Dan Heng

Dan Heng
Dan HengConceptsDan Heng
FactionAstral Express
PathClass The Hunt
Combat TypesClass Wind
EnglishNicholas Leung
Character Materials
Extinguished Core12
Glimmering Core13
Storm Eye50
Squirming Core12
Trace Materials
Arrow of the Beast Hunter12
Extinguished Core28
Arrow of the Demon Slayer54
Glimmering Core42
Arrow of the Starchaser105
Squirming Core42
Destroyer's Final Road12
Tracks of Destiny5
StoryA cold and reserved young man who is reticent about his past.
To avoid his kin, he decided to travel with the Astral Express.

Table of Contents
Light Cones


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyCharacter Materials
Extinguished Core4
Extinguished Core8
Glimmering Core5
Storm Eye2
Glimmering Core8
Storm Eye5
Squirming Core5
Storm Eye15
Squirming Core7
Storm Eye28
LevelCharacter Materials
Extinguished Core4
Glimmering Core5
Storm Eye2
Glimmering Core8
Storm Eye5
Squirming Core5
Storm Eye15
Squirming Core7
Storm Eye28


Cloudlancer Art: North WindCloudlancer Art: North Wind - Basic ATK | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 20
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Dan Heng's ATK to a single enemy.

Deals minor Wind DMG to a single enemy.
Level 10
Cloudlancer Art: TorrentCloudlancer Art: Torrent - Skill | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 30
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Dan Heng's ATK to a single enemy.
When DMG dealt by Skill triggers CRIT Hit, there is a base chance to reduce the target's SPD by , lasting for turn(s).

Deals Wind DMG to a single enemy. Upon a CRIT Hit, there is a high chance of Slowing the enemy.
Level 15
Ethereal DreamEthereal Dream - Ultimate | Single Target
Energy Regeneration : 5
Weakness Break : Single Target : 90
Deals Wind DMG equal to of Dan Heng's ATK to a single target enemy. If the attacked enemy is Slowed, the multiplier for the DMG dealt by Ultimate increases by .

Deals massive Wind DMG to a single enemy. If the enemy is Slowed, DMG multiplier dealt will be increased.
Level 15
Superiority of ReachSuperiority of Reach - Talent | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
When Dan Heng becomes the target of an ally's ability, his next attack's Wind RES PEN increases by . This effect can be triggered again after turn(s).

When this unit becomes the target of an ally's ability, this unit's next attack's Wind RES PEN increases. This effect can be triggered again after 2 turns.
Level 15
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Attacks an enemy, and when the battle starts, reduces their Toughness of the corresponding Type.

Level 1
Splitting SpearheadSplitting Spearhead - Technique | Enhance
Energy Regeneration : 0
Weakness Break : 0
After Dan Heng uses his Technique, his ATK increases by at the start of the next battle for turn(s).

After they use their Technique, their ATK is increased at the start of the next battle.
Level 1


Hidden DragonHidden Dragon
Requires Character Ascension 2
When current HP percentage is 50% or lower, reduces the chance of being attacked by enemies.
Arrow of the Beast Hunter2
Destroyer's Final Road1
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Ascension 2
ATK increases by 4%
Arrow of the Beast Hunter2
Extinguished Core4
DMG Boost: WindDMG Boost: Wind (Wind DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 3
Wind DMG increases by 3.2%
Arrow of the Demon Slayer2
Glimmering Core2
Faster Than LightFaster Than Light
Requires Character Ascension 4
After launching an attack, there is a 50% fixed chance to increase this unit's SPD by 20% for 2 turn(s).
Arrow of the Demon Slayer4
Tracks of Destiny1
Destroyer's Final Road1
DMG Boost: WindDMG Boost: Wind (Wind DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 4
Wind DMG increases by 4.8%
Arrow of the Demon Slayer4
Glimmering Core3
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Ascension 5
ATK increases by 6%
Arrow of the Starchaser2
Squirming Core2
High GaleHigh Gale
Requires Character Ascension 6
Basic ATK deals 40% more DMG to Slowed enemies.
Arrow of the Starchaser6
Tracks of Destiny1
Destroyer's Final Road1
DEF BoostDEF Boost (DEF)
Requires Character Ascension 6
DEF increases by 7.5%
Arrow of the Starchaser6
Squirming Core6
ATK BoostATK Boost (ATK)
Requires Character Lv. 75
ATK increases by 8%
Arrow of the Starchaser6
Squirming Core6
DMG Boost: WindDMG Boost: Wind (Wind DMG Boost)
Requires Character Lv. 80
Wind DMG increases by 6.4%
Arrow of the Starchaser6
Squirming Core6
DMG Boost: WindDMG Boost: Wind (Wind DMG Boost)
Wind DMG increases by 3.2%
Extinguished Core2
DEF BoostDEF Boost (DEF)
Requires Character Ascension 3
DEF increases by 5%
Arrow of the Demon Slayer2
Glimmering Core2
DMG Boost: WindDMG Boost: Wind (Wind DMG Boost)
Requires Character Ascension 5
Wind DMG increases by 4.8%
Arrow of the Starchaser2
Squirming Core2


The Higher You Fly, the Harder You FallThe Higher You Fly, the Harder You FallThe Higher You Fly, the Harder You Fall
When the target enemy's current HP percentage is greater than or equal to 50%, CRIT Rate increases by 12%.
Quell the Venom Octet, Quench the Vice O'FlameQuell the Venom Octet, Quench the Vice O'FlameQuell the Venom Octet, Quench the Vice O'Flame
Reduces Talent cooldown by 1 turn.
Seen and UnseenSeen and UnseenSeen and Unseen
Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
Roaring Dragon and Soaring SunRoaring Dragon and Soaring SunRoaring Dragon and Soaring Sun
When Dan Heng uses his Ultimate to defeat an enemy, he will immediately take action again.
A Drop of Rain Feeds a TorrentA Drop of Rain Feeds a TorrentA Drop of Rain Feeds a Torrent
Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
The Troubled Soul Lies in WaitThe Troubled Soul Lies in WaitThe Troubled Soul Lies in Wait
The Slow state triggered by Skill reduces the enemy's SPD by an extra 8%.

Light Cones

ConceptsRarityPathATKDEFHPSkillCharacter Materials
the-hunt-class317.52264.6846.72At the start of the battle, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Darting Arrow
Darting Arrow3
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88When the wearer defeats an enemy, increases ATK by 24% for 3 turn(s).
Arrow of the Starchaser
Silvermane Medal
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88When the wearer defeats an enemy, increases SPD by 10% for 2 turn(s).
Arrow of the Starchaser
Ancient Engine
Only Silence Remains
Only Silence Remains4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Silvermane Medal
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8%, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Squirming Core
Subscribe for More!
Subscribe for More!4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56The wearer's Basic ATK and Skill deals 24% more DMG. This effect increases by an extra 24% when the wearer's current Energy reaches its max level.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Artifex's Gyreheart
River Flows in Spring
River Flows in Spring4
the-hunt-class476.28396.9846.72After entering battle, increases the wearer's SPD by 8% and DMG by 12%. When the wearer takes DMG, this effect will disappear. This effect will resume after the end of the wearer's next turn.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Ancient Engine
Return to Darkness
Return to Darkness4
the-hunt-class529.2330.75846.72Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. After a CRIT Hit, there is a 16% fixed chance to dispel 1 buff on the target enemy. This effect can only trigger 1 time per attack.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Immortal Lumintwig
In the Night
In the Night5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, increases DMG dealt by Basic ATK and Skill by 6%. At the same time, increases the CRIT DMG of Ultimate by 12%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Sleep Like the Dead
Sleep Like the Dead5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 30%. When the wearer's Basic ATK or Skill DMG does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by 36%, lasting for 1 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once every 3 turn(s).
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Per Page


First Meeting
About Self: Past
About Self: Reason for Boarding the Express
Chat: Cloud-Piercer
Something to Share
About March 7th
About Himeko
About Welt
About Pom-Pom
Eidolon Activation
Character Ascension
Max Level Reached
Trace Activation
Added to Team With Trailblazer
Added to Team With March 7th
Added to Team With Himeko
Added to Team With Welt
Added to Team With Blade
Battle Begins: Weakness Break
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
Turn Begins 1
Turn Begins 2
Turn Idling
Basic ATK
Hit by Light Attack
Hit by Heavy Attack
Ultimate: Activate
Ultimate: Unleash
Return to Battle
Health Recovery
Battle Won
Treasure Opening 1
Treasure Opening 2
Precious Treasure Opening
Successful Puzzle-Solving 1
Successful Puzzle-Solving 2
Enemy Target Found
Returning to Town


n/aA cold and reserved young man who wields a spear known as Cloud-Piercer. He acts as the Express' guard on its long trailblazing expedition.
Dan Heng never talks much about his past. In fact, he joined the Express Crew to escape from a past of his own making.
But can the Express really help him outrun his past?
n/aA new dawn begins.

It's just another extremely average day aboard this giant ship. The markets have just opened and the morning dew is still fresh, but the young man crossing the street has never seen such a sight. Before he manages to notice all the differences between the actual city and its descriptions in books, he is immersed in savoring the warmth of the sun on the back of his neck.

It is his first time seeing his own body clearly. This body belongs to him. It belongs to this current name.

When he arrives at the port, the escorting soldier removes the last of his shackles. He walks forward without looking back. He can feel, ever so faintly, several pairs of eyes gazing at him from within the city. Eyes filled with hatred.

It isn't until the spaceship takes off that he turns his head and takes one final look at this place. It really is a magnificent and grand spaceship — just like the books say.

He only glances at it once, then turns his head away to where the stars shimmer dimly and an uncertain future lies.

He looks out in silence.
n/aA new dawn begins.

He steps off one IPC spaceship, then boards another. He'd never even heard of the ship's destination, but that doesn't matter. There is nowhere he particularly wanted to go. His only goal is to get as far away as possible from his past, from his "home."

On these spaceships, people come and go all the time. None of the IPC crews care who he is, so long as he can work.

He has changed his appearance and might no longer be recognized, but he knows that same power still lurks within him, unable to be shaken off no matter where he goes. This power drags him down, slows him, tries to overwhelm him, and makes him unable to escape his past. He has to be careful.

But he still can't shake off the man with the beastly eyes.

If others in his homeworld felt hatred toward him, then that man only has a killing intent toward him — even the spaceships he had traveled on were all annihilated. That man had died before him, but would reappear soon after.

Outside his homeworld, there's a larger world where anything is possible.
n/aA new dawn begins.

He boards another spaceship, and the passengers are all wearing different masks. He nearly has his memory stolen, and is forced to listen to a lecture that sounded like mad ramblings.

He knows that huge monsters prowl upon this route, but he could only find a way toward survival by traveling along the most dangerous of roads.

He defeats the huge monsters and disembarks at the next port. He thinks he could remain undetected among the countless ships, but he is stopped by a redhead woman. She salutes him in thanks, saying she is with one of the ships he had rescued.

He is about to turn and leave when he sees a parked train beside the redhead woman.

"Where's your next stop?"
"...Haven't decided yet."
"Then would you like to board our Express?"
"We're retracing our previous journey. There's so much to see all over again. We need a guard... And an archiver."
"You can get off any time once you made up your mind on where to go."
n/aA new dawn begins.

He rubs his eyes, realizing it had been too long since he had such a good night's sleep. He considers himself as only staying temporarily and refused the room specially prepared for him, making a simple bed on the floor of the Archives. However, he stayed up all night reading the data bank. At some point, he'd drifted off to sleep.

He opened the door to find the conductor standing there, reprimanding him for staying up late — Otherwise he'd miss out on a piping hot breakfast and would've wasted the care put into it. He nods and the conductor quietens down in satisfaction, wobbling as they lead him into the passenger car.

The redhead woman — who he now knows is named Himeko — flashes him a smile. The brunet man to the other side — Mr. Yang — remains silent despite appearing to have many questions on his mind.

Before he knew it, he'd spent many a morning just like this.

The process of re-visiting the route is not easy, mostly due to the numerous roadblocks caused by Stellaron. Sometimes, they would encounter the huge monsters he'd defeated before. They even found an enormous chunk of floating ice — encased in which was a living girl.

That's why he wasn't very surprised when he detected that the boy(girl) named Trailblazer has an actual Stellaron sealed inside his(her) body.

The Express' journey will continue on. Is there anything beyond the realm of possibility?

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