Jade Feather

Jade Feather
Jade FeatherConceptsJade Feather
Source[11095065569835018372, 1838709858479537033, 9390104582478367366]
DescriptionUsed to exchange for rewards at the Jokes Come True shop.
StoryIn 2104 AE, Fomenko — a Candelagraphos scribe — obtained a mute parrot. She took great care of it, but it still only lived less than a decade. To commemorate her mute friend, Fomenko made quills out of the ten outermost feathers of the parrot's wings. One of these was for herself, while the other nine were stored in a vault.
She used her quills to annotate for an entire Amber Era, preserving vast swathes of ancient documents on the verge of being lost. At her funeral, her peers and students burst into tears because "a lamp that illuminated our cosmic past had been snuffed out."
It wasn't until people went over Fomenko's legacy that they finally realized that the scribe had been writing nothing but lies with her quills.

"Since the beginning of human history, the birds have been observing all the glory, folly, and glorious and foolish things humans have accomplished. The birds know. The birds take part. The birds remain silent."

5 responses to “Jade Feather”

  1. They announced us getting new Lightcones in the Forgotten Hall Shop, didn’t they.
    My guess would be that they put the new LCs in their own shop in the Forgotten Hall and this item would be the currency and will be dropped mostly in the new MoC-Alternative gamemode and certain events.

    That way Mihoyo ensures players can’t pre-farm the currency and buy the wave of lightcones all at once.


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