
PathClass Destruction
Combat TypesClass Fire
Tatters of Thought15
Fragments of Impression15
Raging Heart65
Shards of Desires15
Trace Materials
Borisin Teeth18
Tatters of Thought41
Lupitoxin Sawteeth69
Fragments of Impression56
Moon Rage Fang139
Shards of Desires58
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish12
Tracks of Destiny8
StoryA member of the Stellaron Hunters, clad in a set of mechanized armor known as "SAM." Her character is marked by unwavering loyalty and steely resolve.
Engineered as a weapon against the Swarm, she experiences accelerated growth, but a tragically shortened lifespan.
She joined the Stellaron Hunters in a quest for a chance at "life," seeking to defy her fated demise.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


Tatters of Thought5
Tatters of Thought10
Fragments of Impression6
Raging Heart3
Fragments of Impression9
Raging Heart7
Shards of Desires6
Raging Heart20
Shards of Desires9
Raging Heart35
Tatters of Thought5
Fragments of Impression6
Raging Heart3
Fragments of Impression9
Raging Heart7
Shards of Desires6
Raging Heart20
Shards of Desires9
Raging Heart35


Order: Flare PropulsionOrder: Flare Propulsion - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Fire DMG equal to of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.

Deals minor Fire DMG to a single enemy.
Level 9
Order: Aerial BombardmentOrder: Aerial Bombardment - Skill | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Consumes HP equal to of this unit's Max HP and regenerates a fixed amount of Energy equal to of this unit's Max Energy. Deals Fire DMG equal to of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy. If the current HP is not sufficient, reduces SAM's HP to 1 when using this Skill. Advances this unit's next Action by .

Consumes a portion of this unit's own HP to regenerate Energy. Deals Fire DMG to a single enemy. Advances this unit's next Action.
Level 15
Fyrefly Type-IV: Complete CombustionFyrefly Type-IV: Complete Combustion - Ultimate | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : 0
Enters the Complete Combustion state, advances this unit's Action by 100%, and gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. While in Complete Combustion, increases SPD by , and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break efficiency by and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by , lasting until this current attack ends.
A countdown timer for the Complete Combustion state appears on the Action Order. When the countdown timer's turn starts, SAM exits the Complete Combustion state. The countdown timer has a fixed SPD of .
SAM cannot use Ultimate while in Complete Combustion.

Enters the Complete Combustion state. Advances this unit's Action by 100%. Gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. Increases this unit's SPD, Weakness Break efficiency, and the Break DMG received by the enemy targets, lasting until the countdown ends.
Level 15
Chrysalid PyronexusChrysalid Pyronexus - Talent | Defense
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
The lower the HP, the less DMG received. When HP is or lower, the DMG Reduction reaches its maximum effect, reducing up to . During the Complete Combustion, the DMG Reduction remains at its maximum effect, and the Effect RES increases by .
If Energy is lower than when the battle starts, regenerates Energy to . Once Energy is regenerated to its maximum, dispels all debuffs on this unit.

The lower the HP, the less DMG received. During the Complete Combustion state, the DMG Reduction effect remains at its maximum extent and Effect RES is increased. If Energy is lower than #2[i]% when the battle starts, regenerates Energy to #2[i]%. Once Energy is regenerated to its maximum, dispels all debuffs on this unit.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.
Level 1
Δ Order: Meteoric IncinerationΔ Order: Meteoric Incineration - Technique
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Leaps into the air and moves about freely for seconds, which can be ended early by launching a plunging attack. When the duration ends, plunges and immediately attacks all enemies within a set area. At the start of each wave, applies a Fire Weakness to all enemies, lasting for turn(s). Then, deals Fire DMG equal to of SAM's ATK to all enemies.

Leaps into the air and moves about freely. After a few seconds of movement, plunges and attacks all enemies within range. At the start of each wave, applies a Fire Weakness to all enemies and deals Fire DMG to them.
Level 1
Fyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic DecimationFyrefly Type-IV: Pyrogenic Decimation - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 45
Restores HP by an amount equal to of this unit's Max HP. Deals Fire DMG equal to of SAM's ATK to a single target enemy.

Restores a portion of this unit's own HP and deals Fire DMG to a single enemy.
Level 9
Fyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar OverloadFyrefly Type-IV: Deathstar Overload - Skill | Blast
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 90 / Blast : 45
Restores HP by an amount equal to of this unit's Max HP. Applies Fire Weakness to a single target enemy, lasting for turn(s). Deals Fire DMG equal to ( × Break Effect + ) of SAM's ATK to this target. At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to ( × Break Effect + ) of SAM's ATK to adjacent targets. The Break Effect taken into the calculation is capped at .

Restores a portion of this unit's own HP. Applies Fire Weakness to a single enemy target. Deals massive Fire DMG to this target and Fire DMG to adjacent targets.
Level 15


Module α: Antilag OutburstModule α: Antilag Outburst
Requires Character Ascension 2
During the Complete Combustion, attacking enemies that have no Fire Weakness can also reduce their Toughness, with the effect being equivalent to 55% of the original Toughness Reduction from abilities.
Borisin Teeth3
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish1
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 2
Effect RES increases by 4%
Borisin Teeth3
Tatters of Thought6
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Lupitoxin Sawteeth3
Fragments of Impression3
SPD BoostSPD Boost (SPD)
Requires Character Ascension 3
SPD increases by 2
Lupitoxin Sawteeth3
Fragments of Impression3
Module β: Autoreactive ArmorModule β: Autoreactive Armor
Requires Character Ascension 4
When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG.
Lupitoxin Sawteeth5
Tracks of Destiny1
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish1
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Break Effect increases by 8%
Lupitoxin Sawteeth5
Fragments of Impression4
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Effect RES increases by 6%
Moon Rage Fang3
Shards of Desires3
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Break Effect increases by 8%
Moon Rage Fang3
Shards of Desires3
Module γ: Core OverloadModule γ: Core Overload
Requires Character Ascension 6
For every 10 point(s) of SAM's ATK that exceeds 1800, increases this unit's Break Effect by 0.8%.
Moon Rage Fang8
Tracks of Destiny1
Lost Echo of the Shared Wish1
SPD BoostSPD Boost (SPD)
Requires Character Ascension 6
SPD increases by 3
Moon Rage Fang8
Shards of Desires8
Effect RES BoostEffect RES Boost (Effect RES)
Requires Character Lv. 75
Effect RES increases by 8%
Moon Rage Fang8
Shards of Desires8
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Break Effect increases by 10.7%
Moon Rage Fang8
Shards of Desires8
Break BoostBreak Boost (Break Effect)
Break Effect increases by 5.3%
Tatters of Thought2


In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once RestIn Reddened Chrysalis, I Once RestIn Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest
When using the Enhanced Skill, ignores 15% of the target's DEF. The Enhanced Skill does not consume Skill Points.
From Shattered Sky, I Free FallFrom Shattered Sky, I Free FallFrom Shattered Sky, I Free Fall
While in Complete Combustion, using the Enhanced Basic ATK or the Enhanced Skill to defeat an enemy target or to break their Weakness allows SAM to immediately gain 1 extra turn. This effect can trigger again after 1 turn(s).
Amidst Silenced Stars, I Deep SleepAmidst Silenced Stars, I Deep SleepAmidst Silenced Stars, I Deep Sleep
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Upon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon GazeUpon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon GazeUpon Lighted Fyrefly, I Soon Gaze
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Effect RES by 50%.
From Undreamt Night, I Thence ShineFrom Undreamt Night, I Thence ShineFrom Undreamt Night, I Thence Shine
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
In Finalized Morrow, I Full BloomIn Finalized Morrow, I Full BloomIn Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom
While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Fire RES PEN by 20%. When using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases the Weakness Break efficiency by 50%.

Light Cones

Collapsing Sky
Collapsing Sky3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer's Basic ATK and Skill deal 20% more DMG.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
Shattered Home
Shattered Home3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72The wearer deals 20% more DMG to enemy targets whose HP percentage is greater than 50%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Mutual Demise
Mutual Demise3
destruction-class370.44198.45846.72If the wearer's current HP percentage is lower than 80%, CRIT Rate increases by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
The Moles Welcome You
The Moles Welcome You4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4When the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack enemies, the wearer gains one stack of Mischievous. Each stack increases the wearer's ATK by 12%.
Worldbreaker Blade
Conqueror's Will
A Secret Vow
A Secret Vow4
destruction-class476.28264.61058.4Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20%. The wearer also deals an extra 20% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Under the Blue Sky
Under the Blue Sky4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Woof! Walk Time!
Woof! Walk Time!4
destruction-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 10%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Burn or Bleed by 16%. This also applies to DoT.
Worldbreaker Blade
Squirming Core
Nowhere to Run
Nowhere to Run4
destruction-class529.2264.6952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. Whenever the wearer defeats an enemy, they restore HP equal to 12% of their ATK.
Worldbreaker Blade
Silvermane Medal
Something Irreplaceable
Something Irreplaceable5
destruction-class582.12396.91164.24Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. When the wearer defeats an enemy or is hit, immediately restores HP equal to 8% of the wearer's ATK. At the same time, the wearer's DMG is increased by 24% until the end of their next turn. This effect cannot stack and can only trigger 1 time per turn.
Worldbreaker Blade
Ancient Engine
The Unreachable Side
The Unreachable Side5
destruction-class582.12330.751270.08Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18% and increases their Max HP by 18%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.
Worldbreaker Blade
Immortal Lumintwig
Per Page





1,630 responses to “Firefly”

    • Iirc, people have determined it to be about 20% damage-wise better than Aeon.

      There’s also the 20% speed reduction, which is very hard to put a value on. It helps you get more super break damage on the enemy before they recover. This doesn’t result in more damage, per se, but rather helps you to spend more time hitting weakness-broken enemies rather than their toughness bar, which does result in more super break damage. This gets more value in long fights where you have to break the enemy multiple times, and less in short fights where you wipe the enemies in 2 enhanced skills after breaking them once.

    • Just take my calcs with a grain of salt and treat it as a rough estimate since I didn’t fine tune buff durations (e.g. Watchmaker set, RM Ult) and was only doing total Dmg comparisons for 2 Skills + 4 Enhanced Skills.

      ~17.37% avg (HTB only) or ~17.34% avg (HTB+RM). Do note my sub allocations for both FF and HTB are 15x Break subs and none towards Atk%.

  1. I want the version pages back
    Anyway what’s the bet on Feixiao’s color scheme, I don’t see her being green even if she’s Wind because we already have a green wind foxian and Jing Yuan (the other general) uniquely uses yellow lightning

    • The Firefly page is the new version page. Or so it seems.

      Well given we already have a green ranger and a yellow ranger. Blue, pink, black or green/white would be my guests.

    • What if the reason the version page is gone. Is due to this all being a secret marketing trick, to remind you of firefly and make sure you remember she exists. Tempting you with the idea of rolling for her.

    • The issue with wind is that it has very few color depictions in media, since it’s an “invisible” element. Most go with green since it’s been established, but we could also get a light shade of a different color, maybe a pale blue or cyan? She could also get a gray or colorless for her attacks if they aren’t necessarily “wind-aligned” and then her ultimate or something else is the only thing with color.

      I don’t see many other colors working, mainly due to their association with the other elements.

      • Despite being Wind type characters, Sampo uses purple, Blade uses Red, Bronya I don’t remember having a real color just bullets. Dan Heng uses a mix of black white and green, Black swan’s design is primarily purple, which I think only leaves Huohuo who is purely green

        • True, I forgot about Sampo’s color since I haven’t used him in a while and I don’t use the others. Wind in that case seems to be a “whatever color” element (Huohuo is green more due to the color of the heliobus rather than due to her being wind).

          Unlike lightning which is pretty consistently purple/yellow except for Serval having some blue in her purple iirc. Tingyun’s buffs are more gold I think though, but that kinda falls into yellow.

  2. Will she benefit from Clara’s LC? I have it at S2, and that 9% of ATK heal when hit looks really nice, in addition to that DMG increase.

    • Firefly’s main source of damage is break/super break, and that doesn’t care about dmg% from Clara’s LC.

      You can still use it, but you’d really only get value from the atk% buff and the heal, and there are better LCs for her damage than it.

    • It will give her some attack % which she can turn into break effect. While On the Fall of an Aeon at e5. Will offer 64% attack with max stacks. Along with offering a similar effect to boost user damage, only when they weakness break a foe and last slightly longer. While Clara lightcone would offer a smaller amount of attack. 28%. Yet would offer the benefit of making her hard to kill.

      Which Clara lightcone, it doubtful how much the heal part of the lightcone will come into play. Simply due to if you are using Firefly best team. With Mei. Mei with the debuff from her ultimate will delay all weakness broken enemies by a single turn. Which might save you a fair bit from getting hit. Even before the ultimate, Mei skill will make it easier to break the enemy toughness. Throw in Gall as well, who is fire. Depending on if he e1 or not. You might get back his ultimate back rather quickly, to help with the weakness breaking, in more ways than one. Which Gall will allow let you get passive healing by simply attacking the foes he debuffs.

      So yeah. If you are running Firefly, Mei, harmony Mc, Gallagher. You might break the enemy so fast and possibly even delay their turns. You might not benefit much from the healing of Clara lightcone. So, On the Fall of an Aeon might be the better choice. Due to that higher attack% boost. Of course all of this is just in theory. better ask someone else just to be sure.

  3. RM skill level doesn’t really matter for FF because it’s just DMG% right

    • Weakness Break DMG = Base DMG x (1 + Break Effect%) x DEF Multiplier x RES Multiplier x 0.9 x Max Toughness Multiplier.

      No, it doesn’t, but her RES PEN works tho.

    • But in the end. It will haunt you the moment you use her on any other team. Making you go. Why didn’t I level this up. I need her for this other team. With the skill just laughing at you. taunting you. With it low level. While your other dps ask why didn’t you level her skill up, I need the damage boost. Why why we could of clear this, if only you had level up her skill.

      • She gets about half of her dmg bonus from one of her major traces so it’s not as huge
        In break teams her dmg bonus is worthless though, and that’s what the question was about

  4. Hurtful take:
    Title: character bubble

    I feel like (and u guys too) FF is getting my girl’s 2.x level of treatment.
    If so, what’ll happen to FF when 3.0 comes? Well, the case study about my girl is there: FF may be hated by David after 2.x era ends, bcz u know… they’re both DPSs. This’s why I call FF a “character bubble.” Don’t wanna explain it. The term is inspired from “real estate bubble”… u get my point?
    I mean it sounds pessimistic, but… the history may repeat. Additionally, after genshin 3.6, I literally got my belief on “favorite daughter” blatantly trembled. And after 4.2, my hope was destroyed 😭. I can’t trust Cai Haoyu’s stance on my girl anymore, a man who’s a notorious “gacha devil” (someone said). And gacha… yes! Even the favorite daughter can suffer the wrath of gacha. Now, I accept this truth… by leaving Genshin completely after getting my girl c6r5.
    This’s why I won’t pull for FF and I won’t have any attachment on her. She could be a bubble. Furthermore, her best team outperforms other options by a large margin like my girl. Don’t be copium like using Asta or sth like that. It’s like telling that I could use Diona-Sucrose-Mona in place of Shenhe-Kazuha-Kokomi. Be realistic.
    This’s also why I pull for Robin instead. FF simply doesn’t give the brother vibe like Robin. Robin dresses like my girl than FF does. About the “care about main char” vibe? This’s my most disliked mischaracterization. It’s BLATANT. Robin is a buffer, which’s more sustainable than a DPS. My girl likes Robin and dislikes FF. Finally, but the most importantly… I’m seeking for new hope. I’m mitigating from the pure hatred on my girl in Genshin. Based on my reasons, Robin is a more suitable choice than FF, bcz I don’t wanna be a FF main and get trampled by David.

    My apologies to every FF mains 😢. These r all of my most honest take. You may argue that “just enjoy the game.” Stupid!!! Don’t invalidate my emotion. Don’t provide cliché advice. And again, don’t be copium, and be realistic and look at the painful picture of truth.

    • Simple solution. I just enjoy the moments. You said when 3.0 comes ? Well let the thing that wasn’t come stay in the future for now, when the time actually come my time with Firefly would already fulfil.

      By the way, who tf is David ? And how comes they has anything to do with Firefly ? It’s fire DPS that’s gonna power creep her or what ?

        • Wait so we are not talking about John Smith from Pocahontas. damn it. there goes my chance to explain the lore of movie from 1995. 😛

        • Ok now I know who does he meant. David is David Jiang producer of Star rail. Ayaka main probably thought David gonna get tired of her and make her irrelevant, whichi is stupid idea anyways.

        • Lots of new characters have gameplay related to hp lowering and rising up. Which happens to benefits characters like Hu Tao. Who lower their own hp when using their skill. That or people using Furina. Which I forget if it was the current abyss or the one before this. Which had the boss which change the type of shields they use. Which Ayaka is very good at shield breaking. For stuff like electro. Which given that boss has a small amount of down time, Ayaka burst is rather ideal for helping to deal with them. For recall dealing with that boss, using e0 Ayaka, along with Kokomi, along with Bennett and Xiangling.

          not a freeze team but one design for breaking shields. With Ayaka on the second half of chamber 2, being rather good as well on floor 12. For these electro shields. Dealing lots of damage and shield breaking. Which I think that was the abyss design with Arlecchino in mind and yet. Ayaka was able to shine in it. At least in certain chambers. Abyss seems more like, ah yes. Redo it a few times, to fully clear floor 12. By using the proper teams for each chamber.

    • There’s a difference here tho, Ayaka heavily depends on freeze so as more unfreezable enemies got introduced she became less powerful and less fun to use
      With Firefly, as long as the enemy has fire weakness she will break the enemy and it will die, unless said enemy becomes totally unbreakable (which we’ve only seen happen for short periods and is a solvable problem)
      She won’t be the strongest DPS forever, idk if she even is rn but if she becomes useless so do a whole subclass of DPS units, also you want to switch teams depending on enemy weakness anyway
      As for pulling Robin, prioritising Harmony units isn’t a bad idea

      • well Firefly does put fire weakness on foes. If i’m reading the correct part of their kit. For yeah this is the longest kit page for a character ever.

        What would be a bigger downside, is the rare foe that locks their toughness. Like the deer. Boss Version of herself. Not sure if there is any others. At least none I can think of at the moment.

        • Bronya locks her toughness when she’s supporting an ally and I think Gepard does when he’s shielded, but toughness locks are usually short or can be removed easily
          Firefly can deal 720 toughness DMG within the duration of her if Ruan Mei is in the team, which is enough to break almost any enemy in the game right now without even adding in the toughness dmg from her team
          And yeah she implants fire weakness but only to the main target and they still have 20% fire res so it’s worse than true fire weakness

          • Yeah think there is at least one version of the Bronya boss that can lock their toughness. Forget if that version was only part of a combat event or if they were seen outside of it. Which if I recall, Gepard shield can do that. Of course if your on the hunt path, in say the sim universe. Double arrow spam can easily remove it. Once the shield is down, I think that does weakness break Gepard and allies. Rather sure aoe can melt down these shields faster, if your using a aoe dps.

            Yeah that very true about the fire resist. even with Mei ultimate is up and running. They are still going have to deal with the issue, of not dealing full damage. Making another dps, more ideal. When it comes to dealing full damage. Since unlike say Seele. Pair with Silver Wolf. Can make 40% resistance seem like it nothing at all. Cue simpson meme. It like i’m wearing nothing at all, nothing at all. Yeah given the current state of the game. I think someone can easily understand the upsides and downsides of a break effect dps. Like not needing the rarest stats in game to be good. That and in the case of Firefly. Well don’t think there is many fire type characters. to choose from in the dps role. So unless your a hook main or have a godly Himeko. Think it clear firefly might be the go to, if you need a fire dps. at least for right now. Until more characters get release.

      • “With Firefly, as long as the enemy has fire weakness she will break the enemy and it will die, unless said enemy becomes totally unbreakable (which we’ve only seen happen for short periods and is a solvable problem)”

        Sound exactly the same as people’s opinion on my girl in 2.x, no?
        “Character bubble” is real. Treatments between FF and my girl are so similar…

        • If they make weakness break as a mechanic totally irrelevant to the point where boothill/FF/silverwolf become useless chars the core gameplay has been abandoned to sell gacha and game isnt worth playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          • Well toughness lock already exists for a few foes, that last a limited amount of time. Of course, a dps not being suitable for every fight. Is normal. Given Himeko is great in pure fiction. Not so much memory of chaos.

            Which it just seems like, there are certain fights which will favor non break dps. More so than break dps. Which also, lightning lord and Seele are still usable. They are some of the oldest dps around and are still doing fine. I don’t think they are going to make the new break dps worthless. More so when in 2.3 we are getting a game mode that favor weakness breaking.

          • Well if it just to sell gacha. It seems like a bad business move, to make a mechanic that was in the game from the start, seem pointless. More so when promoting that playstyle with brand new characters.

            Which I think they want you to roll. To sell the gacha. By making characters worth while and more tempting by grabbing a extra copy or two. For not everyone is going to get say a e1 or e2 Firefly right away. Might save that for a rerun banner. Which would benefit them by making as many characters as possible good. To make them all equally tempting. So you want to roll for them. Rather than go na skip without even thinking about it.

          • Yeah break was something they had around since the start of the game. Even the Deer had a toughness lock. Rather sure they didn’t think many would just sell their souls to the rng gods, to get godly relics for their dps and supports. To just destroy the content through pure damage. That or pretend it doesn’t exist. Thanks to Silver Wolf.

            While Freeze is just a elemental combo. that is more useful than the geo shields, unless your using one certain character. With most elements having more than one reaction they can perform. So oh hey, this one not useful? Try a different one. Could be seen as the reasoning there. Which yeah, given it a core game mechanic. Given every enemy has a toughness bar. Yeah think it would be hard for them to kill the play style, when it so closely tied to the core of the game.

    • As long as she can break, she will be good.

      If you take away breaking for majority of the game, you kill one archetype, which is break teams, which is the team they are trying to build now. It’s like making lots of enemies immune to taking crit damage or DoTs.

      And regardless of elements, she can apply fire.

      If you take away the ability to implant weakness, you kill not only her but also SW and even Boothill, and any future weakness implanters to come.

      In short, before she dies, lots of units will die with her. They won’t do it.

      • Yeah making a whole list of characters worthless. Is simply not good for business. Since now people won’t roll for them on reruns.
        Which given they just made a brand new relic set for Firefly and her team. It seems doubtful they are going to kill off break effect dps so quickly. Given Lightning lord and Seele can still get the job done. I don’t think they are interested in killing off characters in terms of usefulness.

        Given the new game mode coming up, is weakness break/Single target focus. Which we do have foes with toughness lock. Which last a short amount of time or can be ended early in some way shape or form. It seems like at best, sometimes a break effect might not be the most ideal dps to use. That or will need to weakness break the boss asap, to keep them from toughness lock.

    • i think a more apt comparison here for firefly would be dendro reactions – since firefly is being released alongside boothill, while ayaka wasnt released alongside any other freeze units. im not saying that a comparison of break to freeze is entirely invalid, though, and there are a few differences between breaks and dendro reactions.

      the key thing here is that while freeze has never worked against bosses, weakness break has always been an integral part of what makes hsr’s combat hsr’s – in that sense, the weakness break mechanic is always going to be relevant, especially now with apocalyptic shadow being released.

      genshin can always change the enemies that exist within chambers, and the reactions that work, whereas hsr is always going to release apocalyptic shadow and all enemies are always going to have a toughness bar.

      even when 4.x patches lessen the importance of dendro reactions, they still work and can easily clear abyss quickly. the meta is always going to favour different units more than others, it’s always going to change over time. even if a break playstyle isnt advocated for, it will still work extremely well; even if freeze isnt advocated for, ayaka – esp c6 r5 ayaka – will still work extremely well.

      from my perspective, powercreep and catering to different playstyles over time is inevitable and it sucks and feels awful, yet ultimately a necessary part of every game to keep things feeling fresh.

      for firefly’s case, the break playstyle seems to be catered for throughout all of the 2.x patches, so firefly will always be a superb unit throughout all of 2.x – for like, more than half a year!! if you pull her, yes she may fall out of relevance in time, but she will still carry your account through a significant portion of the game and cannot possibly be considered a bad pull in that regard.

      just look at luocha – even now, people who pulled him all the way back in 1.1 are still using him often a year later, despite him being ‘powercrept’ by aventurine (i say ‘powercrept’ since luocha still can perform better in some situations) – or look at bronya, still staying relevant over a year later with blade and jingliu and now boothill despite sparkle existing. they may not be specifically catered for but for carrying the playerbase through the game for the past year – they absolutely were not bad pulls.

      my point is, every playstyle gets forgotten or discouraged at some point in time – but as long as those units provide significant value to your account, they are not and will never be bad pulls.

      that said its totally fine to disagree with my points, im not the definitively correct statement, im just one gal with a perspective on pull value.

      • Well Bronya offers a few things Sparkle doesn’t. Cleanse, 100% action advance. Along with her giving a damage boost, rather than a crit damage boost. Sparkle is great for teams that can benefit from crit damage. If they can’t. Bronya is most likely the better choice, unless you need lots of skill points. Bronya always ensures the character she advances, will take their turn next. Which might not be the case with Sparkle 50% action advance. So yeah Bronya, does have some upside over Sparkle. While Sparkle is more skill point friendly.

    • Just forget about Genshin Impact. Sounds you didn’t enjoy the game at all, so why do you remember it? I would rather refer to P5X instead because it bears more similarities with HSR.

      • Yeah genshin is it own thing. Which I lost count of how many times people when Hu tao is bad and she still is able to get the job done in that game for me at least.

        Sometimes weird teams, that make you think outside of the box. Work better than cookie cutter ones, when it comes to the wacky things they do in the genshin abyss.

        Which yeah going here. If we look at some of the oldest dps around in star rail. Seele and Lightning Lord. They are still able to clear the content. Heck there is videos of both characters, doing zero cycles. Both of these dps are over a year old and still getting the job done. Which given we are getting a brand new game mode, focus on weakness breaking/boss focus. Seems like Mono teams and break effect teams are going to be around for awhile. Which given this new end mode is going to be a thing forever. Break effect dps are always going have a place to call home. Given BootHill and Firefly, can force their element weakness onto the boss. With characters like Mei, helping to lower elemental resistance and make it easier to break.

        Heck, we had characters that got better over time. Himeko and her side kick Herta, when from being used to auto farm easy content to, queens of pure fiction. Making them great characters to build, to get the max score in pure fiction. Which heck, even have relic sets meant for pure fiction. Making it easy to get lots of crit damage for these two, once you rack in a few kills. You don’t even need to build them that well, to get good results from them in pure fiction.

        Seems like they are creating a variety of end game modes. So whoever you roll for. You can be happy with. Given they will always be good in one game mode or another. Unless your Arlan or Yanqing. Then everybody sorts of forgets about you. Which also given they are giving Firefly a relic set meant for her and her supports. I think she is not going to be power crept or render useless anytime soon. Which heck. by the time 3.0 happens. I don’t think she will even have her first rerun by then. Which seems like bad business. To make a character worthless. When it better to have her be good for awhile, so you can sell extra copies of her. Like her e1 and e2 down the road. Maybe her sig lightcone as well for anyone who didn’t pick it up the first time around.

      • Ah yes shin megami tensei persona series. The spin off series, that got it own spins off. Making for a lovely meme of spin offs of a spin off.

    • Duh…Ngl, every gacha games does have “powercreep” at some moment, shocking right?? By providing more unique skill and playstyle, we can create more solution, if we have solution, there’s also a problem. Which is we buying the “solution” to solve their problem, that’s what Pure Fiction and Shadow Apocalyptic does, my wise friend. We keep pulling, pulling, pulling new character to stay “relevant” with the ridiculous new meta requirement, weird mechanic enemies, how to counter them and weird buff sometimes, but that’s doesn’t mean it’ll gone like, no, the cycle keep continue. There are time we need use FuA this patch, DoT or Breaker party. If you want to know the real cheat Powercreep in video games, if there are games that powering enemies so bad their health pool so frickin massive that your unit doesn’t relate anymore and you have pull e6 or something or pull new relevant unit, that’s the thing i hate about gacha games. So far HSR didn’t this too much, and i hope they stay that way.

      • the good thing is that hsr is going easy on the powercreeping (comparing to HI3)

        since they are release new relics to match the new characters making any similar kit would get a indirect buff to them

        • Pure fiction made Himeko go from easy auto content farmer, to the queen of a game mode. Along with pure fiction relics being release. Same for Herta. Two old characters, one of them being free to play as heck. Got way better over time. Just due to having a game mode that favors their style of combat. So yeah, going by past game modes. We seen characters that were not as useful, suddenly become very useful or way more useful than they used to be.

        • Yeah if someone wants a good idea of what real power creep looks like. Go study dragon ball the breakers. Survivors when from, having lots of mobility and limited ability to fight back against the raider. Killer for these who played dead by daylight. With them having to fight tooth and nail to get that Stm off. To now being able to put out loads of damage that can melt the raider health bar. Can chain stun the raider to turn them into a punching bag, to ensure they can’t dodge these high damaging super attacks. Way better escape abilities. Along with passives that turn bad things for a survivor into a good thing. Like ah yes, get down, get send flying across the map. Giving them a second chance at life. Ah yes, lost their first health bar? Get enough power back to transform and fight against the raider.

          So yeah. They when from having limited resources, needing to be careful of choosing when and where they fight. To basically turning the raider into a punching bag. Along with being able to play a war of attrition against the raider, to slowly wear down their health bar. Given they can gain back their resources to fight against the raider so quickly, they no longer have to think carefully of when and where to fight back.

          • i need more of that racoon batter event that kind feels like vampire survivors but turn based
            seeing big number makes my monkey brain go happy

          • @Tro Tler

            Yeah I love that event as well. I hope it comes back. It has to be one of the best combat events around. Along with offering a bit of reasons to replay it, even after you got all the rewards unlocked. Be it to get more tokens for more upgrades or try to reach that ideal perfect score. Honestly, has to be one of their best events.

      • Himeko and Herta used to be seen as not very good characters to build and only for auto easy content like farming mats. Now pure fiction, they are the queens of that game mode. With relics that benefit characters in that game mode as well. I think your whole power creep speech is lacking context. Given Himeko and Herta became much better units over time. Due to a game mode favoring them. These are old characters, that suddenly became better.

        Which also, a new end game mode. You do know, going by past experience right. It will just favor different characters, possibly one you already own or make certain characters better and more favorable. It not power creep bitch. It making sure a wider range of characters are useful and have a game mode or two, you want to use them in. Giving more reasons to roll for these characters. It trying to make a variety of characters good, not just damage per screenshot characters.

        • Lack context? Did you read my whole ass weird speech properly? Powercreep doesn’t mean your old unit render to useless, but staying “relevant” to beat the new sub content by making a “solution”, that “solution” are a new playstyle and unique skill. Ppl used to complain erudition is so fkcing bad and then started compare to destruction unit. I remember this particular CC in the past said you should pull Jingliu than build your weak ass multiplier Erudition dmg and save your money from JY (even tho, his LL still suck in PF). Months later, hoyo make a saving grace for Erudition, i didn’t say which particularly unit is suck, i’m saying how this old units able making past upcoming weird ass mechanic more efficient. Ok good PF, now what does whimsicality or cacophony serve me today? So this unit rated higher will perform well without the need to rely on these and will only benefit more from receiving them, oh ok…so my Jade can deal 5x trigger more FuA everytime someone does more work than her, low effort, saving much time, i prefer that way. That’s….what it’s called unique playstyle, that’s the solution ppl want to catching up. Powercreep? Depend what’s your definition, even old unit can still clear the content with a little bit struggle along the way, BUT that doesn’t they’re not useless. At the end of day, this is a game where team building matters most, chemistry between team, so anything can happen, not even Prydwen can’t predict their tierlist rating is the only their good source.

    • You don’t need Firefly. You have Firefly at home. *Points to Pitch Dark Hook the great.*

      no need to roll for Firefly. You already have a good fire base dps. Now hold on while I run away from an angry mob. For I fail to explain this was all a joke and now they want my head. See you after you finish gathering the dragon balls and wishing me back to life.

    • But can you be a main, if the character your a main of has yet to release? Wouldn’t that make them a future main or a time traveler.?

    • Well dps tend to be a dime a dozen. So going for a support, that in the case of Robin is rather universal, more so when one gets a extra copy or two. For yeah, supports in this game. tend to be very good. That or very good in the right teams. Cue Sparkle crit damage buff. For yeah, no need to feel bad for passing up a dps. Given they are rather easy to replace. While supports tend to be a bit harder to replace.

      • Ayaka can still get the job done. Last I used her in genshin. Just yeah it freeze teams that have suffer the most. So yeah all your cyro characters might need to be used for melt or in wacky odd ways, to put them to good use.

        Of course funny enough Hu tao is still up there with the best of the best dps. A very old unit. Yeah of course when it comes to genshin. Some just call characters crap, due to newer ones not really being better but rather, simply easier to use. Which many think ah yes that means they are better. Even if they put out the same amount of damage as the older character.

    • finally reading your wall of text
      so basically you saying you dont want to pull firefly because she would powercreeped by future characters like they did to ayaka? or who ever your girl is in genshin

      is this in a sense that if you e6s1 firefly like you did your girl in genshin? i would continue assuming so
      i dont know what you are on but i see genshin and hsr as a single player game, theres literally no ranking for you to compare yourself except the guy in your head.
      especially e6s1 a character in this game would make them last for a long ass time (i can still use JY e6s1 even now just for the memes if he can still clear the end content)

      • also a follow up that i remembered
        you comparing hsr powercreep to genshin powercreeping where in genshin powercreep is almost non-existent
        why so? well metawise people still use bennett and XL. a. fucking. 1.0 characters. shocking right?

        • Heck release of characters like Xianyun. Have made certain characters come back a bit, like Diluc. Due to benefiting him greatly. Along with also benefiting hu tao alot as well or anyone who does alot of damage when they jump like mario before attacking. The dps characters that have fallen off the most, tend to be ones that never really got support design for them. It not that they are bad per say, it rather they never got the support characters they need to unlock their max damage output. So while other characters are running around with awesome amazing supports that were design for them. These characters just have to find something that sort of works and try to make good use of it.

      • Heck Seele and Lighting lord. Are still clearing the content. With them being some of the oldest dps around. Even with Seele being dunk on alot. Due to oh hey, you need to build her up. For the better the relics you give her, the better her performance will be. You can’t just slap on crappy relics like you can for say Jingliu and get amazing results. You need to suffer the pain of rng, until finally you craft that ideal build for her. If characters that are over a year old now, are still able to clear the content. It think the likes of Firefly is going to be good for awhile. Given a new end game mode that focus on weakness breaking. I will say her and Momo teams, are going to be fine for awhile.

        Since yeah alot of people in this game love to shout power creep. When it really not as bad as they make it out to be. The only characters I can think of that have fallen off badly Were not that great to begin with. Like Yanqing or Arlan. While Himeko stacks have gone up. Due to finally having a game mode, that favors aoe and lots of follow up attacks, over damage per screenshot. Heck Himeko can clear the current pure fiction, that favors dots and fake galaxy ranger chick. With a max score. Some characters have just become more useful over time.

        • Well a e6s5 Robin. Would turn her from a support, to a much better support that can also act as a main dps. So she would become a hybrid. Support dps.

    • Ain’t gonna reply all those 30+ replies lol
      And to people saying nerfing break is like invalidating the entire architecture or just making no sense, “if you really want to do something, you will find a way; if you don’t, you will find excuses.” If David wanna ruin FF he’ll… go ahead.
      Just wait then. I personally don’t want it happen anyway, and the evidence is that I’m still encouraging FF mains, but truth is truth. FF mains should be aware of that.

        • Given how many people post power creep. Like someone going. Boothill been power creep twice already.
          I think that is just the general mind set of power creep these days. To never pull.

      • Then maybe try not to be so invested in 1 character to the point of fretting over a future that may not even come to pass? 🤔 Idk, it might be better for your mental, y’know.

          • Dude wrote a literal personal birthday letter to Ayaka on her page – check it out, it’s still there. He does need a health check.

          • I been using Hu Tao to clear abyss for the longest time. Years now I think. heck, the abyss is so easy to me. I been able to clear a fair few of them, with supports having only level one talents or only 6 6 6. Even getting max stars, after having to fight with my internet. Which Hu Tao is still holding up rather well. Have her c6 currently and am very happy with it. Heck with all the abyss having bonuses to hp going down or up. She been eating good lately.

            Which I do find the abyss is more these days. You going have to run it a few times for max stars. Like swapping team one to team two. Due to the first half wanting big single target damage and second half wanting aoe. Then it flip flops around, with chamber two first half favoring aoe, second half favoring big single target damage. At least for floor 12. Any floor below 12, you won’t need to do any team swapping. For I have Ayaka as well, e0. Been making use of her on melt teams or more for shield breaking in more recent abyss. With a freeze team here and there. Of course sometimes the chamber one lacks a good buff for the abyss, so you might have to wait for a few days to get a favorable one.

            When it comes to the abyss. There has been a few annoying ones. Like the ones with the worm that hides in the ground a majority of the time. Your not really fighting it but rather wasting your time. Anything with rift hounds, simply due to them bugging out all the time and lacking consistence in how they act. Rift hound, worst mob in the game. There has been a few poorly design abyss out there. yet for the majority of them, at least for floor 12. You might just have to swap to a different team, if you want to make good use of your favorite character. Might have to change up your team, rather than relaying on the default go to one. Like adding Kazuha or a wind character. Go from freeze team to melt.

            For the characters that suffer the most in genshin. Are these that simply lack flexibility in terms of teams or never got supports specially crafted for them. For heck, once Xianyun got release. Old dps like Diluc saw a bit more of come back. For finally they could abuse their plunging attack stat. Took years to happen but it happen. For yeah, if one wants to make sure they can always use their favorite character. Might be a good idea to invest in lots of different supports. That or save up lots of jades, to roll for a good support that is tailor made for them, when/if they get release.

            For the abyss is always changing. Which your favorite character might not be favor one patch, that could easily change with them being favored the next time around. Don’t think it really the game’s director going out the way to go this character must suck now. Rather it just how things have always been. Craft an abyss with bonuses related to the newly released characters. Which often happens to benefit many characters, not just the new ones. Which yeah Firefly, is a break dps. Toughness lock already exists. Which given the new shadow game mode exist in honkai. I get the feeling she will always be useful for that game mode if nothing else. That or like the abyss, how good she is will go up and down, depending on the foes you face. Doubt she will be worthless. Given even Seele and lightning lord dude, are still getting the job done. If they are still clearing content a year later. Show how it seems doubtful, firefly will be made worthless in less than a year or by 3.0.

          • My favorite character so far in game. is Seele. For I love abusing the action economy. Which is why I also love action advance units. So when Sparkle got release. I was like yes yes yes. For I never got Bronya from any of my lost 50/50s. So getting an action advance unit was godly. That and oh hey Robin? Oh you better believe I love more action economy abuse. You got the likes of Fu xuan and Aventurine, that are able to keep up with her in terms of protection.

            Honestly, I feel she been doing just fine. Simply due to having lots of good supports that work well with her. Making it very tempting, to just grab more supports. Just to try out all sorts of different Seele teams. The worst part was just simply grinding decent relics for her. Which mine could be better. Yet that not really the game hating Seele but rather just rng being rng. I fine they are holding up well, even after a year. With them still doing work and helping me to clear memories of chaos.

        • Yeah for them. It seems like that might be the best choice for them. Given in terms of quality of life updates. Star rail has put out loads of them much faster. Like oh hey. It will remember the lightcone and relics you were using for the character, when switching between paths. Which is just very nice. Like oh hey, you didn’t hear a piece of dialogue? You can click on the thing, to reply the voice line. Like in persona games. Oh hey, want a quick recap on the story? Yep we got that in game.

          Along with Harmony Mc, being a useful path for the main character. To the point, they are a very important team member for break effect dps. It feels good, to be able to use the mc for something. That they improve the team by being on it, rather than dragging it down. Can even go back and play certain past events. While it might be from the same company. Star rail is just a totally different beast. In the way it treated and handle.

          • Which oddly enough, star rail has a higher relic cap than genshin. 2000 for star rail vs 1800 for genshin.

        • It’s how you’d tell traumatized people how to address their traumas? Even make sense?
          And I’ve told not to invalidate my emotions, how dare u, u and @qualityoflife?
          Don’t tell me to do that, and “just enjoy the game,” bcz… I’ve done them, and guess… they don’t work!

          • To be honest I don’t really care about your trauma and how is it ever possible you can be traumatized from just a game. The only suggestion I can make is to uninstall Genshin Impact and forgive yourself from a game you can’t enjoy.

          • If you’ve got trauma, you need to see a psychiatrist and get that addressed. Posting something here is not going to make it better, and it seems to be exacerbating it instead.

            And if you don’t enjoy the game then leave it behind you. Go back later if you get better, but don’t linger on something that brings you suffering and trauma instead of joy.

          • If you’ve got real trauma that’s something to talk to real people about
            If you have trauma from Ayaka then I suggest you quit gacha games

          • Yeah it might be better for you to see a professional about this. Given none of us here, are well professionals. So we might not be able to get the help you work out these issues.

          • I mean… I’m not being traumatized. I just tried to give an example of something unforgettable. If I was indeed so I wouldn’t post the post in the first place.
            And the main idea of my post is about Ayaka and FF, and my stuff is only additional info.
            I don’t play Genshin forever lol. I’ve already determined to stop when I got my girl c6r5 bcz I swore for it 🙂 (it takes a long time but if my girl reruns in late 5.x I can complete my dream), which addresses @Dazz Aephiex as they provide unsophisticated advice when I literally didn’t ask to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (reread my post). If you can’t contribute anything meaningful then just s… be silent. Pls understand that @Dazz Aephiex.

          • To be honest I don’t really care about your emotional injury and how deep it was, if it can be called a trauma or not. All I can see here is a wall of text full of chemical toxins and nuclear wastes written by someone, someone I would rather say “shut up” to them instead of spending one second of my life attempting to comprehend.

          • you would better off play some kind of mmo or whatever you call a game like elsword/grandchase where you can main a character dress them up so people wont say anything about if you full on delulu on that character because its a skill base game because on those kinds of games it very unlikely get thrown off meta or powercreeping

            still a question tho
            who the fuck is david

          • @Tro Tler

            Seems like David, is David Jiang. producer of Star rail and not a nickname for crazy dave from plants vs zombies.
            The best mmo to main in, if someone worry about a class falling off or power creep. might just be final fantasy mmo. Given a single character, can try out all the classes. They can swap from tank, to dps or healer right on the spot. Never having to worry about their character being render useless, given they can just swap out to a different class.

            For so far. We still have the likes of Seele and master stroke aka lighting lord man clearing the content. We already know foes exist in game with toughness lock. It really doesn’t seem like they are going out of their way to make characters worthless. Otherwise, Seele should be trash by now and everyone not running the newest and latest dps, she be unable to max star memories of chaos. Seem like they are trying to give all characters their own little niche they are good at. With the many end game modes we now have.

    • I think everyone already realizes how dumb your points are and how by this logic you’d never pull for any DPS because of situational variance, however to add, you are comparing a character that relies on a mechanic outside of the team to one that does not. Ayaka functioned off enemies being able to be frozen, which complete freeze resistance was a mechanic long before Ayaka came out in the Stormterror, Childe, and Azhdaha bosses, world bosses, and a few others. Ayaka’s usefulness would always be reliant on a factor outside the player’s control, that’s why you’re complaining now. Firefly has no mechanic outside of herself and her team. She will apply the weakness and break it all kit-internally with nothing any enemy variation can do about it. Weakness shielding and multiple toughness is a thing sure but that just means you won’t be zero cycling, still completely able to use her kit.

      You sound like a child, complaining that something you like broke and now you want no one else to have fun because you didn’t. That’s putting aside the fact that I’m 90% sure you’re just a pervert that thinks Robin is your “waifu” (sorry, she doesn’t love you back) and you need to defend her from all the people that skipped her for Firefly. Both are really pathetic behavior.

      • I pick up Robin. For harmony supports in this game are just lovely. Normally very universe as well. Did get her e1. So yeah she is very universal. Resist pen? Nice very nice. of course her sig lightcone, is a massive difference, given her energy needs. Which her early extra copies, are very nice. Can just stop at e1 or e2 to get the most out of her. Which plan on making up Mei and Firefly as well. Another universe support and I could use another dps. To properly cover a fair few of the elements in the game. So win win.

        Which her e1 makes it so oh hey. You can have two Mei’s. Which of course I love action advance, so Robin is just lovely for me. Which Ayaka, in genshin I find her still useful. For she is great at shield breaking and there been a number of enemies in recent abyss, that use shields weak to cyro damage. Ayaka is not worthless. Just have to use her in different ways. Which yeah given everyone has limited jades. Yeah your going to skip a character sooner or later. unless your the luckiest person on the earth. Which given how many universal Harmony characters exist at this point, if you already have a large number of them. It easy to see why you might skip them. that or are saving for characters you miss out on the first time they had a rerun.

        Which yeah. Given Mei is running along side Firefly. I doubt they want to make her totally worthless. Heck. Seele and Lighting lord dude are still putting in the work. Given these are old dps. That still are getting the job done. I don’t think Firefly will be power creep by 3.0. Which is likely to come sometime with in this year. So if Seele is still able to get the job done, even with being one of the oldest characters around. I doubt Firefly, is suddenly going to become worthless in less than a year time.

      • The op that started this thread, did talk about having trauma. When Ayaka is still a usable character in genshin. Like I don’t think they have gone out of their way to trash on Ayaka. Given they have given her a outfit, had her take part in a story event in the new water land. They been treating her rather good.

        Like disney has treated star wars far worst than anything Ayaka has gone through. In disney star wars, rocks and stone can be set on fire like wood. Where someone kills the coven of witches that rises them and they then go on, to take revenge against the jedi for reasons. When the only one who did anything bad was themselves. Had a poster with Luke face mark in a red circle. Have turn Luke from a hero, into a pathetic worthless being. Remove all the character Han got from the original three movies, just so they can have him be killed off. Without us really understanding the relationship between him and his son. Had the chance to get the original cast back together, for one last adventure and never had them in even so much as a single moment together as a group.

        They had animated shorts, that were meant to be copy and paste moments from the original films and somehow they mess that up. By wanting to make Leia look super awesome. ONly to make her look like a crazy axe murder and create plot holes, that didn’t exist in the original films. By making Luke look like a goofy idiot, that wraps the hook he uses to swing to the other side around himself. They logically should of been captured by the stormtroopers if that happen. Not to forget mocking fans for enjoying the rare moment they give of Luke acting like a hero in one of their tvs. Every jedi before Rei is pointless and worthless. They were not good enough.

        That just a small amount of how badly they handle everything related to that ip. Oh yeah and to promote their new show. they make statements like Anakin blew up the death star. Hahah it not a pure good thing to blow up the death star, for it had living folk on it. Yep, destroying a weapon that just blew up a planet full of innocent people and keep it from being used for that again. is not a good action. If anyone wants to see what true disrespect and hate for a ip and its characters look like. Just look at disney star wars.

    • Y’know, there are people who tried to create non-Freeze Ayaka teams, which in turn allowed her to deal with all sorts of enemies. There’s even melt Ayaka; it requires C2 (which I see that you already have, or are on the way of obtaining) and large-sized enemy, using the two small swirls on the sides to reset the elemental application counter, allowing her to melt almost all ticks of her Ult (given there are enough Pyro, which is usually achieved by Bennett+Kazuha+Xiangling).

      I’m not telling you to go with any specific team, but… why not try something? You will be suprised to see just how many wacky teams can take you through the Abyss.

      • There is even a Hu Tao team with Ayaka being part of it. With Burst from Ayaka than go to town with Hu tao. To try and go for speed run clears.

        Which heck. Given they have a e6 Ayaka. If their name is true. They will have defense shred when they use their ultimate. Which should allow them to make use of many wacky teams to get the job done. So even if it not a freeze team, Ayaka should help greatly in ensuring big damage.

      • Remember she a must pull. your favorite content character said so. So gamble gamble gamble. Spend spend spend! Give into your addiction.

  5. Cant wait for Boothill banner to end. Those 20 or so people who want him already get him, be done already! It’s just dead air!

    • Well. You forgot something. The longer it takes to get to Firefly, the more jades you can save up. Even if it only a small amount of jades. It still better than the banner being here asap

    • So how many are going to use firefly against Blaze Out of Space, the moment they get her? Just for the lolz. To see if more Fire is really the answer to all your problems.

    • Remember never roll for anything. All your choices are bad and will be power crept. This message brought to you by your daily power crept, doom and gloom reminder.

    • Remember folks. When you get Firefly. The first thing you need to do, is take her up against a foe that can cast Fire or uses fire dots. To make sure she works properly and is indeed Firefly and not just, I glow but i’m not really on fire fly.

    • So if Firefly is the green/white power ranger. Who is the red, black, yellow, blue and pink power rangers?

    • So do we see Firefly, as a mecha suit, power ranger or just a cute girl. That is going to be in for a surprise soon.

    • I am still waiting for a parody ad to be made of Firefly here. Related to the old power ranger ads of being to hot to handle.

    • A shame she already power creep ten times before release. By Hook, Himeko and others. Who are not comparable to her at all but somehow power creep her anyway.

    • Well at least she doesn’t have to relay on a robot to do all the work and then steal the credit for it. Clare we all know your worst than a killer stealer. Your a credit stealer. A kill stealer has to at least put in some effort.

  6. Well, March 7th’s new form is drip marketed in a different manner than before. She is an Imaginary Hunt unit wearing sino outfit and she wields dual sword that bear a botanical look.

    It is rumored that March 7th’s new form is going to be a super break DPS. If that is true then she is supposed to has imaginary weakness implant. We will know soon at June 18th when the 2.4 beta server is supposed to go online, just one day before Firefly’s banner.

  7. so planning to pull firefly. but didnt expect ruan mei rerun… can get firefly but which lightcone to get? firefly or ruan mei? or should i consider saving for jaioqui (nvm the spelling) for dot team?

    questions on building firefly. whats now the minimum atk, break effect and spd needed? considering the team would be with HarmonyMC, ruan mei and galagher.

    • Mei will help give bit of energy when fighting waves. Which it will also help with skill points, by giving you one back per ultimate use. While Firefly sig Lightcone, is a damage boost and slight slow to the enemy.

      Which I would say. Get Firefly. try out the team. keep track of your skill points. If you find you could use more breathing room in terms of skill points. I would go Mei. if you need more damage. Firefly lightcone. Of course if both are doing just fine as is. You can always save up. Given well the benefits of a new character, is you get someone new to play around with. Which can help keep you from being bored.

    • if you getting the new fox guy for dot team probably wait for the beta kit and see from there, i think the his kit is def down with healing? making him a better pela for acheron team but for DoT team we dont know yet

      • Yeah waiting is always a good bet. Given by the time the beta for 2.4 starts. We should have at least a general idea of what his kit will be like. Sure it won’t be the final version of his kit and it possible he be different by the end of beta testing. Yet it should be good enough to give one idea if the idea of his kit is appealing enough to go for.

    • No minimum ATK nor Break Effect so just go ham. For Spd 150 (210 during Ult) is the minimum to get 4 turns during Ult. If you have RM and can push for it, there’s also 165 (225 during Ult) for a 3rd Ult turn during 1st Cycle, if that matters to you.

      No deets other than old leaks on Jiaoqiu. So far he doesn’t really offer anything tailored towards DoT teams (his ease of applying his debuff is great though) and is looking more like an Acheron-oriented support.


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