
FactionThe Xianzhou Luofu
PathClass Destruction
Combat TypesClass Quantum
EnglishJenny Yokobori
Character Materials
Extinguished Core12
Glimmering Core13
Nail of the Ape50
Squirming Core12
Trace Materials
Shattered Blade12
Extinguished Core28
Lifeless Blade54
Glimmering Core42
Worldbreaker Blade105
Squirming Core42
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster12
Tracks of Destiny5
StoryJudge of the Ten-Lords Commission, which presides over the jurisdiction of life and death on the Luofu.
For years after her death, she inhabited a puppet body and returned to the world to fulfill her mission.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
Extinguished Core4
Extinguished Core8
Glimmering Core5
Nail of the Ape2
Glimmering Core8
Nail of the Ape5
Squirming Core5
Nail of the Ape15
Squirming Core7
Nail of the Ape28
LevelCharacter Materials
Extinguished Core4
Glimmering Core5
Nail of the Ape2
Glimmering Core8
Nail of the Ape5
Squirming Core5
Nail of the Ape15
Squirming Core7
Nail of the Ape28


Mara-Sunder AwlMara-Sunder Awl - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals of Xueyi's ATK as Quantum DMG to a single target enemy.

Deals minor Quantum DMG to a single enemy.
Level 10
Iniquity ObliterationIniquity Obliteration - Skill | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 30
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60 / Blast : 30
Deals Quantum DMG equal to of Xueyi's ATK to a single enemy, and Quantum DMG equal to of Xueyi's ATK to any adjacent enemies.

Deals Quantum DMG to a single enemy and minor Quantum DMG to enemies adjacent to it.
Level 15
Divine CastigationDivine Castigation - Ultimate | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : Single Target : 120
Deals Quantum DMG equal to of Xueyi's ATK to a single target enemy. This attack ignores Weakness Types and reduces the enemy's Toughness. When the enemy's Weakness is Broken, the Quantum Weakness Break effect is triggered.
In this attack, the more Toughness is reduced, the higher the DMG will be dealt, up to a max of increase.

Deals massive Quantum DMG to a single enemy. This attack ignores Weakness Types and reduces the target's Toughness. The more Toughness is reduced, the higher the DMG will be dealt.
Level 15
Karmic PerpetuationKarmic Perpetuation - Talent | Bounce
Energy Regeneration : 2
Weakness Break : Single Target : 15
When Xueyi reduces enemy Toughness with attacks, Karma will be stacked. The more Toughness is reduced, the more stacks of Karma are added, up to stacks.
When Xueyi's teammates reduce enemy Toughness with attacks, Xueyi gains stack(s) of Karma.
When Karma reaches the max number of stacks, consumes all current Karma stacks and immediately launches Follow-up ATK against an enemy target, dealing DMG for 3 times, with each time dealing Quantum DMG equal to of Xueyi's ATK to a single random enemy. This Follow-up ATK will not add Karma stacks.

When Xueyi or her teammates reduce enemy Toughness with attacks, she gains stacks of Karma. When Karma reaches the max number of stacks, immediately launches Follow-up ATK, dealing minor Quantum DMG to a single enemy target, bouncing for 3 times and consuming all Karma.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Summary ExecutionSummary Execution - Technique
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering combat, deals of Xueyi's ATK as Quantum DMG to all enemies.

Attacks the enemy. After entering battle, deals minor Quantum DMG to all enemies.
Level 1


Clairvoyant LoomClairvoyant Loom
Requires Character Ascension 2
Increases DMG dealt by this unit by an amount equal to 100% of Break Effect, up to a maximum DMG increase of 240%.
Shattered Blade2
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster1
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Ascension 2
Max HP increases by 4%
Shattered Blade2
Extinguished Core4
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Lifeless Blade2
Glimmering Core2
DMG Boost: QuantumDMG Boost: Quantum (Quantum DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Quantum DMG increases by 3.2%
Lifeless Blade2
Glimmering Core2
Intrepid RollerbearingsIntrepid Rollerbearings
Requires Character Ascension 4
If the enemy target's Toughness is equal to or higher than 50% of their Max Toughness, deals 10% more DMG when using Ultimate.
Lifeless Blade4
Tracks of Destiny1
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster1
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Break Effect increases by 8%
Lifeless Blade4
Glimmering Core3
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Max HP increases by 6%
Worldbreaker Blade2
Squirming Core2
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Break Effect increases by 8%
Worldbreaker Blade2
Squirming Core2
Perspicacious MainframePerspicacious Mainframe
Requires Character Ascension 6
Xueyi will keep a tally of the number of Karma stacks that exceed the max stack limit, up to 6 stacks in the tally. After Xueyi's Talent is triggered, she will gain a corresponding number of tallied Karma stacks.
Worldbreaker Blade6
Tracks of Destiny1
Past Evils of the Borehole Planet Disaster1
DMG Boost: QuantumDMG Boost: Quantum (Quantum DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 6
Quantum DMG increases by 4.8%
Worldbreaker Blade6
Squirming Core6
HP BoostHP Boost (HP)
Requires Character Lv. 75
Max HP increases by 8%
Worldbreaker Blade6
Squirming Core6
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Break Effect increases by 10.7%
Worldbreaker Blade6
Squirming Core6
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Extinguished Core2


Dvesha, InhibitedDvesha, InhibitedDvesha, Inhibited
Increases the DMG dealt by the Talent's Follow-up ATK by 40%.
Klesha, BreachedKlesha, BreachedKlesha, Breached
Talent's Follow-up ATK Reduces enemy Toughness regardless of Weakness types. At the same time, restores Xueyi's HP by an amount equal to 5% of her Max HP. When breaking Weakness, triggers the Quantum Break Effect.
Duḥkha, CeasedDuḥkha, CeasedDuḥkha, Ceased
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Karma, SeveredKarma, SeveredKarma, Severed
When using Ultimate, increases Break Effect by 40% for 2 turn(s).
Deva, EnthralledDeva, EnthralledDeva, Enthralled
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Saṃsāra, MasteredSaṃsāra, MasteredSaṃsāra, Mastered
The max stack limit for Karma decreases to 6.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
Collapsing Sky
Collapsing Sky3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer's Basic ATK and Skill deal 20% more DMG.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
Shattered Home
Shattered Home3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer deals 20% more DMG to enemy targets whose HP percentage is greater than 50%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Mutual Demise
Mutual Demise3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72If the wearer's current HP percentage is lower than 80%, CRIT Rate increases by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
The Moles Welcome You
The Moles Welcome You4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4When the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack enemies, the wearer gains one stack of Mischievous. Each stack increases the wearer's ATK by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
A Secret Vow
A Secret Vow4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20%. The wearer also deals an extra 20% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Under the Blue Sky
Under the Blue Sky4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Woof! Walk Time!
Woof! Walk Time!4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 10%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Burn or Bleed by 16%. This also applies to DoT.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Nowhere to Run
Nowhere to Run4
destruction-class529.2264.6952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. Whenever the wearer defeats an enemy, they restore HP equal to 12% of their ATK.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Something Irreplaceable
Something Irreplaceable5
destruction-class582.12396.91164.24Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. When the wearer defeats an enemy or is hit, immediately restores HP equal to 8% of the wearer's ATK. At the same time, the wearer's DMG is increased by 24% until the end of their next turn. This effect cannot stack and can only trigger 1 time per turn.
Worldbreaker Blade
Ancient Engine
The Unreachable Side
The Unreachable Side5
destruction-class582.12330.751270.08Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18% and increases their Max HP by 18%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Per Page


First Meeting
About Self: Name
About Self: Puppet
About Self: Sister
Chat: Work
Chat: Past
Something to Share
About Hanya
About Huohuo
About Dan Heng
About Jing Yuan
About Luocha
About Jingliu
About Tail
Eidolon Activation
Character Ascension
Max Level Reached
Trace Activation
Added to Team With Hanya
Added to Team With Dan Heng
Added to Team With Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
Added to Team With Huohuo
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Turn Begins 1
Turn Begins 2
Turn Idling
Basic ATK
Hit by Light Attack
Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Ultimate: Unleash
Return to Battle
Health Recovery
Battle Won
Treasure Opening 1
Treasure Opening 2
Precious Treasure Opening
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Enemy Target Found
Returning to Town


n/aOne of the judges of the Ten-Lords Commission on the Luofu. She is in charge of "detention" among the four judges of detention, interrogation, incarceration, and punishment.
With iron chain and Mara-Sunder Awl in hand in tireless pursuit of recidivists, she will forthwith ensnare and subdue them all.
The mortal coil of her past being has been reduced to ashes. She is reanimated via a puppet body. For each villain she captures, she gets in return half a day in the world of the living.
n/a"Ten Lords perceptual, Karma perpetual."

Dressed as white as the driven snow, the Judge strolled out from the dim street, obscuring his final escape.

The man drew closer, but the shrill tremble in his voice betrayed his fear: "How... is catching them not enough?"

It may have started with a "How," but not as a question, rather as a rhetorical one. The semantic analysis goes back and forth in the mind, and there's no other intel other than "the target clearly knew who the accomplice was."

She decided to execute the mission assigned to her straight away.

The eyeballs, forehead, chin, heart, the Core Esse, and the lower abdomen... With a glance, she marked off all the parts that might make for a single effective strike. Despite foxians being known for their quick reactions, her opponent had left himself wide open and one round... two rounds, max, should be enough to take care of things.

But this blow missed.

The Judge looked at him with an air of curiosity. The man's body seemed to move like scurrying mice, with muscles undulating, and his eyes sparkled with the gleam of a well-executed plan.

He panted violently as though suffering from a critical illness, and during a burst of uncontrollable pain his body shot out large swathes of fine hairs as his limbs and body swelled and tore open by some invisible force. Under the glow of moonlight within the delve, a monstrous wolfman stood up. In the view of the Judge, the sanguine silhouette enveloping its body had burned up into a wildfire.

"You... are seeking death." She has an urge to sigh out of habit, but her body no longer has that function. "The partaking of the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus' concoction will only hasten your demise."

The man's gaze barely wavers at all. "The second I was discovered by you, I only ever had a few more days to live."

The foxian grabs the medicine pouch, and pours out more pills into his mouth as though it were candy. "You are a tool that sheds no blood and cry no tears. You could never understand — I have my reason for leaving here!"

A huge fist suddenly expanded, filling up the entire field of vision, and the Judge barely had any time to react. Shaking her arms, the chain she clutched whipped into a circle as she tried to lasso the fist.

The fist punched into her chest with astonishing force, splitting cracks into the ground like cobwebs and creating a crater beneath where the white-robed Judge was standing.

There was no pain, only the gentle ringing of damaged ingenium parts. The white-robed Judge was left befuddled.
n/a"Madam Xueyi, this body of yours is beyond salvation. I... I have to move you into a new puppet now. This process may leave you a little confused. Please bear with me."

Similar conversations had been exchanged between her and Huohuo the spiritfarer over and over again. She responded the same as always, "Thank you. This time, please pick something sturdy."

She saw Huohuo's foxy ear twitch — was it out of frustration? She knew not. Her eyes could see, but they had no capacity for recognizing emotion... And maybe this was through no fault of her eyes.

"I've packed all the best, hardest, and most flexible parts into Madam Xueyi's body, but your rates of injury and damage are still the highest in the division... The craftsmen of the Interrogation Division have started to grumble."

"Once you put me together, I will..."

"... Just give each of them a 'light' tap on the head, okay?" A familiar voice came beside her as she lay at sixes and sevens."They are still flesh and blood, and cannot stand your jokes."

Long hair drooped down to cover her face, and a disturbance signal emitted from her artificial skin. The woman's face looking down had each independent feature combined into a new one that was both extremely familiar yet also kind to her.

"Sister, having an ingenium body will always lull you into a false sense of invulnerability. However, I have to use the remaining days of reanimation to offset premature damage to this body of yours. I hope you can remember during your next mission that you've still got a sister out there who cares about you."

"I remember."

"Otherwise, you'll have to get Huohuo to write this line into your mind... Ah, just kidding, Huohuo. No need for that. I trust my sister can remember it."

"So Madam Xueyi, let's begin."

She felt herself being sliced open, copied, split into a thousand pieces, and uploaded into millions of circuits housed at the Ten-Lords Commission. When...
In a flash, she shuffled through countless documents inscribed in the Hall of Karma and then, after a fleeting glimpse at all the souls of the Xianzhou, the memory vanished.
Moments later, she entered the body of a nearby aurumaton spectral envoy, feeling both the strength of the metal body alongside the unshakable will of the jade abacus.
She has one thousand pairs of eyes, watching over the people of Starskiff Haven with the wings and sight line of a cycrane...
She has one thousand ears, scanning the changing waves and pitches among the infinite possible frequencies...
Her one thousand hands write handwritten judgments on the spiritfarer's body, and her one thousand feet give chase over unfamiliar avenues...
She knows that she's only inside the jade abacus circuitry of the Ten-Lords Commission, but she feels as though she were everywhere and gradually fading away...

"Sister... sister!"

A familiar voice rang out again beyond the waveform of the voiceprint, and she was trapped fast inside a memory. The white-robed judge was left befuddled.
n/a"Sister... sister!"

She was shocked to discover herself beneath an azure sky, surrounded by lush undulating waves of wheat growing.

She smiled as she braided together the twigs and flowers she'd picked up earlier, placing this wreath on the tiny head of the little girl in her lap. The girl turned back to look at her, smiling even more brightly than the flowers.

She held onto this face tightly, vowing to eternally protect this delicate, fragile face — vowing to do many, many things for her.

"Sister... sister!"

As soon as she was distracted, this face relaxed and grew broader. There was no trace of weakness in those gorgeous eyes that needed her care — only perseverance. This face once walked side-by-side with her, boarding starskiffs together and cruising out beyond the borders.

Sandstorms, frost, mud marks... Time has left behind much dirt upon this face. But these hands will always gently and meticulously wipe away everything.

Just like herself, her sister has grown and matured. She shouldn't always wipe her sister's face clean in front of everyone like an anxious mother. But how could she ever just let go of things? She vowed to protect this face forever — vowing to do many, many things.

"Sister... sister!"

She looked up from the blood and fire of the scorched earth. On the ground lay thousands of familiar but lifeless faces, including that of her sister.

But she couldn't find her own face.

"I can save her. I can save all of you. All it takes is a wave of the branch and I can teach flesh to regrow from the mere bones or let petals rise up out of the dust to the flower once more. You know very well I can."

Underneath her, a strange tree with a thousand faces spoke to her, and to everyone. THEY waved THEIR branches, penetrating deep into the earth.

"I am Shuhu. I am eternal. From me, you shall gain true immortality."

Sobbing, she closed her eyes, incapable of providing any resistance. At this moment, she was just an insignificant fruit upon this giant tree, powerless against mighty roots.

A colossal, blazing sword plunged down from the heavens, scorching away the sweet yet putrid atmosphere. A towering figure in formidable armor crashed onto the battlefield like a meteor, bellowing at the towering tree. The strange tree blossomed once more like a perennial flower, its golden branches growing ferociously to tightly entangle the enemy.

"Each time you overcome death, I am beyond overjoyed. Like them, your flesh and blood are insignificant, but your pain is something that pleases me."

The branches laughed shrilly, letting each head speak one word on THEIR behalf, stringing together a sentence, "Teng Xiao, what do you plan on using to kill me this time? I'm curious."

"With myself." The man replies calmly. Behind him, the golden illusion plunges the colossal blade straight down into the ground from high up in the sky.

"Sister... sister!"

The cries grow more urgent. She could feel herself being once again filtered, deleted, merged, and stuffed into a narrow and limited self.

"These so-called Judges of the Netherworld and envoys of the Ten Lords truly amount to nothing."

Like everyone who jolts awake from a dream, she returns to her body but has forgotten the momentary dream. The judge dressed in white feels befuddled.
n/aThe raspy laughter of the foxian next to the judge's ears sounds like the howling of a wolf.

The man took away dozens of the most valuable pellets in the organization. Now, it appears that he is simply lacking in combat experience. Ingesting just one pellet is already enough to easily crush the judge before him.

"At the end, ingenia have their limits... They are nothing compared to the immeasurable potential of the bodies of us long-life species."

The foxian chuckles and tries to retrieve his arm, only to find several chains entangling it. The chains are interlocked and intertwined over his skin like spider silk.

The judge's eyes are glowing through the gaps in her long black hair, which cascades down her face. Her expression reminds the foxian of a predator that had smelled blood. "My ingenium organ, 'Deities of the Five Organ Senses,' has been damaged. The part responsible for my sympathy has been reduced."

"...That's ridiculous!" As the foxian curls his fingers into the shape of a claw and powerfully slams it down, a three-pronged spike pierces through his palm. He shrieks in pain.

"I originally wanted to let you undergo interrogation in the Shackling Prison with your body intact, but you have shattered my sympathy."

"Just drop your act! Have you forgotten that I'm tied to you through your chain?" The wounded beast caught in the trap starts struggling. The foxian pulls the chain and drags the white-robed judge into his arms. Every inch of his massive muscles contracts like coiled ropes in response to his anger. The unsettling sound of bones sliding out of their sockets and becoming misaligned pops loudly in the air.

"Just like how you put it, body of flesh and blood holds unfathomable potential... But it has a crucial setback. It feels pain."

The white-robed judge's voice hums as the man's agonizing screams resonate in the night sky.

She props her shattered right arm up. Her broken iron bone protrudes out like the sharp tip of a spear, stabbing into the foxian's jaw that already appears like a wolf's. The twisted fugitive scrambles in all directions but fails to break free from the judge's relentless pursuit. He rolls around on the ground in excruciating pain, finally losing consciousness and going limp like a puddle of goo.

"You say I am a tool that sheds no blood and cries no tears?" The judge, now dressed in a bloodstained robe, slowly rises from the massive body of the criminal. "It's Abominations of Abundance like you... that have shattered my sympathy."

She tries her best to push her skull, spine, and patella back to the correct positions, then fastens to her waist the severed arm that cannot be re-attached no matter what.

What will her sister and Huohuo say about this time? A habit slumbering deep in her mind makes her want to heave a sigh, but her body no longer has that function.

113 responses to “Xueyi”

    • it’s 250% atk + 60% atk when she reduces the full 120 toughness points (so 15% atk damage for each 30 points it seems, were she to reduce only 60 she’s deal 250% + 30%)

    • 60% bonus already built in 120 tougness reduction, for example if an enemy got 30 toughess left or a mob who have low toughness (who easy break by using basic atk), you only get half dmg bonus.

  1. Hopefully I can get her E6 during Ruan Mei’s banner. Probably not, but would be nice. I at least hope I can get E2. She looks good, as far as I can see. Her A2 looks especially good for an A2, but I may be overestimating her.

  2. new lightC of Misha really match with Xueyi. Break Eff + Crit.

    Believe me, so hard for has enough sub stat crit/ crd/ break eff/ spd if u wanna dps hypercarry. of course with s5 it will better than Herta LC

  3. Can someone explain to me how exactly her talent works with her A6 and her E6?
    So does she do a FUA when she reaches 8 stacks or does she reach up to 8 stacks depending on how much toughness she depletes?
    If the latter, what is her amount of max stacks until she uses her FUA and how does the amount of karma scales to the amount of toughness depleted?
    Is it also 8 or is it higher? If it is 8 she would be able to trigger her FUA herself if she does maximum depletion and with her A6 she would get some additional stacks for her next FUA if she had some stacks already, right?

    Then also her E6 decreases the amount of stacks needed to 6? does that mean if she has 5 stacks, deals an attack and would gain 8 stacks she would reach her 6 stacks , exceeds the limit and get +6 to the tally(due to A6 limitation), does her FUA and immediately has 6 stacks again so she does another FUA?

    • — She performs a FUA when she hits 8 Karma (or 6 w/ E6).

      — In terms of gaining stacks from Xueyi’s own attacks, she gains 1 Karma per 30 Toughness depleted by the attack.
      – In a scenario where you’re using her Ultimate (120 Toughness) against an enemy with only 30 Toughness, then you only gain 1 stack.
      – If the enemy is Broken, then you won’t gain any stacks no matter the attack since there’s no Toughness to deplete.
      – On the other hand, with Break Efficiency increasing effects, you’re able to gain more stacks.
      Her Skill normally does 60 main & 30 per adjacent, but with Ruan Mei that becomes 90 & 45. From leak vids with Ruan Mei in the team, I’ve seen her Skill hitting 2 targets and Xueyi got 4 stacks out of it (3 from main, 1 from adjacent). I’d assume if she hits a all 3 targets she can actually get up to 6 stacks (90+45+45 = 180 total).

      — Her A6 acts as an overflow buffer whenever you exceed her cap.
      – Well… gaining 8 stacks *from just one attack* is very unlikely outside of having both Ruan Mei and that SU Nihi blessing. But yes, if you’re at 5/6 Karma and somehow perform an attack that gains you 8 stacks, then you hit 6/6 Karma and have 6 excess stacks (1 is lost).
      – If Himeko is anything to go by, in that case Xueyi will do a FUA, then after the next allied turn will she only do the next FUA. Only Herta is able to “chain” her FUAs within one action.


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