
운명의 길Class 기억
전투 속성Class 양자
전용 재료
신용 포인트308K
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐15
점점 가까워지는 비명15
어두운 장막의 달빛65
끝없는 탄식15
행적 재료
신용 포인트3M
사량의 씨앗18
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐41
말나 새싹69
점점 가까워지는 비명56
아뢰야 꽃139
끝없는 탄식58
운명의 발자취8
메인 스토리죽음을 경애하는 나라, 종일 눈이 내리는 아이도니아는 오늘날 곤히 단잠에 빠졌다.
저승의 강의 딸 카스토리스, 「죽음」의 불씨를 찾는 황금의 후예여, 출발하라. 세상의 영혼의 통곡을 감싸고, 운명의 고독을 끌어안아라.
——죽음과 삶은 모두 여정이요, 나비가 나뭇가지 끝에 내려앉을 때 시들어가던 것이 다시 태어나리니

전투 스킬
메인 스토리


레벨공격력방어력HP속도치명타 확률치명타 피해도발에너지전용 재료
171.2866222955%50%100 (100)0
20139128.7432955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트4000
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐5
20+167.51155.1521955%50%100 (100)0
30203.15188.1632955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트8000
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐10
30+231.66214.5721955%50%100 (100)0
40267.3247.5832955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트16000
점점 가까워지는 비명6
어두운 장막의 달빛3
40+295.81273.9920955%50%100 (100)0
50331.45306.91031955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트40000
점점 가까워지는 비명9
어두운 장막의 달빛7
50+359.96333.31120955%50%100 (100)0
60395.6366.31231955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트80000
끝없는 탄식6
어두운 장막의 달빛20
60+424.12392.71319955%50%100 (100)0
70459.76425.71430955%50%100 (100)0
신용 포인트160K
끝없는 탄식9
어두운 장막의 달빛35
70+488.27452.11519955%50%100 (100)0
80523.91485.11630955%50%100 (100)0
레벨전용 재료
신용 포인트4000
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐5
신용 포인트16000
점점 가까워지는 비명6
어두운 장막의 달빛3
신용 포인트40000
점점 가까워지는 비명9
어두운 장막의 달빛7
신용 포인트80000
끝없는 탄식6
어두운 장막의 달빛20
신용 포인트160K
끝없는 탄식9
어두운 장막의 달빛35

전투 스킬

달의 고치의 비호달의 고치의 비호 - 전용 | 서포트
에너지 회복 : 0
카스토리스 획득 후 또는 현재 파티에 카스토리스가 존재할 시 다음 효과를 획득한다. 전투 중 아군 캐릭터가 치명적인 공격을 받으면, 이번 행동에서 치명적인 공격을 받은 모든 아군 캐릭터가 [달의 고치] 상태를 획득한다. [달의 고치] 상태의 캐릭터는 전투 불능 상태에 빠지는 게 일시적으로 지연되며, 정상적으로 1회 행동할 수 있다. 행동 후 다음 턴 시작 전에 치유를 받거나 실드를 보유할 시 [달의 고치] 상태가 해제되며, 그렇지 않을 시 즉시 전투 불능 상태에 빠진다. 해당 효과는 단일 전투에서 최대 1회 발동한다

카스토리스 획득 후 또는 현재 파티에 카스토리스가 존재할 시: 전투 중 아군 캐릭터가 치명적인 공격을 받으면, 이번 행동에서 치명적인 공격을 받은 모든 아군 캐릭터가 [달의 고치]를 획득한다. [달의 고치]: 전투 불능 상태에 빠지는 게 지연되며, 정상적으로 1회 행동할 수 있다. 행동 후, 다음 턴 시작 전에 치유를 받거나 실드를 보유할 시 [달의 고치] 상태가 해제된다. 해당 효과는 단일 전투에서 최대 1회 발동한다
애도, 사해의 파문애도, 사해의 파문 - 일반 공격 | 단일 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30
지정된 단일 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다

단일 적에게 소량의 양자 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 10
침묵, 나비의 손길침묵, 나비의 손길 - 전투 스킬 | 확산
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 60 / 확산 : 30
모든 아군의 현재 HP를  소모해 지정된 단일 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가하고, 인접한 목표에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다.
현재 HP가 부족하면 HP를 최대 1pt까지 감소시킨다.
죽음의 용이 필드에 있으면 전투 스킬이 [뼈와 발톱, 저승의 용의 포옹]으로 전환된다

모든 아군의 HP를 소모하며, 단일 적에게 양자 속성 피해를 가하고, 인접한 목표에게 소량의 양자 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 15
손바닥에 흐르는 황폐손바닥에 흐르는 황폐 - 특성 | 강화
에너지 회복 : 10
약점 격파 : 0
[새로운 꽃술] 최대치는 필드 위 모든 캐릭터 레벨 총합의 배이며, 모든 아군이 HP를 1pt 잃을 때마다 카스토리스는 [새로운 꽃술]을 1pt 획득하고, 카스토리스와 죽음의 용이 가하는 피해가  증가한다, 해당 효과 최대 중첩수: 스택, 지속 시간: 턴. [새로운 꽃술]이 최대치에 도달하면 필살기를 활성화할 수 있다.
죽음의 용이 필드에 있을 시 [새로운 꽃술]을 획득할 수 없으며, 죽음의 용을 제외한 모든 아군이 HP를 1pt 잃을 때마다 죽음의 용이 같은 양의 HP를 회복한다

아군이 HP를 잃을 시 카스토리스는 [새로운 꽃술]을 획득하고, 동시에 카스토리스와 죽음의 용이 가하는 피해가 증가한다. [새로운 꽃술]이 최대치에 도달하면 필살기를 활성화할 수 있다. 죽음의 용이 필드에 있을 시, 죽음의 용을 제외한 아군이 HP를 잃으면 죽음의 용이 같은 양의 HP를 회복한다
레벨 15
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 30
적을 공격하며, 전투 진입 후 적에게 대응하는 속성의 강인성을 감소시킨다

레벨 1
비명, 죽음을 하사하는 선성비명, 죽음을 하사하는 선성 - 비술
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
비술 사용 후 초 동안 [어둠의 혼돈] 상태에 진입한다. [어둠의 혼돈] 상태의 적은 카스토리스에게 직접 다가올 수 없다.
[어둠의 혼돈] 상태에서 선공하면 범위 내 모든 적을 전투에 진입시키고, 동시에 기억 정령 죽음의 용을 소환하며, 죽음의 용은 [새로운 꽃술] 최대치의 만큼 현재 HP를 보유한다. 전투 진입 후, 모든 아군의 현재 HP를  소모하고 죽음의 용의 행동 게이지를 100% 증가시킨다.
전투 진입 후 죽음의 용이 소환되지 않을 시 카스토리스는 [새로운 꽃술]을 [새로운 꽃술] 최대치의 만큼 회복한다

[어둠의 혼돈] 상태에 진입하며, 적은 카스토리스에게 직접 다가올 수 없다.
[어둠의 혼돈] 상태에서 공격 시 범위 내 모든 적을 전투에 진입시키고, 동시에 기억 정령 죽음의 용을 소환한다. 전투 진입 시, 모든 아군의 HP를 소모하고 죽음의 용의 행동 게이지를 100% 증가시킨다.
전투 진입 후 죽음의 용이 소환되지 않을 시 카스토리스는 [새로운 꽃술]을 [새로운 꽃술] 최대치의 #4[i]%만큼 회복한다
레벨 1
뼈와 발톱, 저승의 용의 포옹뼈와 발톱, 저승의 용의 포옹 - 전투 스킬 | 범위 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 범위 공격 : 60
죽음의 용을 제외한 모든 아군의 현재 HP를  소모하고, 카스토리스와 죽음의 용이 목표에게 연계 공격을 발동해 모든 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 와 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다.
현재 HP가 부족하면 HP를 최대 1pt까지 감소시킨다

모든 아군의 HP를 소모하며, 카스토리스와 죽음의 용이 목표에게 연계 공격을 발동하여 모든 적에게 양자 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 15

포효하는 망자, 소생의 종포효하는 망자, 소생의 종 - 필살기 | 소환
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
기억 정령 죽음의 용을 소환하고 대상의 행동 게이지를 100% 증가시키며, 동시에 경계 [세상에 잊힌 저승]을 전개하여 모든 적의 모든 속성 저항을  감소시킨다. 카스토리스가 특성의 가하는 피해 증가 효과를 보유할 시, 해당 효과를 죽음의 용에게 확산시킨다. 죽음의 용은 pt의 속도와 [새로운 꽃술] 최대치의 만큼 고정 HP 최대치를 보유한다.
죽음의 용은 회 행동 후 또는 HP가 0이 되면 사라지며, 동시에 경계 [세상에 잊힌 저승]이 해제된다

기억 정령 죽음의 용을 소환하고 대상의 행동 게이지를 100% 증가시키며, 동시에 경계를 전개하여 모든 적의 모든 속성 저항을 감소시킨다
레벨 15
어둠을 찢는 조흔어둠을 찢는 조흔 - 기억 정령 스킬 | 범위 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 범위 공격 : 30
모든 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다

모든 적에게 소량의 양자 속성 피해를 가한다
레벨 10
어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결 - 기억 정령 스킬 | 범위 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 범위 공격 : 30
죽음의 용의 HP를 HP 최대치의 만큼 소모해 모든 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 //만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가하며, 현재 HP가 부족하면 최대 1pt까지 감소하고, 해당 스킬 발동 후 이번 턴은 종료되지 않는다.
스킬을 중복 발동하면 스킬이 강화되고, 죽음의 용이 사라질 때까지 지속된다.
HP가  이하일 시 해당 스킬을 발동하면 특성 [묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개]와 동일한 스킬 효과를 직접 발동한다

자신의 HP를 소모하고 모든 적에게 양자 속성 피해를 가하며, 이번 턴은 종료되지 않는다. 스킬 중복 발동 시 스킬은 최대 3회 강화된다. HP가 #5[i]% 이하일 시 해당 스킬을 발동하면 특성 [묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개]의 스킬 효과를 직접 발동한다
레벨 10
달의 고치에 가려진 몸체달의 고치에 가려진 몸체 - 기억 정령 특성 | 서포트
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
죽음의 용이 필드에 있을 시 아군을 후원하며, 아군이 피해를 받을 시 현재 HP가 최대 1pt까지 감소하고, 이후 받은 피해는 죽음의 용이 대신 받으나 기존 피해의 만큼 피해를 받는다. 해당 효과는 죽음의 용이 사라질 때까지 지속된다

죽음의 용이 필드에 있을 시 아군을 후원하며, 아군의 현재 HP는 최대 1pt까지 감소하고, 이후 받은 피해는 죽음의 용이 대신 받는다
레벨 10
적막한 땅을 뒤흔드는 포효적막한 땅을 뒤흔드는 포효 - 기억 정령 특성 | 서포트
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 0
죽음의 용이 소환될 시, 모든 아군이 가하는 피해가  증가한다, 지속 시간: 

소환될 시, 모든 아군이 가하는 피해가 증가한다
레벨 10
묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개 - 기억 정령 특성 | 바운스
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 12
죽음의 용이 사라질 시, 피해를 회 가하며, 피해당 랜덤 단일 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다

사라질 시, 단일 적에게 소량의 양자 속성 피해를 가하고 총 #2[i]회 바운스한다
레벨 10
어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결 - 기억 정령 스킬 | 범위 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 범위 공격 : 30

자신의 HP를 소모하고 모든 적에게 양자 속성 피해를 가하며, 이번 턴은 종료되지 않는다. 스킬 중복 발동 시 스킬은 최대 3회 강화된다. HP가 #5[i]% 이하일 시 해당 스킬을 발동하면 특성 [묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개]의 스킬 효과를 직접 발동한다
레벨 10
어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결 - 기억 정령 스킬 | 범위 공격
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 범위 공격 : 30

자신의 HP를 소모하고 모든 적에게 양자 속성 피해를 가하며, 이번 턴은 종료되지 않는다. 스킬 중복 발동 시 스킬은 최대 3회 강화된다. HP가 #5[i]% 이하일 시 해당 스킬을 발동하면 특성 [묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개]의 스킬 효과를 직접 발동한다
레벨 10
묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개묘지를 불사르는 어두운 날개 - 기억 정령 스킬 | 바운스
에너지 회복 : 0
약점 격파 : 단일 공격 : 15
모든 HP를 소모하고 피해를 회 가한다. 피해당 랜덤 단일 적에게 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 만큼 양자 속성 피해를 가한다

모든 HP를 소모하고 단일 적에게 소량의 양자 속성 피해를 가하며, 총 #2[i]회 바운스한다
레벨 10


수용의 암조수용의 암조
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2
카스토리스 또는 죽음의 용의 HP가 50% 이상일 시, 대상의 속도가 40% 증가한다
신용 포인트5000
사량의 씨앗3
치명타 피해 강화치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3
치명타 피해 5.3% 증가
신용 포인트9000
말나 새싹3
점점 가까워지는 비명2
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4
치명타 확률 4% 증가
신용 포인트19000
말나 새싹4
점점 가까워지는 비명4
거꾸로 된 횃불거꾸로 된 횃불
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 4
죽음의 용이 필드에 없을 시 각 아군의 초과한 치유량의 100%만큼 상응하는 포인트의 [새로운 꽃술]을 회복하며, 죽음의 용이 필드에 있을 시 죽음의 용이 같은 양의 HP를 회복한다. 매번 회복량은 [새로운 꽃술] 최대치/죽음의 용 HP 최대치의 15%를 초과하지 않는다
신용 포인트20000
말나 새싹5
운명의 발자취1
피해 강화•양자피해 강화•양자 (양자 속성 피해 증가)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5
양자 속성 피해 4.8% 증가
신용 포인트45000
아뢰야 꽃3
끝없는 탄식3
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 5
치명타 확률 4% 증가
신용 포인트45000
아뢰야 꽃3
끝없는 탄식3
걸음을 멈춘 서풍걸음을 멈춘 서풍
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6
죽음의 용이 사라질 시, 모든 아군의 HP를 카스토리스 HP 최대치의 10%+250pt만큼 회복한다
신용 포인트160K
아뢰야 꽃8
운명의 발자취1
치명타 피해 강화치명타 피해 강화 (치명타 피해)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 6
치명타 피해 8% 증가
신용 포인트140K
아뢰야 꽃7
끝없는 탄식6
피해 강화•양자피해 강화•양자 (양자 속성 피해 증가)
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 75
양자 속성 피해 6.4% 증가
신용 포인트160K
아뢰야 꽃8
끝없는 탄식8
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터 레벨 Lv.을(를) 달성해야 합니다 80
치명타 확률 5.3% 증가
신용 포인트160K
아뢰야 꽃8
끝없는 탄식8
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
치명타 확률 2.7% 증가
신용 포인트2500
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐2
피해 강화•양자피해 강화•양자 (양자 속성 피해 증가)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 2
양자 속성 피해 3.2% 증가
신용 포인트4000
사량의 씨앗3
있는 듯 없는 듯한 조짐6
치명타 확률 강화치명타 확률 강화 (치명타 확률)
캐릭터를 회 승급해야 합니다 3
치명타 확률 2.7% 증가
신용 포인트9000
말나 새싹3
점점 가까워지는 비명2


기억을 함께 납관하는 설원의 성녀기억을 함께 납관하는 설원의 성녀기억을 함께 납관하는 설원의 성녀
죽음의 용이 [어둠을 불태우는 화염의 숨결]을 발동할 때마다 가하는 피해가 30% 증가한다, 해당 효과 최대 중첩수: 6스택, 이번 턴이 종료될 때까지 지속된다
날개와 꽃을 왕관 삼아날개와 꽃을 왕관 삼아날개와 꽃을 왕관 삼아
기억 정령 죽음의 용을 소환한 후, 카스토리스는 [타오르는 의지]를 2스택 획득한다. [타오르는 의지]는 최대 2스택 보유할 수 있고, 죽음의 용 기억 정령 스킬의 HP 소모를 대체할 수 있으며, 카스토리스의 행동 게이지를 100% 증가시키고, 다음번 강화된 전투 스킬의 피해를 100% 증가시킨다
사경에서 춤추는 경건한 나그네사경에서 춤추는 경건한 나그네사경에서 춤추는 경건한 나그네
필살기 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15. 일반 공격 레벨+1, 최대 Lv.10
슬픔을 안고 애가 속에 잠드니슬픔을 안고 애가 속에 잠드니슬픔을 안고 애가 속에 잠드니
카스토리스가 필드에 있을 시, 모든 아군이 치유를 받을 시의 회복량이 20% 증가한다
예언으로 장식한 순백의 새로운 장예언으로 장식한 순백의 새로운 장예언으로 장식한 순백의 새로운 장
전투 스킬 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15. 특성 레벨+2, 최대 Lv.15
세월이 고치를 깨길 기다리며세월이 고치를 깨길 기다리며세월이 고치를 깨길 기다리며
카스토리스와 죽음의 용이 피해를 가할 시 양자 속성 저항 관통이 20% 증가하고, 죽음의 용은 행동 후 직접 사라지지 않는다


명사희귀도운명의 길공격력방어력HP전투 스킬전용 재료
찰나에 결정되는 승리
찰나에 결정되는 승리4
remembrance-class476.28396.9846.72장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 피해가 12% 증가하며, 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 아군에게 스킬 발동 시 모든 아군이 가하는 피해가 8% 증가한다, 지속 시간: 3턴
아뢰야 꽃
짓밟힌 의지
불타는 그림자
불타는 그림자3
remembrance-class317.52264.6846.72장착한 캐릭터가 처음으로 기억 정령 소환 시 전투 스킬 포인트를 1pt 회복하고 자신의 에너지를 12pt 회복한다
아뢰야 꽃
꿈틀대는 코어
추억 회상
추억 회상3
remembrance-class423.36264.6635.04기억 정령의 턴 시작 시 장착한 캐릭터와 기억 정령이 각각 [회고]를 1스택 획득하며, 스택마다 가하는 피해가 8% 증가한다, 최대 중첩수: 4스택. 기억 정령이 사라질 시 장착한 캐릭터와 기억 정령의 [회고]가 해제된다
아뢰야 꽃
영광의 세례를 받은 육신
천재들의 안부 인사
천재들의 안부 인사4
remembrance-class476.28330.75952.56장착한 캐릭터의 공격력이 16% 증가하며, 장착한 캐릭터가 필살기 발동 후 장착한 캐릭터와 기억 정령이 가하는 일반 공격 피해가 20% 증가한다, 지속 시간: 3턴
아뢰야 꽃
영광의 세례를 받은 육신
땀은 많이, 눈물은 적게
땀은 많이, 눈물은 적게4
remembrance-class529.2198.451058.4장착한 캐릭터의 치명타 확률이 12% 증가하며, 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 필드에 있을 시 장착한 캐릭터와 기억 정령이 가하는 피해가 24% 증가한다
아뢰야 꽃
영광의 세례를 받은 육신
시간을 황금으로 엮어
시간을 황금으로 엮어5
remembrance-class635.04396.91058.4장착한 캐릭터의 기본 속도가 12 증가한다. 장착한 캐릭터 및 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 공격 후 장착한 캐릭터는 [비단]을 1스택 획득하며, [비단] 스택마다 장착한 캐릭터 및 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령의 치명타 피해가 9% 증가한다, 최대 중첩수: 6스택. 최대 중첩수에 도달하면 [비단] 스택마다 가하는 일반 공격 피해가 추가로 9% 증가한다
아뢰야 꽃
영광의 세례를 받은 육신
기억은 영원히 막을 내리지 않는다
기억은 영원히 막을 내리지 않는다5
remembrance-class529.2396.91058.4장착한 캐릭터의 속도가 6% 증가한다. 장착한 캐릭터가 전투 스킬을 발동하면 모든 아군이 가하는 피해가 8% 증가한다, 지속 시간: 3턴
아뢰야 꽃
꿈틀대는 코어
이별이 더 아름답도록
이별이 더 아름답도록5
remembrance-class529.2396.91270.08장착한 캐릭터의 HP 최대치가 30% 증가하고, 장착한 캐릭터 또는 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 자신의 턴 동안 HP를 잃을 시, 장착한 캐릭터가 [저승의 꽃]을 획득한다. [저승의 꽃]은 장착한 캐릭터와 장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 피해를 가할 시 목표의 방어력을 24% 무시하게 한다, 지속 시간: 2턴
장착한 캐릭터의 기억 정령이 사라질 시, 장착한 캐릭터의 행동 게이지가 12% 증가한다. 해당 효과는 최대 1회 발동하며, 장착한 캐릭터가 매번 필살기 발동 시 발동 횟수가 초기화된다
아뢰야 꽃
끝없는 탄식
Per Page



메인 스토리

Title텍스트 언어

91 responses to “카스토리스”

  1. Does it seem to me, or is she actually very weak in terms of skill damage? The numbers look rather low—correct me if I’m wrong. Also, her E6 seems completely unnecessary for her, unlike other characters.

    As for her overall role, she kind of seems like an unclear mix of support, healer, and slight DPS, I guess? Not really sure, but that’s just how it looks to me. Correct me if I’m mistaken; I’m just judging based on the numbers.

    That said, I’ll probably still pull for her

  2. Does it seem to me, or is she actually very weak in terms of skill damage? The numbers look rather low—correct me if I’m wrong. Also, her E6 seems completely unnecessary for her, unlike other characters. As for her overall role, she kind of seems like an unclear mix of support, healer, and slight DPS, I guess? Not really sure, but that’s just how it looks to me. Correct me if I’m mistaken; I’m just judging based on the numbers.
    That said, I’ll probably still pull for her—plus, the leaked skill animations look absolutely stunning.

  3. Probably Sunday will still work, even though she can’t receive energy regen, she can still receive Crit dmg buff and debuff removal.

    I saw people using Tribbie or Ruanmei for resist penetration. Not sure if the best.

    As for my team, it’s going to be: Castorice E2S1 (DPS) + Sunday E0S1 or E1S1 (for 40% defence ignore) + RMC E6 (True dmg) + Hyacine E0S1 (Quick Healing) / Luocha for now

    Suggestion for improvement please.

    • I’ve seen ppl saying that Sunday is not that good for Cas, since Sunday will advance the dragon before you can fully heal it, I think that could bypassed with a good enough healer tho

  4. hi hi i have a question about castorice’s trace 2

    “2. Inverted TorchWhile Dead Dragon is not on the field, 100% of excess healing for each ally target will restore an equal amount of “Stamen Nova.” While Dead Dragon is on the field, the excess healing will restore an equal amount of HP for Dead Dragon. Each restoration cannot exceed 15% of max “Stamen Nova” / Dead Dragon’s Max HP.”

    when it says “Each restoration cannot exceed 15% of max “Stamen Nova” / Dead Dragon’s Max HP.” for the excess healing, is this the excess healing done per individual instances of healing per ally targets (so for example a character would need to get an individual overhealing of 4,800 excess hp somehow to cap out the 15% hp restoration for pollux), or is this the total excess healing DURING the turn for the whole team including pollux himself cause it says “each ally target”?

    i would say its the latter, cause the former is pratically impossible to achieve in realistic situations, but it doesnt mention that it could be per turn, so im not exactly sure since there can be different instances of healing coming from different sources in a same turn

    • So to clarify, it means that each time you overheal a character, her Stamen Nova or Memosprite’s HP will be increased by the overhealed amount but, for each instance of healing, there is a cap which is 15% of max Memosprite HP or Stamen Nova. Since we know that the max is 32k we can find that this cap is 4800 HP, which is all the stuff you know already but, as I said it is per individual instance of healing. You found that impossible but, a good Gallagher using his Skill on a teammate at Max HP, can get very close to that number

  5. Ew, No energy? Why intentionally ruin the Sunday combo? And then the self speed buff too is weird too…
    And also, what is the point of healing the dead dragon? Does it have basically no hp, or does it consume its own hp? I don’t get it – it only moves three times max either way?

    • it is not shown here but previos leaks say that the dragon has a baility to gain additional turns. i dont know how it triggers. also while dead dragon is o. field its the only one who takes dmg

    • Just because she can’t make use of a certain thing from another character, doesn’t mean the combo is “ruined”.

    • So basically, when dragon uses its skill, it remove an amount of it’s HP, when the HP goes to 0 it leaves the field dealing combo dmg with Castorice.

      Here comes the part for E1: The more time the dragon can use the skill in the same turn, each skill will increase the dmg by 30% for 6 stacks.

      And the E2, helps the dragon lose less health when using Dragons Skill.

      That’s why healing the dragon and advancing in the same turn is needed, it’s to deal more dmg

    • “Does it have basically no hp, or does it consume its own hp?” It has 100 times the sum of all character levels in the team, which is the same number as “ Stamen Nova” charged required to cast her ultimate, so 80 * 4 * 100 = 32k HP maximum.

      The Dragon has 2 skills, a normal skill and an enhanced skill. You can cast the enhanced skill as much time as you want until the Dragon reaches 25% HP or lower, after that the skill will become an bounce attack and the dragon will disappear. The enhanced skill will consume 25% of its HP everytime it is used. You can alternate between both the normal and enhanced skill, but casting the normal skill will end the turn.

      So, in order to maximise her damage, you should effectively use up the Dragon’s 3 turns effectively, which is basically:

      – Turn 1: Use Enhanced skill until the HP is in-between 51% and 26% then use the normal skill to finish the turn
      – Turn 2: Repeat
      – Turn 3: Use Enhanced skill continuously and the dragon disappears.

      This is why healing the dragon is EXTREMELY important. If you can fully heal the dragon back to 32K every turn, then you can cast a total of 7 enhanced skills (2 in the first and second turn, and 3 in the last turn). For every 25% of HP missing, you are losing a whole enhanced skill.

      But obviously, you should damage control when you need to. If you see that making the dragon disappear early can save you a cycle (for example you’re clearing the first wave in moc), then you should do it. Adapt your rotation to how much damage you need to do. But when playing in PF for example where there are constantly enemies on the field, this should be the ideal rotation.

      As for the Sunday combo, a lot of people would disagree with me but I do think Sunday is still her BiS for now. While Pollux has a whopping 192 speed, Sunday advancing his and Castorice’s action means being able to finish the rotation quicker. The quicker you finish the rotation, the more DMG per AV you are doing, and the quicker you can begin regenerating her ult. As long as you’re not making the dragon kill itself as soon as its summoned, Castorice and Pollux are guaranteed to get the 80% DMG boost. Other action advancers like Sparkle and Bronya are not summon-friendly, and the mainstream alternatives to Sunday that people are suggesting are Tribbie and Ruan Mei. While yes, they have buffs that are teamwide and friendly for Castorice, they do not advance neither so the rotation is slower.

      (and while I don’t wanna play Honkai: Speculation Rail like this as anything can change, I don’t think the possibility of a Sunday replacement for Castorice is impossible, but Sunday already does the job, I don’t know what else can be added. We could have an HP increasing support, or an HP draining support, but the problem with HP draining is that Castorice does not care about it outside of charging Stamen Nova, and she most certainly does NOT want Pollux to have its HP reduced.)

      Although I do think Sunday is her BiS, I would not try to speed tune them at all. Castorice’s 40% Speed buff would make it so that her maximum in-game speed (while still benefitting from Poet 4pc) is no more than 133 (95*(1+0.4)) which is a bit ridiculous because the common speed treshold is 133.33 (the 134 breakpoint). While you could work around it with a Ruan Mei in the team for example, just the fact that Castorice can potentially desync by going under 50% HP and losing her 40% SPD buff and not recovering her HP in time with factors such as enemy lineup, allies speed (especially the healer) does not encourage me to speed tune her at all, and I do hope this gets worked around in V3. But as of now, I am just planning to run Hyperspeed Sunday. Although, don’t take my word for it, HunterKee, who’s an actually reputable theoryracfter, used a 129 SPD Sunday on their Castorice spreadsheet, so essentially the -1 playstyle.

      • My bad, it’s actually 3 enhanced skills as you can still alternate between the enhanced skill at less than 25% HP and the normal skill to cancel the turn. So it’s not 7 enhanced skills, it’s actually 3 + 3 + 4 = 10 enhanced skills to cast in a rotation

  6. silly question, I don’t have sunday so is it better for me to pull for her LC or is it better to wait and pull for sunday and use him with Castorice

    • is sunday goos for her? He can fast forward memosprite so he good with rememberance, but didnt her dragon only appear for a bit then dissapear? ult -> summon -> big dmg -> summon gone. So it cant be fast forwarded

      • did she enjoys all of sparkle’s buff? im thinking of pairing her with sparkle + fuxuan + luocha/another harmony

        • You shouldn’t play Sparkle with her for those reasons:
          – Castorice is an HP scaler, so she will not benefit at all from having a 45% ATK Buff from having 3 Quantum Teammates.
          – The 50% advance will be very awkward, the Dragon can be too fast with the speed buff (it will have 196 SPD with the SPD Buff, and it should stay as HIGH HP as possible so it should keep full uptime on the speed Buff) so Sparkle may not always bring the Dragon to her AV, and Castorice can lose her SPD Buff so it’s very easy for Sparkle to desync.
          – Her buff coverage is also limited. You can probably manage to keep full uptime on Cypher by ulting during the Dragon’s turn so that this way it will extend to 3 turns instead of 2, however, if the Dragon is too fast it will not keep full uptime on the Crit DMG buff.

          Sparkle is a pretty bad support for her, you should replace her with anyone out of Sunday, Tribbie, RMC, Ruan Mei.

          As for Fu Xuan, she is also a bad sustain for Castorice:
          – Castorice will eat up 40%/50% current HP for every teammate everytime she uses her skill/enhanced skill. Fu Xuan does not get her ult soon enough to be able to heal this back.
          – The DMG reduction that Fu Xuan gives you is completely anti-synergetic with Castorice’s Stamen Nova. When Pollux is not on field, she will generate 1 Stamen Nova for every HP lost. By reducing the damage you’re take, you’re making Castorice’s downtime even longer.
          – You are rewarded for overhealing as it will transfer the overhealing to Pollux (if he’s on field) otherwise it will generate Stamen Nova. In a Fu Xuan team, you are likely to never be full HP, making overhealing essentially impossible.

          You really don’t need to play double sustain, you will be losing on a lot of damage. Luocha is sufficient on his own, he’s currently Castorice’s best healer, followed by Gallagher. The other sustains are not very convenient to use with Castorice.

        • Guys, if I understood correctly, the maximum the Stamen nova can have, in a full team with everyone at lvl 80, is 32.000, right? So that means we need to keep full hp a 32k hp dragon all the time??

          This could also mean an kind of copium team where everyone is underleveled to I can keep my stamen nova max as low as possible? That sounds fun

          • “the maximum the Stamen nova can have, in a full team with everyone at lvl 80, is 32.000, right? ” Correct.

            ” So that means we need to keep full hp a 32k hp dragon all the time??” You ideally want the Dragon to be as healed as possible, that is true, but the most important part is having the Dragon be at at least 76% HP when it starts its turn, so at least 24,320 HP. Since an enhanced skill on the Dragon costs 25% HP, a Dragon starting its turn at 76% HP can cast the same number of enhanced skills as a Dragon with 100% HP:

            – 100% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 75% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 50% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 25% HP which is equal to 25% meaning that using the enhanced skill will make the dragon disappear, so it should only be used if it’s the final dragon turn (if you need to dmg control for any reason)

            – 76% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 51% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 26% HP -> Enhanced Skill -25% -> 1% HP which is less than 25% meaning that using the enhanced skill will make the dragon disappear, so it should only be used if it’s the final dragon turn (if you need to dmg control for any reason)

            So while for safety measures, it’s better to keep the Dragon fully healed as much as possible, as long as you have 76% HP when the Dragon starts its turn, then you don’t have to worry.

            “where everyone is underleveled to I can keep my stamen nova max as low as possible” I mean, that is possible but on average, your uptime on Castorice’s ult will likely be the same as a full lvl 80 team.
            – You will definitely have Castorice be level 80, if not, she is losing damage due to a lower base HP, so that’s already 8,000 Stamen Nova minimum.
            – For your supports slots, you will be using either two of RMC, Sunday, Tribbie, Ruan Mei (other supports are not very convenient with Castorice, and as for Dual DPS with Mydei/Blade I’ll ignore it as I am not a fan of it, but you can consider it). Tribbie will be losing personal DMG by not being lvl 80 as she is also an HP scaler. As for Sunday/RMC/Ruan Mei, while they are not exactly dependent on lvl 80, if they are not at least ascended fully, then their buffing abilities will be not be able to be levelled to the max. Sunday, RMC and Ruan Mei also have mini traces that they scale off locked at lvl 80, respectively Crit DMG and Break Effect, so while they would be a minor increase (that Ruan Mei would not need if you meet her BE requirement with relics alone), it’s something you need to keep in mind.
            – For your sustain slot, currently you should be using either Gallhager or Luocha. If Luocha is not lvl 80, then you are essentially healing less as his healing scales on ATK. Gallagher’s healing on the other hand doesn’t actually heal on any stats, it’s a flat number, and while he does gain Outgoing Healing that scales off his Break Effect, his mini traces for Break Effect are not gated behind lvl 80, so you can keep Gallagher at an ascended lvl 70 and still heal just as much as you would at lvl 80.

            So essentially, yes it’s pretty copium, because if your units are not fully ascended, you will have a Castorice that does less DMG, a healer that heals less, and supports that buff less.

            Now if your units are fully ascended, let’s say you have a lvl 80 Castorice and three teammates at level 70, then you would have 29,000 Stamen Nova to charge, and while it can be interesting if you’re playing a lvl 70 Gallhager that heals just as much and have fully levelled abilities on your supports, do not forget that the Dragon needs to stay as high HP as possible. By having level 70 units in your team, they will have a lower base HP and base DEF, meaning they will take more damage as they are squishier. When any of your ally targets start having 1 HP, the Dragon will start taking said ally’s damage received multiplied by 500%. And don’t get me wrong, 29k HP is enormous and difficult to take down, but it’s easier to reduce 29k to 22,040 (76% of 29k) than reducing 32k to 24,320. So while you can technically have a lower slightly Stamen Nova while keeping a similar healing income and buffs, you will also have a squishier team and a squishier Dragon.

            As having underlevelled allies that are not fully ascended is a DPS loss, and as the difference between underlevelled max-ascended allies and maxlevelled allies is essentially very negligible, I would just not bother with it. But of course, the final decision remains up to you.

      • You don’t want the dragon to kill itself as soon as it’s summoned. You should effectively use up the Dragon’s 3 turns, which is basically:

        – Turn 1: Use Enhanced skill until the HP is in-between 51% and 26% then use the normal skill to finish the turn
        – Turn 2: Repeat
        – Turn 3: Use Enhanced skill continuously and the dragon disappears.

        And make sure that the Dragon is always fully healed when it starts its turn, having 25% less HP on the Dragon is losing a whole enhanced skill. If you make the Dragon kill itself as soon as it’s summoned, you will lose a lot of damage.

  7. Idk how I feel about the massive spd increase. Basically just ruins her BiS relics’ 4 pc effect, the spd can have for minimum buff is 110, and even if u were lucky enough to have no spd substats, it’d still increase her back to 122 once hp hit 50% for her or summon. Really need to fix that


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