
PathClass Hunt
Tipe PertempuranClass Wind
Material Khusus
Artifex's Module15
Artifex's Cogwheel15
A Glass of the Besotted Era65
Artifex's Gyreheart15
Material Trace
Meteoric Bullet18
Artifex's Module41
Destined Expiration69
Artifex's Cogwheel56
Countertemporal Shot139
Artifex's Gyreheart58
Regret of Infinite Ochema12
Tracks of Destiny8
CeritaMerlin's Claw dari Xianzhou "Yaoqing" dan salah satu dari Tujuh Jenderal Arbiter. Dia adalah individu yang unik dan berjiwa bebas, serta lugas dan menawan.
Dia mahir dalam berbagai seni bela diri dan telah melatih tubuhnya hingga tingkat tertinggi. Dia pun dijuluki sebagai "Jenderal Hebat", dan sangat dicintai oleh para prajurit dan warga Xianzhou.
Namun, dia menderita kondisi "Moon Rage". Jika dia ingin memburu semua Abomination dalam masa hidupnya yang terbatas, maka satu-satunya musuh Feixiao adalah dirinya sendiri.

Daftar Isi
Light Cone
Volume Suara


LevelATKDEFHPSPDCRIT RateCRIT DMGTauntEnergyMaterial Khusus
Artifex's Module5
Artifex's Module10
Artifex's Cogwheel6
A Glass of the Besotted Era3
Artifex's Cogwheel9
A Glass of the Besotted Era7
Artifex's Gyreheart6
A Glass of the Besotted Era20
Artifex's Gyreheart9
A Glass of the Besotted Era35
LevelMaterial Khusus
Artifex's Module5
Artifex's Cogwheel6
A Glass of the Besotted Era3
Artifex's Cogwheel9
A Glass of the Besotted Era7
Artifex's Gyreheart6
A Glass of the Besotted Era20
Artifex's Gyreheart9
A Glass of the Besotted Era35


BoltsunderBoltsunder - Basic ATK | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada 1 musuh yang ditargetkan.

Mengakibatkan Wind DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada 1 musuh.
Level 10
WaraxeWaraxe - Skill | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 60
Mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada 1 musuh yang ditargetkan. Setelah itu, akan segera melancarkan 1 kali Serangan Lanjutan dari Talent pada target tersebut.

Mengakibatkan Wind DMG pada 1 musuh, lalu melancarkan 1 kali Serangan Lanjutan dari Talent.
Level 15
TerrasplitTerrasplit - Ultimate | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 90
Mengakibatkan Wind DMG maksimal hingga sebesar ATK Feixiao pada 1 musuh yang ditargetkan, yang dapat mengurangi Toughness target tanpa memedulikan tipe Weakness-nya. Saat target tidak berstatus Weakness Break, maka Weakness Break Efficiency Feixiao akan meningkat .
Saat serangan berlangsung, Feixiao akan terlebih dulu melancarkan "Boltsunder Blitz" atau "Waraxe Skyward" pada target tersebut, total kali. Lalu terakhir, akan mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada target tersebut.

Selama Ultimate berlangsung, dapat mengurangi Toughness musuh tanpa memedulikan tipe Weakness-nya. Jika target tidak berstatus Weakness Break, maka Weakness Break Efficiency Feixiao akan meningkat.
Melancarkan #3[i] kali "Boltsunder Blitz" atau "Waraxe Skyward" pada 1 musuh, lalu terakhir mengakibatkan Wind DMG.
Level 15
ThunderhuntThunderhunt - Talent | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 15
Ultimate dapat diaktifkan saat "Flying Aureus" mencapai poin, maksimal dapat mengakumulasi hingga poin. Setiap kali rekan tim melancarkan kali serangan, Feixiao akan memperoleh 1 poin "Flying Aureus" (serangan dari Ultimate Feixiao tidak dihitung).
Saat setelah rekan tim Feixiao melancarkan serangan pada target musuh, Feixiao akan segera melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan pada target utama, yang mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao. Jika tidak ada target utama yang dapat diserang, maka akan menyerang 1 musuh secara acak. Efek ini maksimal dapat terpicu 1 kali di setiap giliran, dan jumlah pemicuan akan direset saat giliran Feixiao dimulai. Saat melancarkan serangan ini, DMG yang diakibatkan diri sendiri akan meningkat , berlangsung selama giliran.

Ultimate dapat diaktifkan saat "Flying Aureus" mencapai #3[i] poin, maksimal dapat mengakumulasi hingga #4[i] poin. Setiap kali rekan tim melancarkan #2[i] kali serangan, Feixiao akan memperoleh "Flying Aureus".
Setelah rekan tim Feixiao melancarkan serangan, Feixiao akan melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan pada target utama, mengakibatkan Wind DMG. Efek ini maksimal dapat terpicu 1 kali di setiap giliran. Saat melancarkan serangan ini, DMG yang diakibatkan diri sendiri akan meningkat.
Level 15
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 30
Setelah menyerang musuh dan memasuki pertempuran, akan mengurangi Toughness target musuh sesuai dengan tipe Toughness-nya.

Level 1
StormbornStormborn - Technique | Enhance
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : 0
Setelah menggunakan Technique, akan memasuki status "Onrush" selama detik. Saat berstatus "Onrush", Feixiao akan menarik musuh dalam jangkauan tertentu dan meningkatkan Movement SPD dirinya, serta memperoleh poin "Flying Aureus" setelah memasuki pertempuran.
Menyerang secara aktif saat berstatus "Onrush" akan membuat semua musuh yang tertarik memasuki pertempuran. Setelah memasuki pertempuran, saat setiap gelombang pertempuran dimulai, akan mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada seluruh musuh, dan DMG ini dijamin akan mengakibatkan CRIT Hit. Jika menarik lebih dari 1 musuh, Multiplier dari DMG tersebut akan meningkat untuk setiap ekstra 1 musuh yang tertarik, maksimal meningkat hingga .

Memasuki status "Onrush", terus-menerus menarik musuh dan meningkatkan Movement SPD diri sendiri, serta akan memperoleh "Flying Aureus" setelah memasuki pertempuran.
Saat berstatus "Onrush", dapat secara aktif menyerang seluruh musuh yang tertarik, serta mengakibatkan Wind DMG yang dijamin akan CRIT Hit pada seluruh musuh saat setiap gelombang pertempuran dimulai. Semakin banyak musuh yang tertarik, maka DMG Multiplier akan semakin tinggi.
Level 1
Boltsunder BlitzBoltsunder Blitz - Ultimate | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 15
Mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada target yang dipilih. Jika target berstatus Weakness Break, DMG Multiplier meningkat .

Mengakibatkan Wind DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada 1 musuh, DMG Multiplier akan meningkat pada target berstatus Weakness Break.
Level 15
Waraxe SkywardWaraxe Skyward - Ultimate | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : Single Target : 15
Mengakibatkan Wind DMG sebesar ATK Feixiao pada target yang dipilih. Jika target tidak berstatus Weakness Break, DMG Multiplier meningkat .

Mengakibatkan Wind DMG dalam jumlah kecil pada 1 musuh, DMG Multiplier akan meningkat pada target yang tidak berstatus Weakness Break.
Level 15
TerrasplitTerrasplit - Ultimate | Single Target
Pemulihan Energy : 0
Weakness Break : 0

Selama Ultimate berlangsung, dapat mengurangi Toughness musuh tanpa memedulikan tipe Weakness-nya. Jika target tidak berstatus Weakness Break, maka Weakness Break Efficiency Feixiao akan meningkat.
Melancarkan #3[i] kali "Boltsunder Blitz" atau "Waraxe Skyward" pada 1 musuh, lalu terakhir mengakibatkan Wind DMG.
Level 15


Memerlukan karakter ascension 2
Saat pertempuran dimulai, memperoleh 3 poin "Flying Aureus".
Saat giliran dimulai, jika pada giliran sebelumnya tidak melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan dari Talent, maka hal tersebut akan dihitung sebagai 1 kali serangan yang diperlukan untuk memperoleh "Flying Aureus".
Meteoric Bullet3
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
Peningkatan CRIT RatePeningkatan CRIT Rate (CRIT Rate)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 2
CRIT Rate +2.7%
Meteoric Bullet3
Artifex's Module6
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 3
ATK +4%
Destined Expiration3
Artifex's Cogwheel3
Memerlukan karakter ascension 4
Saat melancarkan Ultimate untuk mengakibatkan DMG pada target musuh, akan dianggap melancarkan Serangan Lanjutan. CRIT DMG dari Serangan Lanjutan meningkat 36%.
Destined Expiration5
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 4
ATK +6%
Destined Expiration5
Artifex's Cogwheel4
Peningkatan CRIT RatePeningkatan CRIT Rate (CRIT Rate)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 5
CRIT Rate +4%
Countertemporal Shot3
Artifex's Gyreheart3
Memerlukan karakter ascension 6
Saat melancarkan Skill, meningkatkan 48% ATK selama 3 giliran.
Countertemporal Shot8
Tracks of Destiny1
Regret of Infinite Ochema1
Peningkatan DEFPeningkatan DEF (DEF)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 6
DEF +7.5%
Countertemporal Shot8
Artifex's Gyreheart8
Peningkatan CRIT RatePeningkatan CRIT Rate (CRIT Rate)
Memerlukan karakter Lv. 75
CRIT Rate +5.3%
Countertemporal Shot8
Artifex's Gyreheart8
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter Lv. 80
ATK +8%
Countertemporal Shot8
Artifex's Gyreheart8
Peningkatan DEFPeningkatan DEF (DEF)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 3
DEF +5%
Destined Expiration3
Artifex's Cogwheel3
Peningkatan ATKPeningkatan ATK (ATK)
Memerlukan karakter ascension 5
ATK +6%
Countertemporal Shot3
Artifex's Gyreheart3


Skyward I QuellSkyward I QuellSkyward I Quell
Setelah melancarkan "Boltsunder Blitz" atau "Waraxe Skyward", Ultimate DMG yang diakibatkan Feixiao akan meningkat ekstra, peningkatannya adalah sebesar 10% dari DMG aslinya. Efek ini maksimal dapat ditumpuk hingga 5 lapis, dan berlangsung hingga aksi Ultimate berakhir.
Moonward I WishMoonward I WishMoonward I Wish
Pada efek Talent, setiap kali rekan tim melancarkan 1 kali Serangan Lanjutan, akan membuat Feixiao memperoleh 1 poin "Flying Aureus". Efek ini maksimal dapat dipicu 6 kali setiap giliran.
Starward I BodeStarward I BodeStarward I Bode
Level Ultimate +2, maksimal Lv. 15. Level Basic Attack +1, maksimal Lv. 10.
Stormward I HearStormward I HearStormward I Hear
Pengurangan Toughness dari Serangan Lanjutan Talent meningkat 100%, dan saat melancarkannya, SPD diri sendiri akan meningkat 8% selama 2 giliran.
Heavenward I LeapHeavenward I LeapHeavenward I Leap
Level Skill +2, maksimal Lv. 15. Level Talent +2, maksimal Lv. 15.
Homeward I NearHomeward I NearHomeward I Near
RES PEN Seluruh Tipe dari Ultimate DMG yang diakibatkan Feixiao meningkat 20%. DMG Serangan Lanjutan yang diakibatkan Talent akan dianggap sebagai Ultimate DMG, dan DMG Multiplier-nya meningkat 140%.

Light Cone

IstilahKelangkaanPathATKDEFHPSkillMaterial Khusus
the-hunt-class317.52264.6846.72Saat pertempuran dimulai, meningkatkan 12% CRIT Rate pengguna selama 3 giliran.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Darting Arrow
Darting Arrow3
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88Setelah pengguna mengalahkan target musuh, meningkatkan 24% ATK selama 3 giliran.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Silvermane Guard Medal
the-hunt-class370.44264.6740.88Setelah pengguna mengalahkan target musuh, meningkatkan 10% SPD selama 2 giliran.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Ancient Engine
Only Silence Remains
Only Silence Remains4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Meningkatkan 16% ATK pengguna. Meningkatkan 12% CRIT Rate pengguna saat target musuh di medan pertempuran kurang dari atau sama dengan 2.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Silvermane Guard Medal
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Saat pengguna menyerang target musuh yang sama berulang kali, setiap DMG yang diakibatkan akan meningkat 8%, efek ini dapat ditumpuk hingga 5 lapis. Jika target serangan berubah, efek Buff yang ada saat ini akan hilang.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Squirming Core
Subscribe for More!
Subscribe for More!4
the-hunt-class476.28330.75952.56Meningkatkan 24% DMG yang diakibatkan Basic Attack dan Skill pengguna. Efek ini akan meningkat ekstra 24% jika Energy pengguna saat ini mencapai batas maksimum.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Artifex's Gyreheart
River Flows in Spring
River Flows in Spring4
the-hunt-class476.28396.9846.72Setelah memasuki pertempuran, meningkatkan 8% SPD pengguna dan 12% DMG yang diakibatkannya. Setelah pengguna terkena serangan, efek akan menghilang. Efek ini akan pulih kembali saat giliran berikutnya berakhir.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Ancient Engine
Return to Darkness
Return to Darkness4
the-hunt-class529.2330.75846.72Meningkatkan 12% CRIT Rate pengguna. Setelah CRIT Hit, ada 16% peluang tetap untuk menghapus 1 efek buff yang dimiliki musuh yang terserang. Efek ini hanya dapat dipicu sekali untuk setiap serangan.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Immortal Lumintwig
In the Night
In the Night5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Meningkatkan 18% CRIT Rate pengguna. Saat SPD pengguna berada di atas 100 dalam pertempuran, maka untuk setiap 10 poin SPD yang berlebih akan meningkatkan 6% DMG yang diakibatkan Basic Attack dan Skill pengguna, serta meningkatkan 12% CRIT DMG dari Ultimate. Efek ini dapat ditumpuk hingga 6 lapis.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Sleep Like the Dead
Sleep Like the Dead5
the-hunt-class582.12463.051058.4Meningkatkan 30% CRIT DMG pengguna. Jika Skill DMG atau Basic Attack DMG pengguna tidak mengakibatkan CRIT Hit, maka CRIT Rate pengguna akan meningkat 36% selama 1 giliran. Efek ini dapat dipicu sekali setiap 3 giliran.
Arrow of the Starchaser
Conqueror's Will
Per Page

Volume Suara



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703 responses to “Feixiao”

  1. No need to go “no life” and argue with a random person on the internet. The chad-der approach is to build chars, beat endgames, and test things myself

    Here’s Fei vs FF (who I have. I don’t have others), very f2p investment, as my account is:
    – Fei’s team: Fei e0, Robin e0 (don’t look at my name lol I didn’t activate her e1 prior to the test), Lynx e2 and Hunt March e6. Total: 2 cost
    – FF’s team: FF e0, HTB e6, RM e0, Gallagher e3. Total:

    Target: current Moc 12 first side
    – Fei used 2 cycles, and could even 1 cycle if I lucky (there was nearly a 1 cycle run but Lynx was dead so… 🗿). Notably many times she 0 cycle the first wave.
    – FF: used 4 cycles, sometimes 5.

    It’s weakness diff? Lol isn’t FF a brute forcer with her type implantation? And there’re imaginary weaknesses which’s great for HMC?
    It’s turbulence diff? Nah how much did it carry Fei? Cringy 100k dmg aoe per cycle? And FF could make some use of it cuz she attacked a lot.
    Not to mention FF diffed Fei in terms of Aoe and investment (yes, built FF since 2.3, but only built Fei recently) (Fei and March didn’t even max traces (only stay 6-8/10, while the whole FF’s team had 9-10/10 traces)
    Okay so just assume that Fei diffed FF in the first 2. Are they enough to… let Fei use 2-3 times less cycles than FF? I don’t think so.

    The only reason to explain, and to conclude too, is: Fei > FF. Don’t hate her tho. FF has also helped me, alongside with Fei, beat Moc and AS full star for the first time. But, when 3.x come, the first dps I think of to be replaced would be FF, not Fei.

    Can’t do further test cuz Robin is now e1.

    That’s it!

    • I understand enthusiasm to share own findings, but I don’t understand why you’d choose current MoC as testing ground for such direct comparison.

      First of all, unless you don’t care who you are presenting your data to, weakness matters.
      Second, the current MoC favors rapid attacking teams, gaining dmg% bonus faster, turbulence dealing AoE damage, something Feixiao’s team usually doesn’t have access to, while providing nothing meaningful to break teams.
      Third is that your FF’s team result differs vastly from what I observed from my own, especially since break teams don’t scale with RNG multiplier like critical, most players’ team should perform very close to each other. My FF’s team takes 2 cycle at most, and 1 cycle with DDD on HTB.

      I also hard disagree on your conclusion with Fei > FF for a very simple reason that it’s Feixiao+Robin. And my god, does it have a lot to do with Robin.
      It had already been well discussed among community that Robin can easily warp players perception in MoC because of how her AV interact with cycle reset. And Feixiao is currently her best DPS.

      For example, both my Yunli and Feixiao team can 0 cycle current floor 12 but I’d never be bold enough to say Yunli == Feixiao, let alone Yunli > Firefly.
      I also don’t know what kind of insight do you have to forsee into patch 3.X, but if you can plan that far ahead, you’re probably far smarter than me so I guess I should shut up.

      • Sorry but Firefly depends on HTB just as much as Fei does Robin. In fact i’d say even more so. Fei can at least work without her to an extent. Firefly without HTB is literally unplayable to the point i don’t even think it could do any MoC in 5 turns which is the breaking point for failure Imo.

        While i agree using this times MoC to gauge the two a mistake since it heavily favors Fei and greatly disfavors both Firefly and Acheron. There really isn’t any other way to compare the two since overworld bosses are just too easy.

    • It’s not rare that the MoC will favor the newer teams and leave the precursors fight with their own might should they were not intentionally or unintentionally opposed against by the MoC configuration.

      By the time of Acheron she outperforms everyone else in the MoC, and by the time of FF she outperforms Acheron, and by the time of Feixiao she outperforms FF. Hoyo insiduously differs the performance of DPS by MoC configurations and let us argue about the dellusion of power and nobody see the fact that even the weakest Jing Yuan (or he was so-called) can still earn a full star. You seek who’s the strongest and you end up getting a bunch of new DPS you don’t like.

      • Yeah that why Dps are a dime a dozen. Once you get a few good ones. It better to get supports. Which given supports do offer some powerful bonuses for getting a extra copy. Fu xuan more crit damage to add to her crit rate bonus. Gamble Man, has a easier time keeping his shields at 100% up time. HuoHuo, more skill point positive and a speed boost. Robin becomes a second copy of Mei with ultimate up. With many of these bonuses being universally useful. It can make more sense to go for extra copies of Supports over the new dps of the month.

        Unless a support is for a very niche role or a dps has very good early e1 and e2. Can normally get way more value out of a support or possibly even open new play styles for one of your existing dps.

  2. so I ended up looking crazy with Feixiao just like I did with Jiaoqiu. First I wanted them, then they got nerfed. So I changed my opinion daily. Pull vs don’t pull. I doomposted and I also coped.

    In the end, I pulled for them both lmao. I also got Robin (🙄) for my Feixiao. Foxians keep making me look bipolar and it’s probably gonna happen with Tingyun too if she ends up being a fucking break support.

  3. protip: prydwen farms clicks, their tier list is based on who is loved most by communities, mainly reddit, and i assume you know reddit are a small groups of F2P each owns 100s alt accounts to downvote (they are uneducated, they can’t make bots, they downvote by manual HANDS)

    thats why they put acheron+firefly on top of everything and put argenty+boothill low because reddit are F2P and didn’t roll BH+A

    and i assume you also know wich country redditors are from because they aggresively insisted Ruanmei is the absolute best harmony for years now and kill who ever put robin up


    • It’s exactly what’s happening. The tierlist seems governed by ownership rate funnily enough.

      There isn’t a SINGLE character which is unloved yet does well in their eyes. No wonder the 15%ly owned Boothill is looked down upon, meanwhile the 90% Singature Lightcone Acheron is considered godly for F2Ps. The exact same story goes for Yunli in all 3 endgames and Argenti overall. Because let’s be honest, they can’t bother to be impartial towards unpopular chars they don’t care.

      It took them half a year to bump Ratio up. He went from being below DHIL to above him in one patch lol. Never knew he got such a sweeping buff. They’ll be forced to update their tierlist as people realise how good these 5 stars are. Just wait untill F2P BH dealing 1 million dmg vs Hoolay gets posted eveywhere. And suddenly he won’t be underrated anymore.

      • yunli is a specific case where she is the loli favorite of majority whales, thus the consensus about she is strong is widespread and they have no choice but to put her high, but you can still notice notable reluctancy and inconsistency because reddit SKIP yunli

        i remmeber you talked about no yunli discussion on reddit so you obviously knew that lmao but i can explain further why: reddit are mostly addicted day 1 f2p so they all had high cons Clara, no matter how strong yunli is they will 100% skip her, oh my did i made the impression reddit is large? no from what i observerd they are only 300-400 day 1 f2p at max (with multipler alt accs to farm karma of course)

        • Alot of tier list feel pointless. Like alot of characters it simple enough to get at least a decent idea of how good they are in game. Unless your that special someone that build Seele as a tank. Or are newer to gaming in general. There doesn’t seem much reason to use a tier list. Good ah yes they might be great for current content, if you can build them up well enough in time. However throw them against x that is heavily resistance to the damage type they do and well. Suddenly they drop off like a rock or become anything but the ideal choice.

          Given here your normal tier list. Make it. Add a character every so often to it. Then never update it again. That or change the rules, so they can randomly move characters up and down, due to changing the rules. Heck, the more knowledge you have of the game in general. the less you have any need of a tier list and can make your own best choice.

  4. Very powerful character, but god damn does it get annoying real fast with how frequent and long animation sequences are that also require inputs.
    It’s a shame, but I honestly I can’t see myself using Feixiao as often as Yunli even though they are both pretty well rounded.


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