is getting a rerun. Only for it to be Topaz getting a rerun. So even if the changes are minor. It still possible for them to happen. For as Waifu pointed out. Fox man used to have healing, until it was removed.

            Which also when it came to Robin. A early leak did state, she had self healing. That her Sequential Passage ability, would restore a part of Robin health when she drops below 50%. When the release version of her. That bonus ability, simply gives her more energy when using skill.

          • You know. Given many here are well aware of characters that are going to be release well into the future. Due to leaks. Well do you find that take away from your enjoyment of current characters? Since now all the hype and chat is about some unreleased character. Over enjoying what is currently in the game.

          • It was not in his beta. It was leaked before but removed from his kit. But he wasn’t a main healer, he was just an extra little help. Still not a big enough change.

          • Well sometimes minor changes can add up. That or change a kit slightly enough. It might make someone question. If they still want to roll for this character. Due to favoring the old kit over the new. That or it might feel slightly off to someone. Sure while not true to everyone. It could be a big deal for someone who already has a solid cast of characters that can consistency clear the end game content. For they might be a bit more picky, as to who they are interested in picking up. For they already have something they need and are now just trying to find something that appeals greatly to them, rather than just merely feels ok.

          • Didn’t realty have to say any of that since it’s pretty obvious. But i’m simply talking about what TY has been leaked for and there is 0 chance she is going to be only a slight upgrade to HMC. The MC seems strong when a new one comes out. I remember the hype about Fire MC like it was yesterday about how they are so good atm. Look at them now lol. Right at the bottom. No doubt once TY comes out HMC will fall down too. Maybe not right at the bottom coz well unlike Fire MC they will still work really well if you don’t have TY. But i suspect a good upgrade on a premium unit esp one as hyped as nine tailed fox Tingyun. Look at Aventurine compared to Fire MC lol.

  3. how good is he replacing my Acheron,SW,Pela,Aventurine team especially in PF/MOC anything because i can’t clear the last stage on both of those usually. call me skill issue but i take it because i am bad.
    or is it because i dont have other team usually i use Seele,Jingyuan, or whatever 4 star breaker with HMC+RM. do i need this guy or do i need another DPS/support? like Robin,Feixiao,Boothill?

    • he will perform better for sure than SW in PF in your acheron team. However, outside of Acheron and DOT-Teams his value is lower compared to a universal support like Robin. Since you said you have Seele and Jingyuan already there should be no need to get another DPS

    • I just tried PF with acheron, bs, jq, sustain (I use gallagher) and it is soo good. Maybe because the buff favor this team which is buff for the burst. I barely even use acheron here even tho her stack was already 9+3 lol. I did tried using pela and sw for a comparison (not until the stage cleared), but this team not just draining the sp but also harder to build acheron’s stack. I get impatient with sw+pela team so I forget to watch the damage with this team, but with bs+jq acheron easily reach 1 million in pf with buff (my acheron currently only e0s0)

  4. Ratio, Nihility, Robin, Aventurine.

    Between Jiaoqiu and Welt, who would be better? I wish there was a comparison video so I could tell between them.

  5. Dumb question, but is he a DoT unit?

    I have Kafka & Blackswan but no Ruan Mei and im looking for a 5* version of Guinaifen so I’m trying to see if I need to save for him or not 🙂

    • His DoT multiplier is lower than Gui’s, but his vulnerability buff is a lot better and he’s infinitely better for anything like pure fiction due to the way his ult works. Overall a lot better than Gui for a Kafka/BS team.

    • Hey im also wondering this in the case of having an e6 Gui. I love dot team and I just wanted to know if E2 JiaoQiu is better than Gui because gui can detonate with black swan.

    • He works as a sidegrade to Ruan Mei so you can essentially run him as a replacement for her. Some people would say he’s only “slightly” better than Guinaifen just like how people used to say “Black Swan is only 10% better than Sampo” back in 2.0 beta. Now ofc Jiaoqiu and Black Swan are way better than their 4-star counterparts in actual practice so I’d definitely say he’s better than Guinaifen. You can also search up showcases on YT to see his actual performance against most units.

      • Unless you have any Eidolons ofc. With Eidolons he far surpasses her so much so that E2 vs E2 he improves the teams overall DPS by 50% over a RM ran DoT team.

        But yea E0 vs E0 he’s simular to RM and far surpasses Gui overall.

        Ofc you can also run Gui over Kafka if you want when the new Kafka comes out, since Gui procs all Burn DoT and BS under ult and Jiaoqiu count as burn DoT.

  6. My comments about Jiaoqiu are making me sound real bipolar but I’m here to be positive this time.

    I’m convinced he actually doesn’t work well with ONLY Acheron. I’m here to spread the Jiaoqiu and Feixiao agenda. If you don’t have Robin, supports for her are limited because most of them don’t hit enemies enough. And that’s where Jiaoqiu comes in to help his general. He attacks with his skill AND ult unlike most supports. Plus he increases her ult damage and debuffs enemies.

  7. Is a 4 star energy rope with good sub stats still as viable or do you need a 5 star energy rope ?

    • Honestly I don’t think so because you’d be missing out on a lot of potentially game changing stats, the difference would be like 7% ERR, and like 15% with base stats like HP and ATK, 19% on DEF and the list goes on, it’s not the BIGGEST deal for like casual gameplay and just having fun, but when it comes to the harder content in the game it definitely is a game changer. So essentially the question is up to you based on how you play the game

    • the value of a a 5 star energy rope is elaborately calculated. often it just takes up that much ERR for a character to ult


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