
FactionStellaron Hunters
PathClass Destruction
Combat TypesClass Wind
EnglishDaman Mills
Character Materials
Immortal Scionette15
Immortal Aeroblossom15
Ascendant Debris65
Immortal Lumintwig15
Trace Materials
Shattered Blade18
Immortal Scionette41
Lifeless Blade69
Immortal Aeroblossom56
Worldbreaker Blade139
Immortal Lumintwig58
Regret of Infinite Ochema12
Tracks of Destiny8
StoryA member of the Stellaron Hunters, and a swordsman who abandoned his body to become a blade.
Pledges loyalty to "Destiny's Slave," and possesses a terrifying self-healing ability.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Scionette10
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Ascendant Debris3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Ascendant Debris7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Ascendant Debris20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Ascendant Debris35
LevelCharacter Materials
Immortal Scionette5
Immortal Aeroblossom6
Ascendant Debris3
Immortal Aeroblossom9
Ascendant Debris7
Immortal Lumintwig6
Ascendant Debris20
Immortal Lumintwig9
Ascendant Debris35


Shard SwordShard Sword - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals of Blade's ATK as Wind DMG to a target enemy.

Deals minor Wind DMG to an enemy.
Level 10
HellscapeHellscape - Skill | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
Consumes HP equal to of Blade's Max HP to enter the Hellscape state.
When Hellscape is active, his Skill cannot be used, his DMG dealt increases by , and his Basic ATK Shard Sword is enhanced to Forest of Swords for turn(s).
If Blade's current HP is insufficient, his HP will be reduced to 1 when he uses his Skill.
This Skill does not regenerate Energy. Using this Skill does not end the current turn.

Consumes HP to Enhance Basic ATK, and this turn does not end after this Skill is used.
Level 15
Death SentenceDeath Sentence - Ultimate | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60 / Blast : 60
Sets Blade's current HP to 50% of his Max HP and deals Wind DMG to a single enemy equal to the sum of of his ATK, of his Max HP, and of the tally of Blade's HP loss in the current battle. At the same time, deals Wind DMG to adjacent targets equal to the sum of of his ATK, of his Max HP, and of the tally of his HP loss in the current battle.
The tally of Blade's HP loss in the current battle is capped at of his Max HP. This value will be reset and re-accumulated after his Ultimate has been used.

Sets current HP to 50% of Max HP, and deals massive Wind DMG to a single enemy and Wind DMG to adjacent targets.
Level 15
Shuhu's GiftShuhu's Gift - Talent | AoE
Energy Regeneration : 10
Weakness Break : AoE : 30
When Blade sustains DMG or consumes his HP, he gains 1 stack of Charge, stacking up to 5 times. A max of 1 Charge stack can be gained every time he is attacked.
When Charge stack reaches maximum, immediately launches a Follow-up ATK on all enemies, dealing Wind DMG equal to of Blade's ATK plus of his Max HP. At the same time, restores Blade's HP by of his Max HP. After the Follow-up ATK, all Charges are consumed.

When Blade's HP decreases, gains 1 stack of Charge. Upon reaching maximum Charge, launches Follow-up ATK, dealing Wind DMG to all enemies, restoring HP, and consuming all Charges.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Karma WindKarma Wind - Technique
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering combat, consumes of Blade's Max HP while dealing Wind DMG equal to of his Max HP to all enemies.
If Blade's current HP is insufficient, his HP will be reduced to 1 when this Technique is used.

Attacks the enemy. After entering combat, consumes own HP and deals Wind DMG to all enemies.
Level 1
Forest of SwordsForest of Swords - Basic ATK | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 30
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Consumes HP equal to of Blade's Max HP and deals Wind DMG equal to the sum of of his ATK and of his Max HP to a single enemy. In addition, deals Wind DMG equal to the sum of of Blade's ATK and of his Max HP to adjacent targets.
If Blade's current HP is insufficient, his HP will be reduced to 1 when using Forest of Swords.
Forest of Swords cannot regenerate Skill Points.

Consumes HP and deals Wind DMG to an enemy, as well as minor Wind DMG to adjacent targets.
Level 10


Vita InfinitaVita Infinita
Requires Character Ascension 2
When Blade's current HP percentage is at 50% of Max HP or lower, Incoming Healing increases by 20%.
Shattered Blade3
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 2
CRIT Rate increases by 2.7%
Shattered Blade3
Immortal Scionette6
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Max HP increases by 4%
Lifeless Blade3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Effect RES increases by 4%
Lifeless Blade3
Immortal Aeroblossom3
Neverending DeathsNeverending Deaths
Requires Character Ascension 4
If Blade hits a Weakness Broken enemy after using "Forest of Swords," he will restore HP equal to 5% of his Max HP plus 100.
Lifeless Blade5
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Max HP increases by 6%
Lifeless Blade5
Immortal Aeroblossom4
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Ascension 5
CRIT Rate increases by 4%
Worldbreaker Blade3
Immortal Lumintwig3
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Max HP increases by 6%
Worldbreaker Blade3
Immortal Lumintwig3
Cyclone of DestructionCyclone of Destruction
Requires Character Ascension 6
Increases DMG dealt by the Talent's Follow-up ATK by 20%.
Worldbreaker Blade8
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 6
Effect RES increases by 6%
Worldbreaker Blade8
Immortal Lumintwig8
CRIT Rate BoostCRIT Rate Boost (CRIT Rate)
Requires Character Lv. 75
CRIT Rate increases by 5.3%
Worldbreaker Blade8
Immortal Lumintwig8
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Max HP increases by 8%
Worldbreaker Blade8
Immortal Lumintwig8
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Max HP increases by 4%
Immortal Scionette2


Blade Cuts the Deepest in HellBlade Cuts the Deepest in HellBlade Cuts the Deepest in Hell
Blade's Ultimate deals additionally increased DMG to a single enemy target, with the increased amount equal to 150% of the tally of Blade's HP loss in the current battle.
The tally of Blade's HP loss in the current battle is capped at 90% of his Max HP. The tally value will be reset and re-accumulated after his Ultimate has been used.
Ten Thousand Sorrows From One Broken DreamTen Thousand Sorrows From One Broken DreamTen Thousand Sorrows From One Broken Dream
When Blade is in the Hellscape state, his CRIT Rate increases by 15%.
Hardened Blade Bleeds Coldest ShadeHardened Blade Bleeds Coldest ShadeHardened Blade Bleeds Coldest Shade
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Rejected by Death, Infected With LifeRejected by Death, Infected With LifeRejected by Death, Infected With Life
When Blade's current HP percentage drops to 50% or lower of his Max HP, increases his Max HP by 20%. Stacks up to 2 time(s).
Death By Ten Lords' GazeDeath By Ten Lords' GazeDeath By Ten Lords' Gaze
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Reborn Into an Empty HuskReborn Into an Empty HuskReborn Into an Empty Husk
The maximum number of Charge stacks is reduced to 4. The Follow-up ATK triggered by Talent deals additionally increased DMG equal to 50% of Blade's Max HP.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
Collapsing Sky
Collapsing Sky3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer's Basic ATK and Skill deal 20% more DMG.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
Shattered Home
Shattered Home3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer deals 20% more DMG to enemy targets whose HP percentage is greater than 50%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Mutual Demise
Mutual Demise3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72If the wearer's current HP percentage is lower than 80%, CRIT Rate increases by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
The Moles Welcome You
The Moles Welcome You4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4When the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack enemies, the wearer gains one stack of Mischievous. Each stack increases the wearer's ATK by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
A Secret Vow
A Secret Vow4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20%. The wearer also deals an extra 20% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Under the Blue Sky
Under the Blue Sky4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Woof! Walk Time!
Woof! Walk Time!4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 10%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Burn or Bleed by 16%. This also applies to DoT.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Nowhere to Run
Nowhere to Run4
destruction-class529.2264.6952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. Whenever the wearer defeats an enemy, they restore HP equal to 12% of their ATK.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Something Irreplaceable
Something Irreplaceable5
destruction-class582.12396.91164.24Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. When the wearer defeats an enemy or is hit, immediately restores HP equal to 8% of the wearer's ATK. At the same time, the wearer's DMG is increased by 24% until the end of their next turn. This effect cannot stack and can only trigger 1 time per turn.
Worldbreaker Blade
Ancient Engine
The Unreachable Side
The Unreachable Side5
destruction-class582.12330.751270.08Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18% and increases their Max HP by 18%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Per Page


First Meeting
About Self: Name
About Self: Mara-struck
About Self: Demons
Chat: Stellaron Hunters
Chat: Immortality
Chat: Sacrifice
Blade's Hobbies
Blade's Annoyances
Something to Share
About Kafka
About Silver Wolf
About Jing Yuan
About Dan Heng
About Jingliu
About Sam
Eidolon Activation
Character Ascension
Max Level Reached
Trace Activation
Added to Team With Kafka
Added to Team With Silver Wolf
Added to Team With Jingliu
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
Added to Team With Dan Heng
Added to Team With Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Turn Begins 1
Turn Begins 2
Turn Idling
Enhanced Basic Attack
Skill 1
Skill 2
Hit by Light Attack
Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Ultimate: Unleash
Return to Battle
Health Recovery
Battle Won
Treasure Opening 1
Treasure Opening 2
Precious Treasure Opening
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Enemy Target Found
Returning to Town


n/aA swordsman who abandoned his body to become a blade. Birth name unknown.
He pledges loyalty to "Destiny's Slave," and possesses a terrifying self-healing ability.
Blade wields an ancient sword riddled with cracks, just like his body and his mind.
n/aThe only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.
— He must have died.

"Do you remember?"
He opened his mouth, lost, his voice as coarse as a savage beast's.
The sound from his throat stopped abruptly as the cold, hard object penetrated his torso.
Again and again, this repeated for thousands of times.

How marvelous. When his muscle fibers tore open, he could hear the tiny sounds of tendons bridging and reconnecting.
How marvelous. The monster in his body was being nourished, but he would let it grow into a massive beast.
How marvelous. He had already lost all will to live, but his body regenerated without any consideration for his preferences.
How marvelous.

Before the sword pierced his body once more, he grabbed it with his bare hands and slowly stood up.
"Do you remember now?"
He met the woman's blood-red eyes, his mind still empty.
— He was run through by the sword once again.
"Remember the feeling of death, and bring it to them."

Crimson resurfaced in his vision. He stared at the sword that killed him. The blade was broken in half and lying on the ground.
"Rise, and let me kill you once more."
n/aThe only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.
— He must have died.

The black-haired young man shivered violently all over, but still clutched onto the spear in his hands.
He had no dragon horns, and his reaction was slightly less mature than he remembered...
But he would never forget this spear, these eyes, and how cruelty burst out from beneath the mirror-like emerald calmness.
His wounds began to heal. His irises flickered and fixed their gaze at the boy once more.
Without hesitation, the boy made another flourish with the spear...

"That's it."
The one who showed no mercy to enemies - was you.
The one who single-handedly buried the beloved - was you.
The one who almost led the place called home to its destruction - was also you.

He fell down again.
The teen pressed his hand against his own wounds and retreated, until he was no longer in the man's sight.
"Before I witness your death in person, we will meet again, ███."
n/aThe only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.
— He must have died.

The monster swallowed him again, but this time, his enemy is not another person.
The imposing armor stayed quiet. He was grappled and imprisoned within those pair of arms. The speaker was the woman with sunglasses.

"Listen, I can always kill you again, otherwise I can't bring you back."
Her voice was very gentle, and even the monster inside his body stayed silent to listen to her.
"But I don't want to."
The woman leaned down and whispered in his ear. It was a deal he couldn't refuse.
"What do you people want?"
"Is there anything more satisfying than seeing how the undying die? That's what 'he' said."

The giant armor loosened its arms. "Destiny" was ahead, and he will be leaving with them.
"Listen, Bladie, loosen up."
"Listen, don't think about anything at all."
He nodded. The woman walked to his side, smiling. Yet he thought her smile looked very sad.
"Maybe someone left her before they could listen to everything she had to say," he thought.
n/aHe could no longer see anything.

He remembered that, decades ago, he came to the Xianzhou with a merchant vessel and was impressed by the superb craftsmanship of this place.
The young man was obsessed to the point of forgetting to eat or drink, and spent his inspiration like he was running out of time. He forged hundreds of marvels, four of which were the most famous.

The sword named Shard Sword was flawless in its make, its inky body glimmered with a sheen of sanguine. Only the strongest swordmaster on the Xianzhou could demonstrate the true meaning of this blade.
The foxian girl once loosened three arrows simultaneously with her recurve bow in a dire situation, while still continuing to navigate the starskiff and laughing with the others.
The black-haired man with dragon horns used his water manipulation abilities to rejuvenate his allies, and in the next moment he bound the water upon his spear and used it to run his enemies through.
There was also the boy who kept bickering with him. Yet the moment the youth saw the Devastator Glaive, he grabbed it and never wished to part with it.

Now, ██ had died. His first — and only — death.
However, he was still here, his youth-like brain churning and thinking - thinking for all eternity.
He thought about his hands that were no longer dexterous. The hands that could no longer forge another weapon.
— But none of this mattered to him.
From this moment on, that body will be the one and only "Blade."

92 responses to “Blade”

  1. Still alive in current moc against kafka. Blade e0s1, fu xuan e0s0, robin e0s1, march 7 hunt cruising – 2 cycles

  2. It’s kinda sad how hard Blade has been powercreeped. Firefly has higher sustain, faster ults, far better damage and much more healing. Blade also has no dedicated supports, meaning unless you use RM your damage will be underwhelming.

  3. Is blade’s skill duration based on the number of actions he takes or the number of cycles that pass?
    So will his skill end faster when paired with Bronya or will it not change?

  4. its not a rumor when there are literally backlogs on reddit with changes to his dmg and eidolons. don’t forget the purpose of the beta is not only bug finding but also to fine tune a character, before they are finalized and shipped to live server, since nerfing them after the fact is highly frowned upon and may cause legal issues.

    • no he didnt, idk who started this rumor but Blade hasnt been changed, since his first beta appearance the only thing they changed is a buff, the fact that now the ult also deals damage based on the hp you’ve lost


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