7. März

7. März
7. MärzName7. März
PfadClass Die Jagd
KampftypenClass Imaginär
Instinkt des Diebes12
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung13
Horn aus Schnee50
Wille des Eroberers12
Instinkt des Diebes28
Schicksalhafte Todesursache54
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung42
Schlag gegen die Zeit105
Wille des Eroberers42
Ende des Zerstörers12
Spuren des Schicksals5
Handlung7. März gekleidet im Stil der Xianzhou. Eine schwertschwingende Kampfkünstlerin.
Sie lernte von Yunli und Yanqing den Umgang mit dem Schwert und ist begierig darauf, noch mehr schöne Erinnerungen an die Xianzhou zu schaffen.



Instinkt des Diebes4
Instinkt des Diebes8
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung5
Horn aus Schnee2
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung8
Horn aus Schnee5
Wille des Eroberers5
Horn aus Schnee15
Wille des Eroberers7
Horn aus Schnee28
Instinkt des Diebes4
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung5
Horn aus Schnee2
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung8
Horn aus Schnee5
Wille des Eroberers5
Horn aus Schnee15
Wille des Eroberers7
Horn aus Schnee28


Kristallschwert der GeisteraustreibungKristallschwert der Geisteraustreibung - Standardangriff | Einzelangriff
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 20
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 30
Fügt einem anvisierten Gegner imaginären SCH in Höhe von von 7. März’ ANG zu. Erhält dann Pkt. Aufladung.

Fügt einem Gegner geringen imaginären SCH zu. Erhält #2[i] Pkt. Aufladung.
Stufe 9
Meister, trink etwas Tee!Meister, trink etwas Tee! - Fertigkeit | Unterstützung
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 30
Schwächebruch : 0
Lässt einen Verbündeten außer der Figur selbst zum „Meister“ werden. Seine GES wird um erhöht. Nur das letzte Ziel der Fertigkeit gilt als Meister von 7. März.
Wenn der Meister mit bestimmten Pfaden auf dem Kampffeld ist, werden entsprechende Effekte beim Einsatz von Standardangriffen oder beim Verursachen von SCH durch verstärkte Standardangriffe mit 1 Treffer ausgelöst:
Die Gelehrsamkeit, Die Zerstörung, Die Jagd: Verursacht basierend auf dem Typ des Meisters zusätzlichen SCH in Höhe von von 7. März’ ANG.
Die Harmonie, Die Nichtigkeit, Die Bewahrung, Der Überfluss: Der WDS-Reduzierungswert des verursachten SCH wird um erhöht.

Lässt einen Verbündeten zum „Meister“ werden. Wenn er seinen Standardangriff einsetzt oder SCH durch einen verstärkten Standardangriff verursacht, wird basierend auf dem Pfad des Meisters der entsprechende Effekt ausgelöst.
Die Gelehrsamkeit, Die Zerstörung, Die Jagd: Verursacht basierend auf dem Typ des Meisters zusätzlichen SCH.
Die Harmonie, Die Nichtigkeit, Die Bewahrung, Der Überfluss: Erhöht WDS-Reduzierungswert.
Stufe 15
7. März, Heldin der Welt7. März, Heldin der Welt - Ultimate | Einzelangriff
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 5
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 90
Fügt einem anvisierten Gegner imaginären SCH in Höhe von von 7. März’ ANG zu.
Erhöht die anfängliche Trefferzahl des nächsten verstärkten Standardangriffs um . Erhöht die feste Chance für zusätzlichen SCH um .

Fügt einem Gegner imaginären SCH zu und erhöht die Trefferzahl und die Chance auf SCH des nächsten verstärkten Standardangriffs.
Stufe 15
Meister, jetzt verstehe ich!Meister, jetzt verstehe ich! - Talent | Verstärkung
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 5
Schwächebruch : 0
Nachdem der Meister einen Angriff oder seinen Ultimate eingesetzt hat, erhält 7. März jedes Mal bis zu 1 Pkt. Aufladung.
Wenn die Aufladung Pkt. oder mehr erreicht, führt 7. März sofort eine Aktion aus, wobei ihr verursachter SCH um erhöht wird. Außerdem wird ihr Standardangriff verstärkt und ihre Fertigkeit kann nicht verwendet werden. Verbraucht nach dem Einsatz ihres verstärkten Standardangriffs Pkt. Aufladung. Die Aufladung ist auf Pkt. begrenzt.

Nachdem der Meister einen Angriff oder seinen Ultimate eingesetzt hat, erhält 7. März eine Aufladung. Wenn die Aufladung #1[i] Pkt. erreicht, führt 7. März sofort eine Aktion aus, wobei ihr verursachter SCH erhöht und ihr Standardangriff verstärkt wird.
Stufe 15
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 0
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 30
Greift den Gegner an und schwächt nach Kampfeintritt den WDS des Ziels gegen den entsprechenden Typ.
Stufe 1
Drei Mahlzeiten in einem ZugDrei Mahlzeiten in einem Zug - Technik | Verstärkung
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 0
Schwächebruch : 0
Wenn 7. März im Team ist, erhält sie zu Beginn des nächsten Kampfes 1 Pkt. Aufladung für jedes Teammitglied, das eine Technik eingesetzt hat, bis zu Pkt.
Nach Einsatz der Technik stellt 7. März zu Beginn des nächsten Kampfes Pkt. Energie wieder her.

Jedes Mal, wenn ein Teammitglied seine Technik einsetzt, erhält 7. März beim nächsten Kampfeintritt Aufladung. Nach Einsatz der Technik stellt sie beim nächsten Kampfeintritt Energie wieder her.
Stufe 1
Zwischen die Augenbrauen und mitten ins HerzZwischen die Augenbrauen und mitten ins Herz - Standardangriff | Einzelangriff
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 30
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 15
Anfänglich wird -mal SCH verursacht. Jeder Treffer fügt einem anvisierten Gegner imaginären SCH in Höhe von von 7. März’ ANG zu. Immer wenn der letzte Treffer zugefügt wird, besteht eine feste Chance von , noch 1 weiteren Treffer zu verursachen, bis zu zusätzlichen Treffern. Die Energie, die der verstärkte Standardangriff wiederherstellt, wird nicht mit der Trefferzahl erhöht.
Der verstärkte Standardangriff kann keine Fertigkeitspunkte wiederherstellen.

Fügt einem Gegner imaginären SCH zu. Anfänglich wird #4[i]-mal SCH verursacht. Es besteht eine Chance, zusätzlich bis zu #3[i]-mal SCH zu verursachen.
Stufe 9


Figurenaufstieg benötigt 2
Beim Kampfbeginn wird 7. März’ Aktion um 25% vorgezogen.
Ende des Zerstörers1
KRIT-SCH-VerstärkungKRIT-SCH-Verstärkung (KRIT-SCH)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 2
Erhöht KRIT-SCH um 5.3%.
Instinkt des Diebes4
ANG-VerstärkungANG-Verstärkung (ANG)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 3
Erhöht ANG um 4%.
Schicksalhafte Todesursache2
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung2
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 4
7. März kann den WDS von Gegnern mit der Schwäche vom Typ des Meisters reduzieren. Wenn Schwächebruch erlitten wird, wird auch der Effekt von Schwächebruch des Typs Imaginär ausgelöst.
Schicksalhafte Todesursache4
Spuren des Schicksals1
Ende des Zerstörers1
ANG-VerstärkungANG-Verstärkung (ANG)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 4
Erhöht ANG um 6%.
Schicksalhafte Todesursache4
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung3
KRIT-SCH-VerstärkungKRIT-SCH-Verstärkung (KRIT-SCH)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 5
Erhöht KRIT-SCH um 8%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit2
Wille des Eroberers2
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 6
Erhöht nach dem Einsatz des verstärkten Standardangriffs den KRIT-SCH des Meisters für 2 Rd. um 60% und seinen Brucheffekt um 36%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit6
Spuren des Schicksals1
Ende des Zerstörers1
VTD-VerstärkungVTD-Verstärkung (VTD)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 6
Erhöht VTD um 7.5%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit6
Wille des Eroberers6
KRIT-SCH-VerstärkungKRIT-SCH-Verstärkung (KRIT-SCH)
Figurenstufe benötigt 75
Erhöht KRIT-SCH um 10.7%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit6
Wille des Eroberers6
ANG-VerstärkungANG-Verstärkung (ANG)
Figurenstufe benötigt 80
Erhöht ANG um 8%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit6
Wille des Eroberers6
ANG-VerstärkungANG-Verstärkung (ANG)
Erhöht ANG um 4%.
Instinkt des Diebes2
VTD-VerstärkungVTD-Verstärkung (VTD)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 3
Erhöht VTD um 5%.
Schicksalhafte Todesursache2
Ehrgeiz der Verzerrung2
ANG-VerstärkungANG-Verstärkung (ANG)
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 5
Erhöht ANG um 6%.
Schlag gegen die Zeit2
Wille des Eroberers2


Mein Schwert rührt das SternenlichtMein Schwert rührt das SternenlichtMein Schwert rührt das Sternenlicht
Wenn sich der „Meister“ auf dem Kampffeld befindet, wird 7. März’ GES um 10% erhöht.
Klingentanz im SchneeKlingentanz im SchneeKlingentanz im Schnee
Jedes Mal, wenn der „Meister“ einen Standardangriff oder eine Fertigkeit gegen einen Gegner einsetzt, startet 7. März sofort einen Folgeangriff, der dem Hauptziel dieses Angriffs imaginären SCH in Höhe von 60% von 7. März’ ANG zufügt und den entsprechenden Effekt basierend auf dem Pfad des Meisters auslöst. 7. März erhält danach 1 Pkt. Aufladung. Greift bei nicht vorhandenem Hauptziel einen zufälligen Gegner an. Dieser Effekt kann nur 1-mal pro Runde ausgelöst werden.
Kluge Köpfe und starke FähigkeitenKluge Köpfe und starke FähigkeitenKluge Köpfe und starke Fähigkeiten
Fertigkeitsstufe +2 bis max. St. 15. Standardangriff-Stufe +1 bis max. St. 10.
Auch Drachen können süß seinAuch Drachen können süß seinAuch Drachen können süß sein
Stellt zu Beginn der Runde 5 Pkt. Energie wieder her.
Mehr Kampfkunst, weniger SüßigkeitenMehr Kampfkunst, weniger SüßigkeitenMehr Kampfkunst, weniger Süßigkeiten
Ultimate-Stufe +2 bis max. St. 15. Talentstufe +2 bis max. St. 15.
Das beste Mädchen der WeltDas beste Mädchen der WeltDas beste Mädchen der Welt
Erhöht nach dem Einsatz des Ultimates den verursachten KRIT-SCH des nächsten verstärkten Standardangriffs um 50%.


the-hunt-class317.52264.6846.72Erhöht zu Beginn des Kampfes die KRIT-Rate des Trägers für 3 Rd. um 12%.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Wille des Eroberers
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88Erhöht den ANG des Trägers für 3 Rd. um 24%, nachdem er einen Gegner besiegt hat.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Orden der Silbermähnen-Wache
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88Erhöht die GES des Trägers für 2 Rd. um 10%, nachdem er einen Gegner besiegt hat.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Uraltes Triebwerk
Nur die Stille bleibt
Nur die Stille bleibt4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Erhöht den ANG des Trägers um 16%. Befinden sich 2 oder weniger Gegner auf dem Feld, wird die KRIT-Rate des Trägers um 12% erhöht.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Orden der Silbermähnen-Wache
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Jedes Mal, wenn der Träger dasselbe Ziel trifft, wird der verursachte SCH um 8% erhöht. Dieser Effekt ist bis zu 5-fach stapelbar. Wechselt der Träger das Angriffsziel, wird dieser Buff unmittelbar entfernt.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Zuckender Kern
Abonniere für mehr!
Abonniere für mehr!4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Erhöht den durch Standardangriffe und Fertigkeiten verursachten SCH des Trägers um 24%. Dieser Effekt wird zusätzlich um 24% erhöht, wenn die aktuelle Energie des Trägers den Höchstwert erreicht.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Mechanisches Gyro-Herz
Flüsse plätschern im Frühling
Flüsse plätschern im Frühling4
the-hunt-class476.28396.9846.72Erhöht nach Kampfeintritt die GES des Trägers um 8% und verursachten SCH um 12%. Wenn der Träger SCH erleidet, wird dieser Effekt aufgehoben und nach dem Ende der nächsten Runde wieder aktiviert.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Uraltes Triebwerk
Rückkehr in die Dunkelheit
Rückkehr in die Dunkelheit4
the-hunt-class529.2330.75846.72Erhöht die KRIT-Rate des Trägers um 12%. Nach einem kritischen Treffer besteht eine feste Chance von 16%, 1 Buff auf dem anvisierten Gegner zu entfernen. Dieser Effekt kann nur 1-mal für jeden Angriff ausgelöst werden.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Unsterblicher glorreicher Zweig
In der Nacht
In der Nacht5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Erhöht die KRIT-Rate des Trägers um 18%. Liegt die GES des Trägers im Kampf über 100, wird für jede weitere 10 Pkt. GES der durch Standardangriffe und Fertigkeiten verursachte SCH um 6% erhöht. Außerdem wird der KRIT-SCH des Ultimates um 12% erhöht. Dieser Effekt ist bis zu 6-mal stapelbar.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Wille des Eroberers
Schlafen wie die Toten
Schlafen wie die Toten5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Erhöht den KRIT-SCH des Trägers um 30%. Erzielt Standardangriff- oder Fertigkeits-SCH des Trägers keinen kritischen Treffer, wird die KRIT-Rate für 1 Rd. um 36% erhöht. Dieser Effekt kann nur 1-mal alle 3 Rd. ausgelöst werden.
Pfeil des Sternenfängers
Wille des Eroberers
Per Page





103 responses to “7. März”

  1. With the amount of crit rate break set I have, I guess I can just build HMC with crit rate and some Break effect. Lmao. March’s e6 boosts 60% crit dmg and 36% break effect, which makes HMC deal okay crit damage while dealing a lot of break dmg. Holy cow I cannot wait to try it out.🤣🤣

  2. This unit has ≥1000% attack multiplier vs. single target using her enhanced basic attack when her ultimate is active and the master is Hunt / Erudition / Destruction. Ideally you want to have at least one ultimate before each enhanced basic attack or she loses about half of her damage. The enhanced basic attack is a major portion of her damage so you should really take care. The damage calculations below, I will ignore the case when the enhanced basic attack isn’t strenghened by ultimate.

    The FUA from E2 does 15 toughness damage (75% of a standard basic attack) and regens 5 energy.

    – Musketter set 4pc and Arena set 2pc;
    – Crit rate body, speed boots, imaginary damage orb, and attack rope;
    – 5 substats on speed, 8 on crit rate, and 11 on crit damage, 24 in total.

    Light cone:
    – Sleep like the dead S1 (we only count the 30% crit damage in)

    ~ Attack: ~2400;
    – Speed: ~150 without a master, or ~160 with a master;
    – Crit rate: ~80%;
    – Crit damage: ~144%;
    – Damage amp: 156.88% for basic attack and 126.88% for ultimate and FUA.

    When not counting any supports from teammates, the estimated damage output of this unit are:
    – Basic attack: ~6k / ~7.5k (if the master is Hunt / Erudition / Destruction)
    – FUA: ~3k / ~4k
    – Enhanced basic attack (hits 8 times): ~57k / ~68k
    – Ultimate: ~13k
    Note that when the ultimate is active, March 7th has ≥94% chance to hit 8 times.

    When Robin is in the team, giving +1200 attack, +20 crit damage, and +50 damage amp for the whole team, and there are 2 units in the team who have the broken kneel set, giving an additional +20 crit damage:
    – Basic attack: ~13k / 15.4k
    – FUA: ~6.3k / ~8.6k
    – Enhanced basic attack (hits 8 times): ~115k / ~138k
    – Ultimate: ~27k
    The damage above didn’t count Robin’s personal damage.

      • Q: Atk% orb or imaginary damage orb?
        A: If speed boots, then atk% orb is ~2% better. If Robin is in the team, then imaginary damage orb is ≤0.5% better. That’s to say, not that much notable difference.

    • Q: Is it worth it to build March as a crit damage DPS?
      A: Yes, it is. In this case March ideally wants a unit like Clara and Yunli to be her master, who launches a lot of FUA and triggers March’s E2 every turn they takes. The best support for this team is Robin and the best sustainer for this team is Aventurine.

      Q: Is it worth it to build March as a super break DPS?
      A: Yes, it is. In this case March ideally wants a unit like Gallagher, Asta, or the Harmony Trailblazer to be her master, so she deals a lot of toughness damage, even surpassing Firefly. However March has no mean to guarantee the corresponding weakness on the enemy. If March chooses Firefly to be her master, then she would not receive the double toughness damage. In this case, you don’t really need to build any break effect on her, because Firefly’s damage is already high enough, however having some break effect on March won’t hurt though.

      Q: So what is her best build?
      A: In my opinion, just build her like a crit DPS, and she is just fine to be in the super break comp, replacing Gallagher. If the enemy had imaginary / ice weakness, choose the HTB / Ruan Mei for the master and March deplets the toughness meter like crazy. If the enemy had neither, simply choose Firefly for the master and March still deplets the toughness meter as fast as Gallagher, albeit zero sustaining power.

      • Thanks for the info. Yeah out of all the characters in 2.4. March is the only one that really interests me. So nice to know what they are currently good at. Given well beta and all that.

      • Im gonna build her as traditional crit dps. The first team that popped to my mind was the FuA shell with Topaz, Robin, Aven. March acts similarly to Kafka in the team which is why it was my first thought.

        Both Topaz and March will proc Robin dmg, while Topaz has a high frequency of attacks to enable March. My only worry is maybe the charge stacking is a bit too fast that the ultimate and EBA arent synced before E4.

        Other than that, very excited to see what teams pop up. March has so much potential

    • correct me if im wrong but is the way you counted her multiplier like this=

      3 Initial hit + 2 from ult +3 RNG = 880% at E3
      then each hit does an additional 20% so 160%

      Total is 1040%

    • can i build the team like this?
      – Seele / Dr. Ratio, March 7th (Hunt) (using the same path ornament set) , Bronya, Aventurine
      – March 7th, Topaz, Robin, Aventurine
      – March 7th, Silverwolf, Aventurine / Fu xuan, Welt

      since March 7th (hunt) looks like going to be the most friendly SP unit, i came to think that she’s going to be well paired with some SP hungry speedy Hunt unit…

    • its 51% chance of hitting 8 times, it doesnt make sense that there’s more chance of hitting 8 than hittin only 1 extra

  3. Is Musketeer her best 4p relic set for now?
    Also, any recommendations for March 7th XL’s 2p relic set?

    I’m planning to use a Crit build with S5 Cruising in the Stellar Sea (Herta’s Store Hunt LC) or S5 Swordplay <3

    Thanks in advance 😀

  4. It feels like they’re trying really hard to not make her cannibalize Topaz, making her charges NOT trigger a FUA, despite functioning almost identically, and gaining benefits from a team mate using basic, skill, and ult, AKA excluding FUA.

    Overall, really good kit – only gripe is her enhanced basic being advanced forward and then not granting skill points, feels like a bit of optimization I don’t want to have to think about. I don’t want to juggle speed stats to try to guarantee double turns and no sudden dips in skill points.
    Or does this “immediately take action again” not count as an advance forward, but an extra turn?

    PS, the more they allow units to bypass weakness alignments, the worse silver wolf gets…

    • ‘Immediately take action’ means 100% action advance, it’s the same wording Bronya’s skill uses.

      Her enhanced basic not granting skill points kinda sucks but it also doesn’t cost any skill points either to trigger or actually use so it seems like it’s essentially a free attack. The only potential issue I can see with it would be making any buffs on her expire a bit sooner, same as with Bronya advancing someone.

      • If I have to be technical, “immediately take action” literally puts you next in line to perform an action. It’s more like setting your AV to 0 on the timeline, rather than a 100% advancement which will only ever advance you as much as your Spd’s AV. If your current AV is 150 due to severe delays, then given a Spd AV of 80, a 100% advancement will put you at… 150 – 80 = 70 AV on the timeline.

        Also for OP’s reference, an extra turn will clearly be labeled as an extra turn (e.g. Seele’s Talent).

    • There is something SIlver Wolf has, that other characters don’t offer. resist pen. So far, none of these characters that can slap a weakness on the foe, come with build in pen resist. You still need Mei or e1 Robin, to get that benefit. Otherwise, your still suffering a dps lost. a enemy with 40% fire resist, is still going to have 40% fire resist.

      Which Silver Wolf still offers also a defense shred, along with debuffs on their attacks. Which the defense shred is useful for break effect dps. funny enough. Which is why Peta and Silver Wolf are sometimes brought up as choices for Boothill or Firefly. If one doesn’t have Mei. Which well there been break focus characters before the latest batch. Only they ran into lots of issues. Like being worthless, if a foe is not weak to their element. That or doing very little toughness if the foe is not weak to their element, it still takes awhile to break the enemy. So the same will apply to March here. Still will get a dps lost, if they are hitting a foe that has resistance to their element. Of course that might not matter in the slightest, if you are running a break effect team. Since your goal is to weakness break the foe asap. yet that would also mean, the crit damage bonus is not going to be made good use of.

      • the only ppl who ignore weakness types/implant weakness are acheron, firefly, and boothill. put of these there, boothill is the only one who it’s an issue for. acheron reduces enemy all type res during her ult, and firefly is always run with mei. and even for boothill, its not a big issue. he’s typically run against physical weak enemies anyways. and while yes, pela and silver wolf are alternate options for mei, neither are competitive with her. and as mei is a pretty recent character and is literally rerunning rn, most ppl will have her. so i highly doubt that silver wolf will continue to have much value if they keep releasing characters who ignore weakness typing

        • Can we please shut the quack up about the “AcHeRoN iGnOrEs WeAkNeSs TyPe”. This is why I can’t stand her, y’all are too desperate

          You do realize enemy weakness is still a thing, right? Yes she can deplete any toughness, yes RES PEN is a strong multiplier, but guess what, she’s still dealing 20-30 less damage to lightning weak enemies. Her damage is BALANCED AROUND the Res Pen. The same way Jingliu has poor multiplier to make up for her self buffs.

          The same applies for Firefly and Boothill. They JUST IMPLANT THE WEAKNESS. They don’t lower the enemy’s RES. Ur still dealing 20-40 LESS DAMAGE to the enemies. They added the implants lest you’d be dealing literally 0 damage. Imagine staying 2 hours in a fight because the elite ur facing is not weak to your break DPS’s element.

          • They must have some godly build dps. If they have never notice how big of a drop your damage takes, when your going against foes that are heavily resistance against your dps element. Given they were making the case for Mei. they kind of left out, that one of Mei’s upsides. She has res pen build into her base kit, along with making your whole party better at weakness breaking. Of course she will be slapped on a break effect team asap. She just build for it.

            Which I did just test out Firefly against a foe that does not have fire weakness and was not weakness broken. base form, with use of skill. under 2000 damage. Enchanted form with basic attack. slightly over 2000. Enchanted skill, aoe almost 7000 damage, with a fire weak foe that was not weakness broken. Heck your supports might end doing more damage than your dps, with such low numbers. Yeah you might legit be in a fight for 2 hours.

            If these characters didn’t have the kits they currently have. I doubt anyone would want to play them Given they would be so freaking niche. Everyone would be calling Firefly the knock off green/white power ranger.

          • when did i ever say they were optimal against non-weak enemies? my entire point was silver wolf’s all-type res is not going to stop her from losing value. acheron is the only character who uses silver wolf, and it’s not for the all-type res.

            with that being said, you are right. i overestimated how strong these characters are verses non-weak enemies.

          • oh one and to the person who tested firefly vs non fire weak non weakness broken enemies: are you dumb?
            thats like testing jingliu’s non enhanced state e dmg, then calling her weak. and abt the ruan mei bit, that was my point. firefly is ALWAYS run with mei, and she give res pen.
            and assuming my intentions for pulling was definitely a weird decision. like i’ve always kept up with what is optimal, but i’ve never let it dictate my decisions.

          • PIxo, let me explain myself more clearly.

            It was just to show, how bad their kit would be. If they could not slap weakness on a foe. For their damage comes from weakness breaking a foe. That was to show, how super low their damage is, if the foe is not weakness broken. If Firefly and Boothill didn’t have the ability to slap a weakness on a foe. They would be very niche, aka their use would be only for foes that have the same weakness as them. For without it, they would suffer from the same issues as other characters that try to be break focus before them. Thanks to that ability, they are more universal.

            Which also I never said Firefly was weak. That you making shit up. Like dude, for me to test out firefly. I would need to roll for the character. Why would I roll for a character, if I believe they suck? It was all to show, why the kit is the way it is. For when a majority of your damage comes from weakness breaking a foe. You need to deal high toughness damage and be able to slap the right element on the foe, otherwise the main focus of your kit, becomes more of a downside than a upside. Sushang and Xueyi existed before the BootHill and Firefly. Just compare these characters. It simple. The devs learn from their past error of break effect characters. That why, they give them the ability to slap a weakness onto a foe. So they can break effect the foe, to do big damage. Otherwise, once again. they would be very niche without that part in their kit.

          • Yeah Archeron seems just overrated by people. Like did everyone forget, she doesn’t work well with Tingyun. A very common powerful four star? That and can’t make use of Huohuo energy ability. Like I swear, Boothill and Firefly mains are more honest about team building, than Archeron fans are.

      • From what I could tell. Silver Wolf be bad/getting worst. For they gave break effect dps, the thing they need to do their job. For given a majority of their damage comes from breaking the enemy. I don’t see how Firefly or Boothill could logically work, with their current kits. If you remove the weakness implant from them.

    • Swordplay
      And perhaps Final Victor

      Return To Darkness is good but it’s a Battle Pass LC :]

      Also, I know Cruising In The Stellar Sea is a 5 Star and is coveted by a lot of other Hunt character, but I’d still recommend it anyway xD

  5. Why is nobody mentioning Feixiao? Leakers are speculating Feixiao to be some sort of Break and FuA damage dealer, and a lot of elements in March’s kit seems to fit that archetype. Just look at that E6, increases both Crit DMG and Break Effect. Other elements like the way she can reduce toughness of her master (just imagine if Feixiao could implement weakness like Boothill/Firefly) and how she wants fast allies that do a bonkers amount of FuAs (with Feixiao having two summons according to Ubatacha, I think she’s going to have a crazy follow-up frequency). Ubatcha also mentioned how it’s possible that Feixiao wants the breaks from either herself or allies, which aligns with March reducing toughness with the Master’s element.

    I think this gives us enough hints that Feixiao is an actual hybrid-Break DPS as a counter part to Firefly/Boothill who prefer full break playstyle, my speculation is that she’s going to have Dual Scaling with Break Effect and ATK and will want a nice crit ratio (with another ubatcha leak saying she gets innate crit rate). March could basically be the HTB to Firefly but for Feixiao instead.

    • I’d assume people aren’t mentioning Feixiao because there’s not really any concrete info about her yet. Everything I’ve seen is just speculation and vague comments and the most consistent thing I’ve seen about her is a very basic description of her appearance, rather than any solid indication of a kit or playstyle.

      March could indeed be great for Feixiao but she could also just as easily be average for her at best, there’s simply not enough info to do anything but make random and largely baseless guesses atm so why bother?

    • The problem there is… we have 0 idea what Feixiao will do
      And the problem with break hybrid DPSes is… Well… break is ridiculously strong alone

      • Yeah. The idea of a hybrid, sounds like they would suffer the issue of. Needing way to many stats. To make useful. Unless their scaling is super high.

        But yeah. given we don’t know jack about Feixiao. All one can do is throw darts at a board.

    • if feixiao is march master, she gets the extra scaling buff, not the toughness reducing buff so maybe not

  6. Will her E2 follow-up attack trigger during the Seelee skill / basic inside additional turn after killing?

    • From the wording, March’s E2 functions similarly to Kafka’s fua, in that the 1 per turn limit refers to March’s turn not the Master’s. If Seele kills with her basic/skill, then March would fua and not be able to trigger it again on Seele’s extra turn, but if Seele kills with her ult instead (which doesn’t trigger March E2) then she should fua during the extra turn.

  7. so i’ve been one of those people who ‘mained’ (as close as you can get to it in a turn-based) march 7th since the release day, i’ve wanted to run her as a dps for a long time, and i’m wondering if anyone knows which character would be most optimal to run with her to set as the “master”? or which supports could best turn her into a hypercarry? I’m going to fully max out this form of M7 just as I have with her preservation form even if she ends up being arlan/phys trailblazer tier. I just want to know what’d get the most mileage out of her, and even though I’m F2P i’m willing to save to pull for any 5*s character she would want.

    • from what i can see, you can either run her: crit break like Xueyi and have someone like HTB as her master (or whatever character has the highest speed in the comp).
      or you can run her straight up Sub-DPS full crit and have someone who has a lot of attacks like Seele be her master (pretty much any character that can get multiple
      FUAs/extra turns)

      any character that can buff multiple allies are good like Ruan Mei (Closest to being a must pull of you wanna try Crit break March 7th ), Robin and YuKong E6 (recommended ) are nice.
      or run Debuffers like Silverwolf for single target, Pela if you run Erudition for PF , Jiao Qiu (Probably good for any team) .

      As for DPS, on the Crit Break team, she is most likely the Main DPS running HTB – Ruan Mei – Gallagher or any other sustain but idk what her damage is going to be like. (too tired to do the math on that)
      All purpose Sub-DPs you can run whatever you like as i can see – Seele , Herta, Clara , etc. Even Sampo will be kinda funky even though March can’t really benefit from the Combat-type buff she gets.

      We kinda need a good showcase to see what her Damage is going to be like so it is still a little to early to tell what will be best for her.
      I personally like the Crit Break/Full break even, March 7th really fun idea – Enhanced Basic 7 hits + 100% toughess reduction from Skill + Ruan Mei 50% toughness break efficiency sounds like a funny nuke to play with. the thoughness reduced amount you get from that = ((15 * 7) * 2) * 1.5 = 315 in one attack.
      to put in perspective HTB skill at E6 and if its their 1st turn = 540 but only once, otherwise its 270 and only if it hit one enemy.

      • okey, my bad i miss read a part of her kit, scratch the Break parts of what i typed.
        her Enhanced Basic it only lasts for 1 hit so that toughness reducing part is really not that high and Her E6 doesn’t buff HER but her Master so the break part i was thinking about is not that amazing.
        on the contrast, XueYi looking kinda nice if you aren’t running HTB with her because she is pretty much the only DPS right now that can 100% benefit from March 7th’s buffs. most other DPS are either ( Kinda ) wasting the Break effect part or the Crit part of her E6 and you want to use everything you can.

        besides that, pretty much any everything else still stands.

        • awesome though, i’ve been wanting to build xueyi for a while and i just got her up to E6, now i’ll finally have a reason to 🙂 though i’ll wait a bit longer for more leaks of m7’s kit to see if anything changes or it would actually work, but thanks for teling me, though i got ruan mei on the day she was released (and the only char i have sig lc for) and it’d just be a matter of running m7 or htb with xueyi… but when the time comes i’ll figure it out.

    • As far as the optimal master goes, I think it would depend somewhat on the specific enemies. She wants a master with good speed and an element that the enemy is weak to so she can reduce toughness via A4, eg. Ice master vs Cocolia wouldn’t be great but fire/lightning/quantum would etc. If the enemy is already weak to imaginary, I think master’s element probably isn’t as important though since March would be able to reduce toughness by herself.

      Master’s path would depend on what you want March to do, since Destruction/Erudition/Hunt gives her additional damage while the other 4 paths give her better toughness reduction.

      All in all, I think her current kit makes her pretty versatile so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s multiple good team options for her rather than one that’s best for all fights.

    • i love the fact that she is so flexible to the point you could make a team with a vacant and fill it with wtv is best for each occasion and that would be her best team.

      i think there’s 2 best ways to build her; full break with a nihility abundance preservation or harmony master or crit-oriented with a hunt erudition or destruction one

      for the full break one i’d use a march, htb and ruan team set and put a healer on-element to make it the master so she can always break enemies just like firefly. depending on the healer she could have problems generating her talent if the healer needs to use a skill that doesnt attack, but a 3 turn rotation should be realistic:
      3 turns = 3 basic attack so 3 stacks, 60 energy and 10×3 break + 100% from master buff so 60 break (counting break the way mihoyo shows now, mihoyo 10 break = 30 break in this page)
      3 turns = 5×3 energy from e4 so 15 energy
      3 turns = (for example) 2 master basic attacks and 1 healer skill (no attack) so 2 e2 procs and 2 stacks right away. e2 gives 5×2 energy so 10, 1×2 stacks and 5×2 + 100% master buff break so 20 break
      she has 7 stacks already so extra turn and enhanced attack for +5 energy from e4 and +30 energy from enhanced attack, total of 120 energy to this point

      she gets first ult almost instantly so this ult is to buff the next enhanced attack, you want to use ult always to buff the enhanced attack, unless paired with a unit with crazy quantity of attacks that lets her use her enhanced almost once per turn. following that same logic if the healer chosen attacks too many times it could trigger march attack before her ult at some point so be careful (gallagher maybe, his ult and action advance would be +2 stacks so it would happen about every 4 rotations unless he uses more skill points)

      given this she doesn’t need energy recharge so break rope and spd boots, for chest and orb you could go for atk for a bit more dmg but i wouldn’t recommend crit over defensive stats, as she is on the low side for her hp and def

      now for her juicy attack, how many break does it do? let’s assume she has an ultimate for every enhanced, that makes it a base of 5 hits, and up to 3 more hits with an 80% base chance each one, that makes it a 50% chance of getting all 3 hits, which would be kinda common. each hit does 5 break + 100% from the buff so 10 break, so it would be a 50-80 break attack, for comparison boothill basic with 3 stacks does 50 break and firefly skill does 45 to the center
      with ruan break efficiency buff: 62.5-100 break for march, while boothill and firefly both do 60, xueyi ult also does 60 here

      she also has 20 break + 50% = 25 from 1 basic and 10 + 50% = 12.5 from e2 follow up, 37.5 two turns and only 25 the other (following the rotation from before)
      ult does 30 + 50% = 45 more break

      with ruan all adds up to 207.5-245 break in 3 turns(being the max number 51% of the cases), boothill with ruan does 60×3+45 = 225 break in 3 turns (considering ult every 3 turns)
      ofc boothill has extra dmg and other things but we can see she is competent enough

      now for the crit-oriented one. you can just build crit spd and atk and she will work while buffing the master spd and sometimes their crit dmg at e6.

      but one build i found really interesting is:

      with a master that has about 1 follow up or ult every 2 turns, and a damaging basic or skill every turn in 2 turns she gets:
      2 basic attacks so 2 stacks and 40 energy
      3 stacks from master (2 basic or skill+1 follow or ult)
      2 stacks from e2 and 10 energy
      10 energy from e4
      enhanced charged so +5 from e4 and +30 energy
      +5 energy from last ult

      total of 100 energy so an energy recharge rope for 110+

      now i dont know how worth is going for an energy rope instead of atk, it means getting the enhanced attack every 2 turns instead of 3 with the ult buff so i dont think its negligible either.
      given her huge dmg% buff on the enhanced and given that the extra scaling from master buff will be off-element usually, you want an atk% orb

      you can also use atk% boots with some spd subs, she has good base spd and self spd buff so 107+10%+6% (from musketeer set) is already 124 spd, so just 4-5 subs of spd is enough for 132

      chest crit, probably rate as e1 is a huge 36% crit dmg on enhanced attacks with ult buff

      she has an astonishing scaling of 132% per hit (110% imaginary dmg at lvl 7 basic atk + 22% master element dmg from skill at lvl 12), so 5-8 hits is a 660-1056% of her atk, 110-176% of that will be off-element usually, so don’t understimate it

      normal turn does 132% with basic (exactly the same as 1 hit from enhanced) and 82% from e2 follow up so 214% every turn, ult for 259% every 2 turns

      now the really interesting part of this build is the full uptime on her e6 buff, so she is acting as a buffer (+60 crit dmg + 10% spd full skillpoint positive + 36% break -which might not seem a lot of break but if ur dps is at 0% then its some extra dmg for free) besides a damage dealer and a decent one at both roles at the same time

    • Xueyi and Boothill can be the Master because they have Crit and Break usage in their kit and would help them using M7XL to be the sub-DPS.

      As for the Main DPS M7XL, you can run her exactly how they run Firefly, Boothill and Xueyi like the team comps but different rotations.

  8. What team comp/build would work best for her?
    BE set with BE/Speed rolls and with FF/Galaghar/HTB?
    Musketeer with Crit as a somewhat “fit-every-team” sub dps?

    • I know she may not work with Firefly but she has a great chance of being a teamate of Firefly anyway.


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