
CaminhoClass A Harmonia
Tipos de CombateClass Imaginário
Farrapos de Pensamentos15
Fragmentos de Impressão15
Miragem Harmoniosa65
Fragmentos de Desejos15
Materiais de Rastro
Nota do Firmamento18
Farrapos de Pensamentos41
Seção Celestial69
Fragmentos de Impressão56
Melodia Celestial139
Fragmentos de Desejos58
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado12
Rastros de Destino8
HistóriaO sonho da Ordem se dissipou, mas ainda há aqueles que não desistirão de sua intenção original.
— Para onde levarão os passos... do viajante cujas asas foram cortadas?

Cones de Luz


NívelATQDEFPVVELChance de CRITDano CRITProvocaçãoEnergian/a
Farrapos de Pensamentos5
Farrapos de Pensamentos10
Fragmentos de Impressão6
Miragem Harmoniosa3
Fragmentos de Impressão9
Miragem Harmoniosa7
Fragmentos de Desejos6
Miragem Harmoniosa20
Fragmentos de Desejos9
Miragem Harmoniosa35
Farrapos de Pensamentos5
Fragmentos de Impressão6
Miragem Harmoniosa3
Fragmentos de Impressão9
Miragem Harmoniosa7
Fragmentos de Desejos6
Miragem Harmoniosa20
Fragmentos de Desejos9
Miragem Harmoniosa35


Admoestação BrilhanteAdmoestação Brilhante - ATQ Básico | Alvo Único
Regeneração de Energia : 20
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30
Causa Dano Imaginário igual a do ATQ de Sunday a uma unidade inimiga designada.

Causa Dano Imaginário leve a uma unidade inimiga designada.
Nível 9
Bênção de Papéis e RitosBênção de Papéis e Ritos - Perícia | Suporte
Regeneração de Energia : 30
Quebra de Fraqueza : 0
Permite que um personagem aliado designado e sua invocação atuem imediatamente, aumentando o Dano causado em . Se o alvo tiver uma invocação, o bônus de Dano adicional aumenta em , durando rodada(s).
Após usar a Perícia em O Beatificado, recupera 1 Ponto de Perícia.
Quando Sunday utiliza essa habilidade em personagens que seguem o Caminho da Harmonia, o efeito de "ação imediata" não pode ser ativado.

Permite que um personagem aliado designado e sua invocação atuem imediatamente, além de aumentar o Dano causado por ambos. Se o alvo tiver uma invocação, o bônus de Dano também será aumentado.
Após usar a Perícia em O Beatificado, recupera 1 Ponto de Perícia.
Quando Sunday utiliza essa habilidade em personagens que seguem o Caminho da Harmonia, o efeito de "ação imediata" não pode ser ativado.
Nível 15
Ode ao <unbreak>Afago e à Cicatrix</unbreak>Ode ao Afago e à Cicatrix - Perícia Suprema | Suporte
Regeneração de Energia : 5
Quebra de Fraqueza : 0
Regenera Energia em da Energia máxima de um personagem aliado designado e transforma o alvo e sua invocação em "O Beatificado". "O Beatificado" recebe aumento de Dano CRIT em uma quantidade igual a do Dano CRIT de Sunday + .
No início de cada rodada de Sunday, a duração do estado "O Beatificado" é reduzida em 1 rodada, durando por um total de rodada(s). E ela só entra em efeito no alvo mais recente da Perícia Suprema (exceto pelo próprio Sunday). Quando Sunday é derrubado, "O Beatificado" também será dissipado.

Regenera Energia para um personagem aliado designado e transforma o alvo e sua invocação em "O Beatificado". "O Beatificado" aumenta o Dano CRIT.
Nível 15
O Corpo em SofrimentoO Corpo em Sofrimento - Talento | Suporte
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : 0
Ao utilizar a Perícia, aumenta a Chance de CRIT do alvo em , durando por rodada(s).

Ao utilizar a Perícia, aumenta a Chance de CRIT do alvo.
Nível 15
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : Alvo Único : 30
Ataca um inimigo, e, quando a batalha começa, reduz a Tenacidade do inimigo-alvo do Tipo correspondente.
Nível 1
Os Mistérios GloriososOs Mistérios Gloriosos - Técnica | Suporte
Regeneração de Energia : 0
Quebra de Fraqueza : 0
Da primeira vez que Sunday usar uma habilidade em um aliado-alvo na próxima batalha, o Dano causado aumenta em , com duração de rodada(s).

Após esta Técnica ser usada, da primeira vez que Sunday usar uma habilidade em um aliado-alvo na próxima batalha, o Dano causado pelo alvo aumenta.
Nível 1


Desejo pelo Dia de DescansoDesejo pelo Dia de Descanso
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 2
Se a Perícia Suprema regenerar menos que 40 de Energia para o alvo, aumenta a Energia regenerada para 40.
Nota do Firmamento3
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de RES a EfeitoBônus de RES a Efeito (RES a Efeito)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 2
Aumenta a RES a Efeito em 4%
Nota do Firmamento3
Farrapos de Pensamentos6
Bônus de Dano CRITBônus de Dano CRIT (Dano CRIT)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 3
Aumenta o Dano CRIT em 5.3%
Seção Celestial3
Fragmentos de Impressão3
Varredura ExaltadaVarredura Exaltada
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 4
No início da batalha, Sunday regenera 25 de Energia.
Seção Celestial5
Rastros de Destino1
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de Dano CRITBônus de Dano CRIT (Dano CRIT)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 4
Aumenta o Dano CRIT em 8%
Seção Celestial5
Fragmentos de Impressão4
Bônus de RES a EfeitoBônus de RES a Efeito (RES a Efeito)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 5
Aumenta a RES a Efeito em 6%
Melodia Celestial3
Fragmentos de Desejos3
Paraíso nas MãosParaíso nas Mãos
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 6
Ao usar a Perícia, remove 1 penalidade(s) do alvo.
Melodia Celestial8
Rastros de Destino1
Eco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado1
Bônus de DEFBônus de DEF (DEF)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 6
Aumenta a DEF em 7.5%
Melodia Celestial8
Fragmentos de Desejos8
Bônus de RES a EfeitoBônus de RES a Efeito (RES a Efeito)
Exige Personagem de Nv. 75
Aumenta a RES a Efeito em 8%
Melodia Celestial8
Fragmentos de Desejos8
Bônus de Dano CRITBônus de Dano CRIT (Dano CRIT)
Exige Personagem de Nv. 80
Aumenta o Dano CRIT em 10.7%
Melodia Celestial8
Fragmentos de Desejos8
Bônus de Dano CRITBônus de Dano CRIT (Dano CRIT)
Aumenta o Dano CRIT em 5.3%
Farrapos de Pensamentos2
Bônus de DEFBônus de DEF (DEF)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 3
Aumenta a DEF em 5%
Seção Celestial3
Fragmentos de Impressão3
Bônus de Dano CRITBônus de Dano CRIT (Dano CRIT)
Exige Ascensão de Personagem 5
Aumenta o Dano CRIT em 8%
Melodia Celestial3
Fragmentos de Desejos3


Quietude MilenarQuietude MilenarQuietude Milenar
Quando Sunday usa uma Perícia, o personagem-alvo pode ignorar 16% da DEF do inimigo-alvo para causar Dano, e sua invocação pode ignorar 40% da DEF do inimigo-alvo para causar Dano, com duração de 2 rodada(s).
A Fé Supera a FragilidadeA Fé Supera a FragilidadeA Fé Supera a Fragilidade
Após o primeiro uso da Perícia Suprema, recupera 2 ponto(s) de Perícia. O Dano causado por "O Beatificado" aumenta em 30%.
Eremitério de EspinhosEremitério de EspinhosEremitério de Espinhos
Nv. da Perícia Suprema +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Nv. do ATQ Básico +1, até no máximo Nv. 10.
Preâmbulo da EsculturaPreâmbulo da EsculturaPreâmbulo da Escultura
No início da rodada, regenera 8 de Energia.
Navio de Papel na Baía PrateadaNavio de Papel na Baía PrateadaNavio de Papel na Baía Prateada
Nv. da Perícia +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Nv. do Talento +2, até no máximo Nv. 15.
Amanhecer da Cacofonia SideralAmanhecer da Cacofonia SideralAmanhecer da Cacofonia Sideral
O efeito de Bônus de Chance de CRIT do Talento se torna acumulável em até 3 vez(es) e a duração do Talento aumenta em 1 rodada(s). Quando Sunday utiliza sua Perícia Suprema, ele também aplica o efeito de Bônus de Chance de CRIT do Talento ao alvo. Quando o efeito de Bônus de Chance de CRIT do Talento entra em efeito e a Chance de CRIT do alvo exceder os 100%, cada 1% da Chance de CRIT excedente aumenta em 2% o Dano CRIT.

Cones de Luz

harmony-class317.52264.6846.72Após entrar na batalha, aumenta o ATQ de todos os aliados em 8%. Habilidades do mesmo tipo não se acumulam.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Medalha Crinalva
Rede de Engrenagens
Rede de Engrenagens3
harmony-class317.52264.6846.72Após o usuário atacar ou ser atingido, regenera mais 4 de Energia adicional. Este efeito não pode ser ativado repetidamente em uma única rodada.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Medalha Crinalva
harmony-class317.52264.6846.72Ao entrar em combate, aumenta a VEL de todos aliados em 12 pontos por 1 rodada(s).
Sinfonia Stellaris
Núcleo Contorcido
Memórias do Passado
Memórias do Passado4
harmony-class423.36396.9952.56Aumenta o Efeito de Quebra do usuário em 28%. Quando o usuário ataca, regenera mais 4 de Energia adicional. Este efeito não pode ser ativado repetidamente em uma única rodada.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Medalha Crinalva
Encontro Planetário
Encontro Planetário4
harmony-class423.36330.751058.4Após entrar na batalha, se qualquer aliado causar o mesmo tipo de Dano que o usuário, aumenta o Dano causado em 12%.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Vontade de Conquistador
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Dance! Dance! Dance!4
harmony-class423.36396.9952.56Quando o usuário utiliza a Perícia Suprema, as ações de todos os aliados são Avançadas Adiante em 16%.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Coração de Giro de Artífices
Esculpindo a Lua, Tecendo as Nuvens
Esculpindo a Lua, Tecendo as Nuvens4
harmony-class476.28330.75952.56No início da batalha, sempre que a rodada do usuário se inicia, um dos seguintes efeitos é aplicado aleatoriamente: aumenta o ATQ de todos os aliados em 10%, aumenta o Dano CRIT de todos os aliados em 12% ou aumenta a Taxa de Regeneração de Energia de todos os aliados em 6%. O efeito aplicado não pode ser idêntico ao último efeito aplicado e substituirá o efeito anterior. O efeito aplicado será removido quando o usuário for derrotado. Efeitos de tipos iguais não podem ser acumulados.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Vontade de Conquistador
Mas a Batalha Não Acabou
Mas a Batalha Não Acabou5
harmony-class529.2463.051164.24Aumenta em 10% a Taxa de Regeneração de Energia do usuário e regenera 1 Ponto de Perícia quando o usuário ativa a sua Perícia Suprema em um aliado. Esse efeito pode ser ativado uma vez a cada 2 usos da Perícia Suprema do usuário. Quando o usuário usa a sua Perícia, o próximo aliado em ação (exceto o próprio usuário) causa 30% a mais de Dano por 1 rodada(s).
Sinfonia Stellaris
Medalha Crinalva
Passado e Futuro
Passado e Futuro4
harmony-class423.36396.9952.56Quando o usuário usa a sua Perícia, o próximo aliado a agir (exceto o próprio usuário) causa 16% a mais de Dano por 1 rodada(s).
Sinfonia Stellaris
Núcleo Contorcido
Meu Passado no Espelho
Meu Passado no Espelho5
harmony-class529.2529.21058.4Aumenta o Efeito de Quebra do usuário em 60%. Quando o usuário utiliza sua Perícia Suprema, aumenta o Dano de todos os aliados em 24%, durando por 3 rodada(s). Se o Efeito de Quebra for igual ou maior a 150%, 1 Ponto de Perícia será recuperado.
No início de cada onda, todos os aliados regeneram 10 de Energia imediatamente. As habilidades do mesmo tipo não podem ser acumuladas.
Sinfonia Stellaris
Luminivinha Imortal
Per Page





222 responses to “Sunday”

  1. I wanna post on “New in 2.7” page but somehow I can’t open it so here it is.

    Sunday will join Robin and RM to become top 3 Harmony. A certain Elation follower could never. 10/10 must pull.

    Pulling for Fugue while the break meta is coming to the end? Is it a sound investment in terms of Warren Buffett’s investment philosophy? (I mean, she’s a questionable investment).

    And things get complicated now. Will I still be able to clear all endgames before getting dps of the new meta? (If not Fugue will be a must for me) But Sunday is so tempting for future investment? Rip me.

    Nah don’t pull out “pull for who u like.” The only char that I like is Robin. I can go meta for the rest, no problem. E6s5 Robin is easier to get than my girl cuz of the amount of pulls HSR gives compared to Genshin (in other words, I’ll, eventually, while still playing meta game).

  2. ! ! !

    There are some new Leaks from homdgcat wiki that say that the BananAmusement Park Ornaments are not working with Servants, and only good for Summons on the Action Bar, so the Servants do not get the CRIT DMG from the Ornament.

    What if that means that unless it is called Servant, it is a Summon and Servents are not considered Summons.

    That would mean that Sunday is NOT compatible with the upcoming Servant Meta ! ! !

    • Sunday had to be reworked to even work with summons due to his initial pre-beta state only including servants and not current summons. They clearly reworked it to not leave current summon characters (Jing Yuan) behind. Also because there are no servant characters yet in the game. If leaks are correct the first one shall drop patch after Sunday, but many might not care to get her and/or they just wanted to give Jing Yuan that final buff instead of leaving him out.
      So, no. You can be certain that Sunday has no issues with servants as he was originally made with them in mind.

    • Yeah, I hope Sunday will work with Servants, because I am very excited for the “Real Summoner” characters that have on field Summons (Servants).

  3. Hoyoverse should buff him more, his kit right now don’t really do much except being a combined version of Sparkle’s and Bronya’s buff. Not to mention it’s only for a single ally/summon, not even one for the whole team. I was really looking forward to pulling him but as of right now it just looks disappointing.

    • According to many scholars on social platforms, he should be nerfed because he is threatening the health of the game because he dared to be better than 2 y/o standard unit and a limited unit like Sparkle that was never even that good without E2S1 minimum. Even though it’s Robin in all these showcases that makes him look that broken, but we don’t talk about that and pretend it’s Sunday being the one that is breaking the game too much.

      Sarcasm to the side V3 is more more or less stopping point for major changes. V4-5 might adjust numbers here and there, but I doubt they will go with some major rework. They never do.

  4. Seeing how certain people react to him being strong, I hope they buff him even more. Absolute hypocrites who only cry a river if it’s a dude that dares to be more strong “than allowed” in this game.

    • Y’all can smug now, but if this continues, Sunday can be powercreeped by some random waifu called Holiday, or idk, Bronya Imibibitor Lunae in 8 months, and that shit worries me.

      • What are you babbling about it? This isn’t about anyone being smug, but folks being downright hypocrites. Also, “Holiday” has been happening for the this entire game. In case you didn’t notice, HSR is powercreep fest. Especially with 2.0+ patches. Wanna hear the story about my good ol’ pal Luocha and how he fared? How about “she is Kazuha of HSR” know as SW? How many care about mono-qunatum at this point? Does anyone even give a damn about Fu Xuan herself at this point? You know, the sustain unit that everyone thought to be way overtuned back then? I’m sure she is still faring beyond we- Oh, wait! More would rather use 4* sustain that come in 2.0 than touch her with a stick at this point. Remember when Jingliu was thought to be untouchable hill? Remember? Or DoT coming into spotlight and fiddling out just as fast?
        This is not as much that Sunday powercreeps Sparkle as Sparkle being trash since very start. She suffers from 1.0 kit syndrome and it bloody shows. Also, literally every “powercreep” Sunday showcase has Robin, who is the true powercreep to all. Without her the only thing Sunday powercreeps is Sparkle (trash without E2S1) and Bronya (2 year old standard at this point).
        Whole powercreep cries about Sunday are beyond overblown as such. Especially when same people never gave a damn about powercreep, even were asking for it in case of Firefly, yet 1 dude after two years dares to be somewhat OP enough to rival someone’s waifu and it’s the end of the world. It’s hard to take you folks seriously.

  5. I love how powercreep is being cried now everywhere when it’s a male character who might be better than a female one.
    Where was this energy when Fu Xuan and Huohuo made Luocha look like a joke?
    Or Jingliu doing it to DHIL and having entire endgame content bend a knee to her with slapping ice weakness everywhere?
    Ruan Mei still has one of the most overtuned kits to date and I hear no cries about it.
    How about Acheron powercreeping everything?
    Let us not go into the broken territory that is Robin. Sunday himself, even with his current “broken state,” doesn’t even touch Robin due to how broken she is compared to everyone.
    My personal favorite being Firefly beta in which her fans were begging for biggest powercreeps possible because they hated the idea that Boothill was better and also wanted to one-up Acheron mains by having their girl as best.
    Honorary mention to Feixiao too while at it.

    Nobody cried about powercreep during these cases. Many celebrated it or in Firefly’s case, were begging for it! Yet now, when Sunday is good enough that a female equivalent is worse, powercreep matters? Here is a thing, even if Sunday got nerfed, that won’t save Sparkle from being 💩 because both Ruan Mei and Robin made sure that she is never anything but mid. Even Bronya, her standard equivalent, is seen as more preferable for 0 cycle clears because her buffs are more universal, she has cleanse, and 100% AV is always better than 50%. Sparkle always needed E2S1 just to stop being Bronya’s sidegrade, so please! Spare me the cries about Sunday being the one that is making Sparkle look like 💩. She always looked like it unless E2S1.

    • You saw like two comments about powercreep, you’ll be fine. And people cry “powercreep” about every character, including female ones. Male characters aren’t victims lmao

      • This many shock you, but this website and its comments aren’t even 1% of actual HSR playerbase. So step outside a little before trying to tell me it’s only 2 comments tops and not thousands after V3.

        As for the other thing: The fact that it’s Sunday that is being cried about when even he is being carried by Robin, the true queen of powercreep, says otherwise. Nobody is crying about Robin, nor is crying about Ruan Mei. Two units that have way more overtuned, broken and powercreep kits than Sunday who is hobo outside of his specific niche in comparison to both of them.
        Let us not even go into Firefly and how her fans were BEGGING for powercreepy because they were mad and seething that she was way worse than Boothill in the beta. Not only did they DEMAND of her to powercreep him, but to powercreep Acheron too because their waifu had to be number 1.
        How many cried about Feixiao while at it? Yes. ZERO!
        Let us go to the present and people are begging for SP Tingyun to be even more buffed and broken, yet with Sunday they cry for nerfs just because Robin is the one that is too broken while Sparkle is mid as hell since day 1.

        Spare me your terrible attempt at sarcasm as such just because you don’t move from this comment section.

    • OMG, you’re so totally right.
      I hate wankers who cry about male characters being released or male characters powercreeping their waifus.
      Give everyone a chance to enjoy the game, there are billions of OP female characters.
      I’m still waiting for OP Male damage dealer but it feels like it won’t happen ever.

    • You’re literally the only one crying about past units powercreeping. You’re looking at your own reflection and calling yourself out. His power is fine for a limited 5* Harmony unit.

      Sunday’s kit is doing what it’s suppose to do. His low base speed is a somewhat big factor to reach a breakpoint to surpass other supports. But if you have that much speed on anyone to begin with it’s not like the content is going to be hard anyways.

      Buffs applying to summon only is good for his identity. Having those buffs bleed into his kit to allow for non summon teams helps relieve his restrictive team comps.

      Being powercrept means absolutely nothing in this game anymore. Stop judging characters off other people’s opinions.

      • You have reading comprehension issue if you took my post as ME crying about powercreeping and not about pointing out how cries of powercreep are only going too strong when it’s a man.
        Whenever it’s a female unit that breaks the game, they slightly mention powercreep and then throw it down under the table because who cares. Nobody is going to cry too hard that Jingliu, waifu, powercrept Imbibitor Lunae who is a guy, or that Acheron made both Lunae and Jing Yuan look like jokes right after they got some form of return to spotlight with 2.0.
        Or, if we are to beat a dead horse, how many cries did Firefly mains shed and have many threats they threw if Firefly doesn’t end up powercreeping Boothill by V3 because initially she was way worse than him.

        Overall, first learn to read before trying to smartass because you are just talking and ranting randomly there.

        • As I mentioned and many others have before. Powercreep is not a real thing, whether it’s for older characters or newer ones. People like yourself keep echoing the same thing over and over to call for change when the characters ship to live servers as intended and appropriately powered. It’s not a comprehension problem more than it is a emotional issue with other people’s opinions.

          Take it however you like, you’re entitled to it. However, when you rant about other people complaining while probably also condemning the powercreep of older characters, it comes off as hypocritical.

          I am simply pointing out to that powercreep is a pointless topic to be concerned about, but people like you are so over the edge on powercreeping so that you can justify your own feelings.

        • 1. You’re blowing this out of proportion. You read a few comments without understanding them and immediately regarded them as a powercreep cry. I have seen less complaints about him being overpowered compared to some of the older characters like Robin or the entire break lineup.

          2. The debate on male/female character power levels is moreso a coincidence than a rule. Every new character gets their wave of compliments and complaints. You choosing to ignore some of the comments depending on whether they’re a male or female is completely on you.

          3. Claiming Jingliu powercreeps DHIL is disingenuous. DHIL by far has a much higher damage ceiling than Jingliu. You may disagree but the calculations prove it, so you’re wrong there. Either one can outperform the other depending on the weaknesses of the enemy lineup. They both definitely powercreep the older generation of carries, though.

          4. I will admit Acheron’s case of powercreep is quite substantial, but the meta shifted shortly after her introduction which caused the traditional carries to feel less valuable. Not only Jing Yuan and DHIL, but it also includes Seele, Kafka, Jingliu, Dr. Ratio, Topaz and more. Players definitely criticized this, especially content creators. The fact that she’s a waifu and also named Mei is for consistency within the Hoyo games.

          5. Firefly’s v3 kit nerfed her because her v1 kit was over the top and incomparable by any other unit in the game, even Acheron and well before Boothill even debuted. The devs completely removed defense ignore from her base kit which gutted her crit build so players were upset with that change, not because of the power comparison to Boothill or anyone else for the matter. The idea that people complained about her being weaker than some character is blown out of proportion.

          6. Going back to my original comment, I criticized you your attitude towards the powercreep echo chamber. Just because people dislike a male character’s kit doesn’t necessarily make it a complaint about them being a male character. I’ve read several comments here and majority of it points towards Sunday’s kit being a boring copy paste rather than a powercreep. Unlike Aventurine, Argenti, or DHIL, Sunday’s kit isn’t all that spectacular other than the fact that he’s likely futureproofed for the upcoming meta. In a way it’s a pretty shitty take on his design if I have to say so myself, but again, for what he’s meant to accomplish, his kit does it well.

          So no, it’s not a comprehension issue but a lack of emotional attachment to the characters. It does seem like you are the one crying about the powercreep issue, even if its very specific. It’s best if you don’t try to get too upset over what other people’s opinions are. I’m not going to insult your intelligence because I assume you’re here to stay updated on the changes to his kit rather than entertaining a pointless debate. However, keep in mind the devs know how to limit each character’s kit so they’re able to sell future characters. I’m just reminding you that there’s no reason to be livid over what other people think about a character because these changes aren’t final and there will always be better characters as long as you have the patience for it.

  6. Wtf is his “talent”? They just stripped one line of text from his skill and made a talent out of it, it’s just embarrassing. Completely ran out of ideas for new characters or what?

      • see, i think this argument only applies to like. tingyun and hanya, maybe you could argue bronya and yukong.

        every other harmony unit in the game has a talent with effects that cannot realistically be put anywhere other than a trace maybe? like if you think about asta’s charging mechanics or ruan mei’s extra break damage or sparkle increasing the max no. of SP they’re not really mechanics that would realistically be able to fit in many other places in their kit. sunday’s kit is already so cohesive however that he feels complete as a character even without a game-changing talent so im not too mad either way tbh.


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