Name | 云璃 | |
Seltenheit | ||
Pfad | Die Zerstörung | |
Kampftypen | Physisch | |
Spezialmaterial | 308K 15 15 65 15 | |
Spurenmaterial | 3M 18 41 69 56 139 58 12 8 | |
Handlung | 仙舟「朱明」的猎剑士,备受「烛渊将军」怀炎宠爱的孙女,性格直率。 从小跟随怀炎学习剑艺与锻艺,乃「焰轮八叶」中次年幼的天才剑士。 对朱明流出的魔剑深恶痛绝,立誓要「搜猎魔剑,尽数断绝」。 |
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Attribute |
Fertigkeit |
Spuren |
Eidola |
Lichtkegel |
Inventar |
Gallery |
Stimme |
Handlung |
Stufe | ANG | VTD | LP | GES | KRIT-Rate | KRIT-SCH | Verspotten | Energie | Spezialmaterial |
1 | 92.4 | 62.7 | 185 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
20 | 180.18 | 122.27 | 360 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 4000 5 |
20+ | 217.14 | 147.34 | 434 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
30 | 263.34 | 178.69 | 527 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 8000 10 |
30+ | 300.3 | 203.77 | 601 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
40 | 346.5 | 235.12 | 693 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 16000 6 3 |
40+ | 383.46 | 260.2 | 767 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
50 | 429.66 | 291.55 | 859 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 40000 9 7 |
50+ | 466.62 | 316.63 | 933 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
60 | 512.82 | 347.99 | 1026 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 80000 6 20 |
60+ | 549.78 | 373.06 | 1100 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
70 | 595.98 | 404.41 | 1192 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | 160K 9 35 |
70+ | 632.94 | 429.5 | 1266 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 | |
80 | 679.14 | 460.85 | 1358 | 94 | 5% | 50% | 125 | 240 |
翻风转日 - 普攻 | 单攻 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 20 | |
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 30 | |
对指定敌方单体造成等同于云璃 对敌方单体造成少量物理属性伤害。 | |
Stufe | |
飞铗震赫 - 战技 | 扩散 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 30 | |
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 60 / Ausdehnung : 30 | |
回复等同于云璃 回复自身生命值,并对敌方单体造成物理属性伤害,对相邻目标造成少量物理属性伤害。 | |
Stufe | |
剑为地纪,刃惊天宗 - 终结技 | 强化 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 5 | |
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 60 / Ausdehnung : 30 | |
消耗 【勘破•斩】:对目标造成等同于云璃 【勘破•灭】:对目标造成等同于云璃 云璃通过此技能造成伤害时,被视为造成了终结技伤害。 进入【格挡】并嘲讽敌方全体,期间受到攻击后触发强力反击,对攻击者与其相邻目标造成物理属性伤害,随后对敌方单体造成少量物理属性伤害,共弹射6次。若【格挡】状态期间没有触发反击,状态结束时对随机敌方目标与其相邻目标造成物理属性伤害。 | |
Stufe | |
闪铄 - 天赋 | 扩散 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 10 | |
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 30 / Ausdehnung : 30 | |
当云璃受到敌方目标攻击后,额外恢复 若不存在可反击的目标,则反击敌方随机目标。 当云璃受到敌方目标攻击时,额外恢复能量并立即反击,对攻击者造成物理属性伤害,对相邻目标造成少量物理属性伤害。 | |
Stufe | |
攻击 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 0 | |
Schwächebruch : Einzelangriff : 30 | |
攻击敌人,进入战斗后削弱敌方目标对应属性韧性。 | |
后发先至 - 秘技 | 强化 | |
Energie-Wiederherstellung : 0 | |
Schwächebruch : 0 | |
使自身获得【招架】效果,持续 使自身获得【招架】效果,持续 | |
灼毂 | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 2 | |
每发动1次【勘破•斩】后,下一次【勘破•斩】将替换为【勘破•灭】。 | 5000 3 1 |
生命强化 (生命值) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 2 | |
生命值上限提高 | 5000 3 6 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 3 | |
攻击力提高 | 10000 3 3 |
暴击率强化 (暴击率) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 3 | |
暴击率提高 | 10000 3 3 |
却邪 | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 4 | |
【格挡】状态下抵抗受到的控制类负面效果,并使受到的伤害降低 | 20000 5 1 1 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 4 | |
攻击力提高 | 20000 5 4 |
生命强化 (生命值) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 5 | |
生命值上限提高 | 45000 3 3 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 5 | |
攻击力提高 | 45000 3 3 |
真刚 | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 6 | |
施放反击时,云璃的攻击力提高 | 160K 8 1 1 |
暴击率强化 (暴击率) | |
Figurenaufstieg benötigt 6 | |
暴击率提高 | 160K 8 8 |
生命强化 (生命值) | |
Figurenstufe benötigt 75 | |
生命值上限提高 | 160K 8 8 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
Figurenstufe benötigt 80 | |
攻击力提高 | 160K 8 8 |
攻击强化 (攻击力) | |
攻击力提高 | 2500 2 |
沉锋离垢 | ||
【勘破•斩】与【勘破•灭】造成的伤害提高 |
初芒破生 | ||
发动反击造成伤害时无视敌方目标 |
九尺运斤 | ||
终结技等级+2,最多不超过 |
大匠击橐 | ||
发动【勘破•斩】或【勘破•灭】后使自身效果抵抗提高 |
恒兵匪石 | ||
战技等级+2,最多不超过 |
剑胆琴心 | ||
【格挡】状态期间,敌方主动施放技能时无论是否攻击云璃,都会触发【勘破•灭】同时移除【格挡】效果,发动【勘破•斩】或【勘破•灭】造成伤害时暴击率提高 |
Name | Seltenheit | Pfad | ANG | VTD | LP | Fertigkeit | Spezialmaterial | |
天倾 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 使装备者普攻和战技造成的伤害提高 | ||
乐圮 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 使装备者对当前生命值百分比大于 | ||
俱殁 | 3 | destruction-class | 370.44 | 198.45 | 846.72 | 装备者当前生命值百分比小于 | ||
鼹鼠党欢迎你 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 264.6 | 1058.4 | 装备者施放普攻、战技或终结技攻击敌方目标后,分别获取一层【淘气值】。每层使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
秘密誓心 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 264.6 | 1058.4 | 使装备者造成的伤害提高 | ||
在蓝天下 | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者攻击力提高 | ||
汪!散步时间! | 4 | destruction-class | 476.28 | 330.75 | 952.56 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
无处可逃 | 4 | destruction-class | 529.2 | 264.6 | 952.56 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
无可取代的东西 | 5 | destruction-class | 582.12 | 396.9 | 1164.24 | 使装备者的攻击力提高 | ||
到不了的彼岸 | 5 | destruction-class | 582.12 | 330.75 | 1270.08 | 使装备者的暴击率提高 |
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185 responses to “Yunli”
Can she use clara light cone?
is her light cone worth pulling for clara? i have on the fall of an aeon and i’m working towards refining it, but her LC looks great for our robotkeeping girl and i’m at high pity on the LC banner so i wonder if it could be a worthwhile investment
Certainly, in terms of attack power, her firepower is higher than her own LC, but the increased target rate of the Unri LC has almost no effect. Also, the recovery of the Clara LC is very important for her. Unless you have infinite resources, there is no need to draw her.
Is Yunli worth it if I already have Clara and Blade? I’m asking more about the pull value and less about dps performance.
Not really as she is just a fancier Clara who share the same strengths and weakness she doesn’t have much value if you already own Clara
Personally my Clara kinda struggle so I’m still kinda considering Yunli but I wouldn’t say it’s a wise choice if you can skip it, unless you like the character then just pull regardless
now you have a Chinese Clara
Does anything change if I use her ult at full 240 energy or is it like a banking system so you don’t leak energy while waiting for the right timing?
She’s not like Argenti. Her ult will always cost 120 energy, no matter how much she’s got at the time. The 240 limit is a banking system sorta thing due to the need for careful timing.
chẳng thay đổi j đâu
They really made her banner in the second half 🤦♂️ Just a little longer before I will suck on those toes
She is in the first banner.
What do you think about equipping her with the blade light cone?
Blade LC is really good for her, in order her best LC’s are her signature, S5 Aeon, Blade S1